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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""HTML Templates for BibFormat administration"""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
# non Invenio imports
import cgi
# Invenio imports
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL
from invenio.messages import language_list_long
from invenio.config import CFG_PATH_PHP
MAX_MAPPINGS = 100 #show max this number of mappings on one page
class Template:
"""Templating class, refer to for examples of call"""
def tmpl_admin_index(self, ln, warnings, is_admin):
Returns the main BibFormat admin page.
@param ln language
@param warnings a list of warnings to display at top of page. None if no warning
@param is_admin indicate if user is authorized to use BibFormat
@return main BibFormat admin page
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = ''
if warnings:
out += '''
<table width="66%%" class="errorbox" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<th class="errorboxheader">
''' % {'warnings': '<br/>'.join(warnings)}
out += '''
This is where you can edit the formatting styles available for the records. '''
if not is_admin:
out += '''You need to
<a href="%(siteurl)s/youraccount/login?referer=%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/">login</a> to enter.
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL}
out += '''
<dt><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/">Manage Format Templates</a></dt>
<dd>Define how to format a record.</dd>
<dt><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/">Manage Output Formats</a></dt>
<dd>Define which template is applied to which record for a given output.</dd>
<dt><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/">Manage Knowledge Bases</a></dt>
<dd>Define mappings of values, for standardizing records or declaring often used values.</dd>
<dt><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/">Format Elements Documentation</a></dt>
<dd>Documentation of the format elements to be used inside format templates.</dd>
<dt><a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide">BibFormat Admin Guide</a></dt>
<dd>Documentation about BibFormat administration</dd>
'''% {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln':ln}
#Show PHP admin only if PHP is enabled
out += '''
<div style="background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);">
<h2><span style="color:rgb(204, 0, 0);">Old</span>
BibFormat admin interface (in gray box)</h2>
<p>The BibFormat admin interface enables you to specify how the
bibliographic data is presented to the end user in the search
interface and search results pages. For example, you may specify that
titles should be printed in bold font, the abstract in small italic,
etc. Moreover, the BibFormat is not only a simple bibliographic data
<em>output formatter</em>, but also an automated <em>link
constructor</em>. For example, from the information on journal name
and pages, it may automatically create links to publisher's site based
on some configuration rules.
<h2>Configuring BibFormat</h2>
<p>By default, a simple HTML format based on the most common fields
(title, author, abstract, keywords, fulltext link, etc) is defined.
You certainly want to define your own ouput formats in case you have a
specific metadata structure.
<p>Here is a short guide of what you can configure:
<dt><a href="BEH_display.php">Behaviours</a>
<dd>Define one or more output BibFormat behaviours. These are then
passed as parameters to the BibFormat modules while executing
<br /><em>Example:</em> You can tell BibFormat that is has to enrich the
incoming metadata file by the created format, or that it only has to
print the format out.
<dt><a href="OAIER_display.php">Extraction Rules</a>
<dd>Define how the metadata tags from input are mapped into internal
BibFormat variable names. The variable names can afterwards be used
in formatting and linking rules.
<br /><em>Example:</em> You can tell that <code>100 $a</code> field
should be mapped into <code>$100.a</code> internal variable that you
could use later.
<dt><a href="LINK_display.php">Link Rules</a>
<dd>Define rules for automated creation of URI links from mapped
internal variables.
<br /><em>Example:</em> You can tell a rule how to create a link to
People database out of the <code>$100.a</code> internal variable
repesenting author's name. (The <code>$100.a</code> variable was mapped
in the previous step, see the Extraction Rules.)
<dt><a href="LINK_FORMAT_display.php">File Formats</a>
<dd>Define file format types based on file extensions. This will be
used when proposing various fulltext services.
<br /><em>Example:</em> You can tell that <code>*.pdf</code> files will
be treated as PDF files.
<dt><a href="UDF_display.php">User Defined Functions (UDFs)</a>
<dd>Define your own functions that you can reuse when creating your
own output formats. This enables you to do complex formatting without
ever touching the BibFormat core code.
<br /><em>Example:</em> You can define a function how to match and
extract email addresses out of a text file.
<dt><a href="FORMAT_display.php">Formats</a>
<dd>Define the output formats, i.e. how to create the output out of
internal BibFormat variables that were extracted in a previous step.
This is the functionality you would want to configure most of the
time. It may reuse formats, user defined functions, knowledge bases,
<br /><em>Example:</em> You can tell that authors should be printed in
italic, that if there are more than 10 authors only the first three
should be printed, etc.
<dt><a href="KB_display.php">Knowledge Bases (KBs)</a>
<dd>Define one or more knowledge bases that enables you to transform
various forms of input data values into the unique standard form on
the output.
<br /><em>Example:</em> You can tell that <em>Phys Rev D</em> and
<em>Physical Review D</em> are both the same journal and that these
names should be standardized to <em>Phys Rev : D</em>.
<dt><a href="test.php">Execution Test</a>
<dd>Enables you to test your formats on your sample data file. Useful
when debugging newly created formats.
<p>To learn more on BibFormat configuration, you can consult the <a
href="guide.html">BibFormat Admin Guide</a>.</small>
<h2>Running BibFormat</h2>
<h3>From the Web interface</h3>
Run <a href="BIBREFORMAT_display.php">Reformat Records</a> tool.
This tool permits you to update stored formats for bibliographic records.
<br />
It should normally be used after configuring BibFormat's
<a href="BEH_display.php">Behaviours</a> and
<a href="FORMAT_display.php">Formats</a>.
When these are ready, you can choose to rebuild formats for selected
collections or you can manually enter a search query and the web interface
will accomplish all necessary formatting steps.
<br />
<i>Example:</i> You can request Photo collections to have their HTML
brief formats rebuilt, or you can reformat all the records written by Ellis.
<h3>From the command-line interface</h3>
<p>Consider having an XML MARC data file that is to be uploaded into
the CDS Invenio. (For example, it might have been harvested from other
sources and processed via <a href="../bibconvert/">BibConvert</a>.)
Having configured BibFormat and its default output type behaviour, you
would then run this file throught BibFormat as follows:
$ bibformat < /tmp/sample.xml > /tmp/sample_with_fmt.xml
that would create default HTML formats and would "enrich" the input
XML data file by this format. (You would then continue the upload
procedure by calling successively <a
href="../bibupload/">BibUpload</a> and <a
<p>Now consider a different situation. You would like to add a new
possible format, say "HTML portfolio" and "HTML captions" in order to
nicely format multiple photographs in one page. Let us suppose that
these two formats are called <code>hp</code> and <code>hc</code> and
are already loaded in the <code>collection_format</code> table.
(TODO: describe how this is done via WebAdmin.) You would then
proceed as follows: firstly, you would prepare the corresponding <a
href="BEH_display.php">output behaviours</a> called <code>HP</code>
and <code>HC</code> (TODO: note the uppercase!) that would not enrich
the input file but that would produce an XML file with only
<code>001</code> and <code>FMT</code> tags. (This is in order not to
update the bibliographic information but the formats only.) You would
also prepare corresponding <a href="FORMAT_display.php">formats</a>
at the same time. Secondly, you would launch the formatting as
$ bibformat otype=HP,HC < /tmp/sample.xml > /tmp/sample_fmts_only.xml
that should give you an XML file containing only 001 and FMT tags.
Finally, you would upload the formats:
$ bibupload < /tmp/sample_fmts_only.xml
and that's it. The new formats should now appear in <a
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln':ln}
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_template_show_attributes(self, ln, name, description, filename, editable,
all_templates=[], new=False):
Returns a page to change format template name and description
If template is new, offer a way to create a duplicate from an
existing template
@param ln language
@param name the name of the format
@param description the description of the format
@param filename the filename of the template
@param editable True if we let user edit, else False
@param all_templates a list of tuples (filename, name) of all other templates
@param new if True, the format template has just been added (is new)
@return editor for 'format'
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = ""
out += '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(close_editor)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_template_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">%(template_editor)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_template_show_dependencies?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">%(check_dependencies)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'close_editor': _("Close Editor"),
'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"),
'template_editor': _("Template Editor"),
'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies")
disabled = ""
readonly = ""
if not editable:
disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'
readonly = 'readonly="readonly"'
out += '''
<form action="format_template_update_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s" method="POST">
''' % {'ln':ln,
if new:
#Offer the possibility to make a duplicate of existing format template code
out += '''
<th class="adminheaderleft">Make a copy of format template:&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#addFormatTemplate">?</a>]</th>
<td><select tabindex="1" name="duplicate" id="duplicate" %(readonly)s>
<option value="">None (Blank Page)</option>
<option value="" disabled="disabled">-------------</option>
''' % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
for (o_filename, o_name) in all_templates:
out += '''<option value="%(template_filename)s">%(template_name)s</option>''' % {'template_name':o_name,
'template_filename': o_filename}
out += ''' </select>
out += '''
<th colspan="2" class="adminheaderleft">%(name)s attributes&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#attrsFormatTemplate">?</a>]</th>
<td class="admintdright">
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="%(name)s"/>
<label for="name">%(name_label)s</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="2" name="name" type="text" id="name" size="25" value="%(name)s" %(readonly)s/>
<input type="hidden" value="%(filename)s"/>
''' % {"name": name,
'name_label': _("Name"),
out += '''
<td class="admintdright" valign="top"><label for="description">%(description_label)s</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><textarea tabindex="3" name="description" id="description" rows="4" cols="25" %(readonly)s>%(description)s</textarea> </td>
<td align="right"><input tabindex="6" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(update_format_attributes)s" %(disabled)s/></td>
''' % {"description": description,
'description_label': _("Description"),
'update_format_attributes': _("Update Format Attributes"),
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_template_show_dependencies(self, ln, name, filename, output_formats, format_elements, tags):
Shows the dependencies (on elements) of the given format.
@param name the name of the template
@param filename the filename of the template
@param format_elements the elements (and list of tags in each element) this template depends on
@param output_formats the output format that depend on this template
@param tags the tags that are called by format elements this template depends on.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(close_editor)s</a>&nbsp;</small></td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_template_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">%(template_editor)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_template_show_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">%(modify_template_attributes)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<table width="90%%" class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0"><tr>
<th class="adminheaderleft">Output Formats that use %(name)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft">Format Elements used by %(name)s*</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft">All Tags Called*</th>
<td valign="top">&nbsp;<br/>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'menu': _("Menu"),
'close_editor': _("Close Editor"),
'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"),
'template_editor': _("Template Editor"),
'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"),
'name': name }
#Print output formats
if len(output_formats) == 0:
out += '<p align="center"><i>No output format uses this format template.</i></p>'
for output_format in output_formats:
name = output_format['names']['generic']
filename = output_format['filename']
out += ''' <a href="output_format_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(filename)s">%(name)s</a>''' % {'filename':filename,
if len(output_format['tags']) > 0:
out += "("+", ".join(output_format['tags'])+")"
out += "<br/>"
#Print format elements (and tags)
out += '</td><td valign="top">&nbsp;<br/>'
if len(format_elements) == 0:
out += '<p align="center"><i>This format template uses no format element.</i></p>'
for format_element in format_elements:
name = format_element['name']
out += ''' <a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s#%(anchor)s">%(name)s</a>''' % {'name':"bfe_"+name.lower(),
if len(format_element['tags']) > 0:
out += "("+", ".join(format_element['tags'])+")"
out += "<br/>"
#Print tags
out += '</td><td valign="top">&nbsp;<br/>'
if len(tags) == 0:
out += '<p align="center"><i>This format template uses no tag.</i></p>'
for tag in tags:
out += '''%(tag)s<br/>''' % { 'tag':tag}
out += '''
<b>*Note</b>: Some tags linked with this format template might not be shown. Check manually.
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_template_show(self, ln, name, description, code, filename, ln_for_preview, pattern_for_preview, editable, content_type_for_preview, content_types):
Returns the editor for format templates. Edit 'format'
@param ln language
@param format the format to edit
@param filename the filename of the template
@param ln_for_preview the language for the preview (for bfo)
@param pattern_for_preview the search pattern to be used for the preview (for bfo)
@param editable True if we let user edit, else False
@param code the code of the template of the editor
@return editor for 'format'
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = ""
# If xsl, hide some options in the menu
nb_menu_options = 4
if filename.endswith('.xsl'):
nb_menu_options = 2
out += '''
<style type="text/css">
.ed_button {
font-size: x-small;
<script src="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/js_quicktags.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getByID( id ) {
if (document.getElementById)
var returnVar = document.getElementById(id);
else if (document.all)
var returnVar = document.all[id];
else if (document.layers)
var returnVar = document.layers[id];
return returnVar;
window.onresize= resizeViews;
window.onload= prepareLayout;
function prepareLayout(){
function resizeViews(){
var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0;
if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
myWidth = window.innerWidth;
myHeight = window.innerHeight;
} else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
//IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
//IE 4 compatible
myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
myHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
if (myHeight <= 400) {
} else{
// Resize documentation
var height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
height -= getByID('shortDocFrame').offsetTop
//height -= 20;
getByID('shortDocFrame').style.height = height +"px";
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="%(nb_menu_options)s" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(close_editor)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
''' % {'ln': ln, 'filename': filename,
'menu': _("Menu"),
'label_show_doc': _("Show Documentation"),
'label_hide_doc': _("Hide Documentation"),
'close_editor': _("Close Editor"),
'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"),
'template_editor': _("Template Editor"),
'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"),
'nb_menu_options': nb_menu_options,
if not filename.endswith('.xsl'):
out +='''<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_template_show_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">%(modify_template_attributes)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_template_show_dependencies?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">%(check_dependencies)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
''' % {'ln': ln, 'filename': filename,
'menu': _("Menu"),
'label_show_doc': _("Show Documentation"),
'label_hide_doc': _("Hide Documentation"),
'close_editor': _("Close Editor"),
'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"),
'template_editor': _("Template Editor"),
'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"),
out +='''
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_doc_visibility(){
var doc = document.getElementById('docTable');
var link = document.getElementById('docLink');
if ('none'){ = '';
link.innerHTML = "%(label_hide_doc)s"
} else { = 'none';
link.innerHTML = "%(label_show_doc)s"
''' % {'ln': ln, 'filename': filename,
'menu': _("Menu"),
'label_show_doc': _("Show Documentation"),
'label_hide_doc': _("Hide Documentation"),
'close_editor': _("Close Editor"),
'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"),
'template_editor': _("Template Editor"),
'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"),
disabled = ""
readonly = ""
toolbar = """<script type="text/javascript">edToolbar('%s/admin/bibformat/');</script>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln)
if not editable:
disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'
readonly = 'readonly="readonly"'
toolbar = ''
#First column: template code and preview
out += '''
<table width="90%%" cellspacing="5">
<td valign="top">
<form action="format_template_show_preview_or_save?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s" method="POST" target="previewiframe">
<table width="100%%" id="mainTable"><tr>
<th class="adminheaderleft"><div style="float:left;">Format template code</div>
<div style="float:right;">
<a id="docLink" href="#" onclick="toggle_doc_visibility()">%(label_hide_doc)s</a>
<tr><td colspan="2" id="codetd">
<textarea name="code" id="code" rows="25" %(readonly)s
<script type="text/javascript">var edCanvas = document.getElementById('code');</script>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top">
<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" name="save_action" value="Save Changes" %(disabled)s/>
<table width="100%%">
<tr><th class="adminheaderleft">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top" style="font-size: small;">
<label for="content_type_for_preview">Content-type (MIME):</label> <select id="content_type_for_preview" name="content_type_for_preview" style="font-size: x-small;">
''' % {'ln':ln,
'label_hide_doc':_("Hide Documentation"),
for content_type in content_types:
if content_type == content_type_for_preview:
out += '''<option value="%(content_type)s" selected="selected">%(content_type)s</option>''' % {'content_type':content_type}
out += '''<option value="%(content_type)s">%(content_type)s</option>''' % {'content_type':content_type}
out += '''
<nobr><label for="ln_for_preview">Language:</label> <select id="ln_for_preview" name="ln_for_preview" style="font-size: x-small;">
for lang in language_list_long():
if lang[0] == ln_for_preview:
out += '''<option value="%(ln)s" selected="selected">%(language)s</option>''' % {'ln':lang[0],
out += '''<option value="%(ln)s">%(language)s</option>''' % {'ln':lang[0], 'language':lang[1]}
out += '''
<nobr><label for="pattern_for_preview">Search Pattern: </label><input type="text" value="%(pattern_for_preview)s" size="8" name="pattern_for_preview" id="pattern_for_preview" style="font-size: x-small;"/></nobr>&nbsp;
<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" name="preview_action" value="Reload Preview"/>
<iframe src ="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/;ln_for_preview=%(ln_for_preview)s&amp;pattern_for_preview=%(pattern_for_preview)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s" name="previewiframe" id="previewiframe" width="100%%" height="400"></iframe>
''' % {'code':code, 'ln':ln,
'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'filename':filename,
#Second column Print documentation
out += '''
<td valign="top" id="docTable">
<table width="100%%"><tr>
<th class="adminheaderleft">Elements Documentation</th>
<table width="100%%"><tr>
<td class="admintdright">
<form action="format_template_show_short_doc?ln=%(ln)s" method="POST" target="shortDocFrame">
<nobr><label for="search_doc_pattern">Search for:&nbsp;</label><input type="text" size="15" name="search_doc_pattern" id="search_doc_pattern" value=""/> <input type="submit" class="adminbutton" name="search_in_doc" value="Search" /></nobr>
<iframe name="shortDocFrame" id="shortDocFrame" src ="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/" height="90%%" width="98%%"></iframe>
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln':ln}
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_template_show_short_doc(self, ln, format_elements):
Prints the format element documentation in a condensed way to display
inside format template editor.
This page is different from others: it is displayed inside a <iframe>
tag in template tmpl_admin_format_template_show.
@param ln language
@param format_elements a list of format elements structures as returned by get_format_elements
out = '''
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>BibFormat Short Documentation of Format Elements</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="%(siteurl)s/img/cds.css">
<script src="%(siteurl)s/admin/bibformat/js_quicktags.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_visibility(element, show, r,g,b){
var children = element.childNodes
var child
for(x=0; x<children.length; x++){
if (children[x].id == 'params'){
child = children[x]
if (show=='show'){'rgb(201, 218, 255)''pointer'''
} else {"rgb("+r+","+g+","+b+")"'none'
///// FROM JS QuickTags ///////
// Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Alex King
// Licensed under the LGPL license
function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) {
//IE support
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = myValue;
else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ myValue
+ myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
} else {
myField.value += myValue;
///// END FROM JS QuickTags /////
function insert_my_code_into_container(code){
var codeArea = parent.document.getElementById("code");
if (codeArea.readOnly == false){
//var clean_code = code.replace(=#,'="');
//clean_code = clean_code.replace(# ,'" ');
insertAtCursor(codeArea, code);
''' % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL or CFG_SITE_URL}
if len(format_elements) == 0:
out += '''
<em>No format elements found</em>
line = 0
#Print elements doc
for format_element in format_elements:
format_attributes = format_element['attrs']
row_content = ""
name = format_attributes['name']
description = format_attributes['description']
params = [x['name'] + '=\u0022'+x['default']+'\u0022' for x in format_attributes['params']]
builtin_params = [x['name'] + '=\u0022'+x['default']+'\u0022' for x in format_attributes['builtin_params']]
code = "<BFE_" + name + ' ' + ' '.join(builtin_params)+ ' ' + ' '.join(params) +"/>"
if line % 2:
row_content += '''<div onmouseover="toggle_visibility(this, 'show', 235, 247, 255);"
onmouseout="toggle_visibility(this, 'hide', 235, 247, 255);"
style="background-color: rgb(235, 247, 255);"
><hr/>''' % code
row_content += '''<div onmouseover="toggle_visibility(this, 'show', 255, 255, 255);"
onmouseout="toggle_visibility(this, 'hide', 255, 255, 255);"
>''' % code
params_names = ""
for param in format_attributes['params']:
params_names += "<b>"+param['name'] +'</b> '
row_content += '''
<code> <b>&lt;BFE_%(name)s/&gt;</b><br/></code>
<div id="params" style="display:none;">
''' % {'params_names':params_names, 'name':name, 'description':description}
for param in format_attributes['params']:
row_content += '''
''' % {'name':param['name'],
for param in format_attributes['builtin_params']:
row_content += '''
''' % {'name':param['name'],
row_content += '</ul></div>'
if line % 2:
row_content += '''<hr/></div>'''
row_content += '</div>'
line += 1
out += row_content
out += '''</body></html>'''
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_templates_management(self, ln, formats):
Returns the management console for formats. Includes list of formats and
associated administration tools.
@param ln language
@param formats a list of dictionaries with formats attributes
@return format management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#top of the page and table header
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_output_formats)s</a>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s">%(format_elements_documentation)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_knowledge_bases)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<p>From here you can create, edit or delete formats templates.
Have a look at the <a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s">format elements documentation</a> to
learn which elements you can use in your templates.</p>
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%" cellspacing="0">
<th class="adminheaderleft" >&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(name)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(description)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(status)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(last_modification_date)s</th>
<th class="adminheadercenter" >%(action)s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#formatTemplates">?</a>]</th>
''' % {'name':_("Name"),
'menu': _("Menu"),
'last_modification_date':_("Last Modification Date"),
'manage_output_formats':_("Manage Output Formats"),
'manage_format_templates':_("Manage Format Templates"),
'format_elements_documentation':_("Format Elements Documentation"),
'manage_knowledge_bases':_("Manage Knowledge Bases"),
#table content: formats names, description and buttons
if len(formats) == 0:
out += '''<tr>
<td colspan="6" class="admintd" align="center"><em>No format</em></td>
line = 0
for attrs in formats:
filename = attrs['filename']
if filename == "":
filename = "&nbsp;"
name = attrs['name']
if name == "":
name = "&nbsp;"
description = attrs['description']
if description == "":
description = "&nbsp;"
last_mod_date = attrs['last_mod_date']
status = attrs['status']
disabled = ""
if not attrs['editable']:
disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'
style = 'style="vertical-align: middle;'
if line % 2:
style = 'style="vertical-align: middle;background-color: rgb(235, 247, 255);'
line += 1
row_content = '''<tr>
<td class="admintdright" %(style)s">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="admintdleft" %(style)s white-space: nowrap;"><a href="format_template_show?bft=%(filename)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s">%(name)s</a></td>
<td class="admintdleft" %(style)s" >%(description)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" %(style)s white-space: nowrap;" >%(status)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" %(style)s white-space: nowrap;" >%(last_mod_date)s</td>
<td class="admintd" %(style)s white-space: nowrap;">
<form method="post" action="format_template_delete?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(delete)s" %(disabled)s/>
''' % {'filename':filename,
out += row_content
#table footer, buttons and bottom of the page
out += '''
<td align="left" colspan="3">
<form action="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">
<input type="hidden" name="checking" value="1"></input>
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(extensive_checking)s"/>
<td align="right" colspan="3">
<form action="format_template_add?ln=%(ln)s">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(add_format_template)s"/>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'add_format_template':_("Add New Format Template"),
'extensive_checking':_("Check Format Templates Extensively")}
return out
def tmpl_admin_output_formats_management(self, ln, output_formats):
Returns the main management console for formats. Includes list of formats and
associated administration tools.
@param ln language
@param output_formats a list of output formats
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#top of the page and table header
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_format_templates)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s">%(format_elements_documentation)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_knowledge_bases)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<p>From here you can add, edit or delete output formats available for collections. Output formats define which template to use. <br/>To edit templates go to the <a href="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">template administration page</a>.</p>
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%" cellspacing="0">
<th class="adminheaderleft" >&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" ><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s&amp;sortby=code">%(code)s</a></th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" ><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s&amp;sortby=name">%(name)s</a></th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(description)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(status)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(last_modification_date)s</th>
<th class="adminheadercenter" >%(action)s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#outputFormats">?</a>]</th>
''' % {'code':_("Code"),
'last_modification_date':_("Last Modification Date"),
'manage_output_formats':_("Manage Output Formats"),
'manage_format_templates':_("Manage Format Templates"),
'format_elements_documentation':_("Format Elements Documentation"),
'manage_knowledge_bases':_("Manage Knowledge Bases"),
'menu': _("Menu"),
#table content: formats names, description and buttons
if len(output_formats) == 0:
out += '''<tr>
<td colspan="5" class="admintd" align="center"><em>No format</em></td>
line = 0
for output_format in output_formats:
format_attributes = output_format['attrs']
name = format_attributes['names']['generic']
if name == "":
name = "&nbsp;"
description = format_attributes['description']
if description == "":
description = "&nbsp;"
code = format_attributes['code']
if code == "":
code = "&nbsp;"
last_mod_date = output_format['last_mod_date']
status = output_format['status']
disabled = ""
if not output_format['editable']:
disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'
style = "vertical-align: middle;"
if line % 2:
style = 'vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(235, 247, 255);'
line += 1
row_content = '''<tr>
<td class="admintdright" style="%(style)s">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="white-space: nowrap; %(style)s">
<a href="output_format_show?bfo=%(code)s">%(code)s</a>
<td class="admintdleft" style="white-space: nowrap; %(style)s">
<a href="output_format_show?bfo=%(code)s">%(name)s</a>
<td class="admintdleft"style="%(style)s" >
<td class="admintd" style="white-space: nowrap; %(style)s" >%(status)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="white-space: nowrap;%(style)s" >%(last_mod_date)s</td>
<td class="admintd" style="white-space: nowrap; %(style)s">
<form method="POST" action="output_format_delete?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Delete" %(disabled)s />
''' % {'style':style,
out += row_content
#table footer, buttons and bottom of the page
out += '''
<td align="right" colspan="7">
<form method="GET" action="output_format_add?ln=%(ln)s">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(add_output_format)s"/>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'add_output_format':_("Add New Output Format")}
return out
def tmpl_admin_output_format_show(self, ln, code, name, rules, default, format_templates, editable):
Returns the content of an output format
rules is an ordered list of dict (sorted by evaluation order),
with keys 'field', 'value' and 'template'
IMPORTANT: we display rules evaluation index starting at 1 in
interface, but we start internally at 0
@param ln language
@param code the code of the output to show
@param name the name of this output format
@param rules the list of rules for this output format
@param default the default format template of the output format
@param format_templates the list of format_templates
@param editable True if we let user edit, else False
@return the management console for this output format
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(close_output_format)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_format_show_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s">%(modify_output_format_attributes)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_format_show_dependencies?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s">%(check_dependencies)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<p>Define here the rules the specifies which template to use for a given record.</p>
''' % {'code':code,
'close_output_format':_("Close Output Format"),
'modify_output_format_attributes':_("Modify Output Format Attributes"),
'check_dependencies':_("Check Dependencies")
out += '''
<form name="rules" action="output_format_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s" method="post">
''' % {'ln': ln, 'code':code}
disabled = ""
readonly = ""
if not editable:
disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'
readonly = 'readonly="readonly"'
if len(rules) == 0:
out += '''<p align="center"><em>No special rule</em></p>'''
line = 1
for rule in rules:
out += '''
<table align="center" class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
out += '''
<td rowspan="2" class="adminheader" style="vertical-align: middle;">'''
if line > 1:
out += '''
<input type="image" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smallup.gif" alt="Increase priority of rule %(row)s" name="+ %(row)s" value="+ %(row)s" %(disabled)s/></div>
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'row':line, 'disabled':disabled}
out += '''<div>%(row)s</div>''' % { 'row':line}
if line < len(rules):
out += '''
<input type="image" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smalldown.gif" alt="Decrease priority of rule %(row)s" name="- %(row)s" value="- %(row)s" %(disabled)s/>
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL,
out += '''</td>
<td class="adminheaderleft">&nbsp;</td>
out += '''
<td class="adminheaderleft" style="white-space: nowrap;">
Use template&nbsp;<select name="r_tpl" %(disabled)s>''' % {'disabled':disabled}
for template in format_templates:
attrs = format_templates[template]['attrs']
attrs['template'] = template
if template.endswith('.xsl') and not \
attrs['name'].endswith(' (XSL)'):
attrs['name'] += ' (XSL)'
if template != rule['template']:
out += '''<option value="%(template)s">%(name)s</option>''' % attrs
out += '''<option value="%(template)s" selected="selected">%(name)s</option>''' % attrs
if not format_templates.has_key(rule['template']) and rule['template'] != "":
#case where a non existing format template is use in output format
#we need to add it as option
out += '''<option value="%s" selected="selected">%s</option>''' % (rule['template'],
################ FIXME remove when migration is done ####################
#Let the user choose a non existing template, that is a placeholder
#meaning that the template has not been migrated
selected = ''
if rule['template'] == 'migration_in_progress':
selected = 'selected="selected"'
if CFG_PATH_PHP or selected != '':
out += '''<option disabled="disabled">For Migration:</option>'''
out += '''<option value="migration_in_progress" %s>defined in old BibFormat</option>''' % selected
################ END FIXME ####################
out += '''</select>&nbsp;if field
&nbsp;<input type="text" name="r_fld" value="%(field)s" size="10" %(readonly)s/>&nbsp;is equal to&nbsp;<input type="text" value="%(value)s" name="r_val" %(readonly)s/>
<td class="adminheaderright" style="vertical-align: middle;">
&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#rulesOutputFormat">?</a>]
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL,
'field': rule['field'],
out += '''
<td colspan ="3" class="adminheaderright" style="vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap;">
<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" name="r_upd" value="%(remove_rule_label)s %(row)s" %(disabled)s/>&nbsp;
''' % {'remove_rule_label': _("Remove Rule"),
line += 1
out += '''
<table width="100%" align="center" class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
out += '''
<td width="30" class="adminheaderleft">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="adminheaderleft">By default use <select id="default" name="default" %(disabled)s>''' % {'disabled':disabled}
for template in format_templates:
attrs = format_templates[template]['attrs']
attrs['template'] = template
if template.endswith('.xsl') and not \
attrs['name'].endswith(' (XSL)'):
attrs['name'] += ' (XSL)'
if template != default:
out += '''<option value="%(template)s">%(name)s</option>''' % attrs
out += '''<option value="%(template)s" selected="selected">%(name)s</option>''' % attrs
if not format_templates.has_key(default) and default!= "":
#case where a non existing format tempate is use in output format
#we need to add it as option (only if it is not empty string)
out += '''<option value="%s" selected="selected">%s</option>''' % (default,default)
################ FIXME remove when migration is done ####################
#Let the user choose a non existing template, that is a placeholder
#meaning that the template has not been migrated
selected = ''
if default == 'migration_in_progress':
selected = 'selected="selected"'
if CFG_PATH_PHP or selected != '':
out += '''<option disabled="disabled">For Migration:</option>'''
out += '''<option value="migration_in_progress" %s>defined in old BibFormat</option>''' % selected
################ END FIXME ####################
out += '''</select></td>
<div align="right">
<input tabindex="6" class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="r_upd" value="%(add_new_rule_label)s" %(disabled)s/>
<input tabindex="7" class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="r_upd" value="%(save_changes_label)s" %(disabled)s/>
''' % {'add_new_rule_label':_("Add New Rule"),
'save_changes_label':_("Save Changes"),
return out
def tmpl_admin_output_format_show_attributes(self, ln,
Returns a page to change output format name and description
names_trans is an ordered list of dicts with keys 'lang' and 'trans'
@param ln language
@param name the name of the format
@param description the description of the format
@param code the code of the format
@param content_type the (MIME) content type of the ouput format
@param names_trans the translations in the same order as the languages from get_languages()
@param editable True if we let user edit, else False
@param visible True if output format should be shown in list of available output formats
@return editor for output format attributes
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = ""
out += '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(close_output_format)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_format_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s">%(rules)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_format_show_dependencies?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s">%(check_dependencies)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'close_output_format':_("Close Output Format"),
'modify_output_format_attributes':_("Modify Output Format Attributes"),
'check_dependencies':_("Check Dependencies"),
disabled = ""
readonly = ""
if not editable:
disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'
readonly = 'readonly="readonly"'
out += '''
<form action="output_format_update_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s" method="POST">
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<th colspan="2" class="adminheaderleft">
Output Format Attributes&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#attrsOutputFormat">?</a>]</th>
<td class="admintdright"><label for="outputFormatCode">Code</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="0" name="code" type="text" id="outputFormatCode" maxlength="6" size="6" value="%(code)s" %(readonly)s/></td>
<td class="admintdright">Visibility:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="1" name="visibility" type="checkbox" id="outputFormatVisibility" %(visibility)s %(disabled)s value="1" /><small><label for="outputFormatVisibility">Show in list of available output formats (on public pages)</label></small></td>
<td class="admintdright"><label for="outputFormatContentType">Content type</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="2" name="content_type" type="text" id="outputFormatContentType" size="25" value="%(content_type)s" %(readonly)s/> <small>Mime content-type. Specifies how the browser should handle this output.</small></td>
<td class="admintdright"><label for="outputFormatName">Name</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="3" name="name" type="text" id="outputFormatName" size="25" value="%(name)s" %(readonly)s/></td>
''' % {'name': name,
'visibility': visible==1 and 'checked="checked"' or '',
#Add translated names
i = 3
for name_trans in names_trans:
i += 1
out += '''
<td class="admintdright"><label for="outputFormatName%(i)s">%(lang)s Name</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="%(i)s" name="names_trans" type="text" id="outputFormatName%(i)s" size="25" value="%(name)s" %(readonly)s/></td>
</tr>''' % {'name':name_trans['trans'],
#Description and end of page
out += '''
<td class="admintdright" valign="top"><label for="outputFormatDescription">Description</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><textarea tabindex="%(tabindexdesc)s" name="description" id="outputFormatDescription" rows="4" cols="25" %(readonly)s>%(description)s</textarea> </td>
<td colspan="2" align="right"><input tabindex="%(tabindexbutton)s" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Update Output Format Attributes" %(disabled)s/></td>
''' % {'description': description,
'tabindexdesc': i + 1,
'tabindexbutton': i + 2,
return out
def tmpl_admin_output_format_show_dependencies(self, ln, name, code, format_templates):
Shows the dependencies of the given format.
@param name the name of the output format
@param code the code of the output format
@param format_templates format templates that depend on this format (and also elements and tags)
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft" cellspacing="0">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(close_output_format)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_format_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s">%(rules)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_format_show_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfo=%(code)s">%(modify_output_format_attributes)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<table width="90%%" class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0"><tr>
<th class="adminheaderleft">Format Templates that use %(name)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft">Format Elements used by %(name)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft">Tags Called*</th>
''' % {'name': name,
'code': code,
'close_output_format':_("Close Output Format"),
'modify_output_format_attributes':_("Modify Output Format Attributes"),
'check_dependencies':_("Check Dependencies"),
'menu': _("Menu")
if len(format_templates) == 0:
out += '''<tr><td colspan="3"><p align="center">
<i>This output format uses no format template.</i></p></td></tr>'''
for format_template in format_templates:
name = format_template['name']
filename = format_template['filename']
out += '''<tr><td><a href="format_template_show?bft=%(filename)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s">%(name)s</a></td>
<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>''' % {'filename':filename,
for format_element in format_template['elements']:
name = format_element['name']
filename = format_element['filename']
out += '''<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td><a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s#%(anchor)s">%(name)s</a></td>
<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>''' % {'anchor':name.upper(),
for tag in format_element['tags']:
out += '''<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td>%(tag)s</td></tr>''' % {'tag':tag}
out += '''
<b>*Note</b>: Some tags linked with this format template might not be shown. Check manually.
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_elements_documentation(self, ln, format_elements):
Returns the main management console for format elements. Includes list of formats elements and
associated administration tools.
@param ln language
@param formats a list of dictionaries with formats elements attributes
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#top of the page and table header
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_format_templates)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_output_formats)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_knowledge_bases)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<p>Here you can read the APIs of the formats elements, the elementary bricks for formats.</p>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'menu': _("Menu"),
'manage_output_formats':_("Manage Output Formats"),
'manage_format_templates':_("Manage Format Templates"),
'format_elements_documentation':_("Format Elements Documentation"),
'manage_knowledge_bases':_("Manage Knowledge Bases")
#table content: formats names, description and actions
if len(format_elements) == 0:
out += '''
<em>No format elements found</em>
#Print summary of elements (name + decription)
out += '''<h2>Summary table of elements</h2>'''
out += '''<table width="90%">'''
for format_element in format_elements:
format_attributes = format_element['attrs']
out += '''
<code><a href="#%(name)s">&lt;BFE_%(name)s/&gt;</a></code>
''' % format_attributes
out += "</table>"
#Print details of elements
out += '''<h2>Details of elements</h2>'''
for format_element in format_elements:
format_attributes = format_element['attrs']
element_name = format_attributes['name']
out += self.tmpl_admin_print_format_element_documentation(ln, element_name, format_attributes)
#table footer, buttons and bottom of the page
out += '''
<table align="center" width="95%">
return out
def tmpl_admin_print_format_element_documentation(self, ln, name, attributes, print_see_also=True):
Prints the formatted documentation of a single element. Used in main documentation of element and
in creation of floater for Dreamweaver.
@param ln language
@param name the name of the element
@param attributes the attributes of the element, as returned by get_format_element_attrs_from_*
@param print_see_also if True, prints links to other sections related to element
params_names = ""
for param in attributes['params']:
params_names += "<b>"+param['name'] +'</b>="..." '
out = '''
<a name="%(name)s"></a><h3>%(name)s</h3>
<b>&lt;BFE_%(name)s</b> %(params_names)s<b>/&gt;</b><br/><br/>
''' % {'params_names': params_names,
'description': attributes['description']}
for param in attributes['params']:
out += '''
<code>%(name)s</code> - %(description)s. ''' % param
if param['default'] != "":
default = cgi.escape(param['default'])
if default.strip() == "":
default = "&nbsp;"
out += '''
Default value is &laquo;<code>%s</code>&raquo;
''' % default
out += '<br/>'
for param in attributes['builtin_params']:
out += '''
<code>%(name)s</code> - %(description)s. ''' % param
if param['default'] != "":
default = cgi.escape(param['default'])
if default.strip() == "":
default = "&nbsp;"
out += '''
Default value is &laquo;<code>%s</code>&raquo;
''' % default
out += '<br/>'
if print_see_also:
out += '''<br/>
<b>See also:</b><br/>'''
for element in attributes['seealso']:
element_name = element.split('.')[0].upper()
out += '''
<a href="#%(name)s">Element <em>%(name)s</em></a><br/>''' % {'name':element_name}
out += '''
<a href ="format_element_show_dependencies?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfe=%(bfe)s">Dependencies of this element</a><br/>
<a href ="validate_format?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfe=%(bfe)s">The correctness of this element</a><br/>
<a href ="format_element_test?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfe=%(bfe)s">Test this element</a><br/>
''' % {'ln':ln, 'bfe':name}
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_element_show_dependencies(self, ln, name, format_templates, tags):
Shows the dependencies of the given format element
@param name the name of the element
@param format_templates format templates that depend on this element
@param tags the tags that are called by this format element
out = '''
<p>Go back to <a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s#%(name)s">documentation</a></p>
''' % {'ln':ln, 'name':name.upper()}
out += ''' <table width="90%" class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0"><tr>'''
out += '''
<th class="adminheaderleft">Format Templates that use %(name)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft">Tags Called*</th>
<td>&nbsp;<br/>''' % {"name": name}
#Print format elements (and tags)
if len(format_templates) == 0:
out += '''<p align="center">
<i>This format element is not used in any format template.</i></p>'''
for format_template in format_templates:
name = format_template['name']
filename = format_template['filename']
out += '''<a href="format_template_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bft=%(filename)s">%(name)s</a><br/>''' % {'filename':filename,
#Print tags
out += "</td><td>&nbsp;<br/>"
if len(tags) == 0:
out += '''<p align="center">
<i>This format element uses no tag.</i></p>'''
for tag in tags:
out += '''%(tag)s<br/>''' % {'tag':tag}
out += '''
<b>*Note</b>: Some tags linked with this format template might not be shown. Check manually.
return out
def tmpl_admin_format_element_test(self, ln, bfe, description, param_names, param_values, param_descriptions, result):
Prints a page where the user can test the given format element with his own parameters.
@param ln language
@param bfe the format element name
@param description a description of the element
@param param_names a list of parameters names/labels
@param param_values a list of values for parameters
@param param_descriptions a list of description for parameters
@param result the result of the evaluation
out = '''
<p>Go back to <a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s#%(name)s">documentation</a></p>
''' % {'ln':ln, 'name':bfe.upper()}
out += '''
<h3>&lt;BFE_%(bfe)s /&gt;</h3>
<table width="100%%"><tr><td>
<form method="post" action="format_element_test?ln=%(ln)s&amp;bfe=%(bfe)s">
''' % {'bfe':bfe, 'ln':ln, 'description':description }
for i in range(len(param_names)):
out += '''
<td class="admintdright">%(name)s</td>
<td class="admintdright"><input type="text" name="param_values" value="%(value)s"/></td>
<td class="admintdleft">%(description)s&nbsp;</td>
''' % {'name':param_names[i],
out += '''
<tr><td colspan="2" class="admintdright"><input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="Test!"/></td>
<fieldset style="display:inline;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">
''' % {'result':result}
out += '''
#out += self.tmpl_admin_print_format_element_documentation(ln, bfe, attributes, False)
out += '''</td></tr></table>'''
return out
def tmpl_admin_add_format_element(self, ln):
Shows how to add a format element (mainly doc)
@param ln language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = '''
<p>To add a new basic element (only fetch the value of a field, without special post-processing), go to the <a href="%(siteurl)sadmin/bibindex/">BibEdit "Manage Logical Fields"</a> page and add a name for a field. Make sure that the name is unique and corresponds well to the field. For example, to add an element that fetch the value of field 245__%, add a new logical field with name "title" and field "245__%". Then in your template, call BFE_TITLE to print the title.</p>
<p>To add a new complex element (for eg. special formatting of the field, condition on the value, etc.) you must go to the lib/python/invenio/bibformat_elements directory of your Invenio installation, and add a new format element file. Read documentation for more information.</p>
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL}
return out
def tmpl_admin_kbs_management(self, ln, kbs, lookup_term=""):
Returns the main management console for knowledge bases.
@param ln language
@param kbs a list of dictionaries with knowledge bases attributes
@param lookup_term hunt for this string in kb's
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#top of the page and table header
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_templates_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_format_templates)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="output_formats_manage?ln=%(ln)s">%(manage_output_formats)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s">%(format_elements_documentation)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<!--make a search box-->
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<form action="kb_manage">
Search for a term in knowledge bases:
<input type="text" name="search" value="%(search)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="Search">
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%" cellspacing="0">
<th class="adminheaderleft" >&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >Name</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >Description</th>
<th class="adminheadercenter" >Action&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#KBs">?</a>]</th>
</tr>''' % {'ln': ln,
'search': lookup_term,
'menu': _("Menu"),
'manage_output_formats': _("Manage Output Formats"),
'manage_format_templates': _("Manage Format Templates"),
'format_elements_documentation': _("Format Elements Documentation"),
'manage_knowledge_bases': _("Manage Knowledge Bases"),
'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL}
#table content: kb names, description and actions
if len(kbs) == 0:
out += '''<tr>
<td colspan="5" class="admintd" align="center"><em>No Knowledge Base</em></td>
line = 0
for kb_attributes in kbs :
kb_attributes['style'] = ""
if line % 2:
kb_attributes['style'] = 'background-color: rgb(235, 247, 255);'
line += 1
kb_attributes['ln'] = ln
kb_attributes['siteurl'] = CFG_SITE_URL
kb_attributes['search'] = lookup_term
row_content = '''<tr>
<td class="admintdright" style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s white-space: nowrap;"><a href="kb_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(id)s&amp;search=%(search)s">%(name)s</a></td>
<td class="admintdleft"style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s">%(description)s</td>
<td class="admintd" style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s white-space: nowrap;">
<form action="kb_delete?ln=%(ln)s" type="POST">
<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="Delete">
<input type="hidden" id="kb" name="kb" value="%(id)s">
''' % kb_attributes
out += row_content
#table footer, buttons and bottom of the page
out += ''' </table>
<table align="center" width="95%">
<td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
out += '''
<td align="left">
<form action="kb_add?ln=%(ln)s">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add New Knowledge Base"/>
<td align="right">
<form method="post" action="kb_add?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kbtype=collection">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Configure Collection KB"/>
<td align="right">
<form method="post" action="kb_add?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kbtype=taxonomy">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add New Taxonomy"/>
</table>''' % {'ln': ln}
return out
def tmpl_kb_prevnextlink(self, p_or_n, ln, kb_id, sortby, startat):
An aux routine to make "Next" link
@param p_or_n p for previous, n for next
@param ln language
@param kb_id knowledge base id
@param sortby sort by to or from
@param startat start at this pair
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
label = _("Next")
if p_or_n == 'p':
label = _("Previous")
return '<a href="kb_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s&amp;startat=%(newstart)s">%(label)s</a>'% { 'ln':ln, 'kb_id':kb_id, 'sortby':sortby, 'newstart': str(startat), 'label': label }
def tmpl_admin_kb_show(self, ln, kb_id, kb_name, mappings, sortby, startat=0, kb_type=None, lookup_term="", coll_config=None, coll_dict=None):
Returns the content of a knowledge base.
@param ln language
@param kb_id the id of the kb
@param kb_name the name of the kb
@param mappings a list of dictionaries with mappings
@param sortby the sorting criteria ('from' or 'to')
@param startat start showing the mappings from number x. Usefull for large kb's.
@param kb_type None or 't' meaning taxonomy, or 'c' meaning collection. If taxonomy, show 'taxonomy config' instead of map from/to
@param lookup_term focus on this left side if it is in the KB
@param coll_config collection configuration for collection kb's
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#top of the page and main table that split screen in two parts
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_manage?ln=%(ln)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(close)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_show_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(attributes)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_show_dependencies?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(dependencies)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
</table> ''' % {'ln':ln,
'close': _("Close Editor"),
'mappings': _("Knowledge Base Mappings"),
'attributes':_("Knowledge Base Attributes"),
'dependencies':_("Knowledge Base Dependencies"),
'menu': _("Menu")}
#Define some constants
startati = int(startat)
except ValueError:
startati = 0
#to note about exporting..
export = CFG_SITE_URL+"/admin/bibformat/"+kb_name
if kb_type == 'c':
#it's a collection. Create a config form
coll_id = ""
if coll_config.has_key('coll_id'):
coll_id = coll_config['coll_id']
field = ""
if coll_config.has_key('field'):
field = coll_config['field']
expression = ""
if coll_config.has_key('expression'):
expression = coll_config['expression']
pleaseconf = _("Please configure")+"<P>"
pleaseconf += _("A collection based knowledge base is a list of canonical values that is generated dynamically by searching a given field in all records of a collection, optionally using an expression.")+"<br>"
pleaseconf += _("Example: if there is a collection Institutes where records have a field 270__a for the address of the institute, and the expression is Paris, a list of institutes in Paris will be created.")
#find the collection that corresponds to the coll_id..
coll_select = ""
if coll_dict:
coll_select = "<select name=\"coll_id\">"
for k in coll_dict.keys():
collname = coll_dict[k]
coll_select += "<option value=\""+str(k)+"\""
if coll_id == k:
coll_select += " selected=\"true\" "
coll_select += ">"+collname+"</option>"
coll_select += "</select>"
pleaseconf += '''<form action="kb_collection_update">
Collection: %(coll_select)s
Field: <input name="field" value="%(field)s"/>
Expression (optional): <input name="expression" value="%(expression)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="kb_id" value="%(kb_id)s"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="ok"/>
</form>''' % { 'coll_id': coll_id, 'kb_id': kb_id, 'expression': expression,
'field': field, 'ln': ln, 'coll_select': coll_select }
pleaseconf += "<p>"+_("Exporting: ")
pleaseconf += "<a href=\""+export+"\">"+export+"</a><br/>"
return pleaseconf
hereyoucan = _("Here you can add new mappings to this base and change the base attributes.")
out += '<p>'+hereyoucan+'<table width="100%" align="center"><tr>'
#First column of table: add mapping form
out += '''
<td width="300" valign="top">
<form name="addNewMapping"
method="post">''' % {'ln':ln, 'kb_id':kb_id, 'sortby':sortby, 'kb_type': kb_type}
mapfromstring = _("Map From")
maptostring = _("To")
if kb_type == 't':
mapfromstring = _("Broader term")
maptostring = _("Narrower term")
out += '''
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%" cellspacing="0">
<th colspan="2" class="adminheaderleft">Add New Mapping &nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#addMappingKB">?</a>]</th>
<td class="admintdright"><label for="mapFrom"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">%(mapfrom)s</span></label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="1" name="mapFrom" type="text" id="mapFrom" size="25"/></td>
<td class="admintdright"><label for="mapTo">%(mapto)s</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="2" name="mapTo" type="text" id="mapTo" size="25"/></td>
<td colspan="2" align="right"><input tabindex="3" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add new Mapping"/></td>
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'mapfrom': mapfromstring, 'mapto': maptostring }
#calculate if prev/next are needed
#add prev/next buttons if needed
prevlink = ""
nextlink = ""
if startati > 0:
if newstart < 0:
newstart = 0
prevlink = self.tmpl_kb_prevnextlink('p', ln, kb_id, sortby, newstart)
if len(mappings) > startati+MAX_MAPPINGS:
#all of them were not shown yet
newstart = startati+MAX_MAPPINGS
nextlink = self.tmpl_kb_prevnextlink('n', ln, kb_id, sortby, newstart)
#Second column: mappings table
#header and footer
out += '''
<td valign="top">
<table class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft" width="25">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" width="34%%"><a href="kb_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=from">%(mapfrom)s</a></th>
<th class="adminheaderleft">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" width="34%%"><a href="kb_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=to">%(mapto)s</a></th>
<th class="adminheadercenter" width="25%%">Action&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#removeMappingKB">?</a>]</th>
<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'mapfrom': mapfromstring, 'mapto': maptostring,
'prevlink': prevlink, 'nextlink': nextlink }
#table content: key, value and actions
if len(mappings) == 0:
out += '''
<td colspan="5" class="admintd" align="center"><em>Knowledge base is empty</em></td>
line = 0
tabindex_key = 6
tabindex_value = 7
tabindex_save_button = 8
mnum = 0 #current iteration in mappings
for mapping in mappings:
#roll to startat
mnum += 1
if mnum > startati and mnum <= startati+MAX_MAPPINGS:
style = "vertical-align: middle;"
if line % 2:
style += 'background-color: rgb(235, 247, 255);'
line += 1
tabindex_key += 3
tabindex_value += 3
tabindex_save_button += 3
row_content = '''
<td colspan="5">
<form action="kb_edit_mapping?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s" name="%(key)s" method="post">
<td class="admintdright" style="%(style)s" width="5">
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="%(key)s"/>
<td class="admintdleft" style="%(style)s">
<input type="text" name="mapFrom" size="30" maxlength="255" value="%(key)s" tabindex="%(tabindex_key)s"/>
<td class="admintdleft" style="%(style)s white-space: nowrap;" width="5">=&gt;</td>
<td class="admintdleft"style="%(style)s">
<input type="text" name="mapTo" size="30" value="%(value)s" tabindex="%(tabindex_value)s">
<td class="admintd" style="%(style)s white-space: nowrap;">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="update" value="Save" tabindex="%(tabindex_save_button)s"/>
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="delete"value="Delete"/></td>
''' % {'key': mapping['key'],
'tabindex_key': tabindex_key,
'tabindex_value': tabindex_value,
'tabindex_save_button': tabindex_save_button,
out += row_content
#End of table
out += '</tbody></table>'
out += prevlink+"&nbsp;"+nextlink
out += '</td>'
out+= '''
<td width="20%">&nbsp;</td>
#add a note about exporting
out += "<p>"+_("You can get a these mappings in textual format by: ")
out += "<a href=\""+export+"\">"+export+"</a><br/>"
out += _("And the KBA version by:")+" "
export = export+"&format=kba"
out += "<a href=\""+export+"\">"+export+"</a><br/>"
#add script that will put focus on first field of "add mapping" form
out += '''
<script type="text/javascript">
return out
def tmpl_admin_kb_show_attributes(self, ln, kb_id, kb_name, description, sortby, kb_type=None):
Returns the attributes of a knowledge base.
@param ln language
@param kb_id the id of the kb
@param kb_name the name of the kb
@param description the description of the kb
@param sortby the sorting criteria ('from' or 'to')
@param kb_type: None or taxonomy
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_manage?ln=%(ln)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(close)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(mappings)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_show_dependencies?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(dependencies)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
</table> ''' % {'ln':ln,
'close': _("Close Editor"),
'menu': _("Menu"),
'mappings': _("Knowledge Base Mappings"),
'attributes':_("Knowledge Base Attributes"),
'dependencies':_("Knowledge Base Dependencies")}
out += '''
<form name="updateAttributes"
action="kb_update_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s&kb_type=%(kb_type)s" method="post">
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
''' % {'ln':ln,
out += '''
<th colspan="2" class="adminheaderleft">%(kb_name)s attributes&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibformat-admin-guide#attrsKB">?</a>]</th>''' % {'kb_name': kb_name,
'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL}
out += '''
<td class="admintdright">
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="%(kb_id)s"/>
<label for="name">Name</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="4" name="name" type="text" id="name" size="25" value="%(kb_name)s"/></td>
<td class="admintdright" valign="top"><label for="description">Description</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><textarea tabindex="5" name="description" id="description" rows="4" cols="25">%(kb_description)s</textarea> </td>
<td align="right"><input tabindex="6" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Update Base Attributes"/></td>
</form></td>''' % {'kb_name': kb_name,
'kb_description': description,
return out
def tmpl_admin_kb_show_dependencies(self, ln, kb_id, kb_name, sortby, format_elements):
Returns the attributes of a knowledge base.
@param ln language
@param kb_id the id of the kb
@param kb_name the name of the kb
@param sortby the sorting criteria ('from' or 'to')
@param format_elements the elements that use this kb
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_manage?ln=%(ln)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(close)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(mappings)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb_show_attributes?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(attributes)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
</table> <br/>''' % {'ln':ln,
'close': _("Close Editor"),
'menu' : _("Menu"),
'mappings': _("Knowledge Base Mappings"),
'attributes':_("Knowledge Base Attributes"),
'dependencies':_("Knowledge Base Dependencies")}
out += ''' <table width="90%" class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0"><tr>'''
out += '''
<th class="adminheaderleft">Format Elements used by %(name)s*</th>
<td valign="top">&nbsp;''' % {"name": kb_name}
if len(format_elements) == 0:
out += '<p align="center"><i>This knowledge base is not used in any format elements.</i></p>'
for format_element in format_elements:
name = format_element['name']
out += '''<a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s#%(anchor)s">%(name)s</a><br/>''' % {'name':"bfe_"+name.lower(),
out += '''
<b>*Note</b>: Some knowledge base usages might not be shown. Check manually.
return out
def tmpl_dreamweaver_floater(self, ln, format_elements):
Returns the content of the BibFormat palette for Dreamweaver. This
'floater' will let users of Dreamweaver to insert Format elements
into their code right from the floater.
@param format_elements an ordered list of format elements structures as returned by get_format_elements
names_list = [] # list of element names such as ['Authors', 'Title']
codes_list = [] # list of element code such as ['<BFE_AUTHORS limit="" separator="," />', '<BFE_TITLE />']
docs_list = [] # list of HTML doc for each element
for format_element in format_elements:
format_attributes = format_element['attrs']
name = format_attributes['name']
#description = format_attributes['description']
params = [x['name'] + '="'+x['default']+'"' for x in format_attributes['params']]
builtin_params = [x['name'] + '="'+x['default']+'"' for x in format_attributes['builtin_params']]
code = ("<BFE_" + name + ' ' + ' '.join(builtin_params)+ ' ' + ' '.join(params) +"/>").replace("'", r"\'")
doc = self.tmpl_admin_print_format_element_documentation(ln, name, format_attributes, print_see_also=False).replace("'", r"\'")
out = '''
<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM "-//Macromedia//DWExtension layout-engine5.0//floater">
<!-- This file is to be used as floating panel for Dreamweaver.
To install, drag and drop inside /Configuration/Floaters of your Dreamweaver
application directory. You also have to enable a menu to open the floater:
Edit file Menu.xml located inside /Configuration/Menus of your Dreamweaver
application directory and copy-paste the following line in the menu you want
(typically inside tag 'menu' with attribute id = 'DWMenu_Window_Others'):
<menuitem name="BibFormat Elements" enabled="true" command="dw.toggleFloater('BibFormat_floater.html')" checked="dw.getFloaterVisibility('BibFormat_floater.html')" />
<title>BibFormat Elements</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
var docs = new Array(%(docs)s);
var codes = new Array(%(codes)s);
function selectionChanged(){
// get the selected node
var theDOM = dw.getDocumentDOM();
var theNode = theDOM.getSelectedNode();
// check if node is a BibFormat Element
if (theNode.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE && >= 5 &&,5) == "<bfe_"){
var names = document.elementsList.options;
for (i=0;i<names.length; i++){
if (names[i].text.toLowerCase() ==' ')[0].toLowerCase() ||
names[i].text.toLowerCase() ==' ')[0].toLowerCase().substring(5,{
document.elementsList.selectedIndex = i;
function isAvailableInCodeView(){
return true;
function selectElement(elementsList){
document.infoBFE.innerHTML = docs[elementsList.selectedIndex];
function insertElement(){
// insert selection into code
var element_code = codes[document.elementsList.selectedIndex];
// get the DOM
var theDOM = dw.getDocumentDOM();
var theDocEl = theDOM.documentElement;
var theWholeDoc = theDocEl.outerHTML;
// Get the offsets of the selection
var theSel = theDOM.getSelection();
theDocEl.outerHTML = theWholeDoc.substring(0,theSel[0]) + element_code + theWholeDoc.substring(theSel[1]);
<table width="100%%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td valign="top">
<select name="elementsList" id="elementsList" size="15" onChange="selectElement(this)">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Insert" onClick="insertElement()">
<td valign="top" width="100%%">
<div id="infoBFE">
<center>No Format Element selected. Select one from the list on the right.</center>
''' % {'docs': ', '.join(["'"+x+"'" for x in docs_list]).replace('\n','\\n'),
'codes': ', '.join(["'"+x+"'" for x in codes_list]).replace('\n','\\n'),
'names': '\n'.join(['<option>'+x+'</option>' for x in names_list])}
return out
def tmpl_admin_validate_format(self, ln, errors):
Prints the errors of the validation of a format (might be any
kind of format)
@param ln language
@param errors a list of tuples (error code, string error message)
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = ""
if len(errors) == 0:
out += '''<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);" >%s.</span>''' % _('No problem found with format')
elif len(errors) == 1:
out += '''<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" >%s:</span><br/>''' % _('An error has been found')
out += '''<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" >%s:</span><br/>''' % _('The following errors have been found')
for error in errors:
out += error + "<br/>"
return out
def tmpl_admin_dialog_box(self, url, ln, title, message, options):
Prints a dialog box with given title, message and options
@param url the url of the page that must process the result of the dialog box
@param ln language
@param title the title of the dialog box
@param message a formatted message to display inside dialog box
@param options a list of string options to display as button to the user
out = ""
out += '''
<div style="text-align:center;">
<fieldset style="display:inline;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">
<form method="post" action="%(url)s">
''' % {'title':title,
for option in options:
out += '''<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" name="chosen_option" value="%(value)s" />&nbsp;''' % {'value':option}
out += '''</form></fieldset></div>'''
return out
def tmpl_select_rule_action(self, ln, kbid, left, right, leftorright, current, tuples):
Returns a form of actions for the user to descide what to do
if there are overlapping rules.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
gen= _("Your rule")+": "+left+"->"+right+"<p>"
if (leftorright=='left'):
gen += _("The left side of the rule ")+" ("+left+") "
gen += _("The right side of the rule ")+" ("+right+") "
gen += _("already appears in these knowledge bases")+":<br/>"
inkbs = []
dontdoit = False
for t in tuples:
(kib, kb, l, r) = t
if kb==current and leftorright=='left':
#two rules with same left side in the same kb? no.
if inkbs.count(kb)==0:
kbstr=" ".join(inkbs)
message = _("Please select action")
optreplace = _("Replace the selected rules with this rule")
optadd = _("Add this rule in the current knowledge base")+" ("+current+")"
optcancel = _("Cancel: do not add this rule")
formreplace = '''<form action="kb_add_mapping?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;forcetype=all"
<input type="hidden" name="mapFrom" value="%(left)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mapTo" value="%(right)s"/>
''' % { 'ln':ln, 'kb_id':kbid, 'left':left, 'right':right }
#make a selectable list of kb's where to push the value..
for t in tuples:
(kib, kb, l, r) = t
formreplace+="<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"replacements\" value=\""+value+"\">"+kb+": "+l+"=>"+r+"</input><br/>"
formreplace+=''' <input class="adminbutton"
type="submit" value="%(opt)s"/></form>''' % { 'opt':optreplace }
formadd = '''<form action="kb_add_mapping?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;forcetype=curr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mapFrom" value="%(left)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mapTo" value="%(right)s"/>
<input class="adminbutton"
type="submit" value="%(opt)s"/></form>''' % { 'opt':optadd, 'ln':ln,
'left':left, 'right':right }
formcancel = '''<form action="kb_show?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s">
<input type="hidden" name="kb" value="%(kb_id)s">
<input class="adminbutton"
type="submit" value="%(opt)s"/></form>''' % { 'ln': ln, 'kb_id':kbid, 'opt':optcancel }
if dontdoit:
formadd = _("It is not possible to have two rules with the same left side in the same knowledge base.")+"<p>"
out = gen+"<P>"+message+"<P>"+formadd+formcancel+"<P><P><P>"+formreplace
return out

Event Timeline