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Tue, Jul 16, 14:23


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "allvars.h"
#include "proto.h"
/*! \file gravtree_forcetest.c
* \brief routines for direct summation forces
* The code in this file allows to compute checks of the force accuracy by
* an independent direct summation computation. To this end, one can
* instruct GADGET in the Makefile to coompute direct summation forces for
* a certain random subfraction of particles.
/*! This routine does the test of the gravitational tree force by computing
* the force for a random subset of particles with direct summation.
void gravity_forcetest(void)
int ntot, iter = 0, ntotleft, nthis;
double tstart, tend, timetree = 0;
int i, j, ndone, ngrp, maxfill, place, ndonetot;
int *noffset, *nbuffer, *nsend, *nsend_local;
int k, nexport;
int level, sendTask, recvTask;
double fac1;
MPI_Status status;
double costtotal, *costtreelist;
double maxt, sumt, *timetreelist;
double fac;
char buf[200];
#ifdef PMGRID
if(All.PM_Ti_endstep != All.Ti_Current)
set_softenings(); /* set new softening lengths */
for(i = 0, NumForceUpdate = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
if(P[i].Ti_endstep == All.Ti_Current)
if(get_random_number(P[i].ID) < FORCETEST)
P[i].Ti_endstep = -P[i].Ti_endstep - 1;
/* NumForceUpdate is the number of particles on this processor that want a force update */
MPI_Allreduce(&NumForceUpdate, &ntot, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
costtotal = 0;
noffset = malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask); /* offsets of bunches in common list */
nbuffer = malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask);
nsend_local = malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask);
nsend = malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask * NTask);
i = 0; /* beginn with this index */
ntotleft = ntot; /* particles left for all tasks together */
while(ntotleft > 0)
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
nsend_local[j] = 0;
/* do local particles and prepare export list */
tstart = second();
for(nexport = 0, ndone = 0; i < NumPart && nexport < All.BunchSizeForce - NTask; i++)
if(P[i].Ti_endstep < 0)
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
Exportflag[j] = 1;
Exportflag[ThisTask] = 0;
costtotal += force_treeevaluate_direct(i, 0);
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
GravDataGet[nexport].u.Pos[k] = P[i].Pos[k];
GravDataGet[nexport].Type = P[i].Type;
GravDataGet[nexport].w.OldAcc = P[i].OldAcc;
GravDataIndexTable[nexport].Task = j;
GravDataIndexTable[nexport].Index = i;
GravDataIndexTable[nexport].SortIndex = nexport;
tend = second();
timetree += timediff(tstart, tend);
qsort(GravDataIndexTable, nexport, sizeof(struct gravdata_index), grav_tree_compare_key);
for(j = 0; j < nexport; j++)
GravDataIn[j] = GravDataGet[GravDataIndexTable[j].SortIndex];
for(j = 1, noffset[0] = 0; j < NTask; j++)
noffset[j] = noffset[j - 1] + nsend_local[j - 1];
MPI_Allgather(nsend_local, NTask, MPI_INT, nsend, NTask, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
/* now do the particles that need to be exported */
for(level = 1; level < (1 << PTask); level++)
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
nbuffer[j] = 0;
for(ngrp = level; ngrp < (1 << PTask); ngrp++)
maxfill = 0;
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
if((j ^ ngrp) < NTask)
if(maxfill < nbuffer[j] + nsend[(j ^ ngrp) * NTask + j])
maxfill = nbuffer[j] + nsend[(j ^ ngrp) * NTask + j];
if(maxfill >= All.BunchSizeForce)
sendTask = ThisTask;
recvTask = ThisTask ^ ngrp;
if(recvTask < NTask)
if(nsend[ThisTask * NTask + recvTask] > 0 || nsend[recvTask * NTask + ThisTask] > 0)
/* get the particles */
nsend_local[recvTask] * sizeof(struct gravdata_in), MPI_BYTE,
recvTask, TAG_DIRECT_A,
nsend[recvTask * NTask + ThisTask] * sizeof(struct gravdata_in), MPI_BYTE,
recvTask, TAG_DIRECT_A, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
if((j ^ ngrp) < NTask)
nbuffer[j] += nsend[(j ^ ngrp) * NTask + j];
tstart = second();
for(j = 0; j < nbuffer[ThisTask]; j++)
costtotal += force_treeevaluate_direct(j, 1);
tend = second();
timetree += timediff(tstart, tend);
/* get the result */
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
nbuffer[j] = 0;
for(ngrp = level; ngrp < (1 << PTask); ngrp++)
maxfill = 0;
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
if((j ^ ngrp) < NTask)
if(maxfill < nbuffer[j] + nsend[(j ^ ngrp) * NTask + j])
maxfill = nbuffer[j] + nsend[(j ^ ngrp) * NTask + j];
if(maxfill >= All.BunchSizeForce)
sendTask = ThisTask;
recvTask = ThisTask ^ ngrp;
if(recvTask < NTask)
if(nsend[ThisTask * NTask + recvTask] > 0 || nsend[recvTask * NTask + ThisTask] > 0)
/* send the results */
nsend[recvTask * NTask + ThisTask] * sizeof(struct gravdata_in),
nsend_local[recvTask] * sizeof(struct gravdata_in),
/* add the result to the particles */
for(j = 0; j < nsend_local[recvTask]; j++)
place = GravDataIndexTable[noffset[recvTask] + j].Index;
for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
P[place].GravAccelDirect[k] += GravDataOut[j + noffset[recvTask]].u.Acc[k];
for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
if((j ^ ngrp) < NTask)
nbuffer[j] += nsend[(j ^ ngrp) * NTask + j];
level = ngrp - 1;
MPI_Allreduce(&ndone, &ndonetot, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
ntotleft -= ndonetot;
/* now add things for comoving integration */
#ifndef PERIODIC
fac1 = 0.5 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble * All.Omega0 / All.G;
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
if(P[i].Ti_endstep < 0)
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
P[i].GravAccelDirect[j] += fac1 * P[i].Pos[j];
/* muliply by G */
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
if(P[i].Ti_endstep < 0)
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
P[i].GravAccelDirect[j] *= All.G;
/* Finally, the following factor allows a computation of cosmological simulation
with vacuum energy in physical coordinates */
if(All.ComovingIntegrationOn == 0)
fac1 = All.OmegaLambda * All.Hubble * All.Hubble;
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
if(P[i].Ti_endstep < 0)
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
P[i].GravAccelDirect[j] += fac1 * P[i].Pos[j];
/* now output the forces to a file */
for(nthis = 0; nthis < NTask; nthis++)
if(nthis == ThisTask)
sprintf(buf, "%s%s", All.OutputDir, "forcetest.txt");
if(!(FdForceTest = fopen(buf, "a")))
printf("error in opening file '%s'\n", buf);
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
if(P[i].Ti_endstep < 0)
#ifndef PMGRID
fprintf(FdForceTest, "%d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
P[i].Type, All.Time, All.Time - TimeOfLastTreeConstruction,
P[i].Pos[0], P[i].Pos[1], P[i].Pos[2],
P[i].GravAccelDirect[0], P[i].GravAccelDirect[1], P[i].GravAccelDirect[2],
P[i].GravAccel[0], P[i].GravAccel[1], P[i].GravAccel[2]);
fprintf(FdForceTest, "%d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
P[i].Type, All.Time, All.Time - TimeOfLastTreeConstruction,
P[i].Pos[0], P[i].Pos[1], P[i].Pos[2],
P[i].GravAccelDirect[0], P[i].GravAccelDirect[1], P[i].GravAccelDirect[2],
P[i].GravAccel[0], P[i].GravAccel[1], P[i].GravAccel[2],
P[i].GravPM[0] + P[i].GravAccel[0],
P[i].GravPM[1] + P[i].GravAccel[1], P[i].GravPM[2] + P[i].GravAccel[2]);
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
if(P[i].Ti_endstep < 0)
P[i].Ti_endstep = -P[i].Ti_endstep - 1;
/* Now the force computation is finished */
timetreelist = malloc(sizeof(double) * NTask);
costtreelist = malloc(sizeof(double) * NTask);
MPI_Gather(&costtotal, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, costtreelist, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gather(&timetree, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, timetreelist, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(ThisTask == 0)
fac = NTask / ((double) All.TotNumPart);
for(i = 0, maxt = timetreelist[0], sumt = 0, costtotal = 0; i < NTask; i++)
costtotal += costtreelist[i];
if(maxt < timetreelist[i])
maxt = timetreelist[i];
sumt += timetreelist[i];
fprintf(FdTimings, "DIRECT Nf= %d part/sec=%g | %g ia/part=%g \n", ntot, ntot / (sumt + 1.0e-20),
ntot / (maxt * NTask), ((double) (costtotal)) / ntot);
fprintf(FdTimings, "\n");

Event Timeline