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/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-io.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
Input/Output routines of qhull application
see qh-io.htm and io.h
see user.c for qh_errprint and qh_printfacetlist
unix.c calls qh_readpoints and qh_produce_output
unix.c and user.c are the only callers of io.c functions
This allows the user to avoid loading io.o from qhull.a
Copyright (c) 1993-2014 The Geometry Center.
$Id: //main/2011/qhull/src/libqhull/io.c#4 $$Change: 1645 $
$DateTime: 2014/01/15 12:51:30 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_a.h"
/*========= -functions in alphabetical order after qh_produce_output() =====*/
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="produce_output">-</a>
prints out the result of qhull in desired format
qh_produce_output2() does not call qh_prepare_output()
if qh.GETarea
computes and prints area and volume
qh.PRINTout[] is an array of output formats
prints output in qh.PRINTout order
void qh_produce_output(void) {
int tempsize= qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack);
if (qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack) != tempsize) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6206, "qhull internal error (qh_produce_output): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* produce_output */
void qh_produce_output2(void) {
int i, tempsize= qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack), d_1;
if (qh PRINTsummary)
qh_printsummary(qh ferr);
else if (qh PRINTout[0] == qh_PRINTnone)
qh_printsummary(qh fout);
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++)
qh_printfacets(qh fout, qh PRINTout[i], qh facet_list, NULL, !qh_ALL);
if (qh PRINTprecision && !qh MERGING && (qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2 || qh RERUN))
qh_printstats(qh ferr, qhstat precision, NULL);
if (qh VERIFYoutput && (zzval_(Zridge) > 0 || zzval_(Zridgemid) > 0))
qh_printstats(qh ferr, qhstat vridges, NULL);
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
qh_printstatistics(qh ferr, "");
qh_memstatistics(qh ferr);
d_1= sizeof(setT) + (qh hull_dim - 1) * SETelemsize;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8040, "\
size in bytes: merge %d ridge %d vertex %d facet %d\n\
normal %d ridge vertices %d facet vertices or neighbors %d\n",
(int)sizeof(mergeT), (int)sizeof(ridgeT),
(int)sizeof(vertexT), (int)sizeof(facetT),
qh normal_size, d_1, d_1 + SETelemsize);
if (qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack) != tempsize) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6065, "qhull internal error (qh_produce_output2): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* produce_output2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_dfacet">-</a>
qh_dfacet( id )
print facet by id, for debugging
void qh_dfacet(unsigned id) {
facetT *facet;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->id == id) {
qh_printfacet(qh fout, facet);
} /* qh_dfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_dvertex">-</a>
qh_dvertex( id )
print vertex by id, for debugging
void qh_dvertex(unsigned id) {
vertexT *vertex;
FORALLvertices {
if (vertex->id == id) {
qh_printvertex(qh fout, vertex);
} /* qh_dvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetarea">-</a>
qh_compare_facetarea( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by area
int qh_compare_facetarea(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
if (!a->isarea)
return -1;
if (!b->isarea)
return 1;
if (a->f.area > b->f.area)
return 1;
else if (a->f.area == b->f.area)
return 0;
return -1;
} /* compare_facetarea */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetmerge">-</a>
qh_compare_facetmerge( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by number of merges
int qh_compare_facetmerge(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
return(a->nummerge - b->nummerge);
} /* compare_facetvisit */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetvisit">-</a>
qh_compare_facetvisit( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by visit id or id
int qh_compare_facetvisit(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
int i,j;
if (!(i= a->visitid))
i= 0 - a->id; /* do not convert to int, sign distinguishes id from visitid */
if (!(j= b->visitid))
j= 0 - b->id;
return(i - j);
} /* compare_facetvisit */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_vertexpoint">-</a>
qh_compare_vertexpoint( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order vertices by point id
Not used. Not available in libqhull_r.h since qh_pointid depends on qh
int qh_compare_vertexpoint(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const vertexT *a= *((vertexT *const*)p1), *b= *((vertexT *const*)p2);
return((qh_pointid(a->point) > qh_pointid(b->point)?1:-1));
} /* compare_vertexpoint */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="copyfilename">-</a>
qh_copyfilename( dest, size, source, length )
copy filename identified by qh_skipfilename()
see qh_skipfilename() for syntax
void qh_copyfilename(char *filename, int size, const char* source, int length) {
char c= *source;
if (length > size + 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6040, "qhull error: filename is more than %d characters, %s\n", size-1, source);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
strncpy(filename, source, length);
filename[length]= '\0';
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
char *s= filename + 1;
char *t= filename;
while (*s) {
if (*s == c) {
if (s[-1] == '\\')
t[-1]= c;
*t++= *s;
*t= '\0';
} /* copyfilename */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="countfacets">-</a>
qh_countfacets( facetlist, facets, printall,
numfacets, numsimplicial, totneighbors, numridges, numcoplanar, numtricoplanars )
count good facets for printing and set visitid
if allfacets, ignores qh_skipfacet()
qh_printsummary and qh_countfacets must match counts
numfacets, numsimplicial, total neighbors, numridges, coplanars
each facet with ->visitid indicating 1-relative position
->visitid==0 indicates not good
numfacets >= numsimplicial
if qh.NEWfacets,
does not count visible facets (matches qh_printafacet)
for all facets on facetlist and in facets set
unless facet is skipped or visible (i.e., will be deleted)
mark facet->visitid
update counts
void qh_countfacets(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall,
int *numfacetsp, int *numsimplicialp, int *totneighborsp, int *numridgesp, int *numcoplanarsp, int *numtricoplanarsp) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
int numfacets= 0, numsimplicial= 0, numridges= 0, totneighbors= 0, numcoplanars= 0, numtricoplanars= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if ((facet->visible && qh NEWfacets)
|| (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet)))
facet->visitid= 0;
else {
facet->visitid= ++numfacets;
totneighbors += qh_setsize(facet->neighbors);
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
numridges += qh_setsize(facet->ridges);
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if ((facet->visible && qh NEWfacets)
|| (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet)))
facet->visitid= 0;
else {
facet->visitid= ++numfacets;
totneighbors += qh_setsize(facet->neighbors);
if (facet->simplicial){
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
numridges += qh_setsize(facet->ridges);
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset);
qh visit_id += numfacets+1;
*numfacetsp= numfacets;
*numsimplicialp= numsimplicial;
*totneighborsp= totneighbors;
*numridgesp= numridges;
*numcoplanarsp= numcoplanars;
*numtricoplanarsp= numtricoplanars;
} /* countfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvnorm">-</a>
qh_detvnorm( vertex, vertexA, centers, offset )
compute separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
centers= set of facets (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
facet->visitid= 0 iff vertex-at-infinity (i.e., unbounded)
qh_ASvoronoi and qh_vertexneighbors() already set
a pointer into qh.gm_matrix to qh.hull_dim-1 reals
copy the data before reusing qh.gm_matrix
if 'QVn'
sign adjusted so that qh.GOODvertexp is inside
sign adjusted so that vertex is inside
qh.gm_matrix= simplex of points from centers relative to first center
in io.c so that code for 'v Tv' can be removed by removing io.c
returns pointer into qh.gm_matrix to avoid tracking of temporary memory
determine midpoint of input sites
build points as the set of Voronoi vertices
select a simplex from points (if necessary)
include midpoint if the Voronoi region is unbounded
relocate the first vertex of the simplex to the origin
compute the normalized hyperplane through the simplex
orient the hyperplane toward 'QVn' or 'vertex'
if 'Tv' or 'Ts'
if bounded
test that hyperplane is the perpendicular bisector of the input sites
test that Voronoi vertices not in the simplex are still on the hyperplane
free up temporary memory
pointT *qh_detvnorm(vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, realT *offsetp) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
int i, k, pointid, pointidA, point_i, point_n;
setT *simplex= NULL;
pointT *point, **pointp, *point0, *midpoint, *normal, *inpoint;
coordT *coord, *gmcoord, *normalp;
setT *points= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
boolT nearzero= False;
boolT unbounded= False;
int numcenters= 0;
int dim= qh hull_dim - 1;
realT dist, offset, angle, zero= 0.0;
midpoint= qh gm_matrix + qh hull_dim * qh hull_dim; /* last row */
for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
midpoint[k]= (vertex->point[k] + vertexA->point[k])/2;
FOREACHfacet_(centers) {
if (!facet->visitid)
unbounded= True;
else {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(facet->vertices);
qh_setappend(&points, facet->center);
if (numcenters > dim) {
simplex= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
qh_setappend(&simplex, vertex->point);
if (unbounded)
qh_setappend(&simplex, midpoint);
qh_maxsimplex(dim, points, NULL, 0, &simplex);
qh_setdelnth(simplex, 0);
}else if (numcenters == dim) {
if (unbounded)
qh_setappend(&points, midpoint);
simplex= points;
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6216, "qhull internal error (qh_detvnorm): too few points(%d) to compute separating plane\n", numcenters);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
i= 0;
gmcoord= qh gm_matrix;
point0= SETfirstt_(simplex, pointT);
FOREACHpoint_(simplex) {
if (qh IStracing >= 4)
qh_printmatrix(qh ferr, "qh_detvnorm: Voronoi vertex or midpoint",
&point, 1, dim);
if (point != point0) {
qh gm_row[i++]= gmcoord;
coord= point0;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *point++ - *coord++;
qh gm_row[i]= gmcoord; /* does not overlap midpoint, may be used later for qh_areasimplex */
normal= gmcoord;
qh_sethyperplane_gauss(dim, qh gm_row, point0, True,
normal, &offset, &nearzero);
if (qh GOODvertexp == vertexA->point)
inpoint= vertexA->point;
inpoint= vertex->point;
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, inpoint, normal, &offset);
if (dist > 0) {
offset= -offset;
normalp= normal;
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
*normalp= -(*normalp);
if (qh VERIFYoutput || qh PRINTstatistics) {
pointid= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
pointidA= qh_pointid(vertexA->point);
if (!unbounded) {
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, midpoint, normal, &offset);
if (dist < 0)
dist= -dist;
wwmax_(Wridgemidmax, dist);
wwadd_(Wridgemid, dist);
trace4((qh ferr, 4014, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d midpoint dist %2.2g\n",
pointid, pointidA, dist));
for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
midpoint[k]= vertexA->point[k] - vertex->point[k]; /* overwrites midpoint! */
qh_normalize(midpoint, dim, False);
angle= qh_distnorm(dim, midpoint, normal, &zero); /* qh_detangle uses dim+1 */
if (angle < 0.0)
angle= angle + 1.0;
angle= angle - 1.0;
if (angle < 0.0)
angle -= angle;
trace4((qh ferr, 4015, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d angle %2.2g nearzero %d\n",
pointid, pointidA, angle, nearzero));
if (nearzero) {
wwmax_(Wridge0max, angle);
wwadd_(Wridge0, angle);
}else {
wwmax_(Wridgeokmax, angle);
wwadd_(Wridgeok, angle);
if (simplex != points) {
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point)) {
facet= SETelemt_(centers, point_i, facetT);
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, point, normal, &offset);
if (dist < 0)
dist= -dist;
wwmax_(Wridgemax, dist);
wwadd_(Wridge, dist);
trace4((qh ferr, 4016, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d Voronoi vertex %d dist %2.2g\n",
pointid, pointidA, facet->visitid, dist));
*offsetp= offset;
if (simplex != points)
return normal;
} /* detvnorm */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvridge">-</a>
qh_detvridge( vertexA )
determine Voronoi ridge from 'seen' neighbors of vertexA
include one vertex-at-infinite if an !neighbor->visitid
temporary set of centers (facets, i.e., Voronoi vertices)
sorted by center id
setT *qh_detvridge(vertexT *vertex) {
setT *centers= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
boolT firstinf= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->seen) {
if (neighbor->visitid) {
if (!neighbor->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(&tricenters, neighbor->center))
qh_setappend(&centers, neighbor);
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
qh_setappend(&centers, neighbor);
qsort(SETaddr_(centers, facetT), (size_t)qh_setsize(centers),
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
return centers;
} /* detvridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvridge3">-</a>
qh_detvridge3( atvertex, vertex )
determine 3-d Voronoi ridge from 'seen' neighbors of atvertex and vertex
include one vertex-at-infinite for !neighbor->visitid
assumes all facet->seen2= True
temporary set of centers (facets, i.e., Voronoi vertices)
listed in adjacency order (!oriented)
all facet->seen2= True
mark all neighbors of atvertex
for each adjacent neighbor of both atvertex and vertex
if neighbor selected
add neighbor to set of Voronoi vertices
setT *qh_detvridge3(vertexT *atvertex, vertexT *vertex) {
setT *centers= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *facet= NULL;
boolT firstinf= True;
neighbor->seen2= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
facet= neighbor;
while (facet) {
facet->seen2= True;
if (neighbor->seen) {
if (facet->visitid) {
if (!facet->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(&tricenters, facet->center))
qh_setappend(&centers, facet);
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
qh_setappend(&centers, facet);
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
if (qh_setin(vertex->neighbors, neighbor))
neighbor->seen2= True;
facet= neighbor;
if (qh CHECKfrequently) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6217, "qhull internal error (qh_detvridge3): neighbors of vertex p%d are not connected at facet %d\n",
qh_pointid(vertex->point), neighbor->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, neighbor, NULL);
neighbor->seen2= True;
return centers;
} /* detvridge3 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="eachvoronoi">-</a>
qh_eachvoronoi( fp, printvridge, vertex, visitall, innerouter, inorder )
if visitall,
visit all Voronoi ridges for vertex (i.e., an input site)
visit all unvisited Voronoi ridges for vertex
all vertex->seen= False if unvisited
all facet->seen= False
all facet->seen2= True (for qh_detvridge3)
all facet->visitid == 0 if vertex_at_infinity
== index of Voronoi vertex
>= qh.num_facets if ignored
qh_RIDGEall-- both inner (bounded) and outer(unbounded) ridges
qh_RIDGEinner- only inner
qh_RIDGEouter- only outer
if inorder
orders vertices for 3-d Voronoi diagrams
number of visited ridges (does not include previously visited ridges)
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers)
fp== any pointer (assumes FILE*)
vertex,vertexA= pair of input sites that define a Voronoi ridge
centers= set of facets (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
->visitid == index or 0 if vertex_at_infinity
ordered for 3-d Voronoi diagram
uses qh.vertex_visit
mark selected neighbors of atvertex
for each selected neighbor (either Voronoi vertex or vertex-at-infinity)
for each unvisited vertex
if atvertex and vertex share more than d-1 neighbors
bump totalcount
if printvridge defined
build the set of shared neighbors (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
call printvridge
int qh_eachvoronoi(FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, vertexT *atvertex, boolT visitall, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
boolT unbounded;
int count;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *neighborA, **neighborAp;
setT *centers;
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT firstinf;
unsigned int numfacets= (unsigned int)qh num_facets;
int totridges= 0;
qh vertex_visit++;
atvertex->seen= True;
if (visitall) {
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(atvertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
neighbor->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(atvertex) {
if (neighbor->seen) {
FOREACHvertex_(neighbor->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit && !vertex->seen) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
count= 0;
firstinf= True;
qh_settruncate(tricenters, 0);
FOREACHneighborA_(vertex) {
if (neighborA->seen) {
if (neighborA->visitid) {
if (!neighborA->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(&tricenters, neighborA->center))
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
if (count >= qh hull_dim - 1) { /* e.g., 3 for 3-d Voronoi */
if (firstinf) {
if (innerouter == qh_RIDGEouter)
unbounded= False;
}else {
if (innerouter == qh_RIDGEinner)
unbounded= True;
trace4((qh ferr, 4017, "qh_eachvoronoi: Voronoi ridge of %d vertices between sites %d and %d\n",
count, qh_pointid(atvertex->point), qh_pointid(vertex->point)));
if (printvridge && fp) {
if (inorder && qh hull_dim == 3+1) /* 3-d Voronoi diagram */
centers= qh_detvridge3(atvertex, vertex);
centers= qh_detvridge(vertex);
(*printvridge)(fp, atvertex, vertex, centers, unbounded);
neighbor->seen= False;
return totridges;
} /* eachvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="eachvoronoi_all">-</a>
qh_eachvoronoi_all( fp, printvridge, isUpper, innerouter, inorder )
visit all Voronoi ridges
see qh_eachvoronoi()
if inorder
orders vertices for 3-d Voronoi diagrams
total number of ridges
if isUpper == facet->upperdelaunay (i.e., a Vornoi vertex)
facet->visitid= Voronoi vertex index(same as 'o' format)
facet->visitid= 0
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers)
[see qh_eachvoronoi]
Not used for qhull.exe
same effect as qh_printvdiagram but ridges not sorted by point id
int qh_eachvoronoi_all(FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, boolT isUpper, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex;
int numcenters= 1; /* vertex 0 is vertex-at-infinity */
int totridges= 0;
maximize_(qh visit_id, (unsigned) qh num_facets);
FORALLfacets {
facet->visitid= 0;
facet->seen= False;
facet->seen2= True;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->upperdelaunay == isUpper)
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
vertex->seen= False;
FORALLvertices {
if (qh GOODvertex > 0 && qh_pointid(vertex->point)+1 != qh GOODvertex)
totridges += qh_eachvoronoi(fp, printvridge, vertex,
!qh_ALL, innerouter, inorder);
return totridges;
} /* eachvoronoi_all */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facet2point">-</a>
qh_facet2point( facet, point0, point1, mindist )
return two projected temporary vertices for a 2-d facet
may be non-simplicial
point0 and point1 oriented and projected to the facet
returns mindist (maximum distance below plane)
void qh_facet2point(facetT *facet, pointT **point0, pointT **point1, realT *mindist) {
vertexT *vertex0, *vertex1;
realT dist;
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
vertex0= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertex1= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
}else {
vertex1= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertex0= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
zadd_(Zdistio, 2);
qh_distplane(vertex0->point, facet, &dist);
*mindist= dist;
*point0= qh_projectpoint(vertex0->point, facet, dist);
qh_distplane(vertex1->point, facet, &dist);
minimize_(*mindist, dist);
*point1= qh_projectpoint(vertex1->point, facet, dist);
} /* facet2point */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetvertices">-</a>
qh_facetvertices( facetlist, facets, allfacets )
returns temporary set of vertices in a set and/or list of facets
if allfacets, ignores qh_skipfacet()
vertices with qh.vertex_visit
optimized for allfacets of facet_list
if allfacets of facet_list
create vertex set from vertex_list
for each selected facet in facets or facetlist
append unvisited vertices to vertex set
setT *qh_facetvertices(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets) {
setT *vertices;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh vertex_visit++;
if (facetlist == qh facet_list && allfacets && !facets) {
vertices= qh_settemp(qh num_vertices);
FORALLvertices {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
}else {
vertices= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!allfacets && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!allfacets && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
return vertices;
} /* facetvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="geomplanes">-</a>
qh_geomplanes( facet, outerplane, innerplane )
return outer and inner planes for Geomview
qh.PRINTradius is size of vertices and points (includes qh.JOGGLEmax)
assume precise calculations in io.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
void qh_geomplanes(facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane) {
realT radius;
if (qh MERGING || qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
qh_outerinner(facet, outerplane, innerplane);
radius= qh PRINTradius;
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
radius -= qh JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim); /* already accounted for in qh_outerinner() */
*outerplane += radius;
*innerplane -= radius;
if (qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTspheres) {
*outerplane += qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon;
*innerplane -= qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon;
*innerplane= *outerplane= 0;
} /* geomplanes */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="markkeep">-</a>
qh_markkeep( facetlist )
mark good facets that meet qh.KEEParea, qh.KEEPmerge, and qh.KEEPminArea
ignores visible facets (!part of convex hull)
may clear facet->good
recomputes qh.num_good
get set of good facets
if qh.KEEParea
sort facets by area
clear facet->good for all but n largest facets
if qh.KEEPmerge
sort facets by merge count
clear facet->good for all but n most merged facets
if qh.KEEPminarea
clear facet->good if area too small
update qh.num_good
void qh_markkeep(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *facets= qh_settemp(qh num_facets);
int size, count;
trace2((qh ferr, 2006, "qh_markkeep: only keep %d largest and/or %d most merged facets and/or min area %.2g\n",
qh KEEParea, qh KEEPmerge, qh KEEPminArea));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!facet->visible && facet->good)
qh_setappend(&facets, facet);
size= qh_setsize(facets);
if (qh KEEParea) {
qsort(SETaddr_(facets, facetT), (size_t)size,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetarea);
if ((count= size - qh KEEParea) > 0) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
facet->good= False;
if (--count == 0)
if (qh KEEPmerge) {
qsort(SETaddr_(facets, facetT), (size_t)size,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetmerge);
if ((count= size - qh KEEPmerge) > 0) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
facet->good= False;
if (--count == 0)
if (qh KEEPminArea < REALmax/2) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!facet->isarea || facet->f.area < qh KEEPminArea)
facet->good= False;
count= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good)
qh num_good= count;
} /* markkeep */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="markvoronoi">-</a>
qh_markvoronoi( facetlist, facets, printall, isLower, numcenters )
mark voronoi vertices for printing by site pairs
temporary set of vertices indexed by pointid
isLower set if printing lower hull (i.e., at least one facet is lower hull)
numcenters= total number of Voronoi vertices
bumps qh.printoutnum for vertex-at-infinity
clears all facet->seen and sets facet->seen2
if selected
facet->visitid= Voronoi vertex id
else if upper hull (or 'Qu' and lower hull)
facet->visitid= 0
facet->visitid >= qh num_facets
ignores qh.ATinfinity, if defined
setT *qh_markvoronoi(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall, boolT *isLowerp, int *numcentersp) {
int numcenters=0;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *vertices;
boolT isLower= False;
qh printoutnum++;
qh_clearcenters(qh_ASvoronoi); /* in case, qh_printvdiagram2 called by user */
vertices= qh_pointvertex();
if (qh ATinfinity)
SETelem_(vertices, qh num_points-1)= NULL;
qh visit_id++;
maximize_(qh visit_id, (unsigned) qh num_facets);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet)) {
if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
isLower= True;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet)) {
if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
isLower= True;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->normal && (facet->upperdelaunay == isLower))
facet->visitid= 0; /* facetlist or facets may overwrite */
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
facet->seen= False;
facet->seen2= True;
numcenters++; /* qh_INFINITE */
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet))
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet))
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
*isLowerp= isLower;
*numcentersp= numcenters;
trace2((qh ferr, 2007, "qh_markvoronoi: isLower %d numcenters %d\n", isLower, numcenters));
return vertices;
} /* markvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="order_vertexneighbors">-</a>
qh_order_vertexneighbors( vertex )
order facet neighbors of a 2-d or 3-d vertex by adjacency
does not orient the neighbors
initialize a new neighbor set with the first facet in vertex->neighbors
while vertex->neighbors non-empty
select next neighbor in the previous facet's neighbor set
set vertex->neighbors to the new neighbor set
void qh_order_vertexneighbors(vertexT *vertex) {
setT *newset;
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh ferr, 4018, "qh_order_vertexneighbors: order neighbors of v%d for 3-d\n", vertex->id));
newset= qh_settemp(qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors));
facet= (facetT*)qh_setdellast(vertex->neighbors);
qh_setappend(&newset, facet);
while (qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors)) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (qh_setin(facet->neighbors, neighbor)) {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, neighbor);
qh_setappend(&newset, neighbor);
facet= neighbor;
if (!neighbor) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6066, "qhull internal error (qh_order_vertexneighbors): no neighbor of v%d for f%d\n",
vertex->id, facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
vertex->neighbors= newset;
} /* order_vertexneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prepare_output">-</a>
qh_prepare_output( )
prepare for qh_produce_output2() according to
qh.KEEPminArea, KEEParea, KEEPmerge, GOODvertex, GOODthreshold, GOODpoint, ONLYgood, SPLITthresholds
does not reset facet->good
except for PRINTstatistics, no-op if previously called with same options
void qh_prepare_output(void) {
if (qh VORONOI) {
if (qh TRIangulate && !qh hasTriangulation) {
if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh CHECKfrequently)
qh_checkpolygon(qh facet_list);
qh_findgood_all(qh facet_list);
if (qh GETarea)
qh_getarea(qh facet_list);
if (qh KEEParea || qh KEEPmerge || qh KEEPminArea < REALmax/2)
qh_markkeep(qh facet_list);
if (qh PRINTstatistics)
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printafacet">-</a>
qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall )
print facet to fp in given output format (see qh.PRINTout)
nop if !printall and qh_skipfacet()
nop if visible facet and NEWfacets and format != PRINTfacets
must match qh_countfacets
preserves qh.visit_id
facet->normal may be null if PREmerge/MERGEexact and STOPcone before merge
qh_printbegin() and qh_printend()
test for printing facet
call appropriate routine for format
or output results directly
void qh_printafacet(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facet, boolT printall) {
realT color[4], offset, dist, outerplane, innerplane;
boolT zerodiv;
coordT *point, *normp, *coordp, **pointp, *feasiblep;
int k;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets && format != qh_PRINTfacets)
qh printoutnum++;
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTarea:
if (facet->isarea) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9009, qh_REAL_1, facet->f.area);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9010, "\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9011, "0\n");
case qh_PRINTcoplanars:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9012, "%d", qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9013, " %d", qh_pointid(point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9014, "\n");
case qh_PRINTcentrums:
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTfacets:
qh_printfacet(fp, facet);
case qh_PRINTfacets_xridge:
qh_printfacetheader(fp, facet);
case qh_PRINTgeom: /* either 2 , 3, or 4-d by qh_printbegin */
if (!facet->normal)
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
color[k]= (facet->normal[k]+1.0)/2.0;
maximize_(color[k], -1.0);
minimize_(color[k], +1.0);
qh_projectdim3(color, color);
if (qh PRINTdim != qh hull_dim)
qh_normalize2(color, 3, True, NULL, NULL);
if (qh hull_dim <= 2)
qh_printfacet2geom(fp, facet, color);
else if (qh hull_dim == 3) {
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(fp, facet, color);
qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(fp, facet, color);
}else {
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(fp, facet, color);
qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(fp, facet, color);
case qh_PRINTids:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9015, "%d\n", facet->id);
case qh_PRINTincidences:
case qh_PRINToff:
case qh_PRINTtriangles:
if (qh hull_dim == 3 && format != qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_printfacet3vertex(fp, facet, format);
else if (facet->simplicial || qh hull_dim == 2 || format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(fp, facet, format);
qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(fp, facet, qh printoutvar++, format);
case qh_PRINTinner:
qh_outerinner(facet, NULL, &innerplane);
offset= facet->offset - innerplane;
goto LABELprintnorm;
break; /* prevent warning */
case qh_PRINTmerges:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9016, "%d\n", facet->nummerge);
case qh_PRINTnormals:
offset= facet->offset;
goto LABELprintnorm;
break; /* prevent warning */
case qh_PRINTouter:
qh_outerinner(facet, &outerplane, NULL);
offset= facet->offset - outerplane;
if (!facet->normal) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9017, "no normal for facet f%d\n", facet->id);
if (qh CDDoutput) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9018, qh_REAL_1, -offset);
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9019, qh_REAL_1, -facet->normal[k]);
}else {
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9020, qh_REAL_1, facet->normal[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9021, qh_REAL_1, offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9022, "\n");
case qh_PRINTmathematica: /* either 2 or 3-d by qh_printbegin */
case qh_PRINTmaple:
if (qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_printfacet2math(fp, facet, format, qh printoutvar++);
qh_printfacet3math(fp, facet, format, qh printoutvar++);
case qh_PRINTneighbors:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9023, "%d", qh_setsize(facet->neighbors));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9024, " %d",
neighbor->visitid ? neighbor->visitid - 1: 0 - neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9025, "\n");
case qh_PRINTpointintersect:
if (!qh feasible_point) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6067, "qhull input error (qh_printafacet): option 'Fp' needs qh feasible_point\n");
qh_errexit( qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (facet->offset > 0)
goto LABELprintinfinite;
point= coordp= (coordT*)qh_memalloc(qh normal_size);
normp= facet->normal;
feasiblep= qh feasible_point;
if (facet->offset < -qh MINdenom) {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
*(coordp++)= (*(normp++) / - facet->offset) + *(feasiblep++);
}else {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
*(coordp++)= qh_divzero(*(normp++), facet->offset, qh MINdenom_1,
&zerodiv) + *(feasiblep++);
if (zerodiv) {
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
goto LABELprintinfinite;
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
qh_fprintf(fp, 9026, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9027, "\n");
case qh_PRINTpointnearest:
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
int id, id2;
vertex= qh_nearvertex(facet, point, &dist);
id= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
id2= qh_pointid(point);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9028, "%d %d %d " qh_REAL_1 "\n", id, id2, facet->id, dist);
case qh_PRINTpoints: /* VORONOI only by qh_printbegin */
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9029, "1 ");
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTvertices:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9030, "%d", qh_setsize(facet->vertices));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9031, " %d", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9032, "\n");
} /* printafacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printbegin">-</a>
qh_printbegin( )
prints header for all output formats
checks for valid format
uses qh.visit_id for 3/4off
changes qh.interior_point if printing centrums
qh_countfacets clears facet->visitid for non-good facets
qh_printend() and qh_printafacet()
count facets and related statistics
print header for format
void qh_printbegin(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
int i, num;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
pointT *point, **pointp, *pointtemp;
qh printoutnum= 0;
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars);
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTnone:
case qh_PRINTarea:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9033, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTcoplanars:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9034, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTcentrums:
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASnone)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9035, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTfacets:
case qh_PRINTfacets_xridge:
if (facetlist)
qh_printvertexlist(fp, "Vertices and facets:\n", facetlist, facets, printall);
case qh_PRINTgeom:
if (qh hull_dim > 4) /* qh_initqhull_globals also checks */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh VORONOI && qh hull_dim > 3) /* PRINTdim == DROPdim == hull_dim-1 */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh hull_dim == 2 && (qh PRINTridges || qh DOintersections))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7049, "qhull warning: output for ridges and intersections not implemented in 2-d\n");
if (qh hull_dim == 4 && (qh PRINTinner || qh PRINTouter ||
(qh PRINTdim == 4 && qh PRINTcentrums)))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7050, "qhull warning: output for outer/inner planes and centrums not implemented in 4-d\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 4 && (qh PRINTspheres))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7051, "qhull warning: output for vertices not implemented in 4-d\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 4 && qh DOintersections && qh PRINTnoplanes)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7052, "qhull warning: 'Gnh' generates no output in 4-d\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 2) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9036, "{appearance {linewidth 3} LIST # %s | %s\n",
qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
}else if (qh PRINTdim == 3) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9037, "{appearance {+edge -evert linewidth 2} LIST # %s | %s\n",
qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
}else if (qh PRINTdim == 4) {
qh visit_id++;
num= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) /* get number of ridges to be printed */
qh_printend4geom(NULL, facet, &num, printall);
qh_printend4geom(NULL, facet, &num, printall);
qh ridgeoutnum= num;
qh printoutvar= 0; /* counts number of ridges in output */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9038, "LIST # %s | %s\n", qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
if (qh PRINTdots) {
qh printoutnum++;
num= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
if (qh DELAUNAY && qh ATinfinity)
if (qh PRINTdim == 4)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9039, "4VECT %d %d 1\n", num, num);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9040, "VECT %d %d 1\n", num, num);
for (i=num; i--; ) {
if (i % 20 == 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9041, "\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9042, "1 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9043, "# 1 point per line\n1 ");
for (i=num-1; i--; ) { /* num at least 3 for D2 */
if (i % 20 == 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9044, "\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9045, "0 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9046, "# 1 color for all\n");
FORALLpoints {
if (!qh DELAUNAY || !qh ATinfinity || qh_pointid(point) != qh num_points-1) {
if (qh PRINTdim == 4)
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
qh_printpoint3(fp, point);
FOREACHpoint_(qh other_points) {
if (qh PRINTdim == 4)
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
qh_printpoint3(fp, point);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9047, "0 1 1 1 # color of points\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 4 && !qh PRINTnoplanes)
/* 4dview loads up multiple 4OFF objects slowly */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9048, "4OFF %d %d 1\n", 3*qh ridgeoutnum, qh ridgeoutnum);
qh PRINTcradius= 2 * qh DISTround; /* include test DISTround */
if (qh PREmerge) {
maximize_(qh PRINTcradius, qh premerge_centrum + qh DISTround);
}else if (qh POSTmerge)
maximize_(qh PRINTcradius, qh postmerge_centrum + qh DISTround);
qh PRINTradius= qh PRINTcradius;
if (qh PRINTspheres + qh PRINTcoplanar)
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, qh MAXabs_coord * qh_MINradius);
if (qh premerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, (1- qh premerge_cos) * qh MAXabs_coord);
}else if (!qh PREmerge && qh POSTmerge && qh postmerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, (1- qh postmerge_cos) * qh MAXabs_coord);
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, qh MINvisible);
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
qh PRINTradius += qh JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim);
if (qh PRINTdim != 4 &&
(qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTspheres || qh PRINTcentrums)) {
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
if (qh PRINTspheres && qh PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printspheres(fp, vertices, qh PRINTradius);
if (qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTcentrums) {
qh firstcentrum= True;
if (qh PRINTcoplanar&& !qh PRINTspheres) {
qh_printpointvect2(fp, vertex->point, NULL, qh interior_point, qh PRINTradius);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (!facet->normal)
if (qh PRINTcentrums && qh PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printcentrum(fp, facet, qh PRINTcradius);
if (!qh PRINTcoplanar)
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (!facet->normal)
if (qh PRINTcentrums && qh PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printcentrum(fp, facet, qh PRINTcradius);
if (!qh PRINTcoplanar)
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
qh visit_id++; /* for printing hyperplane intersections */
case qh_PRINTids:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9049, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTincidences:
if (qh VORONOI && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7053, "qhull warning: writing Delaunay. Use 'p' or 'o' for Voronoi centers\n");
qh printoutvar= qh vertex_id; /* centrum id for non-simplicial facets */
if (qh hull_dim <= 3)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9050, "%d\n", numfacets);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9051, "%d\n", numsimplicial+numridges);
case qh_PRINTinner:
case qh_PRINTnormals:
case qh_PRINTouter:
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9052, "%s | %s\nbegin\n %d %d real\n", qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command, numfacets, qh hull_dim+1);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9053, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim+1, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTmathematica:
case qh_PRINTmaple:
if (qh hull_dim > 3) /* qh_initbuffers also checks */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh VORONOI)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7054, "qhull warning: output is the Delaunay triangulation\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple) {
if (qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9054, "PLOT(CURVES(\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9055, "PLOT3D(POLYGONS(\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9056, "{\n");
qh printoutvar= 0; /* counts number of facets for notfirst */
case qh_PRINTmerges:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9057, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTpointintersect:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9058, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTneighbors:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9059, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINToff:
case qh_PRINTtriangles:
if (qh VORONOI)
goto LABELnoformat;
num = qh hull_dim;
if (format == qh_PRINToff || qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9060, "%d\n%d %d %d\n", num,
qh num_points+qh_setsize(qh other_points), numfacets, totneighbors/2);
else { /* qh_PRINTtriangles */
qh printoutvar= qh num_points+qh_setsize(qh other_points); /* first centrum */
if (qh DELAUNAY)
num--; /* drop last dimension */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9061, "%d\n%d %d %d\n", num, qh printoutvar
+ numfacets - numsimplicial, numsimplicial + numridges, totneighbors/2);
qh_printpointid(qh fout, NULL, num, point, -1);
FOREACHpoint_(qh other_points)
qh_printpointid(qh fout, NULL, num, point, -1);
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles && qh hull_dim > 2) {
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->simplicial && facet->visitid)
qh_printcenter(qh fout, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTpointnearest:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9062, "%d\n", numcoplanars);
case qh_PRINTpoints:
if (!qh VORONOI)
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9063, "%s | %s\nbegin\n%d %d real\n", qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command, numfacets, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9064, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim-1, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTvertices:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9065, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTsummary:
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6068, "qhull internal error (qh_printbegin): can not use this format for dimension %d\n",
qh hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* printbegin */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printcenter">-</a>
qh_printcenter( fp, string, facet )
print facet->center as centrum or Voronoi center
string may be NULL. Don't include '%' codes.
nop if qh CENTERtype neither CENTERvoronoi nor CENTERcentrum
if upper envelope of Delaunay triangulation and point at-infinity
prints qh_INFINITE instead;
defines facet->center if needed
if format=PRINTgeom, adds a 0 if would otherwise be 2-d
Same as QhullFacet::printCenter
void qh_printcenter(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, const char *string, facetT *facet) {
int k, num;
if (qh CENTERtype != qh_ASvoronoi && qh CENTERtype != qh_AScentrum)
if (string)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9066, string);
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi) {
num= qh hull_dim-1;
if (!facet->normal || !facet->upperdelaunay || !qh ATinfinity) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(facet->vertices);
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9067, qh_REAL_1, facet->center[k]);
}else {
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9068, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
}else /* qh.CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */ {
num= qh hull_dim;
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles && qh DELAUNAY)
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(facet);
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9069, qh_REAL_1, facet->center[k]);
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom && num == 2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9070, " 0\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9071, "\n");
} /* printcenter */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printcentrum">-</a>
qh_printcentrum( fp, facet, radius )
print centrum for a facet in OOGL format
radius defines size of centrum
2-d or 3-d only
defines facet->center if needed
void qh_printcentrum(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT radius) {
pointT *centrum, *projpt;
boolT tempcentrum= False;
realT xaxis[4], yaxis[4], normal[4], dist;
realT green[3]={0, 1, 0};
vertexT *apex;
int k;
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(facet);
centrum= facet->center;
}else {
centrum= qh_getcentrum(facet);
tempcentrum= True;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9072, "{appearance {-normal -edge normscale 0} ");
if (qh firstcentrum) {
qh firstcentrum= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9073, "{INST geom { define centrum CQUAD # f%d\n\
-0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
-0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1 } transform { \n", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9074, "{INST geom { : centrum } transform { # f%d\n", facet->id);
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
qh_distplane(apex->point, facet, &dist);
projpt= qh_projectpoint(apex->point, facet, dist);
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
xaxis[k]= projpt[k] - centrum[k];
normal[k]= facet->normal[k];
if (qh hull_dim == 2) {
xaxis[2]= 0;
normal[2]= 0;
}else if (qh hull_dim == 4) {
qh_projectdim3(xaxis, xaxis);
qh_projectdim3(normal, normal);
qh_normalize2(normal, qh PRINTdim, True, NULL, NULL);
qh_crossproduct(3, xaxis, normal, yaxis);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9075, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9076, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9077, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);
qh_printpoint3(fp, centrum);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9078, "1 }}}\n");
qh_memfree(projpt, qh normal_size);
qh_printpointvect(fp, centrum, facet->normal, NULL, radius, green);
if (tempcentrum)
qh_memfree(centrum, qh normal_size);
} /* printcentrum */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printend">-</a>
qh_printend( fp, format )
prints trailer for all output formats
qh_printbegin() and qh_printafacet()
void qh_printend(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int num;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
if (!qh printoutnum)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7055, "qhull warning: no facets printed\n");
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTgeom:
if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim < 0 && !qh PRINTnoplanes) {
qh visit_id++;
num= 0;
qh_printend4geom(fp, facet,&num, printall);
qh_printend4geom(fp, facet, &num, printall);
if (num != qh ridgeoutnum || qh printoutvar != qh ridgeoutnum) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6069, "qhull internal error (qh_printend): number of ridges %d != number printed %d and at end %d\n", qh ridgeoutnum, qh printoutvar, num);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9079, "}\n");
case qh_PRINTinner:
case qh_PRINTnormals:
case qh_PRINTouter:
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9080, "end\n");
case qh_PRINTmaple:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9081, "));\n");
case qh_PRINTmathematica:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9082, "}\n");
case qh_PRINTpoints:
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9083, "end\n");
} /* printend */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printend4geom">-</a>
qh_printend4geom( fp, facet, numridges, printall )
helper function for qh_printbegin/printend
number of printed ridges
just counts printed ridges if fp=NULL
uses facet->visitid
must agree with qh_printfacet4geom...
computes color for facet from its normal
prints each ridge of facet
void qh_printend4geom(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int *nump, boolT printall) {
realT color[3];
int i, num= *nump;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (qh PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets))
if (!facet->normal)
if (fp) {
for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
color[i]= (facet->normal[i]+1.0)/2.0;
maximize_(color[i], -1.0);
minimize_(color[i], +1.0);
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (facet->simplicial) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
if (fp)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9084, "3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 # f%d f%d\n",
3*num, 3*num+1, 3*num+2, color[0], color[1], color[2],
facet->id, neighbor->id);
}else {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
if (fp)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9085, "3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 #r%d f%d f%d\n",
3*num, 3*num+1, 3*num+2, color[0], color[1], color[2],
ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
*nump= num;
} /* printend4geom */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes">-</a>
qh_printextremes( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print extreme points for convex hulls or halfspace intersections
#points, followed by ids, one per line
sorted by id
same order as qh_printpoints_out if no coplanar/interior points
void qh_printextremes(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices, *points;
pointT *point;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int id;
int numpoints=0, point_i, point_n;
int allpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
points= qh_settemp(allpoints);
qh_setzero(points, 0, allpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
id= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
if (id >= 0) {
SETelem_(points, id)= vertex->point;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9086, "%d\n", numpoints);
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (point)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9087, "%d\n", point_i);
} /* printextremes */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes_2d">-</a>
qh_printextremes_2d( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints point ids for facets in qh_ORIENTclock order
#points, followed by ids, one per line
if facetlist/facets are disjoint than the output includes skips
errors if facets form a loop
does not print coplanar points
void qh_printextremes_2d(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numsimplicial, numtricoplanars;
setT *vertices;
facetT *facet, *startfacet, *nextfacet;
vertexT *vertexA, *vertexB;
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars); /* marks qh visit_id */
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9088, "%d\n", qh_setsize(vertices));
if (!numfacets)
facet= startfacet= facetlist ? facetlist : SETfirstt_(facets, facetT);
qh vertex_visit++;
qh visit_id++;
do {
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
nextfacet= SETfirstt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
}else {
vertexA= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
nextfacet= SETsecondt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
if (facet->visitid == qh visit_id) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6218, "Qhull internal error (qh_printextremes_2d): loop in facet list. facet %d nextfacet %d\n",
facet->id, nextfacet->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet, nextfacet);
if (facet->visitid) {
if (vertexA->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertexA->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9089, "%d\n", qh_pointid(vertexA->point));
if (vertexB->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertexB->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9090, "%d\n", qh_pointid(vertexB->point));
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
facet= nextfacet;
}while (facet && facet != startfacet);
} /* printextremes_2d */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes_d">-</a>
qh_printextremes_d( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print extreme points of input sites for Delaunay triangulations
#points, followed by ids, one per line
void qh_printextremes_d(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT upperseen, lowerseen;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
int numpoints=0;
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
upperseen= lowerseen= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->upperdelaunay)
upperseen= True;
lowerseen= True;
if (upperseen && lowerseen) {
vertex->seen= True;
vertex->seen= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9091, "%d\n", numpoints);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (vertex->seen)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9092, "%d\n", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
} /* printextremes_d */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet">-</a>
qh_printfacet( fp, facet )
prints all fields of a facet to fp
ridges printed in neighbor order
void qh_printfacet(FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
qh_printfacetheader(fp, facet);
if (facet->ridges)
qh_printfacetridges(fp, facet);
} /* printfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2geom">-</a>
qh_printfacet2geom( fp, facet, color )
print facet as part of a 2-d VECT for Geomview
assume precise calculations in io.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
mindist is calculated within io.c. maxoutside is calculated elsewhere
so a DISTround error may have occured.
void qh_printfacet2geom(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
pointT *point0, *point1;
realT mindist, innerplane, outerplane;
int k;
qh_facet2point(facet, &point0, &point1, &mindist);
qh_geomplanes(facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
if (qh PRINTouter || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet2geom_points(fp, point0, point1, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh PRINTinner || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet2geom_points(fp, point0, point1, facet, innerplane, color);
qh_memfree(point1, qh normal_size);
qh_memfree(point0, qh normal_size);
} /* printfacet2geom */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2geom_points">-</a>
qh_printfacet2geom_points( fp, point1, point2, facet, offset, color )
prints a 2-d facet as a VECT with 2 points at some offset.
The points are on the facet's plane.
void qh_printfacet2geom_points(FILE *fp, pointT *point1, pointT *point2,
facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]) {
pointT *p1= point1, *p2= point2;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9093, "VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # f%d\n", facet->id);
if (offset != 0.0) {
p1= qh_projectpoint(p1, facet, -offset);
p2= qh_projectpoint(p2, facet, -offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9094, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n",
p1[0], p1[1], 0.0, p2[0], p2[1], 0.0);
if (offset != 0.0) {
qh_memfree(p1, qh normal_size);
qh_memfree(p2, qh normal_size);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9095, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet2geom_points */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2math">-</a>
qh_printfacet2math( fp, facet, format, notfirst )
print 2-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet
may be non-simplicial
use %16.8f since Mathematica 2.2 does not handle exponential format
see qh_printfacet3math
void qh_printfacet2math(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst) {
pointT *point0, *point1;
realT mindist;
const char *pointfmt;
qh_facet2point(facet, &point0, &point1, &mindist);
if (notfirst)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9096, ",");
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple)
pointfmt= "[[%16.8f, %16.8f], [%16.8f, %16.8f]]\n";
pointfmt= "Line[{{%16.8f, %16.8f}, {%16.8f, %16.8f}}]\n";
qh_fprintf(fp, 9097, pointfmt, point0[0], point0[1], point1[0], point1[1]);
qh_memfree(point1, qh normal_size);
qh_memfree(point0, qh normal_size);
} /* printfacet2math */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial( fp, facet, color )
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d nonsimplicial facet.
if DOintersections, prints ridges to unvisited neighbors(qh visit_id)
uses facet->visitid for intersections and ridges
void qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
setT *projectedpoints, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, *vertexB;
pointT *projpt, *point, **pointp;
facetT *neighbor;
realT dist, outerplane, innerplane;
int cntvertices, k;
realT black[3]={0, 0, 0}, green[3]={0, 1, 0};
qh_geomplanes(facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet); /* oriented */
cntvertices= qh_setsize(vertices);
projectedpoints= qh_settemp(cntvertices);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet, &dist);
projpt= qh_projectpoint(vertex->point, facet, dist);
qh_setappend(&projectedpoints, projpt);
if (qh PRINTouter || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, projectedpoints, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh PRINTinner || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, projectedpoints, facet, innerplane, color);
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
if ((qh DOintersections || qh PRINTridges)
&& (!facet->visible || !qh NEWfacets)) {
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, ridge->vertices, black);
if (qh PRINTridges) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
qh_printline3geom(fp, vertexA->point, vertexB->point, green);
} /* printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_points">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_points( fp, points, facet, offset )
prints a 3-d facet as OFF Geomview object.
offset is relative to the facet's hyperplane
Facet is determined as a list of points
void qh_printfacet3geom_points(FILE *fp, setT *points, facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]) {
int k, n= qh_setsize(points), i;
pointT *point, **pointp;
setT *printpoints;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9098, "{ OFF %d 1 1 # f%d\n", n, facet->id);
if (offset != 0.0) {
printpoints= qh_settemp(n);
qh_setappend(&printpoints, qh_projectpoint(point, facet, -offset));
printpoints= points;
FOREACHpoint_(printpoints) {
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (k == qh DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9099, "0 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9100, "%8.4g ", point[k]);
if (printpoints != points)
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9101, "\n");
if (printpoints != points)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9102, "%d ", n);
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9103, "%d ", i);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9104, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0 }\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet3geom_points */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial( )
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d simplicial facet.
may flip color
uses facet->visitid for intersections and ridges
assume precise calculations in io.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
innerplane may be off by qh DISTround. Maxoutside is calculated elsewhere
so a DISTround error may have occured.
void qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
setT *points, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, *vertexB;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT outerplane, innerplane;
realT black[3]={0, 0, 0}, green[3]={0, 1, 0};
int k;
qh_geomplanes(facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet);
points= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
qh_setappend(&points, vertex->point);
if (qh PRINTouter || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, points, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh PRINTinner || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, points, facet, innerplane, color);
if ((qh DOintersections || qh PRINTridges)
&& (!facet->visible || !qh NEWfacets)) {
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(facet->vertices, qh hull_dim,
SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor), 0);
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, vertices, black);
if (qh PRINTridges) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(vertices, vertexT);
qh_printline3geom(fp, vertexA->point, vertexB->point, green);
} /* printfacet3geom_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3math">-</a>
qh_printfacet3math( fp, facet, notfirst )
print 3-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet
may be non-simplicial
use %16.8f since Mathematica 2.2 does not handle exponential format
see qh_printfacet2math
void qh_printfacet3math(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *points, *vertices;
pointT *point, **pointp;
boolT firstpoint= True;
realT dist;
const char *pointfmt, *endfmt;
if (notfirst)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9105, ",\n");
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet);
points= qh_settemp(qh_setsize(vertices));
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet, &dist);
point= qh_projectpoint(vertex->point, facet, dist);
qh_setappend(&points, point);
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9106, "[");
pointfmt= "[%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f]";
endfmt= "]";
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9107, "Polygon[{");
pointfmt= "{%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f}";
endfmt= "}]";
FOREACHpoint_(points) {
if (firstpoint)
firstpoint= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9108, ",\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9109, pointfmt, point[0], point[1], point[2]);
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9110, endfmt);
} /* printfacet3math */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3vertex">-</a>
qh_printfacet3vertex( fp, facet, format )
print vertices in a 3-d facet as point ids
prints number of vertices first if format == qh_PRINToff
the facet may be non-simplicial
void qh_printfacet3vertex(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet);
if (format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9111, "%d ", qh_setsize(vertices));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9112, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9113, "\n");
} /* printfacet3vertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial( )
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d nonsimplicial facet
prints all ridges to unvisited neighbors (qh.visit_id)
if qh.DROPdim
prints in OFF format
must agree with printend4geom()
void qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
facetT *neighbor;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *point;
int k;
realT dist;
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (qh PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets))
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
if (qh PRINTtransparent && !neighbor->good)
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, ridge->vertices, color);
else {
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9114, "OFF 3 1 1 # f%d\n", facet->id);
else {
qh printoutvar++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9115, "# r%d between f%d f%d\n", ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point,facet, &dist);
point=qh_projectpoint(vertex->point,facet, dist);
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (k != qh DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9116, "%8.4g ", point[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9117, "\n");
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9118, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet4geom_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial( fp, facet, color )
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d simplicial facet
prints triangles for unvisited neighbors (qh.visit_id)
must agree with printend4geom()
void qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
setT *vertices;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int k;
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (qh PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets))
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
if (qh PRINTtransparent && !neighbor->good)
vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(facet->vertices, qh hull_dim,
SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor), 0);
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, vertices, color);
else {
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9119, "OFF 3 1 1 # ridge between f%d f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
else {
qh printoutvar++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9120, "# ridge between f%d f%d\n", facet->id, neighbor->id);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (k != qh DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9121, "%8.4g ", vertex->point[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9122, "\n");
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9123, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet4geom_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial( fp, facet, id, format )
print vertices for an N-d non-simplicial facet
triangulates each ridge to the id
void qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int id, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets)
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9124, "%d ", qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9125, "%d ", id);
if ((ridge->top == facet) ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9126, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9127, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9128, "\n");
} /* printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetNvertex_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial( fp, facet, format )
print vertices for an N-d simplicial facet
prints vertices for non-simplicial facets
2-d facets (orientation preserved by qh_mergefacet2d)
PRINToff ('o') for 4-d and higher
void qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (format == qh_PRINToff || format == qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9129, "%d ", qh_setsize(facet->vertices));
if ((facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock)
|| (qh hull_dim > 2 && !facet->simplicial)) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9130, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9131, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9132, "\n");
} /* printfacetNvertex_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetheader">-</a>
qh_printfacetheader( fp, facet )
prints header fields of a facet to fp
for 'f' output and debugging
Same as QhullFacet::printHeader()
void qh_printfacetheader(FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *furthest;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT dist;
if (facet == qh_MERGEridge) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9133, " MERGEridge\n");
}else if (facet == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9134, " DUPLICATEridge\n");
}else if (!facet) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9135, " NULLfacet\n");
qh old_randomdist= qh RANDOMdist;
qh RANDOMdist= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9136, "- f%d\n", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9137, " - flags:");
if (facet->toporient)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9138, " top");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9139, " bottom");
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9140, " simplicial");
if (facet->tricoplanar)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9141, " tricoplanar");
if (facet->upperdelaunay)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9142, " upperDelaunay");
if (facet->visible)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9143, " visible");
if (facet->newfacet)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9144, " new");
if (facet->tested)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9145, " tested");
if (!facet->good)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9146, " notG");
if (facet->seen)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9147, " seen");
if (facet->coplanar)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9148, " coplanar");
if (facet->mergehorizon)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9149, " mergehorizon");
if (facet->keepcentrum)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9150, " keepcentrum");
if (facet->dupridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9151, " dupridge");
if (facet->mergeridge && !facet->mergeridge2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9152, " mergeridge1");
if (facet->mergeridge2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9153, " mergeridge2");
if (facet->newmerge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9154, " newmerge");
if (facet->flipped)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9155, " flipped");
if (facet->notfurthest)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9156, " notfurthest");
if (facet->degenerate)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9157, " degenerate");
if (facet->redundant)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9158, " redundant");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9159, "\n");
if (facet->isarea)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9160, " - area: %2.2g\n", facet->f.area);
else if (qh NEWfacets && facet->visible && facet->f.replace)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9161, " - replacement: f%d\n", facet->f.replace->id);
else if (facet->newfacet) {
if (facet->f.samecycle && facet->f.samecycle != facet)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9162, " - shares same visible/horizon as f%d\n", facet->f.samecycle->id);
}else if (facet->tricoplanar /* !isarea */) {
if (facet->f.triowner)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9163, " - owner of normal & centrum is facet f%d\n", facet->f.triowner->id);
}else if (facet->f.newcycle)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9164, " - was horizon to f%d\n", facet->f.newcycle->id);
if (facet->nummerge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9165, " - merges: %d\n", facet->nummerge);
qh_printpointid(fp, " - normal: ", qh hull_dim, facet->normal, -1);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9166, " - offset: %10.7g\n", facet->offset);
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi || facet->center)
qh_printcenter(fp, qh_PRINTfacets, " - center: ", facet);
#if qh_MAXoutside
if (facet->maxoutside > qh DISTround)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9167, " - maxoutside: %10.7g\n", facet->maxoutside);
if (!SETempty_(facet->outsideset)) {
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->outsideset);
if (qh_setsize(facet->outsideset) < 6) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9168, " - outside set(furthest p%d):\n", qh_pointid(furthest));
qh_printpoint(fp, " ", point);
}else if (qh_setsize(facet->outsideset) < 21) {
qh_printpoints(fp, " - outside set:", facet->outsideset);
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9169, " - outside set: %d points.", qh_setsize(facet->outsideset));
qh_printpoint(fp, " Furthest", furthest);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
qh_fprintf(fp, 9170, " - furthest distance= %2.2g\n", facet->furthestdist);
if (!SETempty_(facet->coplanarset)) {
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->coplanarset);
if (qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset) < 6) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9171, " - coplanar set(furthest p%d):\n", qh_pointid(furthest));
qh_printpoint(fp, " ", point);
}else if (qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset) < 21) {
qh_printpoints(fp, " - coplanar set:", facet->coplanarset);
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9172, " - coplanar set: %d points.", qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset));
qh_printpoint(fp, " Furthest", furthest);
qh_distplane(furthest, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9173, " furthest distance= %2.2g\n", dist);
qh_printvertices(fp, " - vertices:", facet->vertices);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9174, " - neighboring facets:");
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9175, " MERGE");
else if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9176, " DUP");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9177, " f%d", neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9178, "\n");
qh RANDOMdist= qh old_randomdist;
} /* printfacetheader */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetridges">-</a>
qh_printfacetridges( fp, facet )
prints ridges of a facet to fp
ridges printed in neighbor order
assumes the ridges exist
for 'f' output
same as QhullFacet::printRidges
void qh_printfacetridges(FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int numridges= 0;
if (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9179, " - ridges(ids may be garbage):");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9180, " r%d", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9181, "\n");
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9182, " - ridges:\n");
ridge->seen= False;
if (qh hull_dim == 3) {
ridge= SETfirstt_(facet->ridges, ridgeT);
while (ridge && !ridge->seen) {
ridge->seen= True;
qh_printridge(fp, ridge);
ridge= qh_nextridge3d(ridge, facet, NULL);
}else {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (otherfacet_(ridge,facet) == neighbor) {
ridge->seen= True;
qh_printridge(fp, ridge);
if (numridges != qh_setsize(facet->ridges)) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9183, " - all ridges:");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9184, " r%d", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9185, "\n");
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (!ridge->seen)
qh_printridge(fp, ridge);
} /* printfacetridges */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacets">-</a>
qh_printfacets( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints facetlist and/or facet set in output format
also used for specialized formats ('FO' and summary)
turns off 'Rn' option since want actual numbers
void qh_printfacets(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *vertices;
coordT *center;
realT outerplane, innerplane;
qh old_randomdist= qh RANDOMdist;
qh RANDOMdist= False;
if (qh CDDoutput && (format == qh_PRINTcentrums || format == qh_PRINTpointintersect || format == qh_PRINToff))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7056, "qhull warning: CDD format is not available for centrums, halfspace\nintersections, and OFF file format.\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTnone)
; /* print nothing */
else if (format == qh_PRINTaverage) {
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
center= qh_getcenter(vertices);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9186, "%d 1\n", qh hull_dim);
qh_printpointid(fp, NULL, qh hull_dim, center, -1);
qh_memfree(center, qh normal_size);
}else if (format == qh_PRINTextremes) {
if (qh DELAUNAY)
qh_printextremes_d(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_printextremes_2d(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printextremes(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
}else if (format == qh_PRINToptions)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9187, "Options selected for Qhull %s:\n%s\n", qh_version, qh qhull_options);
else if (format == qh_PRINTpoints && !qh VORONOI)
qh_printpoints_out(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (format == qh_PRINTqhull)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9188, "%s | %s\n", qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
else if (format == qh_PRINTsize) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9189, "0\n2 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9190, qh_REAL_1, qh totarea);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9191, qh_REAL_1, qh totvol);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9192, "\n");
}else if (format == qh_PRINTsummary) {
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9193, "10 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n2 ", qh hull_dim,
qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points),
qh num_vertices, qh num_facets - qh num_visible,
qh_setsize(vertices), numfacets, numcoplanars,
numfacets - numsimplicial, zzval_(Zdelvertextot),
qh_outerinner(NULL, &outerplane, &innerplane);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9194, qh_REAL_2n, outerplane, innerplane);
}else if (format == qh_PRINTvneighbors)
qh_printvneighbors(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh VORONOI && format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_printvoronoi(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh VORONOI && format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
qh_printbegin(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printvoronoi(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printend(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
}else if (qh VORONOI
&& (format == qh_PRINTvertices || format == qh_PRINTinner || format == qh_PRINTouter))
qh_printvdiagram(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
else {
qh_printbegin(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printafacet(fp, format, facet, printall);
qh_printafacet(fp, format, facet, printall);
qh_printend(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh RANDOMdist= qh old_randomdist;
} /* printfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhyperplaneintersection">-</a>
qh_printhyperplaneintersection( fp, facet1, facet2, vertices, color )
print Geomview OFF or 4OFF for the intersection of two hyperplanes in 3-d or 4-d
void qh_printhyperplaneintersection(FILE *fp, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2,
setT *vertices, realT color[3]) {
realT costheta, denominator, dist1, dist2, s, t, mindenom, p[4];
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int i, k;
boolT nearzero1, nearzero2;
costheta= qh_getangle(facet1->normal, facet2->normal);
denominator= 1 - costheta * costheta;
i= qh_setsize(vertices);
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9195, "VECT 1 %d 1 %d 1 ", i, i);
else if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9196, "OFF 3 1 1 ");
qh printoutvar++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9197, "# intersect f%d f%d\n", facet1->id, facet2->id);
mindenom= 1 / (10.0 * qh MAXabs_coord);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
zadd_(Zdistio, 2);
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet1, &dist1);
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet2, &dist2);
s= qh_divzero(-dist1 + costheta * dist2, denominator,mindenom,&nearzero1);
t= qh_divzero(-dist2 + costheta * dist1, denominator,mindenom,&nearzero2);
if (nearzero1 || nearzero2)
s= t= 0.0;
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
p[k]= vertex->point[k] + facet1->normal[k] * s + facet2->normal[k] * t;
if (qh PRINTdim <= 3) {
qh_projectdim3(p, p);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9198, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # ", p[0], p[1], p[2]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9199, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # ", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
if (nearzero1+nearzero2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9200, "p%d(coplanar facets)\n", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9201, "projected p%d\n", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9202, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
else if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9203, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printhyperplaneintersection */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printline3geom">-</a>
qh_printline3geom( fp, pointA, pointB, color )
prints a line as a VECT
prints 0's for qh.DROPdim
if pointA == pointB,
it's a 1 point VECT
void qh_printline3geom(FILE *fp, pointT *pointA, pointT *pointB, realT color[3]) {
int k;
realT pA[4], pB[4];
qh_projectdim3(pointA, pA);
qh_projectdim3(pointB, pB);
if ((fabs(pA[0] - pB[0]) > 1e-3) ||
(fabs(pA[1] - pB[1]) > 1e-3) ||
(fabs(pA[2] - pB[2]) > 1e-3)) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9204, "VECT 1 2 1 2 1\n");
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9205, "%8.4g ", pB[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9206, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(pointB));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9207, "VECT 1 1 1 1 1\n");
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9208, "%8.4g ", pA[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9209, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(pointA));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9210, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printneighborhood">-</a>
qh_printneighborhood( fp, format, facetA, facetB, printall )
print neighborhood of one or two facets
calls qh_findgood_all()
bumps qh.visit_id
void qh_printneighborhood(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *facet;
setT *facets;
if (format == qh_PRINTnone)
qh_findgood_all(qh facet_list);
if (facetA == facetB)
facetB= NULL;
facets= qh_settemp(2*(qh_setsize(facetA->neighbors)+1));
qh visit_id++;
for (facet= facetA; facet; facet= ((facet == facetA) ? facetB : NULL)) {
if (facet->visitid != qh visit_id) {
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
qh_setappend(&facets, facet);
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(neighbor))
qh_setappend(&facets, neighbor);
qh_printfacets(fp, format, NULL, facets, printall);
} /* printneighborhood */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoint">-</a>
qh_printpoint( fp, string, point )
qh_printpointid( fp, string, dim, point, id )
prints the coordinates of a point
if string is defined
prints 'string p%d' (skips p%d if id=-1)
nop if point is NULL
prints id unless it is undefined (-1)
Same as QhullPoint's printPoint
void qh_printpoint(FILE *fp, const char *string, pointT *point) {
int id= qh_pointid( point);
qh_printpointid( fp, string, qh hull_dim, point, id);
} /* printpoint */
void qh_printpointid(FILE *fp, const char *string, int dim, pointT *point, int id) {
int k;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
if (!point)
if (string) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9211, "%s", string);
if (id != -1)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9212, " p%d: ", id);
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
r= *point++;
if (string)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9213, " %8.4g", r);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9214, qh_REAL_1, r);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9215, "\n");
} /* printpointid */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoint3">-</a>
qh_printpoint3( fp, point )
prints 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as Geomview 3-d coordinates
void qh_printpoint3(FILE *fp, pointT *point) {
int k;
realT p[4];
qh_projectdim3(point, p);
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9216, "%8.4g ", p[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9217, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(point));
} /* printpoint3 */
-printpoints- print pointids for a set of points starting at index
see geom.c
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoints_out">-</a>
qh_printpoints_out( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints vertices, coplanar/inside points, for facets by their point coordinates
allows qh.CDDoutput
same format as qhull input
if no coplanar/interior points,
same order as qh_printextremes
void qh_printpoints_out(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int allpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
int numpoints=0, point_i, point_n;
setT *vertices, *points;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int id;
points= qh_settemp(allpoints);
qh_setzero(points, 0, allpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
id= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= vertex->point;
if (qh KEEPinside || qh KEEPcoplanar || qh KEEPnearinside) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
id= qh_pointid(point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= point;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
id= qh_pointid(point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= point;
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (point)
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9218, "%s | %s\nbegin\n%d %d real\n", qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command, numpoints, qh hull_dim + 1);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9219, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim, numpoints);
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (point) {
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9220, "1 ");
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9221, "end\n");
} /* printpoints_out */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpointvect">-</a>
qh_printpointvect( fp, point, normal, center, radius, color )
prints a 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as 3-d VECT's relative to normal or to center point
void qh_printpointvect(FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius, realT color[3]) {
realT diff[4], pointA[4];
int k;
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
if (center)
diff[k]= point[k]-center[k];
else if (normal)
diff[k]= normal[k];
diff[k]= 0;
if (center)
qh_normalize2(diff, qh hull_dim, True, NULL, NULL);
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
pointA[k]= point[k]+diff[k] * radius;
qh_printline3geom(fp, point, pointA, color);
} /* printpointvect */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpointvect2">-</a>
qh_printpointvect2( fp, point, normal, center, radius )
prints a 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as 2 3-d VECT's for an imprecise point
void qh_printpointvect2(FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius) {
realT red[3]={1, 0, 0}, yellow[3]={1, 1, 0};
qh_printpointvect(fp, point, normal, center, radius, red);
qh_printpointvect(fp, point, normal, center, -radius, yellow);
} /* printpointvect2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printridge">-</a>
qh_printridge( fp, ridge )
prints the information in a ridge
for qh_printfacetridges()
same as operator<< [QhullRidge.cpp]
void qh_printridge(FILE *fp, ridgeT *ridge) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9222, " - r%d", ridge->id);
if (ridge->tested)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9223, " tested");
if (ridge->nonconvex)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9224, " nonconvex");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9225, "\n");
qh_printvertices(fp, " vertices:", ridge->vertices);
if (ridge->top && ridge->bottom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9226, " between f%d and f%d\n",
ridge->top->id, ridge->bottom->id);
} /* printridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printspheres">-</a>
qh_printspheres( fp, vertices, radius )
prints 3-d vertices as OFF spheres
inflated octahedron from Stuart Levy earth/mksphere2
void qh_printspheres(FILE *fp, setT *vertices, realT radius) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh printoutnum++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9227, "{appearance {-edge -normal normscale 0} {\n\
INST geom {define vsphere OFF\n\
18 32 48\n\
0 0 1\n\
1 0 0\n\
0 1 0\n\
-1 0 0\n\
0 -1 0\n\
0 0 -1\n\
0.707107 0 0.707107\n\
0 -0.707107 0.707107\n\
0.707107 -0.707107 0\n\
-0.707107 0 0.707107\n\
-0.707107 -0.707107 0\n\
0 0.707107 0.707107\n\
-0.707107 0.707107 0\n\
0.707107 0.707107 0\n\
0.707107 0 -0.707107\n\
0 0.707107 -0.707107\n\
-0.707107 0 -0.707107\n\
0 -0.707107 -0.707107\n\
3 0 6 11\n\
3 0 7 6 \n\
3 0 9 7 \n\
3 0 11 9\n\
3 1 6 8 \n\
3 1 8 14\n\
3 1 13 6\n\
3 1 14 13\n\
3 2 11 13\n\
3 2 12 11\n\
3 2 13 15\n\
3 2 15 12\n\
3 3 9 12\n\
3 3 10 9\n\
3 3 12 16\n\
3 3 16 10\n\
3 4 7 10\n\
3 4 8 7\n\
3 4 10 17\n\
3 4 17 8\n\
3 5 14 17\n\
3 5 15 14\n\
3 5 16 15\n\
3 5 17 16\n\
3 6 13 11\n\
3 7 8 6\n\
3 9 10 7\n\
3 11 12 9\n\
3 14 8 17\n\
3 15 13 14\n\
3 16 12 15\n\
3 17 10 16\n} transforms { TLIST\n");
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9228, "%8.4g 0 0 0 # v%d\n 0 %8.4g 0 0\n0 0 %8.4g 0\n",
radius, vertex->id, radius, radius);
qh_printpoint3(fp, vertex->point);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9229, "1\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9230, "}}}\n");
} /* printspheres */
see libqhull.c
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvdiagram">-</a>
qh_printvdiagram( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
print voronoi diagram
# of pairs of input sites
#indices site1 site2 vertex1 ...
sites indexed by input point id
point 0 is the first input point
vertices indexed by 'o' and 'p' order
vertex 0 is the 'vertex-at-infinity'
vertex 1 is the first Voronoi vertex
if all facets are upperdelaunay,
prints upper hull (furthest-site Voronoi diagram)
void qh_printvdiagram(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices;
int totcount, numcenters;
boolT isLower;
qh_RIDGE innerouter= qh_RIDGEall;
printvridgeT printvridge= NULL;
if (format == qh_PRINTvertices) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEall;
printvridge= qh_printvridge;
}else if (format == qh_PRINTinner) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEinner;
printvridge= qh_printvnorm;
}else if (format == qh_PRINTouter) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEouter;
printvridge= qh_printvnorm;
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6219, "Qhull internal error (qh_printvdiagram): unknown print format %d.\n", format);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
vertices= qh_markvoronoi(facetlist, facets, printall, &isLower, &numcenters);
totcount= qh_printvdiagram2(NULL, NULL, vertices, innerouter, False);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9231, "%d\n", totcount);
totcount= qh_printvdiagram2(fp, printvridge, vertices, innerouter, True /* inorder*/);
#if 0 /* for testing qh_eachvoronoi_all */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9232, "\n");
totcount= qh_eachvoronoi_all(fp, printvridge, qh UPPERdelaunay, innerouter, True /* inorder*/);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9233, "%d\n", totcount);
} /* printvdiagram */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvdiagram2">-</a>
qh_printvdiagram2( fp, printvridge, vertices, innerouter, inorder )
visit all pairs of input sites (vertices) for selected Voronoi vertices
vertices may include NULLs
qh_RIDGEall print inner ridges(bounded) and outer ridges(unbounded)
qh_RIDGEinner print only inner ridges
qh_RIDGEouter print only outer ridges
print 3-d Voronoi vertices in order
qh_markvoronoi marked facet->visitid for Voronoi vertices
all facet->seen= False
all facet->seen2= True
total number of Voronoi ridges
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers) for each ridge
[see qh_eachvoronoi()]
int qh_printvdiagram2(FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, setT *vertices, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
int totcount= 0;
int vertex_i, vertex_n;
vertexT *vertex;
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) {
if (vertex) {
if (qh GOODvertex > 0 && qh_pointid(vertex->point)+1 != qh GOODvertex)
totcount += qh_eachvoronoi(fp, printvridge, vertex, !qh_ALL, innerouter, inorder);
return totcount;
} /* printvdiagram2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertex">-</a>
qh_printvertex( fp, vertex )
prints the information in a vertex
Duplicated as operator<< [QhullVertex.cpp]
void qh_printvertex(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex) {
pointT *point;
int k, count= 0;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
if (!vertex) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9234, " NULLvertex\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9235, "- p%d(v%d):", qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id);
point= vertex->point;
if (point) {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
r= *point++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9236, " %5.2g", r);
if (vertex->deleted)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9237, " deleted");
if (vertex->delridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9238, " ridgedeleted");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9239, "\n");
if (vertex->neighbors) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9240, " neighbors:");
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (++count % 100 == 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9241, "\n ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9242, " f%d", neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9243, "\n");
} /* printvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertexlist">-</a>
qh_printvertexlist( fp, string, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints vertices used by a facetlist or facet set
tests qh_skipfacet() if !printall
void qh_printvertexlist(FILE *fp, const char* string, facetT *facetlist,
setT *facets, boolT printall) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9244, "%s", string);
qh_printvertex(fp, vertex);
} /* printvertexlist */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertices">-</a>
qh_printvertices( fp, string, vertices )
prints vertices in a set
duplicated as printVertexSet [QhullVertex.cpp]
void qh_printvertices(FILE *fp, const char* string, setT *vertices) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9245, "%s", string);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9246, " p%d(v%d)", qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9247, "\n");
} /* printvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvneighbors">-</a>
qh_printvneighbors( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print vertex neighbors of vertices in facetlist and facets ('FN')
qh_countfacets clears facet->visitid for non-printed facets
collect facet count and related statistics
if necessary, build neighbor sets for each vertex
collect vertices in facetlist and facets
build a point array for point->vertex and point->coplanar facet
for each point
list vertex neighbors or coplanar facet
void qh_printvneighbors(FILE *fp, facetT* facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
setT *vertices, *vertex_points, *coplanar_points;
int numpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int vertex_i, vertex_n;
facetT *facet, **facetp, *neighbor, **neighborp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars); /* sets facet->visitid */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9248, "%d\n", numpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
vertex_points= qh_settemp(numpoints);
coplanar_points= qh_settemp(numpoints);
qh_setzero(vertex_points, 0, numpoints);
qh_setzero(coplanar_points, 0, numpoints);
qh_point_add(vertex_points, vertex->point, vertex);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
qh_point_add(coplanar_points, point, facet);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
qh_point_add(coplanar_points, point, facet);
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertex_points) {
if (vertex) {
numneighbors= qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9249, "%d", numneighbors);
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
else if (qh hull_dim >= 4)
qsort(SETaddr_(vertex->neighbors, facetT), (size_t)numneighbors,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9250, " %d",
neighbor->visitid ? neighbor->visitid - 1 : 0 - neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9251, "\n");
}else if ((facet= SETelemt_(coplanar_points, vertex_i, facetT)))
qh_fprintf(fp, 9252, "1 %d\n",
facet->visitid ? facet->visitid - 1 : 0 - facet->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9253, "0\n");
} /* printvneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvoronoi">-</a>
qh_printvoronoi( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
print voronoi diagram in 'o' or 'G' format
for 'o' format
prints voronoi centers for each facet and for infinity
for each vertex, lists ids of printed facets or infinity
assumes facetlist and facets are disjoint
for 'G' format
prints an OFF object
adds a 0 coordinate to center
prints infinity but does not list in vertices
if 'o',
prints a line for each point except "at-infinity"
if all facets are upperdelaunay,
reverses lower and upper hull
void qh_printvoronoi(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int k, numcenters, numvertices= 0, numneighbors, numinf, vid=1, vertex_i, vertex_n;
facetT *facet, **facetp, *neighbor, **neighborp;
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex;
boolT isLower;
unsigned int numfacets= (unsigned int) qh num_facets;
vertices= qh_markvoronoi(facetlist, facets, printall, &isLower, &numcenters);
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) {
if (vertex) {
numneighbors = numinf = 0;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0)
numinf= 1;
else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
if (numinf && !numneighbors) {
SETelem_(vertices, vertex_i)= NULL;
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9254, "{appearance {+edge -face} OFF %d %d 1 # Voronoi centers and cells\n",
numcenters, numvertices);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9255, "%d\n%d %d 1\n", qh hull_dim-1, numcenters, qh_setsize(vertices));
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
for (k=qh hull_dim-1; k--; )
qh_fprintf(fp, 9256, qh_REAL_1, 0.0);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9257, " 0 # infinity not used\n");
}else {
for (k=qh hull_dim-1; k--; )
qh_fprintf(fp, 9258, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9259, "\n");
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->visitid && facet->visitid < numfacets) {
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9260, "# %d f%d\n", vid++, facet->id);
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (facet->visitid && facet->visitid < numfacets) {
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9261, "# %d f%d\n", vid++, facet->id);
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) {
numneighbors= 0;
if (vertex) {
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
else if (qh hull_dim >= 4)
qsort(SETaddr_(vertex->neighbors, facetT),
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0)
numinf= 1;
else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
if (vertex) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9262, "%d", numneighbors);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid && neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9263, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9264, " # p%d(v%d)\n", vertex_i, vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9265, " # p%d is coplanar or isolated\n", vertex_i);
}else {
if (numinf)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9266, "%d", numneighbors);
if (vertex) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0) {
if (numinf) {
numinf= 0;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9267, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
}else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9268, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9269, "\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9270, "}\n");
} /* printvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvnorm">-</a>
qh_printvnorm( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers, unbounded )
print one separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
unbounded==True if centers includes vertex-at-infinity
qh_ASvoronoi and qh_vertexneighbors() already set
parameter unbounded is UNUSED by this callback
void qh_printvnorm(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded) {
pointT *normal;
realT offset;
int k;
normal= qh_detvnorm(vertex, vertexA, centers, &offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9271, "%d %d %d ",
2+qh hull_dim, qh_pointid(vertex->point), qh_pointid(vertexA->point));
for (k=0; k< qh hull_dim-1; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9272, qh_REAL_1, normal[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9273, qh_REAL_1, offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9274, "\n");
} /* printvnorm */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvridge">-</a>
qh_printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers, unbounded )
print one ridge of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
unbounded==True if centers includes vertex-at-infinity
the user may use a different function
parameter unbounded is UNUSED
void qh_printvridge(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9275, "%d %d %d", qh_setsize(centers)+2,
qh_pointid(vertex->point), qh_pointid(vertexA->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9276, " %d", facet->visitid);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9277, "\n");
} /* printvridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="projectdim3">-</a>
qh_projectdim3( source, destination )
project 2-d 3-d or 4-d point to a 3-d point
uses qh.DROPdim and qh.hull_dim
source and destination may be the same
allocate 4 elements to destination just in case
void qh_projectdim3(pointT *source, pointT *destination) {
int i,k;
for (k=0, i=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (qh hull_dim == 4) {
if (k != qh DROPdim)
destination[i++]= source[k];
}else if (k == qh DROPdim)
destination[i++]= 0;
destination[i++]= source[k];
while (i < 3)
destination[i++]= 0.0;
} /* projectdim3 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="readfeasible">-</a>
qh_readfeasible( dim, curline )
read feasible point from current line and qh.fin
number of lines read from qh.fin
sets qh.FEASIBLEpoint with malloc'd coordinates
checks for qh.HALFspace
assumes dim > 1
int qh_readfeasible(int dim, const char *curline) {
boolT isfirst= True;
int linecount= 0, tokcount= 0;
const char *s;
char *t, firstline[qh_MAXfirst+1];
coordT *coords, value;
if (!qh HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6070, "qhull input error: feasible point(dim 1 coords) is only valid for halfspace intersection\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh feasible_string)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7057, "qhull input warning: feasible point(dim 1 coords) overrides 'Hn,n,n' feasible point for halfspace intersection\n");
if (!(qh feasible_point= (coordT*)qh_malloc(dim* sizeof(coordT)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6071, "qhull error: insufficient memory for feasible point\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coords= qh feasible_point;
while ((s= (isfirst ? curline : fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh fin)))) {
if (isfirst)
isfirst= False;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
value= qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s == t)
s= t;
*(coords++)= value;
if (++tokcount == dim) {
while (isspace(*s))
qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s != t) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6072, "qhull input error: coordinates for feasible point do not finish out the line: %s\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
return linecount;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6073, "qhull input error: only %d coordinates. Could not read %d-d feasible point.\n",
tokcount, dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
} /* readfeasible */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="readpoints">-</a>
qh_readpoints( numpoints, dimension, ismalloc )
read points from qh.fin into qh.first_point, qh.num_points
qh.fin is lines of coordinates, one per vertex, first line number of points
if 'rbox D4',
gives message
if qh.ATinfinity,
adds point-at-infinity for Delaunay triangulations
number of points, array of point coordinates, dimension, ismalloc True
if qh.DELAUNAY & !qh.PROJECTinput, projects points to paraboloid
and clears qh.PROJECTdelaunay
if qh.HALFspace, reads optional feasible point, reads halfspaces,
converts to dual.
for feasible point in "cdd format" in 3-d:
3 1
n 4 real/integer
dimension will change in qh_initqhull_globals if qh.PROJECTinput
uses malloc() since qh_mem not initialized
FIXUP QH11012: qh_readpoints needs rewriting, too long
coordT *qh_readpoints(int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc) {
coordT *points, *coords, *infinity= NULL;
realT paraboloid, maxboloid= -REALmax, value;
realT *coordp= NULL, *offsetp= NULL, *normalp= NULL;
char *s= 0, *t, firstline[qh_MAXfirst+1];
int diminput=0, numinput=0, dimfeasible= 0, newnum, k, tempi;
int firsttext=0, firstshort=0, firstlong=0, firstpoint=0;
int tokcount= 0, linecount=0, maxcount, coordcount=0;
boolT islong, isfirst= True, wasbegin= False;
boolT isdelaunay= qh DELAUNAY && !qh PROJECTinput;
if (qh CDDinput) {
while ((s= fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh fin))) {
if (qh HALFspace && linecount == 1 && isdigit(*s)) {
dimfeasible= qh_strtol(s, &s);
while (isspace(*s))
if (qh_strtol(s, &s) == 1)
linecount += qh_readfeasible(dimfeasible, s);
dimfeasible= 0;
}else if (!memcmp(firstline, "begin", (size_t)5) || !memcmp(firstline, "BEGIN", (size_t)5))
else if (!*qh rbox_command)
strncat(qh rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh rbox_command)-1);
if (!s) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6074, "qhull input error: missing \"begin\" for cdd-formated input\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
while (!numinput && (s= fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh fin))) {
if (!memcmp(s, "begin", (size_t)5) || !memcmp(s, "BEGIN", (size_t)5))
wasbegin= True;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
if (!*s)
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
if (!*qh rbox_command) {
strncat(qh rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh rbox_command)-1);
firsttext= linecount;
if (!diminput)
diminput= qh_strtol(s, &s);
else {
numinput= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (numinput == 1 && diminput >= 2 && qh HALFspace && !qh CDDinput) {
linecount += qh_readfeasible(diminput, s); /* checks if ok */
dimfeasible= diminput;
diminput= numinput= 0;
if (!s) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6075, "qhull input error: short input file. Did not find dimension and number of points\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (diminput > numinput) {
tempi= diminput; /* exchange dim and n, e.g., for cdd input format */
diminput= numinput;
numinput= tempi;
if (diminput < 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6220,"qhull input error: dimension %d(first number) should be at least 2\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (isdelaunay) {
qh PROJECTdelaunay= False;
if (qh CDDinput)
*dimension= diminput;
*dimension= diminput+1;
*numpoints= numinput;
if (qh ATinfinity)
}else if (qh HALFspace) {
*dimension= diminput - 1;
*numpoints= numinput;
if (diminput < 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6221,"qhull input error: dimension %d(first number, includes offset) should be at least 3 for halfspaces\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (dimfeasible) {
if (dimfeasible != *dimension) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6222,"qhull input error: dimension %d of feasible point is not one less than dimension %d for halfspaces\n",
dimfeasible, diminput);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else {
if (qh CDDinput)
*dimension= diminput-1;
*dimension= diminput;
*numpoints= numinput;
qh normal_size= *dimension * sizeof(coordT); /* for tracing with qh_printpoint */
if (qh HALFspace) {
qh half_space= coordp= (coordT*)qh_malloc(qh normal_size + sizeof(coordT));
if (qh CDDinput) {
offsetp= qh half_space;
normalp= offsetp + 1;
}else {
normalp= qh half_space;
offsetp= normalp + *dimension;
qh maxline= diminput * (qh_REALdigits + 5);
maximize_(qh maxline, 500);
qh line= (char*)qh_malloc((qh maxline+1) * sizeof(char));
*ismalloc= True; /* use malloc since memory not setup */
coords= points= qh temp_malloc=
if (!coords || !qh line || (qh HALFspace && !qh half_space)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6076, "qhull error: insufficient memory to read %d points\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if (isdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
infinity= points + numinput * (*dimension);
for (k= (*dimension) - 1; k--; )
infinity[k]= 0.0;
maxcount= numinput * diminput;
paraboloid= 0.0;
while ((s= (isfirst ? s : fgets(qh line, qh maxline, qh fin)))) {
if (!isfirst) {
if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') {
if (!memcmp(s, "end", (size_t)3) || !memcmp(s, "END", (size_t)3)) {
if (qh CDDinput )
else if (wasbegin)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7058, "qhull input warning: the input appears to be in cdd format. If so, use 'Fd'\n");
islong= False;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
value= qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s == t) {
if (!*qh rbox_command)
strncat(qh rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh rbox_command)-1);
if (*s && !firsttext)
firsttext= linecount;
if (!islong && !firstshort && coordcount)
firstshort= linecount;
if (!firstpoint)
firstpoint= linecount;
s= t;
if (++tokcount > maxcount)
if (qh HALFspace) {
if (qh CDDinput)
*(coordp++)= -value; /* both coefficients and offset */
*(coordp++)= value;
}else {
*(coords++)= value;
if (qh CDDinput && !coordcount) {
if (value != 1.0) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6077, "qhull input error: for cdd format, point at line %d does not start with '1'\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (isdelaunay) {
paraboloid += value * value;
if (qh ATinfinity) {
if (qh CDDinput)
infinity[coordcount-1] += value;
infinity[coordcount] += value;
if (++coordcount == diminput) {
coordcount= 0;
if (isdelaunay) {
*(coords++)= paraboloid;
maximize_(maxboloid, paraboloid);
paraboloid= 0.0;
}else if (qh HALFspace) {
if (!qh_sethalfspace(*dimension, coords, &coords, normalp, offsetp, qh feasible_point)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8048, "The halfspace was on line %d\n", linecount);
if (wasbegin)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8049, "The input appears to be in cdd format. If so, you should use option 'Fd'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
coordp= qh half_space;
while (isspace(*s))
if (*s) {
islong= True;
if (!firstlong)
firstlong= linecount;
if (!islong && !firstshort && coordcount)
firstshort= linecount;
if (!isfirst && s - qh line >= qh maxline) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6078, "qhull input error: line %d contained more than %d characters\n",
linecount, (int) (s - qh line)); /* WARN64 */
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
isfirst= False;
if (tokcount != maxcount) {
newnum= fmin_(numinput, tokcount/diminput);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7073,"\
qhull warning: instead of %d %d-dimensional points, input contains\n\
%d points and %d extra coordinates. Line %d is the first\npoint",
numinput, diminput, tokcount/diminput, tokcount % diminput, firstpoint);
if (firsttext)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8051, ", line %d is the first comment", firsttext);
if (firstshort)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8052, ", line %d is the first short\nline", firstshort);
if (firstlong)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8053, ", line %d is the first long line", firstlong);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8054, ". Continue with %d points.\n", newnum);
numinput= newnum;
if (isdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
for (k= tokcount % diminput; k--; )
infinity[k] -= *(--coords);
*numpoints= newnum+1;
}else {
coords -= tokcount % diminput;
*numpoints= newnum;
if (isdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
for (k= (*dimension) -1; k--; )
infinity[k] /= numinput;
if (coords == infinity)
coords += (*dimension) -1;
else {
for (k=0; k < (*dimension) -1; k++)
*(coords++)= infinity[k];
*(coords++)= maxboloid * 1.1;
if (qh rbox_command[0]) {
qh rbox_command[strlen(qh rbox_command)-1]= '\0';
if (!strcmp(qh rbox_command, "./rbox D4"))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8055, "\n\
This is the qhull test case. If any errors or core dumps occur,\n\
recompile qhull with 'make new'. If errors still occur, there is\n\
an incompatibility. You should try a different compiler. You can also\n\
change the choices in user.h. If you discover the source of the problem,\n\
please send mail to\n\
Type 'qhull' for a short list of options.\n");
qh_free(qh line);
qh line= NULL;
if (qh half_space) {
qh_free(qh half_space);
qh half_space= NULL;
qh temp_malloc= NULL;
trace1((qh ferr, 1008,"qh_readpoints: read in %d %d-dimensional points\n",
numinput, diminput));
} /* readpoints */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="setfeasible">-</a>
qh_setfeasible( dim )
set qh.FEASIBLEpoint from qh.feasible_string in "n,n,n" or "n n n" format
"n,n,n" already checked by qh_initflags()
see qh_readfeasible()
void qh_setfeasible(int dim) {
int tokcount= 0;
char *s;
coordT *coords, value;
if (!(s= qh feasible_string)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6223, "\
qhull input error: halfspace intersection needs a feasible point.\n\
Either prepend the input with 1 point or use 'Hn,n,n'. See manual.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!(qh feasible_point= (pointT*)qh_malloc(dim * sizeof(coordT)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6079, "qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coords= qh feasible_point;
while (*s) {
value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (++tokcount > dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7059, "qhull input warning: more coordinates for 'H%s' than dimension %d\n",
qh feasible_string, dim);
*(coords++)= value;
if (*s)
while (++tokcount <= dim)
*(coords++)= 0.0;
} /* setfeasible */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="skipfacet">-</a>
qh_skipfacet( facet )
returns 'True' if this facet is not to be printed
based on the user provided slice thresholds and 'good' specifications
boolT qh_skipfacet(facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
if (qh PRINTneighbors) {
if (facet->good)
return !qh PRINTgood;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->good)
return False;
return True;
}else if (qh PRINTgood)
return !facet->good;
else if (!facet->normal)
return True;
return(!qh_inthresholds(facet->normal, NULL));
} /* skipfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="skipfilename">-</a>
qh_skipfilename( string )
returns pointer to character after filename
skips leading spaces
ends with spacing or eol
if starts with ' or " ends with the same, skipping \' or \"
For qhull, qh_argv_to_command() only uses double quotes
char *qh_skipfilename(char *filename) {
char *s= filename; /* non-const due to return */
char c;
while (*s && isspace(*s))
c= *s++;
if (c == '\0') {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6204, "qhull input error: filename expected, none found.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
while (*s !=c || s[-1] == '\\') {
if (!*s) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6203, "qhull input error: missing quote after filename -- %s\n", filename);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
else while (*s && !isspace(*s))
return s;
} /* skipfilename */

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