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/*! \file allvars.c
* \brief provides instances of all global variables.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include "tags.h"
#include "allvars.h"
int SetMinTimeStepForActives=0;
int ThisTask; /*!< the rank of the local processor */
int NTask; /*!< number of processors */
int PTask; /*!< smallest integer such that NTask <= 2^PTask */
int NumPart; /*!< number of particles on the LOCAL processor */
int N_gas; /*!< number of gas particles on the LOCAL processor */
#if defined(SFR) || defined(STELLAR_PROP)
int N_stars; /*!< number of stars particle on the LOCAL processor */
int N_sph;
int N_sticky;
int N_stickyflaged;
int N_dark;
int NumColPotLocal; /*!< local number of potentially collisional particles */
int NumColPot; /*!< total number of potentially collisional particles */
int NumColLocal; /*!< local number of collisions */
int NumCol; /*!< total number of collisions */
int NumNoColLocal;
int NumNoCol;
long long Ntype[6]; /*!< total number of particles of each type */
int NtypeLocal[6]; /*!< local number of particles of each type */
int NumForceUpdate; /*!< number of active particles on local processor in current timestep */
int NumSphUpdate; /*!< number of active SPH particles on local processor in current timestep */
#ifdef CHIMIE
int NumStUpdate;
double CPUThisRun; /*!< Sums the CPU time for the process (current submission only) */
double CPU_Gravity;
int RestartFlag; /*!< taken from command line used to start code. 0 is normal start-up from
initial conditions, 1 is resuming a run from a set of restart files, while 2
marks a restart from a snapshot file. */
char *Exportflag; /*!< Buffer used for flagging whether a particle needs to be exported to another process */
int *Ngblist; /*!< Buffer to hold indices of neighbours retrieved by the neighbour search routines */
int TreeReconstructFlag; /*!< Signals that a new tree needs to be constructed */
#ifdef SFR
int RearrangeParticlesFlag;/*!< Signals that particles must be rearanged */
int Flag_FullStep; /*!< This flag signals that the current step involves all particles */
gsl_rng *random_generator; /*!< the employed random number generator of the GSL library */
double RndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
#ifdef SFR
double StarFormationRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
double FeedbackWindRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
#ifdef CHIMIE
double ChimieRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
double ChimieKineticFeedbackRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
double DomainCorner[3]; /*!< gives the lower left corner of simulation volume */
double DomainCenter[3]; /*!< gives the center of simulation volume */
double DomainLen; /*!< gives the (maximum) side-length of simulation volume */
double DomainFac; /*!< factor used for converting particle coordinates to a Peano-Hilbert mesh covering the simulation volume */
int DomainMyStart; /*!< first domain mesh cell that resides on the local processor */
int DomainMyLast; /*!< last domain mesh cell that resides on the local processor */
int *DomainStartList; /*!< a table that lists the first domain mesh cell for all processors */
int *DomainEndList; /*!< a table that lists the last domain mesh cell for all processors */
double *DomainWork; /*!< a table that gives the total "work" due to the particles stored by each processor */
int *DomainCount; /*!< a table that gives the total number of particles held by each processor */
int *DomainCountSph; /*!< a table that gives the total number of SPH particles held by each processor */
int *DomainTask; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the processor it was assigned to */
int *DomainNodeIndex; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the corresponding node of the gravitational tree */
FLOAT *DomainTreeNodeLen; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the side-length of the corresponding node of the gravitational tree */
FLOAT *DomainHmax; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the maximum SPH smoothing length among the particles of the corresponding node of the gravitational tree */
struct DomainNODE
*DomainMoment; /*!< this table stores for each node of the top-level tree corresponding node data from the gravitational tree */
peanokey *DomainKeyBuf; /*!< this points to a buffer used during the exchange of particle data */
peanokey *Key; /*!< a table used for storing Peano-Hilbert keys for particles */
peanokey *KeySorted; /*!< holds a sorted table of Peano-Hilbert keys for all particles, used to construct top-level tree */
int NTopnodes; /*!< total number of nodes in top-level tree */
int NTopleaves; /*!< number of leaves in top-level tree. Each leaf can be assigned to a different processor */
struct topnode_data
*TopNodes; /*!< points to the root node of the top-level tree */
double TimeOfLastTreeConstruction; /*!< holds what it says, only used in connection with FORCETEST */
/* variables for input/output, usually only used on process 0 */
char ParameterFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< file name of parameterfile used for starting the simulation */
FILE *FdInfo; /*!< file handle for info.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdLog ; /*!< file handle for log.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdEnergy; /*!< file handle for energy.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdSystem;
FILE *FdTimings; /*!< file handle for timings.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdCPU; /*!< file handle for cpu.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdForceTest; /*!< file handle for forcetest.txt log-file. */
#ifdef SFR
FILE *FdSfr; /*!< file handle for sfr.txt log-file. */
#ifdef CHIMIE
FILE *FdChimie; /*!< file handle for chimie log-file. */
FILE *FdPhase; /*!< file handle for phase.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdSticky; /*!< file handle for sticky.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdAccretion; /*!< file handle for accretion.txt log-file. */
FILE *FdBondi; /*!< file handle for bondi.txt log-file. */
#ifdef BUBBLES
FILE *FdBubble; /*!< file handle for bubble.txt log-file. */
double DriftTable[DRIFT_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the cosmological drift factors */
double GravKickTable[DRIFT_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the cosmological kick factor for gravitational forces */
double HydroKickTable[DRIFT_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the cosmological kick factor for hydrodynmical forces */
double CosmicTimeTable[COSMICTIME_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the computation of cosmic time */
void *CommBuffer; /*!< points to communication buffer, which is used in the domain decomposition, the
parallel tree-force computation, the SPH routines, etc. */
/*! This structure contains data which is the SAME for all tasks (mostly code parameters read from the
* parameter file). Holding this data in a structure is convenient for writing/reading the restart file, and
* it allows the introduction of new global variables in a simple way. The only thing to do is to introduce
* them into this structure.
struct global_data_all_processes
/*! This structure holds all the information that is
* stored for each particle of the simulation.
struct particle_data
*P, /*!< holds particle data on local processor */
*DomainPartBuf; /*!< buffer for particle data used in domain decomposition */
/* the following struture holds data that is stored for each SPH particle in addition to the collisionless
* variables.
struct sph_particle_data
*SphP, /*!< holds SPH particle data on local processor */
*DomainSphBuf; /*!< buffer for SPH particle data in domain decomposition */
/* the following struture holds data that is stored for each SPH particle in addition to the collisionless
* variables.
struct st_particle_data
*StP, /*!< holds ST particle data on local processor */
*DomainStBuf; /*!< buffer for ST particle data in domain decomposition */
/* Variables for Tree
int MaxNodes; /*!< maximum allowed number of internal nodes */
int Numnodestree; /*!< number of (internal) nodes in each tree */
struct NODE
*Nodes_base, /*!< points to the actual memory allocted for the nodes */
*Nodes; /*!< this is a pointer used to access the nodes which is shifted such that Nodes[All.MaxPart]
gives the first allocated node */
int *Nextnode; /*!< gives next node in tree walk */
int *Father; /*!< gives parent node in tree */
struct extNODE /*!< this structure holds additional tree-node information which is not needed in the actual gravity computation */
*Extnodes_base, /*!< points to the actual memory allocted for the extended node information */
*Extnodes; /*!< provides shifted access to extended node information, parallel to Nodes/Nodes_base */
/*! Header for the standard file format.
struct io_header
header; /*!< holds header for snapshot files */
/*! Header for the chimie part.
struct io_chimie_extraheader
char Tab_IO_Labels[IO_NBLOCKS][4]; /*<! This table holds four-byte character tags used for fileformat 2 */
/* global state of system, used for global statistics
struct state_of_system
SysState; /*<! Structure for storing some global statistics about the simulation. */
/*! This structure contains data related to the energy budget.
These values are different for each task. It need to be stored
in the restart flag.
struct local_state_of_system
LocalSysState; /*<! Structure for storing some local statistics about the simulation. */
/* Various structures for communication
struct gravdata_in
*GravDataIn, /*!< holds particle data to be exported to other processors */
*GravDataGet, /*!< holds particle data imported from other processors */
*GravDataResult, /*!< holds the partial results computed for imported particles. Note: We use GravDataResult = GravDataGet, such that the result replaces the imported data */
*GravDataOut; /*!< holds partial results received from other processors. This will overwrite the GravDataIn array */
struct gravdata_index
*GravDataIndexTable; /*!< the particles to be exported are grouped by task-number. This table allows the results to be disentangled again and to be assigned to the correct particle */
struct densdata_in
*DensDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH density computation to be exported to other processors */
*DensDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH density computation */
struct densdata_out
*DensDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH density results for imported particles */
*DensDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH density results from other processors */
struct hydrodata_in
*HydroDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH hydro-force computation to be exported to other processors */
*HydroDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH hydro-force computation */
struct hydrodata_out
*HydroDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH hydro results for imported particles */
*HydroDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH hydro-force results from other processors */
struct stickydata_in
struct stickydata_out
struct Sticky_index *StickyIndex;
#ifdef CHIMIE
struct chimiedata_in
*ChimieDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for Chimie computation to be exported to other processors */
*ChimieDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for Chimie computation */
struct chimiedata_out
*ChimieDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed Chimie results for imported particles */
*ChimieDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial Chimie results from other processors */
struct starsdensdata_in
*StarsDensDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH density computation to be exported to other processors */
*StarsDensDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH density computation */
struct starsdensdata_out
*StarsDensDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH density results for imported particles */
*StarsDensDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH density results from other processors */

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