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File Metadata

Mon, Jul 29, 22:12


final class PHUIFormFileControl
extends AphrontFormControl {
private $allowMultiple;
protected function getCustomControlClass() {
return 'phui-form-file-upload';
public function setAllowMultiple($allow_multiple) {
$this->allowMultiple = $allow_multiple;
return $this;
public function getAllowMultiple() {
return $this->allowMultiple;
protected function renderInput() {
$file_id = $this->getID();
'fileInputID' => $file_id,
'inputName' => $this->getName(),
'uploadURI' => '/file/dropupload/',
'chunkThreshold' => PhabricatorFileStorageEngine::getChunkThreshold(),
// If the control has a value, add a hidden input which submits it as a
// default. This allows the file control to mean "don't change anything",
// instead of "remove the file", if the user submits the form without
// touching it.
// This also allows the input to "hold" the value of an uploaded file if
// there is another error in the form: when you submit the form but are
// stopped because of an unrelated error, submitting it again will keep
// the value around (if you don't upload a new file) instead of requiring
// you to pick the file again.
// TODO: This works alright, but is a bit of a hack, and the UI should
// provide the user better feedback about whether the state of the control
// is "keep the value the same" or "remove the value", and about whether
// or not the control is "holding" a value from a previous submission.
$default_input = null;
$default_value = $this->getValue();
if ($default_value !== null) {
$default_input = phutil_tag(
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => $this->getName().'_default',
'value' => $default_value,
return array(
'type' => 'file',
'multiple' => $this->getAllowMultiple() ? 'multiple' : null,
'name' => $this->getName().'_raw',
'id' => $file_id,
'disabled' => $this->getDisabled() ? 'disabled' : null,

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