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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""HTML Templates for BibKnowledge administration."""
__revision__ = ""
# non Invenio imports
import os
import cgi
# Invenio imports
from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_WEBDIR
MAX_MAPPINGS = 100 # show max this number of mappings on one page
class Template:
"""Templating class."""
def tmpl_admin_kbs_management(self, ln, kbs, lookup_term=""):
Returns the main management console for knowledge bases (shows a list of them).
@param ln: language
@param kbs: a list of dictionaries with knowledge bases attributes
@param lookup_term: hunt for this string in kb's
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#top of the page and table header
searchforaterm_field = '<input type="text" name="search" value="%s" />' % cgi.escape(lookup_term, 1)
searchforaterm = _(
"Limit display to knowledge bases matching %(keyword_field)s in "
"their rules and descriptions", keyword_field=searchforaterm_field
out = '''
<!--make a search box-->
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<form action="kb">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="descriptiontoo" value="1" />
<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="%(search_button)s">
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%" cellspacing="0">
<th class="adminheaderleft" >&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(name)s</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" >%(description)s</th>
<th class="adminheadercenter" >%(action)s&nbsp;
&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibknowledge-admin-guide#admin">?</a>]
</tr>''' % {'ln': ln,
'search': lookup_term,
'searchforaterm': searchforaterm,
'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
'name': _("Name"),
'description': _("Description"),
'action': _("Action"),
'search_button': _("Search")}
#table content: kb names, description and actions
if len(kbs) == 0:
out += '''<tr>
<td colspan="5" class="admintd" align="center"><em>%s</em></td>
</tr>''' % _("No Knowledge Base")
line = 0
for kb_attributes in kbs :
kb_attributes['style'] = ""
if line % 2:
kb_attributes['style'] = 'background-color: rgb(235, 247, 255);'
line += 1
kb_attributes['ln'] = ln
kb_attributes['siteurl'] = CFG_SITE_URL
kb_attributes['search'] = cgi.escape(lookup_term, 1)
kb_attributes['name'] = cgi.escape(kb_attributes['name'])
kb_attributes['description'] = cgi.escape(kb_attributes['description'])
kb_attributes['delete'] = _("Delete")
row_content = '''<tr>
<td class="admintdright" style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s white-space: nowrap;">
<a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(id)s&amp;search=%(search)s">%(name)s</a></td>
<td class="admintdleft"style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s">%(description)s</td>
<td class="admintd" style="vertical-align: middle; %(style)s white-space: nowrap;">
<form action="kb?ln=%(ln)s" type="POST">
<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="%(delete)s">
<input type="hidden" id="kb" name="kb" value="%(id)s">
<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="delete">
''' % kb_attributes
out += row_content
#table footer, buttons and bottom of the page
out += ''' </table>
<table align="center" width="95%">
<td align="left" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
out += '''
<td align="left">
<form action="kb">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(add_new)s" />
<td align="right">
<form method="post" action="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;action=new&amp;kbtype=dynamic">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(config_dyn)s" />
<td align="right">
<form method="post" action="kb?action=new&amp;kbtype=taxonomy&amp;ln=%(ln)s">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(add_tax)s" />
</table>''' % {'ln': ln, 'add_new': _("Add New Knowledge Base"),
'config_dyn': _("Configure a dynamic KB"),
'add_tax': _("Add New Taxonomy") }
return out
def tmpl_kb_prevnextlink(self, ln, p_or_n, kb_id, sortby, startat):
An aux routine to make "Previous" or "Next" link
@param ln: language
@param p_or_n: p for previous, n for next
@param kb_id: knowledge base id
@param sortby: sort by to or from
@param startat: start at this pair
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
startat = str(startat) #to be sure
label = _("Next")
if p_or_n == 'p':
label = _("Previous")
r_url = '<a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;'% {'ln':ln,
r_url += 'sortby=%(sortby)s&amp;startat=%(start)s">' % {'sortby':sortby,
r_url += label+'</a>'
return r_url
def tmpl_admin_show_taxonomy(self, ln, kb_id, kb_name):
An auxiliary method used by tmpl_admin_kb_show in order to make a form to upload an ref file.
@param ln: language
@param kb_id: knowledge base id
@param kb_name: knowledge base name
@param basefilename: the file name (if already exists)
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#check if this kb already has a file associated with it
#it would be named CFG_WEBDIR+"/kbfiles/"+kb_id+".rdf"
rdfname = CFG_WEBDIR+"/kbfiles/"+str(kb_id)+".rdf"
webname = CFG_SITE_URL+"/kb/export?kbname="+cgi.escape(kb_name, 1)
out = ""
if os.path.isfile(rdfname):
out += _("This knowledge base already has a taxonomy file.")+" "
out += _("If you upload another file, the current version will be replaced.")
out += "<br/>"
out += _("The current taxonomy can be accessed with this URL: %(x_url)s", x_url=('<a href="'+webname+'">'+webname+"</a>"))
out += _("Please upload the RDF file for taxonomy %(x_name)s", x_name=cgi.escape(kb_name))
out += """
<!-- enctype="multipart/form-data"-->
<form method="post" action="kb/upload" name="upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input style="display:none;" name="kb", value="%(kb_id)s"/>
<input type="file" name="file"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="%(upload)s" class="adminbutton"/>
""" % {'kb_id': kb_id,
'upload': _("Upload")}
return out
def tmpl_admin_dynamic_kb(self, ln, kb_id, dyn_config=None, collections=None, exportstr=""):
An auxiliary method used by tmpl_admin_kb_show in order to configure a dynamic (collection based) kb.
@param ln: language
@param kb_id: the id of the kb
@param kb_name: the name of the kb
@param dyn_config: a dictionary with keys: expression
@param collections: a list of collection names
@param exportstr: a string to print about exporting
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
expression = ""
field = ""
collection = ""
if 'field' in dyn_config:
field = dyn_config['field']
if 'expression' in dyn_config:
expression = dyn_config['expression']
if 'collection' in dyn_config and dyn_config['collection']:
collection = dyn_config['collection']
pleaseconf = _("Please configure")+"<P>"
pleaseconf += _("A dynamic knowledge base is a list of values of a \
given field. The list is generated dynamically by \
searching the records using a search expression.")
pleaseconf += "<br/>"
pleaseconf += _("Example: Your records contain field 270__a for \
the name and address of the author's institute. \
If you set the field to '270__a' and the expression \
to '270__a:*Paris*', a list of institutes in Paris \
will be created.")+"<br/>"
pleaseconf += _("If the expression is empty, a list of all values \
in 270__a will be created.")+"<br/>"
pleaseconf += _("If the expression contains '%%', like '270__a:*%%*', \
it will be replaced by a search string when the \
knowledge base is used.")+"<br/><br/>"
pleaseconf += _("You can enter a collection name if the expression \
should be evaluated in a specific collection.")+"<br/><br/>"
pleaseconf += _("Example 1: Your records contain field 270__a for \
the name and address of the author's institute. \
If you set the field to '270__a' and the expression \
to '270__a:*Paris*', a list of institutes in Paris \
will be created.")+"<br/><br/>"
pleaseconf += _("Example 2: Return the institute's name (100__a) when the \
user gives its postal code (270__a): \
Set field to 100__a, expression to 270__a:*%%*.")+"<br/><br/>"
#create a pretty select box
selectbox = "<select name=\"collection\"><option value=\""+ _("Any collection") +"\">"+_("Any collection")+"</option>"
for mycoll in collections:
selectbox += "<option value=\""+mycoll+"\""
if mycoll == collection:
selectbox += " selected=\"1\" "
selectbox += ">"+mycoll+"</option>"
selectbox += "</select>"
pleaseconf += '''<form action="kb">
Field: <input name="field" value="%(field)s"/>
Expression: <input name="expression" value="%(expression)s"/>
Collection: %(selectbox)s
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="dynamic_update"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="kb" value="%(kb_id)s"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="%(save)s" class="adminbutton"/>
</form>''' % { 'kb_id': kb_id,
'expression': cgi.escape(expression, 1),
'field': cgi.escape(field, 1),
'collection': cgi.escape(collection, 1),
'selectbox': selectbox, 'ln': ln ,
'save': _("Save")}
if field or expression:
pleaseconf += "<p>"+_("Exporting: ")
pleaseconf += "<a href=\""+exportstr+"\">"+exportstr+"</a><br/>"
return pleaseconf
def tmpl_admin_kb_show(self, ln, kb_id, kb_name, mappings,
sortby, startat=0, kb_type=None,
lookup_term="", dyn_config=None, collections=None):
Returns the content of a knowledge base.
@param ln: language
@param kb_id: the id of the kb
@param kb_name: the name of the kb
@param mappings: a list of dictionaries with mappings
@param sortby: the sorting criteria ('from' or 'to')
@param startat: start showing the mappings from number x. Usefull for large kb's.
@param kb_type: None or 't' meaning taxonomy, or 'd' meaning a dynamic kb.
@param lookup_term: focus on this left side if it is in the KB
@param dyn_config: configuration for dynamic kb's
@param collections: a list of collections names (will be needed by dyn kb)
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
#top of the page and main table that split screen in two parts
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;\
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;\
</table> ''' % {'ln':ln,
'close': _("Close Editor"),
'mappings': _("Knowledge Base Mappings"),
'attributes':_("Knowledge Base Attributes"),
'dependencies':_("Knowledge Base Dependencies"),
'menu': _("Menu")}
#Define some constants
startati = int(startat)
except ValueError:
startati = 0
#to note about exporting..
export = CFG_SITE_URL+"/kb/export?kbname="+cgi.escape(kb_name, 1)
if kb_type == 'd':
#it's a dynamic kb. Create a config form.
return self.tmpl_admin_dynamic_kb(ln, kb_id, dyn_config, collections, export)
if kb_type == 't':
#it's a taxonomy (ontology). Show a dialog to upload it.
return self.tmpl_admin_show_taxonomy(ln, kb_id, kb_name)
hereyoucan = _("Here you can add new mappings to this base \
and change the base attributes.")
out += '<p>'+hereyoucan+'<table width="100%" align="center"><tr>'
#First column of table: add mapping form
out += '''
<td width="300" valign="top">
<form name="addNewMapping"
method="post">''' % {'ln':ln, 'kb_id':kb_id,
'sortby':sortby, 'kb_type': kb_type}
mapfromstring = _("Map From")
maptostring = _("To")
out += '''
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%" cellspacing="0">
<th colspan="2" class="adminheaderleft">
Add New Mapping &nbsp;
[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibknowledge-admin-guide#admin">?</a>]
<td class="admintdright">
<label for="mapFrom">
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">%(mapfrom)s</span>
<td><input tabindex="1" name="mapFrom" type="text"
id="mapFrom" size="25"/>
<td class="admintdright"><label for="mapTo">%(mapto)s</label>:&nbsp;
<td><input tabindex="2" name="mapTo" type="text" id="mapTo" size="25"/>
<td colspan="2" align="right"><input tabindex="3"
class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add new Mapping"/></td>
<!--add a search box -->
<form name="kb">
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%" cellspacing="0">
<th colspan="2" class="adminheaderleft">%(searchforamapping)s</th>
<td class="admintdright"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">%(search)s
<td><input name="search" type="text" value="%(lookup_term)s" size="25"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="kb" value="%(kb_id)s"/>
<td colspan="2" align="right">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(search)s"/>
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL,
'mapfrom': mapfromstring, 'mapto': maptostring,
'search': _("Search"), 'ln': ln, 'kb_id':kb_id,
'lookup_term': cgi.escape(lookup_term, 1),
'searchforamapping': _("Search for a mapping") }
#calculate if prev/next are needed
#add prev/next buttons if needed
prevlink = ""
nextlink = ""
if startati > 0:
newstart = startati-MAX_MAPPINGS
if newstart < 0:
newstart = 0
prevlink = self.tmpl_kb_prevnextlink(ln, 'p', kb_id, sortby, newstart)
if len(mappings) > startati+MAX_MAPPINGS:
#all of them were not shown yet
newstart = startati+MAX_MAPPINGS
nextlink = self.tmpl_kb_prevnextlink(ln, 'n', kb_id, sortby, newstart)
#Second column: mappings table
#header and footer
out += '''
<td valign="top">
<table class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft" width="25">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" width="34%%"><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=from">%(mapfrom)s</a></th>
<th class="adminheaderleft">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="adminheaderleft" width="34%%"><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=to">%(mapto)s</a></th>
<th class="adminheadercenter" width="25%%">Action&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibknowledge-admin-guide#admin">?</a>]</th>
<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
''' % {'ln':ln,
'mapfrom': cgi.escape(mapfromstring, 1), 'mapto': cgi.escape(maptostring, 1),
'prevlink': prevlink, 'nextlink': nextlink }
#table content: key, value and actions
if len(mappings) == 0:
out += '''
<td colspan="5" class="admintd" align="center"><em>%s</em></td>
</tr></tbody>''' % _("Knowledge base is empty")
line = 0
tabindex_key = 6
tabindex_value = 7
tabindex_save_button = 8
mnum = 0 #current iteration in mappings
for mapping in mappings:
#roll to startat
mnum += 1
if mnum > startati and mnum <= startati+MAX_MAPPINGS:
style = "vertical-align: middle;"
if line % 2:
style += 'background-color: rgb(235, 247, 255);'
line += 1
tabindex_key += 3
tabindex_value += 3
tabindex_save_button += 3
row_content = '''
<td colspan="5">
<form action="kb?action=edit_mapping&amp;ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s" name="%(key)s" method="post">
<td class="admintdright" style="%(style)s" width="5">
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="%(key)s"/>
<td class="admintdleft" style="%(style)s">
<input type="text" name="mapFrom" size="30" maxlength="255" value="%(key)s" tabindex="%(tabindex_key)s"/>
<td class="admintdleft" style="%(style)s white-space: nowrap;" width="5">=&gt;</td>
<td class="admintdleft"style="%(style)s">
<input type="text" name="mapTo" size="30" value="%(value)s" tabindex="%(tabindex_value)s">
<td class="admintd" style="%(style)s white-space: nowrap;">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="save_mapping" value="%(save)s" tabindex="%(tabindex_save_button)s"/>
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="delete_mapping" value="%(delete)s"/></td>
''' % {'key': cgi.escape(mapping['key'], 1),
'value':cgi.escape(mapping['value'], 1),
'tabindex_key': tabindex_key,
'tabindex_value': tabindex_value,
'tabindex_save_button': tabindex_save_button,
'save': _("Save"),
'delete': _("Delete")}
out += row_content
#End of table
out += '</tbody></table>'
out += prevlink+"&nbsp;"+nextlink
out += '</td>'
out += '''
<td width="20%">&nbsp;</td>
#add a note about exporting
out += "<p>"+_("You can get a these mappings in textual format by: ")
out += "<a href=\""+export+"\">"+export+"</a><br/>"
out += _("And the KBA version by:")+" "
export = export+"&format=kba"
out += "<a href=\""+export+"\">"+export+"</a><br/>"
#add script that will put focus on first field of "add mapping" form
out += '''
<script type="text/javascript">
return out
def tmpl_admin_kb_show_attributes(self, ln, kb_id, kb_name, description, sortby, kb_type=None):
Returns the attributes of a knowledge base.
@param ln: language
@param kb_id: the id of the kb
@param kb_name: the name of the kb
@param description: the description of the kb
@param sortby: the sorting criteria ('from' or 'to')
@param kb_type: None or taxonomy
@return main management console as html
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(close)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(mappings)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
</table> ''' % {'ln':ln,
'close': _("Close Editor"),
'menu': _("Menu"),
'mappings': _("Knowledge Base Mappings"),
'attributes':_("Knowledge Base Attributes"),
'dependencies':_("Knowledge Base Dependencies")}
out += '''
<form name="updateAttributes"
action="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;action=update_attributes&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s&kb_type=%(kb_type)s" method="post">
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
''' % {'ln':ln,
out += '''
<th colspan="2" class="adminheaderleft">%(kb_name)s attributes&nbsp;[<a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/bibknowledge-admin-guide#admin">?</a>]</th>''' % {'kb_name': kb_name,
'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL}
out += '''
<td class="admintdright">
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="%(kb_id)s"/>
<label for="name">Name</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><input tabindex="4" name="name" type="text" id="name" size="25" value="%(kb_name)s"/></td>
<td class="admintdright" valign="top"><label for="description">Description</label>:&nbsp;</td>
<td><textarea tabindex="5" name="description" id="description" rows="4" cols="25">%(kb_description)s</textarea> </td>
<td align="right"><input tabindex="6" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(update_base_attributes)s"/></td>
</form></td>''' % {'kb_name': cgi.escape(kb_name, 1),
'kb_description': cgi.escape(description, 1),
'update_base_attributes':_("Update Base Attributes")}
return out
def tmpl_admin_kb_show_dependencies(self, ln, kb_id, kb_name, sortby, format_elements):
Returns the attributes of a knowledge base.
@param ln: language
@param kb_id: the id of the kb
@param kb_name: the name of the kb
@param sortby: the sorting criteria ('from' or 'to')
@param format_elements: the elements that use this kb
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
out = '''
<table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="4" class="adminheaderleft">%(menu)s</th></tr>
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(close)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(mappings)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;action=attributes&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;sortby=%(sortby)s">%(attributes)s</a></small>&nbsp;</td>
</table> <br/>''' % {'ln':ln,
'close': _("Close Editor"),
'menu' : _("Menu"),
'mappings': _("Knowledge Base Mappings"),
'attributes':_("Knowledge Base Attributes"),
'dependencies':_("Knowledge Base Dependencies")}
out += ''' <table width="90%" class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0"><tr>'''
out += '''
<th class="adminheaderleft">Format Elements used by %(name)s*</th>
<td valign="top">&nbsp;''' % {"name": kb_name}
if len(format_elements) == 0:
out += '<p align="center"><i>%s</i></p>' % \
_("This knowledge base is not used in any format elements.")
for format_element in format_elements:
name = format_element['name']
out += '''<a href="format_elements_doc?ln=%(ln)s#%(anchor)s">%(name)s</a><br/>''' % {'name':"bfe_"+name.lower(),
out += '''
<b>*Note</b>: Some knowledge base usages might not be shown. Check manually.
return out
def tmpl_select_rule_action(self, ln, kbid, left, right, leftorright, current, dicts):
Returns a form of actions for the user to decide what to do
if there are overlapping rules.
@param ln: language
@param kbid: knowledge base id
@param left: mapFrom side of current rule
@param right: mapTo side of current rule
@param leftorright: "left" or "right"
@param current: the current item
@param dicts: an array of mapping dictionaries with 'key', 'value', 'id'
_ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language
gen = _("Your rule: %(x_rule)s",
x_rule=(' <code style="border:1px solid #999">'+cgi.escape(left)+'</code> =&gt; <code style="border:1px solid #999">'+cgi.escape(right)+"</pre><p>"))
if (leftorright=='left'):
gen += _("The left side of the rule (%(x_rule)s) already appears in these knowledge bases:",
x_rule=('<code>' + cgi.escape(left) + '</code>'))
gen += _("The right side of the rule (%(x_rule)s) already appears in these knowledge bases:",
x_rule=('<code>' + cgi.escape(right) + '</code>'))
gen += "<br/>"
inkbs = []
dontdoit = False
for d in dicts:
kb = d['kbname']
if kb == current and leftorright == 'left':
dontdoit = True
#two rules with same left side in the same kb? no.
if inkbs.count(kb)==0:
kbstr = ", ".join(['<b>%s</b>' % cgi.escape(inkb) for inkb in inkbs])
gen += kbstr
message = _("Please select action")
optreplace = _("Replace the selected rules with this rule")
optadd = _("Add this rule in the current knowledge base")+" ("+cgi.escape(current, 1)+")"
optcancel = _("Cancel: do not add this rule")
formreplace = '''<form action="kb?action=add_mapping&amp;ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;forcetype=all"
<input type="hidden" name="mapFrom" value="%(left)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mapTo" value="%(right)s"/>
''' % { 'ln':ln, 'kb_id':kbid, 'left':cgi.escape(left, 1), 'right':cgi.escape(right, 1) }
#make a selectable list of kb's where to push the value..
for d in dicts:
kb = d['kbname']
l = d['key']
r = d['value']
value = cgi.escape(kb, 1)+"++++"+cgi.escape(l, 1)+"++++"+cgi.escape(r, 1)
formreplace += '<input type="checkbox" name="replacements" value="'+value+'" />' + \
'<b>' + cgi.escape(kb) + '</b>: <code style="border:1px solid #999">' + \
cgi.escape(l) + '</code> =&gt; <code style="border:1px solid #999">' + cgi.escape(r) + "</code><br/>"
formreplace += ''' <input class="adminbutton"
type="submit" value="%(opt)s"/></form>''' % { 'opt':optreplace }
formadd = '''<form action="kb?action=add_mapping&amp;ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s&amp;forcetype=curr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mapFrom" value="%(left)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mapTo" value="%(right)s"/>
<input class="adminbutton"
type="submit" value="%(opt)s"/></form>''' % { 'opt':optadd, 'ln':ln,
'left':cgi.escape(left, 1), 'right':cgi.escape(right, 1) }
formcancel = '''<form action="kb?ln=%(ln)s&amp;kb=%(kb_id)s">
<input type="hidden" name="kb" value="%(kb_id)s">
<input class="adminbutton"
type="submit" value="%(opt)s"/></form>''' % { 'ln': ln, 'kb_id':kbid, 'opt':optcancel }
if dontdoit:
formadd = _("It is not possible to have two rules with the same left side in the same knowledge base.")+"<p>"
out = gen+"<p>"+message+"<p>"+formadd+formcancel+"<p><p><p>"+formreplace
return out

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