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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2017-01-17 11:41:53
# @Email:
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2017-02-15 15:44:31
''' Detailed fitting strategy of the alpha_m_eff profiles '''
import os
import ntpath
import re
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from utils import OpenFilesDialog, rescale, rmse, find_nearest
def supraGauss(x, x0, a, b):
return 2 / (np.exp(a * np.abs(x - x0)**b) + np.exp(-a * np.abs(x - x0)**b))
def absPow(x, x0, a, b, c):
return a * np.abs(x - x0)**b + c
def sigmoid(x, x0, a, b):
return 1 - 1 / (1 + np.abs((x - x0) / a)**b)
def hybridPowGauss(x, a, b, c, d):
return supraGauss(x, 0.0, a, b) * absPow(x, 0.0, c, d, 1.0)
def hybridPowSigmoid(x, a, b, c, d):
return sigmoid(x, 0.0, a, b) * absPow(x, 0.0, c, d, 0.0)
def piecewiseSigPowGauss(x, x0, a, b, c, d, e, f):
y = np.empty(x.size)
y[x < 0.] = sigmoid(x[x < 0.], x0, a, b)
y[x >= 0.] = hybridPowGauss(x[x >= 0.], c, d, e, f)
return y
# Select data files (PKL)
lookup_root = '../Output/lookups extended 0.35MHz/'
lookup_absroot = os.path.abspath(lookup_root)
lookup_filepaths = OpenFilesDialog(lookup_absroot, 'pkl')
rgxp = re.compile('lookups_a(\d*.\d*)nm_f(\d*.\d*)kHz_A(\d*.\d*)kPa_dQ(\d*.\d*)nC_cm2.pkl')
plot_bool = 1
nQ = 300
baseline_ind = -1
# Check dialog output
if not lookup_filepaths:
print('error: no lookup table selected')
print('importing alpham_eff profiles from lookup tables')
nfiles = len(lookup_filepaths)
# Initialize coefficients matrices
amps = np.empty(nfiles)
alpham_eff = np.empty((nfiles, nQ))
Vm_eff = np.empty((nfiles, nQ))
for i in range(nfiles):
# Load lookup table
lookup_filename = ntpath.basename(lookup_filepaths[i])
mo = rgxp.fullmatch(lookup_filename)
if not mo:
print('Error: lookup file does not match regular expression pattern')
# Retrieve stimulus parameters
Fdrive = float( * 1e3
Adrive = float( * 1e3
dQ = float( * 1e-2
amps[i] = Adrive
if Adrive == 0:
baseline_ind = i
# Retrieve coefficients data
with open(lookup_filepaths[i], 'rb') as fh:
lookup = pickle.load(fh)
Qm = lookup['Q']
alpham_eff[i, :] = lookup['alpha_m_eff']
Vm_eff[i, :] = lookup['V_eff']
if baseline_ind == -1:
print('Error: no baseline profile selected')
Amin = np.amin(amps)
Amax = np.amax(amps)
Qmin = np.amin(Qm)
Qmax = np.amax(Qm)
namps = nfiles
i_trueQ_lb, trueQ_lb = find_nearest(Qm, -0.8)
i_trueQ_ub, trueQ_ub = find_nearest(Qm, 0.4)
# Baseline subtraction
print('subtracting baseline (Adrive = 0) from profiles')
alpham_eff_sub = (alpham_eff - alpham_eff[baseline_ind, :])
Vm_eff_sub = (Vm_eff - Vm_eff[baseline_ind, :])
# Suppressing Qm component
print('dividing by Qm')
alpham_eff_sub_even = alpham_eff_sub / Qm
# Peaks fitting on even profiles
print('fitting power law to peaks of even profiles')
alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks = np.amax(alpham_eff_sub_even, axis=1)
# pguess_peaks = (1e4, 1.6, 3.5, 0.4)
# popt, _ = curve_fit(hybridPowSigmoid, amps, alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks, p0=pguess_peaks)
# alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks_fit = hybridPowSigmoid(amps, *popt)
# Normalization
print('normalizing even profiles')
alpham_eff_sub_even_norm = alpham_eff_sub_even[1:, :]\
/ alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks[1:].reshape(namps - 1, 1)
# Normalized profiles fitting
# print('fitting hybrid gaussian-power law to normalized alphameff-sub-even')
# alpham_eff_sub_even_norm_fit = np.empty((namps - 1, nQ))
# params = np.empty((namps - 1, 7))
# for i in range(namps - 1):
# popt, _ = curve_fit(piecewiseSigPowGauss, Qm, alpham_eff_sub_even_norm[i, :],
# bounds=([-np.infty, -1., -np.infty, 0., 0., -np.infty, 0.],
# [np.infty, 0., 0., np.infty, np.infty, 0., np.infty]))
# alpham_eff_sub_even_norm_fit[i, :] = piecewiseSigPowGauss(Qm, *popt)
# params[i, :] = np.asarray(popt)
# Predict alpham_eff profiles
# print('predicting alpham_eff by reconstructing from fits')
# alpham_eff_sub_even_predict = np.vstack((np.zeros(nQ), alpham_eff_sub_even_norm_fit))\
# * alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks_fit.reshape(namps, 1)
# alpham_eff_sub_predict = alpham_eff_sub_even_predict * Qm
# alpham_eff_predict = alpham_eff_sub_predict + alpham_eff[baseline_ind, :]
# # Analyze prediction accuracy, in wide and realistic charge ranges
# alpham_eff_trueQ = alpham_eff[:, i_trueQ_lb:i_trueQ_ub]
# alpham_eff_predict_trueQ = alpham_eff_predict[:, i_trueQ_lb:i_trueQ_ub]
# alpham_eff_diff = alpham_eff_predict - alpham_eff
# alpham_eff_diff_trueQ = alpham_eff_diff[:, i_trueQ_lb:i_trueQ_ub]
# alpham_eff_maxdiff = np.amax(np.abs(alpham_eff_diff), axis=1)
# alpham_eff_maxdiff_trueQ = np.amax(np.abs(alpham_eff_diff_trueQ), axis=1)
# alpham_eff_rmse = np.empty(namps)
# alpham_eff_rmse_trueQ = np.empty(namps)
# for i in range(namps):
# alpham_eff_rmse[i] = rmse(alpham_eff[i, :], alpham_eff_predict[i, :])
# alpham_eff_rmse_trueQ[i] = rmse(alpham_eff_trueQ[i, :], alpham_eff_predict_trueQ[i, :])
if plot_bool == 1:
# Plotting
mymap = cm.get_cmap('jet')
sm_amp =, norm=plt.Normalize(Amin * 1e-3, Amax * 1e-3))
sm_amp._A = []
# 1: alpham_eff
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
ax.set_xlabel('$Q_m \ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=28)
ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff}\ (ms^{-1})$', fontsize=28)
ax.set_xlim(Qmin * 1e5, Qmax * 1e5)
for i in range(namps):
ax.plot(Qm * 1e5, alpham_eff[i, :] * 1e-3, c=mymap(rescale(amps[i], Amin, Amax)))
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm_amp)'$A_{drive} \ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# 2: alpham_eff_sub
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
ax.set_xlabel('$Q_m \ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=28)
ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff-sub}\ (ms^{-1})$', fontsize=28)
ax.set_xlim(Qmin * 1e5, Qmax * 1e5)
for i in range(namps):
ax.plot(Qm * 1e5, alpham_eff_sub[i, :] * 1e-3,
c=mymap(rescale(amps[i], Amin, Amax)))
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm_amp)'$A_{drive} \ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# # 3: alpham_eff_sub_even
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
# ax.set_xlabel('$Q_m \ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff-sub-even}\ (ms^{-1}\ cm^2/nC)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_xlim(Qmin * 1e2, Qmax * 1e2)
# for i in range(namps):
# ax.plot(Qm * 1e2, alpham_eff_sub_even[i, :] * 1e-3,
# c=mymap(rescale(amps[i], Amin, Amax)))
# cbar = plt.colorbar(sm_amp)
#'$A_{drive} \ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# plt.tight_layout()
# # 4: alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
# ax.set_xlabel('$A_{drive}\ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff-sub-even-peaks}\ (ms^{-1}\ cm^2/nC)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.scatter(amps * 1e-3, alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks * 1e-3, s=30, c='C0', label='data')
# ax.plot(amps * 1e-3, alpham_eff_sub_even_peaks_fit * 1e-3, c='C1', label='fit')
# ax.legend(fontsize=28)
# plt.tight_layout()
# # 5: alpham_eff_sub_even_norm
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
# ax.set_xlabel('$Q_m \ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff-sub-even-norm}\ (-)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_xlim(Qmin * 1e2, Qmax * 1e2)
# ax.grid()
# for i in range(namps - 1):
# ax.plot(Qm * 1e2, alpham_eff_sub_even_norm[i, :],
# c=mymap(rescale(amps[i], Amin, Amax)))
# for i in range(namps - 1):
# ax.plot(Qm * 1e2, alpham_eff_sub_even_norm_fit[i, :], '--',
# c=mymap(rescale(amps[i], Amin, Amax)))
# cbar = plt.colorbar(sm_amp)
#'$A_{drive} \ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# plt.tight_layout()
# # 6: piecewise function parameters
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
# ax.set_xlabel('$A_{drive}\ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff-sub-even-norm}\ fit\ params$', fontsize=28)
# ax.plot(amps[1:] * 1e-3, params[:, 0], label='x0')
# ax.plot(amps[1:] * 1e-3, params[:, 1], label='a')
# ax.plot(amps[1:] * 1e-3, params[:, 2], label='b')
# ax.plot(amps[1:] * 1e-3, params[:, 3], label='c')
# ax.plot(amps[1:] * 1e-3, params[:, 4], label='d')
# ax.plot(amps[1:] * 1e-3, params[:, 5], label='e')
# ax.plot(amps[1:] * 1e-3, params[:, 6], label='f')
# ax.grid()
# ax.legend(fontsize=28)
# # 7: alpham_eff_predict
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
# ax.set_xlabel('$Q_m \ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff}\ prediction\ (ms^{-1})$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_xlim(Qmin * 1e2, Qmax * 1e2)
# for i in range(namps):
# ax.plot(Qm * 1e2, alpham_eff_predict[i, :] * 1e-3, linewidth=2,
# c=mymap(rescale(amps[i], Amin, Amax)))
# cbar = plt.colorbar(sm_amp)
#'$A_{drive} \ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# plt.tight_layout()
# # 8: alpham_eff_predict - alpham_eff
# # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
# # ax.set_xlabel('$Q_m \ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=28)
# # ax.set_ylabel('$\\alpha_{m,\ eff}\ difference\ (ms^{-1})$', fontsize=28)
# # ax.set_xlim(Qmin * 1e2, Qmax * 1e2)
# # for i in range(namps):
# # ax.plot(Qm * 1e2, alpham_eff_diff[i, :] * 1e-3, linewidth=2,
# # c=mymap(rescale(amps[i], Amin, Amax)))
# # cbar = plt.colorbar(sm_amp)
# #'$A_{drive} \ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# # plt.tight_layout()
# # 9: RMSE & max absolute error
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 7))
# ax.set_xlabel('$A_{drive} \ (kPa)$', fontsize=28)
# ax.set_ylabel('$RMSE\ (ms^{-1})$', fontsize=28)
# ax.plot(amps * 1e-3, alpham_eff_rmse * 1e-3, linewidth=2, c='C0',
# label='$RMSE\ -\ entire\ Q_m\ range$')
# ax.plot(amps * 1e-3, alpham_eff_rmse_trueQ * 1e-3, linewidth=2, c='C1',
# label='$RMSE\ -\ realistic\ Q_m\ range$')
# ax.plot(amps * 1e-3, alpham_eff_maxdiff * 1e-3, '--', linewidth=2, c='C0',
# label='$MAE\ -\ entire\ Q_m\ range$')
# ax.plot(amps * 1e-3, alpham_eff_maxdiff_trueQ * 1e-3, '--', linewidth=2, c='C1',
# label='$MAE\ -\ realistic\ Q_m\ range$')
# ax.legend(fontsize=28)
# plt.tight_layout()

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