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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Aug 17 09:25:44 2022
@author: trostele
# start of script
# Python version 3.6.13
# import all necessary packages
import pandas as pd
import rdkit # rdkit is only supported before Python 3.7
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.MolStandardize import rdMolStandardize
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors import CalcMolFormula
import pubchempy as pcp
import re
smiles_file_location = "./smiles.txt" # add the path to the txt file that contains the SMILES
def canonicalize_smiles(smiles):
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) # creates mol object from SMILES
uncharger = rdMolStandardize.Uncharger() # easier to access
uncharged = uncharger.uncharge(mol) # protonates or deprotonates the mol object
new_smiles = rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.MolToSmiles(uncharged) # converts mol object to canonical SMILES
can_smiles = Chem.CanonSmiles(new_smiles)
return can_smiles
def get_cas_inchi(inchi): # add get CAS from inchikey function
cas_rns = []
inchi_split = inchi.split("-")[0]
results = pcp.get_synonyms(inchi_split, 'inchikey')
for result in results:
for syn in result.get('Synonym', []):
match = re.match('(\d{2,7}-\d\d-\d)', syn)
if match:
return cas_rns
def smi_list_to_csv (smi_location):
print("Converting {} file".format(smi_location))
# create lists for each column and then create dict with correct which can be converted to dataframe using pandas
SMILES_comp_file = open(smi_location)
df_smi_list_com = []
for line in SMILES_comp_file:
df_name_list_com = []
df_ID_list_com = []
df_Formula_list_com = []
df_MolWeight_list_com = []
df_Structure_list_com = []
df_inchikey_list_com = []
# change the codes of the TPs, so each TP has its own name
counter = 1
for compound in df_smi_list_com:
df_name_list_com.append("Compound_" + str(counter))
counter = counter + 1
mol_rep_1 = (Chem.MolToMolBlock(Chem.MolFromSmiles(compound)).replace("\n",";"))
mol_rep_2 = mol_rep_1[6:]
mol_rep_3 = mol_rep_2[:-1]
# all lists must be the same length to convert it to dataframe
assert len(df_name_list_com) == len(df_Formula_list_com) == len(df_MolWeight_list_com) == len(df_Structure_list_com) == len(df_ID_list_com), "Error: all lists must be the same length to convert it to dataframe"
#create dict and convert to dataframe
df_com_dict = {"Name": df_name_list_com, "ID": df_ID_list_com,"Formula": df_Formula_list_com,"MolWeight": df_MolWeight_list_com, "Structure": df_Structure_list_com}
df_com = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df_com_dict)
# export dataframe as csv
df_com.to_csv("./CD_masslist.csv", index = False, sep = "\t")
df_complete_dict = {"SMILES": df_smi_list_com, "Name": df_name_list_com,"CAS": df_ID_list_com,"Formula": df_Formula_list_com,"MolWeight": df_MolWeight_list_com, "InchiKey":df_inchikey_list_com}
df_complete = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df_complete_dict)
# export dataframe as csv
df_complete.to_csv("./overview.csv", index = False, sep = ",")
# create inclusion list for QExactivePlus
m_proton = 1.0072756
df_M_plus_H = []
df_M_minus_H = []
df_polarity_pos = []
df_polarity_neg = []
df_empty = []
df_nce_type = []
df_nce = []
for mass in df_MolWeight_list_com:
df_M_plus_H.append(mass + m_proton)
df_M_minus_H.append(mass - m_proton)
df_empty.append(" ")
if mass > 350:
nce_calc = 5 * round(((mass * -0.41) + 160)/5)
d_inclusion_pos = {"Mass [m/z]": df_M_plus_H ,"Formula [M]": df_empty,
"Formula type": df_empty, "Species": df_empty,
"CS [z]": df_empty, "Polarity": df_polarity_pos, "Start [min]": df_empty, "End [min]": df_empty,
"(N)CE": df_nce, "(N)CE type":df_nce_type, "MSX ID": df_empty, "Comment": df_name_list_com}
df_inclusion_pos = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d_inclusion_pos)
# export dataframe as csv
df_inclusion_pos.to_csv("./inclusion_list_pos.csv", index = False, sep = ",")
d_inclusion_neg = {"Mass [m/z]": df_M_minus_H ,"Formula [M]": df_empty,
"Formula type": df_empty, "Species": df_empty,
"CS [z]": df_empty, "Polarity": df_polarity_neg, "Start [min]": df_empty, "End [min]": df_empty,
"(N)CE": df_nce, "(N)CE type":df_nce_type, "MSX ID": df_empty, "Comment": df_name_list_com}
df_inclusion_neg = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d_inclusion_neg)
# export dataframe as csv
df_inclusion_neg.to_csv("./inclusion_list_neg.csv", index = False, sep = ",")
print("Export complete")
smi_list = df_smi_list_com
return smi_list
def max_element_count(smi_list):
max_C = 0
max_N = 0
max_F = 0
max_O = 0
max_S = 0
max_P = 0
max_Cl = 0
max_Br = 0
max_I = 0
max_H = 0
for smi in smi_list:
if smi.count("C") > max_C:
max_C = smi.count("C")
if smi.count("N") > max_N:
max_N = smi.count("N")
if smi.count("F") > max_F:
max_F = smi.count("F")
if smi.count("O") > max_O:
max_O = smi.count("O")
if smi.count("S") > max_S:
max_S = smi.count("S")
if smi.count("P") > max_P:
max_P = smi.count("P")
if smi.count("Cl") > max_Cl:
max_Cl = smi.count("Cl")
if smi.count("Br") > max_Br:
max_Br = smi.count("Br")
if smi.count("I") > max_I:
max_I = smi.count("I")
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi)
mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)
mol = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, allHsExplicit=True)
hcount = mol.count("H")
if hcount > max_H:
max_H = hcount
with open('./max_element_count.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write("max. element count: " + "max C = " + str(max_C) + ", max H = " + str(max_H) + ", max O = " + str(max_O) + ", max N = " + str(max_N)
+ ", max S = " + str(max_S) + ", max P = " + str(max_P) + ", max Cl = " + str(max_Cl) + ", max Br = " + str(max_Br) + ", max I = " + str(max_I))
print("max. element count: " + "max C = " + str(max_C) + ", max H = " + str(max_H) + ", max O = " + str(max_O) + ", max N = " + str(max_N)
+ ", max S = " + str(max_S) + ", max P = " + str(max_P) + ", max Cl = " + str(max_Cl) + ", max Br = " + str(max_Br) + ", max I = " + str(max_I))
def suggest_stepped_nce(smi_list):
MolWeight_list = []
for compound in smi_list:
nce_list = []
for mass in MolWeight_list:
if mass > 350:
nce_calc = 5 * round(((mass * -0.41) + 160)/5)
max_nce = max(nce_list)
if max_nce > 120:
high_nce = 100
high_nce = max_nce - 20
avg_nce = sum(nce_list)/len(nce_list)
middle_nce = (5 * round(avg_nce/5)) - 5
min_nce = min(nce_list)
if min_nce == 15:
low_nce = min_nce
low_nce = min_nce - 5
if high_nce < 0 or middle_nce - low_nce < 10 or high_nce - middle_nce < 10:
print("Stepped NCE approach not recommended")
print("Suggested Stepped NCE: " + "Low NCE = " + str(low_nce) + ", Middle NCE = " + str(middle_nce) + ", High NCE = " + str(high_nce))
# enter the pathway to the smiles text file below
smi_list = smi_list_to_csv(smiles_file_location)
# prints out max element count and creates txt file
# prints out suggested values for stepped NCE approach if possible
print("Script finished successfully")
# end of script

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