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File Metadata

Mon, Jul 15, 18:47


final class DifferentialChangesetViewController extends DifferentialController {
public function shouldAllowPublic() {
return true;
public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$rendering_reference = $request->getStr('ref');
$parts = explode('/', $rendering_reference);
if (count($parts) == 2) {
list($id, $vs) = $parts;
} else {
$id = $parts[0];
$vs = 0;
$id = (int)$id;
$vs = (int)$vs;
$load_ids = array($id);
if ($vs && ($vs != -1)) {
$load_ids[] = $vs;
$changesets = id(new DifferentialChangesetQuery())
$changesets = mpull($changesets, null, 'getID');
$changeset = idx($changesets, $id);
if (!$changeset) {
return new Aphront404Response();
$vs_changeset = null;
if ($vs && ($vs != -1)) {
$vs_changeset = idx($changesets, $vs);
if (!$vs_changeset) {
return new Aphront404Response();
$view = $request->getStr('view');
if ($view) {
$phid = idx($changeset->getMetadata(), "$view:binary-phid");
if ($phid) {
return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI("/file/info/$phid/");
switch ($view) {
case 'new':
return $this->buildRawFileResponse($changeset, $is_new = true);
case 'old':
if ($vs_changeset) {
return $this->buildRawFileResponse($vs_changeset, $is_new = true);
return $this->buildRawFileResponse($changeset, $is_new = false);
return new Aphront400Response();
$old = array();
$new = array();
if (!$vs) {
$right = $changeset;
$left = null;
$right_source = $right->getID();
$right_new = true;
$left_source = $right->getID();
$left_new = false;
$render_cache_key = $right->getID();
$old[] = $changeset;
$new[] = $changeset;
} else if ($vs == -1) {
$right = null;
$left = $changeset;
$right_source = $left->getID();
$right_new = false;
$left_source = $left->getID();
$left_new = true;
$render_cache_key = null;
$old[] = $changeset;
$new[] = $changeset;
} else {
$right = $changeset;
$left = $vs_changeset;
$right_source = $right->getID();
$right_new = true;
$left_source = $left->getID();
$left_new = true;
$render_cache_key = null;
$new[] = $left;
$new[] = $right;
if ($left) {
$left_data = $left->makeNewFile();
if ($right) {
$right_data = $right->makeNewFile();
} else {
$right_data = $left->makeOldFile();
$engine = new PhabricatorDifferenceEngine();
$synthetic = $engine->generateChangesetFromFileContent(
$choice = clone nonempty($left, $right);
$changeset = $choice;
if ($left_new || $right_new) {
$diff_map = array();
if ($left) {
$diff_map[] = $left->getDiff();
if ($right) {
$diff_map[] = $right->getDiff();
$diff_map = mpull($diff_map, null, 'getPHID');
$buildables = id(new HarbormasterBuildableQuery())
$buildables = mpull($buildables, null, 'getBuildablePHID');
foreach ($diff_map as $diff_phid => $changeset_diff) {
$changeset_diff->attachBuildable(idx($buildables, $diff_phid));
$coverage = null;
if ($right_new) {
$coverage = $this->loadCoverage($right);
$spec = $request->getStr('range');
list($range_s, $range_e, $mask) =
$parser = id(new DifferentialChangesetParser())
->setRightSideCommentMapping($right_source, $right_new)
->setLeftSideCommentMapping($left_source, $left_new);
if ($left && $right) {
$parser->setOriginals($left, $right);
$diff = $changeset->getDiff();
$revision_id = $diff->getRevisionID();
$can_mark = false;
$object_owner_phid = null;
$revision = null;
if ($revision_id) {
$revision = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())
if ($revision) {
$can_mark = ($revision->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer->getPHID());
$object_owner_phid = $revision->getAuthorPHID();
// Load both left-side and right-side inline comments.
if ($revision) {
$query = id(new DifferentialInlineCommentQuery())
$inlines = $query->execute();
$inlines = $query->adjustInlinesForChangesets(
} else {
$inlines = array();
if ($left_new) {
$inlines = array_merge(
if ($right_new) {
$inlines = array_merge(
$phids = array();
foreach ($inlines as $inline) {
if ($inline->getAuthorPHID()) {
$phids[$inline->getAuthorPHID()] = true;
$phids = array_keys($phids);
$handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids);
$engine = new PhabricatorMarkupEngine();
foreach ($inlines as $inline) {
->setRange($range_s, $range_e)
if ($request->isAjax()) {
// NOTE: We must render the changeset before we render coverage
// information, since it builds some caches.
$rendered_changeset = $parser->renderChangeset();
$mcov = $parser->renderModifiedCoverage();
$coverage_data = array(
'differential-mcoverage-'.md5($changeset->getFilename()) => $mcov,
return id(new PhabricatorChangesetResponse())
$detail = id(new DifferentialChangesetListView())
->setTitle(pht('Standalone View'))
if ($revision_id) {
$crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs();
if ($revision_id) {
$crumbs->addTextCrumb('D'.$revision_id, '/D'.$revision_id);
$diff_id = $diff->getID();
if ($diff_id) {
pht('Diff %d', $diff_id),
return $this->buildApplicationPage(
'title' => pht('Changeset View'),
'device' => false,
private function buildRawFileResponse(
DifferentialChangeset $changeset,
$is_new) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
if ($is_new) {
$key = 'raw:new:phid';
} else {
$key = 'raw:old:phid';
$metadata = $changeset->getMetadata();
$file = null;
$phid = idx($metadata, $key);
if ($phid) {
$file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())
if ($file) {
$file = head($file);
if (!$file) {
// This is just building a cache of the changeset content in the file
// tool, and is safe to run on a read pathway.
$unguard = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites();
if ($is_new) {
$data = $changeset->makeNewFile();
} else {
$data = $changeset->makeOldFile();
$file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData(
'name' => $changeset->getFilename(),
'mime-type' => 'text/plain',
$metadata[$key] = $file->getPHID();
return $file->getRedirectResponse();
private function buildLintInlineComments($changeset) {
$diff = $changeset->getDiff();
$target_phids = $diff->getBuildTargetPHIDs();
if (!$target_phids) {
return array();
$messages = id(new HarbormasterBuildLintMessage())->loadAllWhere(
'buildTargetPHID IN (%Ls) AND path = %s',
if (!$messages) {
return array();
$template = id(new DifferentialInlineComment())
$inlines = array();
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$description = $message->getProperty('description');
$description = '%%%'.$description.'%%%';
$inlines[] = id(clone $template)
->setSyntheticAuthor(pht('Lint: %s', $message->getName()))
return $inlines;
private function loadCoverage(DifferentialChangeset $changeset) {
$target_phids = $changeset->getDiff()->getBuildTargetPHIDs();
if (!$target_phids) {
return array();
$unit = id(new HarbormasterBuildUnitMessage())->loadAllWhere(
'buildTargetPHID IN (%Ls)',
$coverage = array();
foreach ($unit as $message) {
$test_coverage = $message->getProperty('coverage', array());
$coverage_data = idx($test_coverage, $changeset->getFileName());
if (!strlen($coverage_data)) {
$coverage[] = $coverage_data;
return ArcanistUnitTestResult::mergeCoverage($coverage);

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