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* @file mesh_geom_factory_tmpl.hh
* @author Lucas Frérot <>
* @date creation: Thu Feb 26 2015
* @date last modification: Fri Mar 6 2015
* @brief Class for constructing the CGAL primitives of a mesh
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2015 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "mesh_geom_factory.hh"
#include "aka_common.hh"
#include "tree_type_helper.hh"
#include "triangle.hh"
#include "geom_helper_functions.hh"
#include <algorithm>
#include <CGAL/Cartesian.h>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef CGAL::Cartesian<Real> K;
template<UInt dim, ElementType type>
MeshGeomFactory<dim, type>::MeshGeomFactory(const Mesh & mesh) :
template<UInt dim, ElementType type>
MeshGeomFactory<dim, type>::~MeshGeomFactory() {
delete data_tree;
* This function loops over the elements of `type` in the mesh and creates the
* AABB tree of geometrical primitves (`data_tree`).
template<UInt dim, ElementType type>
void MeshGeomFactory<dim, type>::constructData() {
const GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost;
UInt nb_nodes_per_element = mesh.getNbNodesPerElement(type);
const Array<UInt> & connectivity = mesh.getConnectivity(type, ghost_type);
const Array<Real> & nodes = mesh.getNodes();
Array<UInt>::const_vector_iterator begin = connectivity.begin(nb_nodes_per_element);
Array<UInt>::const_vector_iterator it = connectivity.begin(nb_nodes_per_element);
Array<UInt>::const_vector_iterator end = connectivity.end(nb_nodes_per_element);
// This loop builds the list of primitives
for (; it != end ; ++it) {
const Vector<UInt> & el_connectivity = *it;
Matrix<Real> node_coordinates(dim, nb_nodes_per_element);
for (UInt i = 0 ; i < nb_nodes_per_element ; i++)
for (UInt j = 0 ; j < dim ; j++)
node_coordinates(j, i) = nodes(el_connectivity(i), j);
addPrimitive(node_coordinates, it - begin);
delete data_tree;
data_tree = new typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, type>::tree(primitive_list.begin(), primitive_list.end());
// 2D and _triangle_3 implementation
void MeshGeomFactory<2, _triangle_3>::addPrimitive(const Matrix<Real> & node_coordinates, UInt id) {
TreeTypeHelper<2, _triangle_3>::point_type a(node_coordinates(0, 0), node_coordinates(1, 0), 0.);
TreeTypeHelper<2, _triangle_3>::point_type b(node_coordinates(0, 1), node_coordinates(1, 1), 0.);
TreeTypeHelper<2, _triangle_3>::point_type c(node_coordinates(0, 2), node_coordinates(1, 2), 0.);
Triangle<K> t(a, b, c);
// 3D and _tetrahedron_4 implementation
void MeshGeomFactory<3, _tetrahedron_4>::addPrimitive(const Matrix<Real> & node_coordinates, UInt id) {
TreeTypeHelper<3, _tetrahedron_4>::point_type
a(node_coordinates(0, 0), node_coordinates(1, 0), node_coordinates(2, 0)),
b(node_coordinates(0, 1), node_coordinates(1, 1), node_coordinates(2, 1)),
c(node_coordinates(0, 2), node_coordinates(1, 2), node_coordinates(2, 2)),
d(node_coordinates(0, 3), node_coordinates(1, 3), node_coordinates(2, 3));
t1(a, b, c),
t2(b, c, d),
t3(c, d, a),
t4(d, a, b);
template<UInt dim, ElementType el_type>
UInt MeshGeomFactory<dim, el_type>::numberOfIntersectionsWithInterface(const K::Segment_3 & interface) const {
return data_tree->number_of_intersected_primitives(interface);
* Adds to `interface_mesh` the mesh created by the intersection of `interface_pair` and the main mesh.
* It computes the intersecion objects, creates a list of segments, and from this list creates the nodes and the
* connectivity of the mesh. It also creates elemental data for two things :
* - ID of the background element
* - Material name associated to the interface
template<UInt dim, ElementType el_type>
void MeshGeomFactory<dim, el_type>::meshOfLinearInterface(const Interface & interface_pair, Mesh & interface_mesh) {
const K::Segment_3 & interface = interface_pair.first;
UInt number_of_intersections = this->numberOfIntersectionsWithInterface(interface);
if (!number_of_intersections) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_WARNING("No intersection with interface");
std::list<typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::linear_intersection> list_of_intersections;
// TODO change this list to a set using lessSegmentPair for optimization
std::list< std::pair<K::Segment_3, UInt> > list_of_segments; // Contains no duplicate elements
// Compute all the intersection pairs (segment + element id) and remove duplicates
data_tree->all_intersections(interface, std::back_inserter(list_of_intersections));
this->constructSegments(list_of_intersections, list_of_segments, interface);
// Arrays for storing nodes and connectivity
Array<Real> & nodes = interface_mesh.getNodes();
Array<UInt> & connectivity = interface_mesh.getConnectivity(_segment_2);
// Arrays for storing associated element id and type
Array<Element> & associated_element = interface_mesh.getData<Element>("associated_element", _segment_2);
Array<std::string> & associated_material = interface_mesh.getData<std::string>("material", _segment_2);
std::list<std::pair<K::Segment_3, UInt> >::iterator it = list_of_segments.begin();
std::list<std::pair<K::Segment_3, UInt> >::iterator end = list_of_segments.end();
// Loop over the intersections pairs (segment, id)
for (; it != end ; ++it) {
Vector<UInt> segment_connectivity(2);
segment_connectivity(0) = interface_mesh.getNbNodes();
segment_connectivity(1) = interface_mesh.getNbNodes() + 1;
// Copy nodes
Vector<Real> source(dim), target(dim);
for (UInt j = 0 ; j < dim ; j++) {
source(j) = it->first.source()[j];
target(j) = it->[j];
// Copy associated element info
associated_element.push_back(Element(el_type, it->second));
* This function constructs the segment of the linear interface from the intersection
* result of the CGAL AABB intersection aglorithm.
template<UInt dim, ElementType el_type>
void MeshGeomFactory<dim, el_type>::constructSegments(
const std::list< typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::linear_intersection > & intersections,
std::list<std::pair<K::Segment_3, UInt> > & segments,
const K::Segment_3 & interface)
typename std::list<typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::linear_intersection>::const_iterator
int_it = intersections.begin(),
int_end = intersections.end();
for (; int_it != int_end ; ++int_it) {
UInt el = (*int_it)->second;
if (const K::Segment_3 * segment = boost::get<K::Segment_3>(&((*int_it)->first))) {
if (std::find_if(segments.begin(), segments.end(), IsSameSegment(*segment)) == segments.end()) {
// Use min() and max() for ordering
K::Segment_3 seg_ord(segment->min(), segment->max());
segments.push_back(std::make_pair(seg_ord, el));
else if (const K::Point_3 * point = boost::get<K::Point_3>(&((*int_it)->first))) {
// We only want to treat points differently if we're in 3D with Tetra4 elements
// This should be optimized by compilator
if (dim == 3 && el_type == _tetrahedron_4) {
UInt nb_facets = Mesh::getNbFacetsPerElement(el_type);
typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::container_type facets(nb_facets);
// TODO Use mesh facets instead of this (should make O(n²) go to O(n))
BelongsNotToElement<dim, el_type>(el));
typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::tree * local_tree =
new typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::tree(facets.begin(), facets.end());
std::list< typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::linear_intersection>
local_tree->all_intersections(interface, std::back_inserter(local_intersections));
typename std::list<typename TreeTypeHelper<dim, el_type>::linear_intersection>::const_iterator
local_it = local_intersections.begin(),
local_end = local_intersections.end();
for (; local_it != local_end ; ++local_it) {
if (const K::Point_3 * local_point = boost::get<K::Point_3>(&((*local_it)->first))) {
if (!comparePoints(*point, *local_point)) {
K::Segment_3 seg(*point, *local_point);
K::Segment_3 seg_ord(seg.min(), seg.max());
if (std::find_if(segments.begin(), segments.end(), IsSameSegment(seg_ord)) == segments.end())
segments.push_back(std::make_pair(seg_ord, el));
delete local_tree;

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