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* @file material_hyper_elasto_plastic2.hh
* @author Richard Leute <>
* @date 08 May 2018
* @brief Material for logarithmic hyperelasto-plasticity, as defined in de
* Geus 2017 ( and further
* explained in Geers 2003 (
* In difference to material_hyper_elasto_plastic1.hh one can choose
* arbitrary material constants (Youngs modulus, Poisson ratio, Yield
* stress and Hardening modulus) for each pixel.
* Copyright © 2018 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "materials/material_muSpectre_base.hh"
#include "materials/materials_toolbox.hh"
#include "common/eigen_tools.hh"
#include "common/statefield.hh"
#include <algorithm>
namespace muSpectre {
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
class MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2;
* traits for hyper-elastoplastic material
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
struct MaterialMuSpectre_traits<MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2<DimS, DimM>> {
//! global field collection
using GFieldCollection_t = typename
MaterialBase<DimS, DimM>::GFieldCollection_t;
//! expected map type for strain fields
using StrainMap_t =
MatrixFieldMap<GFieldCollection_t, Real, DimM, DimM, true>;
//! expected map type for stress fields
using StressMap_t = MatrixFieldMap<GFieldCollection_t, Real, DimM, DimM>;
//! expected map type for tangent stiffness fields
using TangentMap_t = T4MatrixFieldMap<GFieldCollection_t, Real, DimM>;
//! declare what type of strain measure your law takes as input
constexpr static auto strain_measure{StrainMeasure::Gradient};
//! declare what type of stress measure your law yields as output
constexpr static auto stress_measure{StressMeasure::Kirchhoff};
//! local field collection used for internals
using LFieldColl_t = LocalFieldCollection<DimS>;
//! storage type for plastic flow measure (εₚ in the papers)
using LScalarMap_t = StateFieldMap<ScalarFieldMap<LFieldColl_t, Real>>;
* storage type for for previous gradient Fᵗ and elastic left
* Cauchy-Green deformation tensor bₑᵗ
using LStrainMap_t = StateFieldMap<
MatrixFieldMap<LFieldColl_t, Real, DimM, DimM, false>>;
* storage type for the Const Real Material Variables:
* lambda, mu, tau_y0 and H.
using LConstRealMaterialVariableMap_t =
ScalarFieldMap<LFieldColl_t, Real, true>;
* format in which to receive internals (previous gradient Fᵗ,
* previous elastic lef Cauchy-Green deformation tensor bₑᵗ, and
* the plastic flow measure εₚ
using InternalVariables = std::tuple<LStrainMap_t, LStrainMap_t,
LConstRealMaterialVariableMap_t >;
* Material implementation for hyper-elastoplastic constitutive law
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM=DimS>
class MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2: public
MaterialMuSpectre<MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2<DimS, DimM>, DimS, DimM>
//! base class
using Parent = MaterialMuSpectre
<MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2<DimS, DimM>, DimS, DimM>;
* type used to determine whether the
* `muSpectre::MaterialMuSpectre::iterable_proxy` evaluate only
* stresses or also tangent stiffnesses
using NeedTangent = typename Parent::NeedTangent;
//! shortcut to traits
using traits = MaterialMuSpectre_traits<MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2>;
//! Hooke's law implementation
using Hooke = typename
typename traits::StrainMap_t::reference,
typename traits::TangentMap_t::reference>;
//! type in which the previous strain state is referenced
using StrainStRef_t = typename traits::LStrainMap_t::reference;
//! type in which the previous plastic flow is referenced
using FlowStRef_t = typename traits::LScalarMap_t::reference;
//! Default constructor
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2() = delete;
//! Constructor with name and material properties
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2(std::string name);
//! Copy constructor
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2(const MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2 &other) = delete;
//! Move constructor
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2(MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2 &&other) = delete;
//! Destructor
virtual ~MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2& operator=(const MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2 &other) = delete;
//! Move assignment operator
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2& operator=(MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2 &&other) = delete;
* evaluates Kirchhoff stress given the current placement gradient
* Fₜ, the previous Gradient Fₜ₋₁ and the cumulated plastic flow
* εₚ
* Additionally the constant fields: lambda (Lames first constant),
* mu (shear modulus/Lames second constant), tau_y0 (yield stress)
* and H (hardening modulus).
template <class grad_t>
inline decltype(auto) evaluate_stress(grad_t && F, StrainStRef_t F_prev,
StrainStRef_t be_prev,
FlowStRef_t plast_flow,
const Real lambda, const Real mu,
const Real tau_y0, const Real H);
* evaluates Kirchhoff stress and stiffness given the current placement gradient
* Fₜ, the previous Gradient Fₜ₋₁ and the cumulated plastic flow
* εₚ
* Additionally the constant fields: lambda (Lames first constant),
* mu (shear modulus/Lames second constant), K (bulk modulus), yield stress
* and the hardening modulus.
template <class grad_t>
inline decltype(auto) evaluate_stress_tangent(grad_t && F, StrainStRef_t F_prev,
StrainStRef_t be_prev,
FlowStRef_t plast_flow,
const Real lambda,
const Real mu,
const Real tau_y0,
const Real H);
* The statefields need to be cycled at the end of each load increment
virtual void save_history_variables() override;
* set the previous gradients to identity
virtual void initialise(bool stiffness=false) override final;
* return the internals tuple
typename traits::InternalVariables & get_internals() {
return this->internal_variables;};
* overload add_pixel to write into loacal stiffness tensor
void add_pixel(const Ccoord_t<DimS> & pixel) override final;
* overload add_pixel to write into local stiffness tensor
void add_pixel(const Ccoord_t<DimS> & pixel,
const Real & Young_modulus, const Real & Poisson_ratio,
const Real & tau_y0, const Real & H);
* worker function computing stresses and internal variables
template <class grad_t>
inline decltype(auto) stress_n_internals_worker(grad_t && F,
StrainStRef_t& F_prev,
StrainStRef_t& be_prev,
FlowStRef_t& plast_flow,
const Real lambda,
const Real mu,
const Real tau_y0,
const Real H);
//! Local FieldCollection type for field storage
using LColl_t = LocalFieldCollection<DimS>;
//! storage for cumulated plastic flow εₚ
StateField<ScalarField<LColl_t, Real>> plast_flow_field;
//! storage for previous gradient Fᵗ
StateField<TensorField<LColl_t, Real, secondOrder, DimM>> F_prev_field;
//! storage for elastic left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor bₑᵗ
StateField<TensorField<LColl_t, Real, secondOrder, DimM>> be_prev_field;
/** storage for the first Lame constant (lambda), second Lame constant (mu),
* Yield_stress (tau_y0) and Hardening_modulus (H).
using Field_t = MatrixField<LocalFieldCollection<DimS>, Real, oneD, oneD>;
Field_t & lambda_field; //!< first Lamé constant
Field_t & mu_field; //!< second Lamé constant (shear modulus)
Field_t & tau_y0_field; //!< initial yield stress
Field_t & H_field; //!< hardening modulus
//! Field maps and state field maps over internal fields
typename traits::InternalVariables internal_variables;
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <class grad_t>
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2<DimS, DimM>::
stress_n_internals_worker(grad_t && F, StrainStRef_t& F_prev,
StrainStRef_t& be_prev, FlowStRef_t& eps_p,
const Real lambda, const Real mu,
const Real tau_y0, const Real H) {
// the notation in this function follows Geers 2003
// (
// computation of trial state
using Mat_t = Eigen::Matrix<Real, DimM, DimM>;
auto && f{F*F_prev.old().inverse()};
Mat_t be_star{f*be_prev.old()*f.transpose()};
Mat_t ln_be_star{logm(std::move(be_star))};
Mat_t tau_star{.5*Hooke::evaluate_stress(lambda, mu, ln_be_star)};
// deviatoric part of Kirchhoff stress
Mat_t tau_d_star{tau_star - tau_star.trace()/DimM*tau_star.Identity()};
auto && tau_eq_star{std::sqrt(3*.5*(tau_d_star.array()*
Mat_t N_star{3*.5*tau_d_star/tau_eq_star};
// this is eq (27), and the std::min enforces the Kuhn-Tucker relation (16) //// MIN or MAX ???
Real phi_star{std::max(tau_eq_star - tau_y0 - H * eps_p.old(), 0.)};
// return mapping
Real Del_gamma{phi_star/(H + 3 * mu)};
auto && tau{tau_star - 2*Del_gamma*mu*N_star};
/////auto && tau_eq{tau_eq_star - 3*mu*Del_gamma};
// update the previous values to the new ones
F_prev.current() = F;
ln_be_star -= 2*Del_gamma*N_star;
be_prev.current() = expm(std::move(ln_be_star));
eps_p.current() += Del_gamma;
// transmit info whether this is a plastic step or not
bool is_plastic{phi_star > 0};
// compute tau as for a linear elastic material for test purpose
std::cout << "tau_star*:\n" << tau_star << std::endl;
std::cout << "tau_eq_star:\n" << tau_eq_star << std::endl;
std::cout << "Del_gamma:\n" << Del_gamma << std::endl;
std::cout << "N_star:\n" << N_star << std::endl;
return std::tuple<Mat_t, Real, Real, Mat_t, bool>
(std::move(tau), std::move(tau_eq_star),
std::move(Del_gamma), std::move(N_star),
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <class grad_t>
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2<DimS, DimM>::
evaluate_stress(grad_t && F, StrainStRef_t F_prev, StrainStRef_t be_prev,
FlowStRef_t eps_p, const Real lambda, const Real mu,
const Real tau_y0, const Real H) {
auto retval(std::move(std::get<0>(this->stress_n_internals_worker
(std::forward<grad_t>(F), F_prev, be_prev,
eps_p, lambda, mu, tau_y0, H))));
return retval;
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <class grad_t>
MaterialHyperElastoPlastic2<DimS, DimM>::
evaluate_stress_tangent(grad_t && F, StrainStRef_t F_prev,
StrainStRef_t be_prev, FlowStRef_t eps_p,
const Real lambda, const Real mu,
const Real tau_y0, const Real H) {
//! after the stress computation, all internals are up to date
auto && vals{this->stress_n_internals_worker (std::forward<grad_t>(F),
F_prev, be_prev, eps_p,
lambda, mu, tau_y0, H)};
auto && tau {std::get<0>(vals)};
auto && tau_eq_star{std::get<1>(vals)};
auto && Del_gamma {std::get<2>(vals)};
auto && N_star {std::get<3>(vals)};
auto && is_plastic {std::get<4>(vals)};
if (is_plastic) {
auto && a0 = Del_gamma* mu/tau_eq_star;
auto && a1 = mu/(H + 3*mu);
// compute bulk modulus K from first(lambda) and second(mu) Lame constants
auto K{Hooke::compute_K(lambda, mu)}; //does this work?
const Real K_test{lambda + 2*mu/3}; //K computed by hard for test reasons
//test of compute K
std::cout << K << " = " << K_test << "?" << std::endl;
return std::make_tuple(std::move(tau), T4Mat<Real, DimM>{
((K/2. - mu/3 + a0*mu)*Matrices::Itrac<DimM>() +
(1 - 3*a0) * mu*Matrices::Isymm<DimM>() +
2*mu * (a0 - a1)*Matrices::outer(N_star, N_star))});
} else {
// compute stiffness tensor C
// the factor .5 comes from equation (18) in Geers 2003
// (
auto C{0.5*Hooke::compute_C_T4(lambda, mu)};
return std::make_tuple(std::move(tau), T4Mat<Real, DimM>{C});
std::cout << "elastic" << std::endl;
} // muSpectre

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