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* @file main.cpp
* @Author Christoph Schaaefer, EPFL (
* @date October 2016
* @brief Benchmark for gradhalo function
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//#include <mm_malloc.h>
#include <omp.h>
//#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <structure_hpc.hpp>
#include "timer.h"
#include "gradient.hpp"
#include "chi_CPU.hpp"
#include "module_cosmodistances.hpp"
#include "module_readParameters.hpp"
#ifdef __WITH_GPU
#warning "GPU support enabled"
#include "grid_gradient_GPU.cuh"
#include "grid_gradient_CPU.hpp"
#include "setup.hpp"
#warning "linking with lenstool..."
struct g_mode M;
struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
struct g_pixel imFrame, wFrame, ps, PSF;
struct g_cube cubeFrame;
struct g_dyn Dy; // //TV
struct g_source S;
struct g_image I;
struct g_grille G;
struct g_msgrid H; // multi-scale grid
struct g_frame F;
struct g_large L;
struct g_cosmo C;
struct g_cline CL;
struct g_observ O;
struct pot lens[NLMAX];
struct pot lmin[NLMAX], lmax[NLMAX], prec[NLMAX];
struct g_cosmo clmin, clmax; /*cosmological limits*/
struct galaxie smin[NFMAX], smax[NFMAX]; // limits on source parameters
struct ipot ip;
struct MCarlo mc;
struct vfield vf;
struct vfield vfmin,vfmax; // limits on velocity field parameters
struct cline cl[NIMAX];
lensdata *lens_table;
int block[NLMAX][NPAMAX]; /*switch for the lens optimisation*/
int cblock[NPAMAX]; /*switch for the cosmological optimisation*/
int sblock[NFMAX][NPAMAX]; /*switch for the source parameters*/
int vfblock[NPAMAX]; /*switch for the velocity field parameters*/
double excu[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
double excd[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
/* supplments tableaux de valeurs pour fonctions g pour Einasto
* * Ce sont trois variables globales qu'on pourra utiliser dans toutes les fonctions du projet
* */
#define CMAX 20
#define LMAX 80
float Tab1[LMAX][CMAX];
float Tab2[LMAX][CMAX];
float Tab3[LMAX][CMAX];
int nrline, ntline, flagr, flagt;
long int narclet;
struct point gimage[NGGMAX][NGGMAX], gsource_global[NGGMAX][NGGMAX];
struct biline radial[NMAX], tangent[NMAX];
struct galaxie arclet[NAMAX], source[NFMAX], image[NFMAX][NIMAX];
struct galaxie cimage[NFMAX];
struct pointgal gianti[NPMAX][NIMAX];
struct point SC;
double elix;
double alpha_e;
double *v_xx;
double *v_yy;
double **map_p;
double **tmp_p;
double **map_axx;
double **map_ayy;
gradient_grid_GPU_sorted(type_t *grid_grad_x, type_t *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int Nlens, int nbgridcells);
int module_readCheckInput_readInput(int argc, char *argv[])
/// check if there is a correct number of arguments, and store the name of the input file in infile
char* infile;
struct stat file_stat;
// If we do not have 3 arguments, stop
if ( argc != 3 )
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnexpected number of arguments\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\nUSAGE:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "lenstool input_file output_directorypath [-n]\n\n");
else if ( argc == 3 )
std::ifstream ifile(infile,std::ifstream::in); // Open the file
int ts = (int) time (NULL);
char buffer[10];
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ts;
std::string trimstamp = ss.str();
std::string outdir = argv[2];
outdir += "-";
outdir += trimstamp;
std::cout << outdir << std::endl;
// check whether the output directory already exists
if (stat(outdir.c_str(), &file_stat) < 0){
mkdir(outdir.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH );
else {
printf("Error : Directory %s already exists. Specify a non existing directory.\n",argv[2]);
// check whether the input file exists. If it could not be opened (ifile = 0), it does not exist
printf("The file %s does not exist, please specify a valid file name\n",infile);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Setting Up the problem
// This module function reads the terminal input when calling LENSTOOL and checks that it is correct
// Otherwise it exits LENSTOOL
char cwd[1024];
if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL)
fprintf(stdout, "Current working dir: %s\n", cwd);
module_readCheckInput_readInput(argc, argv);
#if 1
// This module function reads the cosmology parameters from the parameter file
// Input: struct cosmologicalparameters cosmology, parameter file
// Output: Initialized cosmology struct
cosmo_param cosmology; // Cosmology struct to store the cosmology data from the file
std::string inputFile = argv[1]; // Input file
module_readParameters_readCosmology(inputFile, cosmology);
// This module function reads the runmode paragraph and the number of sources, arclets, etc. in the parameter file.
// The runmode_param stores the information of what exactly the user wants to do with lenstool.
struct runmode_param runmode;
module_readParameters_readRunmode(inputFile, &runmode);
module_readParameters_debug_cosmology(runmode.debug, cosmology);
module_readParameters_debug_runmode(runmode.debug, runmode);
//=== Declaring variables
struct grid_param frame;
struct galaxy images[runmode.nimagestot];
struct galaxy sources[runmode.nsets];
//struct Potential lenses[runmode.nhalos + runmode.npotfile-1];
struct Potential_SOA lenses_SOA_table[NTYPES];
struct Potential_SOA lenses_SOA;
struct cline_param cline;
struct potfile_param potfile;
//struct Potential potfilepotentials[runmode.npotfile];
struct potentialoptimization host_potentialoptimization[runmode.nhalos];
int nImagesSet[runmode.nsets]; // Contains the number of images in each set of images
// This module function reads in the potential form and its parameters (e.g. NFW)
// Input: input file
// Output: Potentials and its parameters
module_readParameters_PotentialSOA_direct(inputFile, &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos, runmode.n_tot_halos, cosmology);
printf("Ntypes = %d\n", lenses_SOA.N_types[0]);
if (runmode.debug) module_readParameters_debug_potential_SOA( &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos);
//module_readParameters_Potential(inputFile, lenses, runmode.nhalos);
//Converts to SOA
//module_readParameters_PotentialSOA(inputFile, lenses, &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos);
//module_readParameters_debug_potential(runmode.debug, lenses, runmode.nhalos);
// This module function reads in the potfiles parameters
// Input: input file
// Output: Potentials from potfiles and its parameters
if (runmode.potfile == 1 )
module_readParameters_readpotfiles_param(inputFile, &potfile, cosmology);
module_readParameters_debug_potfileparam(runmode.debug, &potfile);
module_readParameters_readpotfiles_SOA(&runmode, &cosmology,&potfile,&lenses_SOA);
if (runmode.debug) module_readParameters_debug_potential_SOA( &lenses_SOA, runmode.n_tot_halos);
// This module function reads in the grid form and its parameters
// Input: input file
// Output: grid and its parameters
module_readParameters_Grid(inputFile, &frame);
std::cout << "--------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl; fflush(stdout);
double t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4;
printf("Setting up lenstool using %d lenses...", runmode.n_tot_halos); fflush(stdout);
convert_to_LT(&lenses_SOA, runmode.n_tot_halos);
// Lenstool-CPU Grid-Gradient
//Setting Test:
type_t dx, dy;
int grid_dim = runmode.nbgridcells;
dx = (frame.xmax - frame.xmin)/(runmode.nbgridcells-1);
dy = (frame.ymax - frame.ymin)/(runmode.nbgridcells-1);
std::cout << " CPU Test Lenstool ... ";
struct point Grad;
double *grid_grad_x, *grid_grad_y;
grid_grad_x = (double *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
grid_grad_y = (double *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
double t_lt = -myseconds();
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int jj = 0; jj < runmode.nbgridcells; ++jj)
for (int ii = 0; ii < runmode.nbgridcells; ++ii)
// (index < grid_dim*grid_dim)
int index = jj*runmode.nbgridcells + ii;
struct point image_point;
image_point.x = frame.xmin + ii*dx;
image_point.y = frame.ymin + jj*dy;
#if 1
G.nlens = runmode.n_tot_halos;
Grad = e_grad(&image_point);
grid_grad_x[index] = Grad.x;
grid_grad_y[index] = Grad.y;
for (int lens = 0; lens < runmode.n_tot_halos; ++lens)
struct point Grad = e_grad_pot(&image_point, lens);
//printf("%f %f\n", Grad.x, Grad.y);
grid_grad_x[index] += Grad.x;
grid_grad_y[index] += Grad.y;
t_lt += myseconds();
std::cout << " Time = " << t_lt << " s." << std::endl;
type_t* grid_gradient_x_cpu = (type_t *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
type_t* grid_gradient_y_cpu = (type_t *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
memset(grid_gradient_x_cpu, 0, (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
memset(grid_gradient_y_cpu, 0, (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
std::cout << " CPU Test lenstool_hpc... ";
t_1 = -myseconds();
int Nstat = 1;
//for(int ii = 0; ii < Nstat; ++ii) {
gradient_grid_CPU(grid_gradient_x_cpu, grid_gradient_y_cpu, &frame, &lenses_SOA, runmode.n_tot_halos, runmode.nbgridcells);
//gradient_grid_CPU_print(grid_gradient_x_cpu, grid_gradient_y_cpu, &frame, &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos, grid_dim);
// }
t_1 += myseconds();
std::cout << " Time = " << std::setprecision(15) << t_1 << std::endl;
type_t *grid_gradient_x, *grid_gradient_y;
#ifdef __WITH_GPU
#warning "using GPUs..."
// GPU test
std::cout << " GPU Test... "; fflush(stdout);
type_t* grid_gradient_x_gpu = (type_t *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
type_t* grid_gradient_y_gpu = (type_t *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
memset(grid_gradient_x_gpu, 0, (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
memset(grid_gradient_y_gpu, 0, (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
grid_gradient_x_gpu = (type_t *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
grid_gradient_y_gpu = (type_t *) malloc((int) (runmode.nbgridcells) * (runmode.nbgridcells) * sizeof(type_t));
//t_2 = -myseconds();
//Packaging the image to sourceplane conversion
//gradient_grid_CPU(grid_gradient_x,grid_gradient_y, &frame, &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos, grid_dim);
//t_2 += myseconds();
//Some Sort of cache or initial overhead problem... alway takes 0.2 sec the first time
//printf("%d %d\n", runmode.nhalos, runmode.n_tot_halos);
//gradient_grid_GPU(grid_gradient_x_gpu, grid_gradient_y_gpu, &frame, &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos, runmode.nbgridcells);
t_2 = -myseconds();
//for(int ii = 0; ii < Nstat; ++ii) {
gradient_grid_GPU(grid_gradient_x_gpu, grid_gradient_y_gpu, &frame, &lenses_SOA, runmode.n_tot_halos, runmode.nbgridcells);
//module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU(grid_gradient_x_gpu, grid_gradient_y_gpu, &frame, &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos, grid_dim);
//gradient_gid_CPU(grid_gradient_x, grid_gradient_y, &frame, &lenses_SOA, runmode.nhalos, grid_dim);
t_2 += myseconds();
std::cout << " Time " << std::setprecision(15) << t_2 << std::endl;
std::cout << " gradient_grid_CPU Brute Force Benchmark " << std::endl;
std::cout << " Test 1: " << std::endl;
std::cout << " Point 1 : " << std::setprecision(5) << test_point1_1.x << " "<< test_point1_1.y << std::endl;
std::cout << " Gradient " << std::setprecision(5) << grid_gradient_x_gpu[0] << " "<< grid_gradient_y[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << " Test 2: " << std::endl;
std::cout << " Point 2 : " << std::setprecision(5) << test_point2_2.x << " "<< test_point2_2.y << std::endl;
std::cout << " Gradient " << std::setprecision(5) << grid_gradient_x_gpu[runmode.nbgridcells+1] << " "<< grid_gradient_y[runmode.nbgridcells+1] << std::endl;
std::cout << " Time " << std::setprecision(15) << t_2 << std::endl;
std::ofstream myfile;
type_t norm_x = 0.;
type_t norm_y = 0.;
type_t sum_x = 0.;
type_t sum_y = 0.;
for (int ii = 0; ii < grid_dim*grid_dim; ++ii)
type_t g_x = grid_grad_x[ii];
type_t g_y = grid_grad_y[ii];
sum_x += grid_grad_x[ii]*grid_grad_x[ii];
sum_y += grid_grad_y[ii]*grid_grad_y[ii];
type_t c_x = grid_gradient_x_cpu[ii];
type_t c_y = grid_gradient_y_cpu[ii];
norm_x += (grid_grad_x[ii] - grid_gradient_x_cpu[ii])*(grid_grad_x[ii] - grid_gradient_x_cpu[ii]);
norm_y += (grid_grad_y[ii] - grid_gradient_y_cpu[ii])*(grid_grad_y[ii] - grid_gradient_y_cpu[ii]);
std::cout << " l2 difference norm cpu = " << std::setprecision(15) << norm_x << " " << std::setprecision(15) << norm_y << std::endl;
//std::cout << sum_x << " " << std::setprecision(15) << sum_y << std::setprecision(15) << std::endl;
#if 0 ("lenstool_grid_x.txt");
for (int ii = 0; ii < grid_dim*grid_dim; ++ii)
myfile << ii << " " << grid_grad_x[ii]<< std::setprecision(15) << " " << std::endl;
myfile.close(); ("lenstool_grid_y.txt");
for (int ii = 0; ii < grid_dim*grid_dim; ++ii)
myfile << ii << " " << grid_grad_y[ii]<< std::setprecision(15) << " " << std::endl;
#ifdef __WITH_GPU
type_t norm_x = 0.;
type_t norm_y = 0.;
for (int ii = 0; ii < grid_dim*grid_dim; ++ii)
type_t g_x = grid_grad_x[ii];
type_t g_y = grid_grad_y[ii];
type_t c_x = grid_gradient_x_gpu[ii];
type_t c_y = grid_gradient_y_gpu[ii];
norm_x += (grid_grad_x[ii] - grid_gradient_x_gpu[ii])*(grid_grad_x[ii] - grid_gradient_x_gpu[ii]);
norm_y += (grid_grad_y[ii] - grid_gradient_y_gpu[ii])*(grid_grad_y[ii] - grid_gradient_y_gpu[ii]);
std::cout << " l2 difference norm gpu = " << std::setprecision(15) << norm_x << " " << std::setprecision(15) << norm_y << std::endl;
#ifdef __WITH_GPU
type_t norm_x = 0.;
type_t norm_y = 0.;
type_t sum_x_cpu = 0.;
type_t sum_y_cpu = 0.;
type_t sum_x_gpu = 0.;
type_t sum_y_gpu = 0.;
for (int ii = 0; ii < grid_dim*grid_dim; ++ii)
sum_x_cpu += grid_gradient_x_cpu[ii]*grid_gradient_x_cpu[ii];
sum_y_cpu += grid_gradient_y_cpu[ii]*grid_gradient_y_cpu[ii];
sum_x_gpu += grid_gradient_x_gpu[ii]*grid_gradient_x_gpu[ii];
sum_y_gpu += grid_gradient_y_gpu[ii]*grid_gradient_y_gpu[ii];
norm_x += (grid_gradient_x_cpu[ii] - grid_gradient_x_gpu[ii])*(grid_gradient_x_cpu[ii] - grid_gradient_x_gpu[ii]);
norm_y += (grid_gradient_y_cpu[ii] - grid_gradient_y_gpu[ii])*(grid_gradient_y_cpu[ii] - grid_gradient_y_gpu[ii]);
sum_x_cpu -= 4761763143.24101;
sum_y_cpu -= 5412618205.81843;
sum_x_gpu -= 4761763143.24101;
sum_y_gpu -= 5412618205.81843;
std::cout << " l2 difference norm cpu-gpu = " << std::setprecision(15) << norm_x << " " << std::setprecision(15) << norm_y << std::endl;
std::cout << " sum x cpu = " << std::setprecision(15) << sum_x_cpu << " sum_y_cpu " << std::setprecision(15) << sum_y_cpu << std::endl;
std::cout << " sum x gpu = " << std::setprecision(15) << sum_x_gpu << " sum_y_gpu " << std::setprecision(15) << sum_y_gpu << std::endl;
std::cout << "Exiting..." << std::endl;

Event Timeline