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# Unix Makefile for qhull and rbox
# see README.txt
# the Unix distribution contains a configure Makefile
# make to produce qhull qconvex qdelaunay qhalf qvoronoi rbox
# make qvoronoi to produce qvoronoi (etc.)
# make qhullx to produce qhull qconvex etc. w/o using libqhull.a
# make doc to print documentation
# make install to copy qhull, rbox, qhull.1, rbox.1 to BINDIR, MANDIR
# make new to rebuild qhull and rbox from source
# make printall to print all files
# make user_eg to produce user_eg
# make user_eg2 to produce user_eg2
# make clean to remove object files and core
# make cleanall to remove all generated files
# PRINTMAN -- command for printing manual pages
# PRINTC -- command for printing C files
# BINDIR -- directory where to copy executables
# MANDIR -- directory where to copy manual pages
# CC -- ANSI C or C++ compiler
# CCOPTS1 - options used to compile .c files
# CCOPTS2 -- options used to link .o files
# CFILES -- .c files for printing
# HFILES -- .h files for printing
# DFILES -- documentation files
# MFILES -- man pages and html files
# TFILES -- .txt versions of html html files
# FILES -- all other files
# OBJS -- specifies the object files of libqhull.a
# Do not replace tabs with spaces. Needed by 'make' for build rules
BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
MANDIR = /usr/local/man/man1
# if you do not have enscript, try a2ps or just use lpr. The files are text.
PRINTMAN = enscript -2rl
PRINTC = enscript -2r
# PRINTMAN = lpr
# PRINTC = lpr
#for Gnu's gcc compiler -O2 for optimization, -g for debugging, -Wall for check
# -fno-strict-aliasing not needed for gcc 4.4+ (segfault in qset.c)
CC = gcc
CCOPTS1 = -O2 -ansi -fno-strict-aliasing
# for Sun's cc compiler, -fast or O2 for optimization, -g for debugging, -Xc for ANSI
#CC = cc
#CCOPTS1 = -Xc -v -fast
# for Silicon Graphics cc compiler, -O2 for optimization, -g for debugging
#CC = cc
#CCOPTS1 = -ansi -O2
# for Next cc compiler with fat executable
#CC = cc
#CCOPTS1 = -ansi -O2 -arch m68k -arch i386 -arch hppa
# for loader, ld
# OBJS ordered by frequency of execution with small files at end. Better locality.
OBJS = rboxlib.o user.o global.o stat.o io.o geom2.o poly2.o merge.o \
libqhull.o geom.o poly.o qset.o mem.o usermem.o userprintf.o random.o
# CFILES ordered alphabetically after libqhull.c
CFILES= unix.c libqhull.c geom.c geom2.c global.c io.c mem.c merge.c poly.c \
poly2.c random.c qset.c stat.c user.c qconvex.c qdelaun.c qhalf.c qvoronoi.c usermem.c userprintf.c rboxlib.c
HFILES= user.h libqhull.h qhull_a.h geom.h io.h mem.h merge.h poly.h random.h qset.h stat.h
TXTFILES= ../Announce.txt ../REGISTER.txt ../COPYING.txt ../README.txt Changes.txt
DOCFILES= ../html/rbox.txt ../html/qhull.txt
FILES= Makefile rbox.c user_eg.c ../eg/q_test ../eg/q_egtest ../eg/q_eg
HTMFILES= ../html/ ../html/ qh-code.htm qh-optg.htm qh-optt.htm \
index.htm qh-quick.htm qh-impre.htm qh-eg.htm \
qh-optc.htm qh-opto.htm qh-optf.htm qh-optp.htm qh-optq.htm \
qh-c.htm qh-faq.htm qhull.htm qconvex.htm qdelaun.htm \
qh-geom.htm qh-globa.htm qh-io.htm qh-mem.htm qh-merge.htm \
qh-poly.htm qh-qhull.htm qh-set.htm qh-stat.htm qh-user.htm \
qdelau_f.htm qhalf.htm qvoronoi.htm qvoron_f.htm rbox.htm
all: rbox qconvex qdelaunay qhalf qvoronoi qhull
unix.o: libqhull.h user.h mem.h
qconvex.o: libqhull.h user.h mem.h
qdelaun.o: libqhull.h user.h mem.h
qhalf.o: libqhull.h user.h mem.h
qvoronoi.o: libqhull.h user.h mem.h
libqhull.o: $(HFILES)
geom.o: $(HFILES)
geom2.o: $(HFILES)
global.o: $(HFILES)
io.o: $(HFILES)
mem.o: mem.h
merge.o: $(HFILES)
poly.o: $(HFILES)
poly2.o: $(HFILES)
random.o: libqhull.h random.h
qset.o: qset.h mem.h
stat.o: $(HFILES)
user.o: $(HFILES)
$(CC) -c $(CCOPTS1) $<
rm -f *.o ../core qconvex qdelaunay qhalf qvoronoi qhull libqhull.a \
cleanall: clean
rm -f *~ ../rbox ../qhull ../qhalf ../qconvex ../qdelaunay ../qhalf\
../qvoronoi ../user_eg ../user_eg2 ../*.exe >/dev/null
cp ../qconvex $(BINDIR)/qconvex
cp ../qdelaunay $(BINDIR)/qdelaunay
cp ../qhalf $(BINDIR)/qhalf
cp ../qhull $(BINDIR)/qhull
cp ../qvoronoi $(BINDIR)/qvoronoi
cp ../rbox $(BINDIR)/rbox
cp ../html/ $(MANDIR)/qhull.1
cp ../html/ $(MANDIR)/rbox.1
new: cleanall all
printall: doc printh printc printf
libqhull.a: $(OBJS)
@echo if 'ar' or 'ranlib' fails, try 'make qhullx'
ar -r libqhull.a $(OBJS)
@echo the next line may need to be removed.
-test -x /bin/ranlib -o -x /usr/bin/ranlib && ranlib libqhull.a
# don't use ../qconvex. Does not work on Red Hat Linux
qconvex: qconvex.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o qconvex $(CCOPTS2) qconvex.o -L. -lqhull -lm
cp qconvex ..
qdelaunay: qdelaun.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o qdelaunay $(CCOPTS2) qdelaun.o -L. -lqhull -lm
cp qdelaunay ..
qhalf: qhalf.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o qhalf $(CCOPTS2) qhalf.o -L. -lqhull -lm
cp qhalf ..
qvoronoi: qvoronoi.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o qvoronoi $(CCOPTS2) qvoronoi.o -L. -lqhull -lm
cp qvoronoi ..
qhull: unix.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o qhull $(CCOPTS2) unix.o -L. -lqhull -lm
cp qhull ..
-chmod +x ../eg/q_test ../eg/q_eg ../eg/q_egtest
-cd ..; ./rbox D4 | ./qhull
# compile qhull without using libqhull.a
qhullx: qconvex.o qdelaun.o qhalf.o qvoronoi.o unix.o rbox.o $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o qconvex $(CCOPTS2) qconvex.o $(OBJS) -lm
$(CC) -o qdelaunay $(CCOPTS2) qdelaun.o $(OBJS) -lm
$(CC) -o qhalf $(CCOPTS2) qhalf.o $(OBJS) -lm
$(CC) -o qvoronoi $(CCOPTS2) qvoronoi.o $(OBJS) -lm
$(CC) -o qhull $(CCOPTS2) unix.o $(OBJS) -lm
$(CC) -o rbox $(CCOPTS2) rbox.o $(OBJS) -lm
cp qconvex qdelaunay qhalf qvoronoi qhull rbox ..
-chmod +x ../eg/q_test ../eg/q_eg ../eg/q_egtest
-cd ..; ./rbox D4 | ./qhull
rbox: rbox.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o rbox rbox.o -L. -lqhull $(CCOPTS2) -lm
cp rbox ..
user_eg: user_eg.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o user_eg $(CCOPTS2) user_eg.o -L. -lqhull -lm
cp user_eg ..
user_eg2: user_eg2.o libqhull.a
$(CC) -o user_eg2 $(CCOPTS2) user_eg2.o -L. -lqhull -lm
cp user_eg2 ..
# end of Makefile

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