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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: Markus Höhnerbach (RWTH)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "math.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "pair_tersoff_intel.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
// Currently Intel compiler is required for this pair style.
// For convenience, base class routines are called if not using Intel compiler.
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
PairTersoffIntel::PairTersoffIntel(LAMMPS *lmp) : PairTersoff(lmp)
void PairTersoffIntel::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
PairTersoff::compute(eflag, vflag);
void PairTersoffIntel::init_style()
if (comm->me == 0) {
error->warning(FLERR, "Tersoff/intel currently requires intel compiler. "
"Using MANYBODY version.");
#pragma offload_attribute(push,target(mic))
#include "intel_intrinsics.h"
#include "math_const.h"
#pragma offload_attribute(pop)
#include "group.h"
#include "kspace.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "suffix.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
using namespace MathConst;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairTersoffIntel::PairTersoffIntel(LAMMPS *lmp) : PairTersoff(lmp)
suffix_flag |= Suffix::INTEL;
respa_enable = 0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Dispatch the requested precision
void PairTersoffIntel::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
if (fix->precision()==FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
compute<float,double>(eflag, vflag, fix->get_mixed_buffers(),
} else if (fix->precision()==FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
compute<double,double>(eflag, vflag, fix->get_double_buffers(),
} else {
compute<float,float>(eflag, vflag, fix->get_single_buffers(),
vflag_fdotr = 0;
// Dispatch the extent of computation:
// do we need to calculate energy/virial
template <class flt_t, class acc_t>
void PairTersoffIntel::compute(int eflag, int vflag,
IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers,
const ForceConst<flt_t> &fc)
if (eflag || vflag) {
} else evflag = vflag_fdotr = 0;
const int inum = list->inum;
const int nthreads = comm->nthreads;
const int host_start = fix->host_start_pair();
const int offload_end = fix->offload_end_pair();
const int ago = neighbor->ago;
if (ago != 0 && fix->separate_buffers() == 0) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(eflag,vflag,buffers,fc)
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id_align(ifrom, ito, tid, atom->nlocal + atom->nghost,
nthreads, sizeof(ATOM_T));
if (evflag || vflag_fdotr) {
int ovflag = 0;
if (vflag_fdotr) ovflag = 2;
else if (vflag) ovflag = 1;
if (eflag) {
eval<1,1,1>(1, ovflag, buffers, fc, 0, offload_end);
eval<1,1,1>(0, ovflag, buffers, fc, host_start, inum);
} else {
eval<1,0,1>(1, ovflag, buffers, fc, 0, offload_end);
eval<1,0,1>(0, ovflag, buffers, fc, host_start, inum);
} else {
eval<0,0,1>(1, 0, buffers, fc, 0, offload_end);
eval<0,0,1>(0, 0, buffers, fc, host_start, inum);
#pragma offload_attribute(push, target(mic))
// The complete Tersoff computation kernel is encapsulated here
// everything is static, the class just serves as a unit of organization
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, lmp_intel::CalculationMode mic, bool pack_i>
struct IntelKernelTersoff : public lmp_intel::vector_routines<flt_t, acc_t, mic> {
// instantiate the vector library and import the types
typedef typename lmp_intel::vector_routines<flt_t, acc_t, mic> v;
typedef typename v::fvec fvec;
typedef typename v::ivec ivec;
typedef typename v::bvec bvec;
typedef typename v::avec avec;
typedef typename v::iarr iarr;
typedef typename v::farr farr;
typedef typename v::aarr aarr;
typedef typename PairTersoffIntel::ForceConst<flt_t>::c_inner_t c_inner_t;
typedef typename PairTersoffIntel::ForceConst<flt_t>::c_outer_t c_outer_t;
// for descriptions of these methods, please have a look at the original code
// what's done in here is that they are inlined and vectorized
// attractive() also provides an option to compute zeta as well
static fvec zeta_vector(
const c_inner_t * param,
ivec xjw, bvec mask,
fvec vrij, fvec rsq2,
fvec vdijx, fvec vdijy, fvec vdijz,
fvec dikx, fvec diky, fvec dikz
static void force_zeta_vector(
const c_outer_t * param,
ivec xjw,
bvec mask,
fvec vrijsq, fvec vzeta_ij,
fvec *vfpair, fvec *vprefactor, int EVDWL, fvec *vevdwl,
bvec vmask_repulsive
template<bool ZETA>
static void attractive_vector(
const c_inner_t * param,
ivec xjw,
bvec mask,
fvec vprefactor,
fvec vrijsq, fvec rsq2,
fvec vdijx, fvec vdijy, fvec vdijz,
fvec dikx, fvec diky, fvec dikz,
fvec *fix, fvec *fiy, fvec *fiz,
fvec *fjx, fvec *fjy, fvec *fjz,
fvec *fkx, fvec *fky, fvec *fkz,
fvec *zeta
// perform the actual computation
template<bool EVFLAG, bool EFLAG>
static void kernel(
int iito, int iifrom, int eatom, int vflag,
const int * _noalias const numneigh,
const int * _noalias const numneighhalf,
const int * _noalias const cnumneigh,
const int * _noalias const firstneigh, int ntypes,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::atom_t * _noalias const x,
const c_inner_t * _noalias const c_inner,
const c_outer_t * _noalias const c_outer,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::vec3_acc_t * _noalias const f,
acc_t *evdwl, acc_t *ov0, acc_t * ov1, acc_t *ov2, acc_t* ov3, acc_t *ov4, acc_t *ov5
// perform one step of calculation, pass in i-j pairs of atoms (is, js)
template<int EVFLAG, int EFLAG>
static void kernel_step(
int eatom, int vflag,
const int * _noalias const numneigh,
const int * _noalias const cnumneigh,
const int * _noalias const firstneigh,
int ntypes,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::atom_t * _noalias const x,
const c_inner_t * _noalias const c_inner,
const c_outer_t * _noalias const c_outer,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::vec3_acc_t * _noalias const f,
avec *vsevdwl, avec *vsv0, avec * vsv1, avec *vsv2, avec* vsv3, avec *vsv4, avec *vsv5,
int compress_idx, iarr is, iarr js, bvec vmask_repulsive
// perform one step of calculation, as opposed to the previous method now
// with fixed i and a number of js
template<int EVFLAG, int EFLAG>
static void kernel_step_const_i(
int eatom, int vflag,
const int * _noalias const numneigh, const int * _noalias const cnumneigh,
const int * _noalias const firstneigh, int ntypes,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::atom_t * _noalias const x,
const c_inner_t * _noalias const c_inner,
const c_outer_t * _noalias const c_outer,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::vec3_acc_t * _noalias const f,
avec *vsevdwl, avec *vsv0, avec *vsv1, avec *vsv2, avec *vsv3, avec *vsv4, avec *vsv5,
int compress_idx, int i, iarr js, bvec vmask_repulsive
#pragma offload_attribute(pop)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Dispatch to correct kernel instatiation and perform all the work neccesary
// for offloading. In this routine we enter the Phi.
// This method is nearly identical to what happens in the other /intel styles
template <int EVFLAG, int EFLAG, int NEWTON_PAIR, class flt_t, class acc_t>
void PairTersoffIntel::eval(const int offload, const int vflag,
IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers,
const ForceConst<flt_t> &fc,
const int astart, const int aend)
const int inum = aend - astart;
if (inum == 0) return;
int nlocal, nall, minlocal;
fix->get_buffern(offload, nlocal, nall, minlocal);
const int ago = neighbor->ago;
IP_PRE_pack_separate_buffers(fix, buffers, ago, offload, nlocal, nall);
ATOM_T * _noalias const x = buffers->get_x(offload);
tagint * _noalias tag = this->atom->tag;
flt_t * _noalias const q = buffers->get_q(offload);
const int * _noalias const numneigh = list->numneigh;
const int * _noalias const cnumneigh = buffers->cnumneigh(list);
const int * _noalias const numneighhalf = buffers->get_atombin();
const int * _noalias const firstneigh = buffers->firstneigh(list);
typedef typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_inner_t c_inner_t;
typedef typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_outer_t c_outer_t;
typedef typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_cutoff_t c_cutoff_t;
const c_outer_t * _noalias const c_outer = fc.c_outer[0];
const c_inner_t * _noalias const c_inner = fc.c_inner[0][0];
const c_cutoff_t * _noalias const c_inner_cutoff = fc.c_cutoff_inner[0][0];
const int ntypes = atom->ntypes + 1;
const int eatom = this->eflag_atom;
// Determine how much data to transfer
int x_size, q_size, f_stride, ev_size, separate_flag;
IP_PRE_get_transfern(ago, NEWTON_PAIR, EVFLAG, EFLAG, vflag,
buffers, offload, fix, separate_flag,
x_size, q_size, ev_size, f_stride);
int tc;
FORCE_T * _noalias f_start;
acc_t * _noalias ev_global;
IP_PRE_get_buffers(offload, buffers, fix, tc, f_start, ev_global);
const int nthreads = tc;
int *overflow = fix->get_off_overflow_flag();
double *timer_compute = fix->off_watch_pair();
if (offload) fix->start_watch(TIME_OFFLOAD_LATENCY);
#pragma offload target(mic:_cop) if(offload) \
in(c_inner, c_outer :length(0) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(c_inner_cutoff :length(0) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(firstneigh:length(0) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(cnumneigh:length(0) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(numneigh:length(0) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(numneighhalf:length(0) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(x:length(x_size) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(overflow:length(0) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(astart,nthreads,inum,nall,ntypes,vflag,eatom) \
in(f_stride,nlocal,minlocal,separate_flag,offload) \
out(f_start:length(f_stride) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
out(ev_global:length(ev_size) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
out(timer_compute:length(1) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
#ifdef __MIC__
*timer_compute = MIC_Wtime();
IP_PRE_repack_for_offload(NEWTON_PAIR, separate_flag, nlocal, nall,
f_stride, x, 0);
acc_t oevdwl, oecoul, ov0, ov1, ov2, ov3, ov4, ov5;
if (EVFLAG) {
oevdwl = oecoul = (acc_t)0;
if (vflag) ov0 = ov1 = ov2 = ov3 = ov4 = ov5 = (acc_t)0;
// loop over neighbors of my atoms
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(f_start,f_stride,nlocal,nall,minlocal) \
int iifrom, iito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(iifrom, iito, tid, inum, nthreads);
iifrom += astart;
iito += astart;
FORCE_T * _noalias const f = f_start - minlocal + (tid * f_stride);
memset(f + minlocal, 0, f_stride * sizeof(FORCE_T));
acc_t sevdwl, sv0, sv1, sv2, sv3, sv4, sv5;
sevdwl = sv0 = sv1 = sv2 = sv3 = sv4 = sv5 = 0.;
#define ARGS iito, iifrom, eatom, vflag, numneigh, numneighhalf, cnumneigh, \
firstneigh, ntypes, x, c_inner, c_outer, f, &sevdwl, &sv0, &sv1, &sv2, &sv3, &sv4, &sv5
// Pick the variable i algorithm under specific conditions
// do use scalar algorithm with very short vectors
int VL = lmp_intel::vector_routines<flt_t,acc_t,lmp_intel::mode>::VL;
bool pack_i = VL >= 8 &&
bool use_scalar = VL < 4;
if (use_scalar) {
} else if (pack_i) {
IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t,acc_t,lmp_intel::mode,true >::kernel<EVFLAG,EFLAG>(ARGS);
} else {
if (EVFLAG) {
if (EFLAG) oevdwl += sevdwl;
if (vflag == 1) {
ov0 += sv0;
ov1 += sv1;
ov2 += sv2;
ov3 += sv3;
ov4 += sv4;
ov5 += sv5;
if (vflag == 2)
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp barrier
IP_PRE_fdotr_acc_force(NEWTON_PAIR, EVFLAG, EFLAG, vflag, eatom, nall,
nlocal, minlocal, nthreads, f_start, f_stride,
x, offload);
} // end of omp parallel region
if (EVFLAG) {
if (EFLAG) {
ev_global[0] = oevdwl;
ev_global[1] = 0.0;
if (vflag) {
ev_global[2] = ov0;
ev_global[3] = ov1;
ev_global[4] = ov2;
ev_global[5] = ov3;
ev_global[6] = ov4;
ev_global[7] = ov5;
#ifdef __MIC__
*timer_compute = MIC_Wtime() - *timer_compute;
} // end of offload region
if (offload)
fix->add_result_array(f_start, ev_global, offload, eatom, 0, vflag);
fix->add_result_array(f_start, 0, offload);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
init specific to this pair style
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// As in any other /intel pair style
void PairTersoffIntel::init_style()
if (atom->tag_enable == 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Pair style Tersoff requires atom IDs");
if (force->newton_pair == 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Pair style Tersoff requires newton pair on");
// need a full neighbor list
int irequest = neighbor->request(this);
neighbor->requests[irequest]->half = 0;
neighbor->requests[irequest]->full = 1;
neighbor->requests[irequest]->intel = 1;
int ifix = modify->find_fix("package_intel");
if (ifix < 0)
"The 'package intel' command is required for /intel styles");
fix = static_cast<FixIntel *>(modify->fix[ifix]);
_cop = fix->coprocessor_number();
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
pack_force_const(force_const_single, fix->get_mixed_buffers());
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
pack_force_const(force_const_double, fix->get_double_buffers());
} else {
pack_force_const(force_const_single, fix->get_single_buffers());
// As in any other /intel pair style
template <class flt_t, class acc_t>
void PairTersoffIntel::pack_force_const(ForceConst<flt_t> &fc,
IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
int tp1 = atom->ntypes + 1;
fc.set_ntypes(tp1, memory, _cop);
flt_t **cutneighsq = buffers->get_cutneighsq();
// Repeat cutsq calculation because done after call to init_style
double cut, cutneigh;
for (int i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++) {
for (int j = i; j <= atom->ntypes; j++) {
if (setflag[i][j] != 0 || (setflag[i][i] != 0 && setflag[j][j] != 0)) {
cut = init_one(i, j);
cutneigh = cut + neighbor->skin;
cutsq[i][j] = cutsq[j][i] = cut*cut;
cutneighsq[i][j] = cutneighsq[j][i] = cutneigh * cutneigh;
for (int i = 1; i < tp1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < tp1; j++) {
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][0].d2 = 1.0;
fc.c_inner_loop[i][0][j].d2 = 1.0;
fc.c_inner_loop[0][i][j].d2 = 1.0;
for (int k = 1; k < tp1; k++) {
Param * param = &params[elem2param[map[i]][map[j]][map[k]]];
fc.c_cutoff_inner[i][k][j].cutsq = static_cast<flt_t>(param->cutsq);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].lam3 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->lam3);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].bigr = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigr);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].bigd = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigd);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].c2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c * param->c);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].d2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->d * param->d);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].h = static_cast<flt_t>(param->h);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].gamma = static_cast<flt_t>(param->gamma);
fc.c_inner_loop[i][j][k].powermint = static_cast<flt_t>(param->powermint);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].cutsq = static_cast<flt_t>(param->cutsq);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].lam3 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->lam3);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].bigr = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigr);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].bigd = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigd);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].c2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c * param->c);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].d2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->d * param->d);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].h = static_cast<flt_t>(param->h);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].gamma = static_cast<flt_t>(param->gamma);
fc.c_inner[i][j][k].powermint = static_cast<flt_t>(param->powermint);
Param * param = &params[elem2param[map[i]][map[j]][map[j]]];
fc.c_cutoff_outer[i][j].cutsq = static_cast<flt_t>(param->cutsq);
fc.c_first_loop[i][j].bigr = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigr);
fc.c_first_loop[i][j].bigd = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigd);
fc.c_first_loop[i][j].lam1 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->lam1);
fc.c_first_loop[i][j].biga = static_cast<flt_t>(param->biga);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].lam2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->lam2);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].beta = static_cast<flt_t>(param->beta);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].bigb = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigb);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].powern = static_cast<flt_t>(param->powern);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].c1 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c1);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].c2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c2);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].c3 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c3);
fc.c_second_loop[i][j].c4 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c4);
fc.c_outer[i][j].cutsq = static_cast<flt_t>(param->cutsq);
fc.c_outer[i][j].bigr = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigr);
fc.c_outer[i][j].bigd = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigd);
fc.c_outer[i][j].lam1 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->lam1);
fc.c_outer[i][j].biga = static_cast<flt_t>(param->biga);
fc.c_outer[i][j].lam2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->lam2);
fc.c_outer[i][j].beta = static_cast<flt_t>(param->beta);
fc.c_outer[i][j].bigb = static_cast<flt_t>(param->bigb);
fc.c_outer[i][j].powern = static_cast<flt_t>(param->powern);
fc.c_outer[i][j].c1 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c1);
fc.c_outer[i][j].c2 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c2);
fc.c_outer[i][j].c3 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c3);
fc.c_outer[i][j].c4 = static_cast<flt_t>(param->c4);
fc.c_outer[i][0].cutsq = 0.;
if (_cop < 0) return;
typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_first_loop_t * c_first_loop = fc.c_first_loop[0];
typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_cutoff_t * c_cutoff_outer = fc.c_cutoff_outer[0];
typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_outer_t * c_outer = fc.c_outer[0];
typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_second_loop_t * c_second_loop = fc.c_second_loop[0];
typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_inner_loop_t * c_inner_loop = fc.c_inner_loop[0][0];
typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_cutoff_t * c_cutoff_inner = fc.c_cutoff_inner[0][0];
typename ForceConst<flt_t>::c_inner_t * c_inner = fc.c_inner[0][0];
flt_t * ocutneighsq = cutneighsq[0];
size_t VL = 512 / 8 / sizeof(flt_t);
int ntypes = tp1;
int ntypes_pad = ntypes + VL - ntypes % VL;
int tp1sq = tp1 * tp1;
int tp1cb = tp1 * tp1 * tp1;
int tp1cb_pad = tp1 * tp1 * ntypes_pad;
#pragma offload_transfer target(mic:_cop) \
in(c_first_loop, c_second_loop, c_cutoff_outer, c_outer : length(tp1sq) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(c_inner : length(tp1cb) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(c_cutoff_inner : length(tp1cb_pad) alloc_if(0) free_if(0)) \
in(ocutneighsq: length(tp1sq) alloc_if(0) free_if(0))
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// As in any other /intel pair style
template <class flt_t>
void PairTersoffIntel::ForceConst<flt_t>::set_ntypes(const int ntypes,
Memory *memory,
const int cop) {
if ( (ntypes != _ntypes) ) {
if (_ntypes > 0) {
c_first_loop_t * oc_first_loop = c_first_loop[0];
c_second_loop_t * oc_second_loop = c_second_loop[0];
c_inner_loop_t * oc_inner_loop = c_inner_loop[0][0];
c_cutoff_t * oc_cutoff_inner = c_cutoff_inner[0][0];
c_cutoff_t * oc_cutoff_outer = c_cutoff_outer[0];
c_inner_t * oc_inner = c_inner[0][0];
c_outer_t * oc_outer = c_outer[0];
if (c_first_loop != NULL && c_second_loop != NULL &&
c_inner_loop != NULL && _cop >= 0) {
#pragma offload_transfer target(mic:cop) \
nocopy(oc_first_loop, oc_second_loop, oc_inner_loop: alloc_if(0) free_if(1)) \
nocopy(oc_cutoff_outer, oc_cutoff_inner: alloc_if(0) free_if(1)) \
nocopy(oc_inner, oc_outer: alloc_if(0) free_if(0))
if (ntypes > 0) {
_cop = cop;
size_t VL = 512 / 8 / sizeof(flt_t);
int ntypes_pad = ntypes + VL - ntypes % VL;
c_first_loop_t * oc_first_loop = c_first_loop[0];
c_second_loop_t * oc_second_loop = c_second_loop[0];
c_cutoff_t * oc_cutoff_outer = c_cutoff_outer[0];
c_inner_loop_t * oc_inner_loop = c_inner_loop[0][0];
c_cutoff_t * oc_cutoff_inner = c_cutoff_inner[0][0];
c_inner_t * oc_inner = c_inner[0][0];
c_outer_t * oc_outer = c_outer[0];
int tp1sq = ntypes * ntypes;
int tp1cb = ntypes * ntypes * ntypes;
int tp1cb_pad = ntypes * ntypes * ntypes_pad;
if (oc_first_loop != NULL && oc_second_loop != NULL &&
oc_inner_loop != NULL && cop >= 0) {
#pragma offload_transfer target(mic:cop) \
nocopy(oc_first_loop: length(tp1sq) alloc_if(1) free_if(0)) \
nocopy(oc_second_loop: length(tp1sq) alloc_if(1) free_if(0)) \
nocopy(oc_cutoff_outer: length(tp1sq) alloc_if(1) free_if(0)) \
nocopy(oc_outer: length(tp1sq) alloc_if(1) free_if(0)) \
nocopy(oc_inner_loop: length(tp1cb) alloc_if(1) free_if(0)) \
nocopy(oc_inner: length(tp1cb) alloc_if(1) free_if(0)) \
nocopy(oc_cutoff_inner: length(tp1cb_pad) alloc_if(1) free_if(0))
#pragma offload_attribute(push,target(mic))
// The factor up to which we do caching
static const int N_CACHE = 8;
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, lmp_intel::CalculationMode mic, bool pack_i>
template<int EVFLAG, int EFLAG>
void IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t, acc_t, mic, pack_i>::kernel_step(
int eatom, int vflag,
const int * _noalias const numneigh, const int * _noalias const cnumneigh,
const int * _noalias const firstneigh, int ntypes,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::atom_t * _noalias const x,
const typename PairTersoffIntel::ForceConst<flt_t>::c_inner_t * _noalias const c_inner,
const typename PairTersoffIntel::ForceConst<flt_t>::c_outer_t * _noalias const c_outer,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::vec3_acc_t * _noalias const f,
avec *vsevdwl,
avec *vsv0,
avec *vsv1,
avec *vsv2,
avec* vsv3,
avec *vsv4,
avec *vsv5,
int compress_idx,
iarr is,
iarr js,
bvec vmask_repulsive
) {
ivec v_i4floats((int) (4 * sizeof(typename v::fscal)));
ivec v_i1(1);
fvec v_2(0.);
fvec v_0_5(0.5);
ivec v_i0(0);
ivec v_i_ntypes(ntypes);
farr fx, fy, fz, fw;
int cache_idx = 0;
fvec vfkx_cache[N_CACHE];
fvec vfky_cache[N_CACHE];
fvec vfkz_cache[N_CACHE];
ivec vks_cache[N_CACHE];
bvec vmask_cache[N_CACHE];
ivec vkks_final_cache;
bvec vmask_final_cache;
iarr ts;
// compute all the stuff we know from i and j
// TDO: We could extract this from the driver routine
ivec vis = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, v::int_load_vl(is));
ivec vjs = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, v::int_load_vl(js));
bvec vmask = v::mask_enable_lower(compress_idx);
fvec vx_i = v::zero(), vy_i = v::zero(), vz_i = v::zero();
ivec vw_i = v_i0;
v::gather_x(vis, vmask, x, &vx_i, &vy_i, &vz_i, &vw_i);
fvec vx_j = v::zero(), vy_j = v::zero(), vz_j = v::zero();
ivec vw_j = v_i0;
v::gather_x(vjs, vmask, x, &vx_j, &vy_j, &vz_j, &vw_j);
fvec vdx_ij = vx_j - vx_i, vdy_ij = vy_j - vy_i, vdz_ij = vz_j - vz_i;
fvec vrijsq = vdx_ij * vdx_ij + vdy_ij * vdy_ij + vdz_ij * vdz_ij;
fvec vrij = sqrt(vrijsq);
ivec vis_orig = v::int_load_vl(is);
ivec vcnumneigh_i = v::int_gather<4>(v_i0, vmask, vis_orig, cnumneigh);
ivec vnumneigh_i = v::int_gather<4>(v_i0, vmask, vis_orig, numneigh);
ivec vc_idx_ij = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, vw_j + v::int_mullo(v_i_ntypes, vw_i));
fvec vzeta = v::zero();
fvec vfxtmp = v::zero(), vfytmp = v::zero(), vfztmp = v::zero();
fvec vfjxtmp = v::zero(), vfjytmp = v::zero(), vfjztmp = v::zero();
// This piece of code faciliates the traversal of the k loop assuming
// nothing about i. As such, it uses masking to avoid superfluous loads
// and fast-forwards each lane until work is available.
// This is useful because we can not make assumptions as to where in the
// neighbor list the atoms within the cutoff might be.
// We also implement the caching in here, i.e. collect force contributions
// due to zeta.
// This means that you will see four loops:
// 1. the loop that does zeta calculation and caches the force contributions
// 2. the loop that processes the remaining zeta calculations
// 3. the loop that updates the force based on the cached force contributions
// 4. the loop that computes force contributions for the remainder
ivec vkks = v_i0;
bvec vactive_mask = vmask;
bvec veff_old_mask(0);
ivec vks, vw_k;
fvec vx_k, vy_k, vz_k, vcutsq;
while (! v::mask_testz(vactive_mask) && cache_idx < N_CACHE) {
bvec vnew_mask = vactive_mask & ~ veff_old_mask;
vks = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, v_i_NEIGHMASK &
v::int_gather<4>(vks, vactive_mask, vkks + vcnumneigh_i, firstneigh));
v::gather_x(vks, vnew_mask, x, &vx_k, &vy_k, &vz_k, &vw_k);
fvec vdx_ik = (vx_k - vx_i);
fvec vdy_ik = (vy_k - vy_i);
fvec vdz_ik = (vz_k - vz_i);
fvec vrsq = vdx_ik * vdx_ik + vdy_ik * vdy_ik + vdz_ik * vdz_ik;
ivec vc_idx = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, vw_k) + v::int_mullo(v_i_ntypes, vc_idx_ij);
vcutsq = v::gather<4>(vcutsq, vnew_mask, vc_idx, c_inner);
bvec vcutoff_mask = v::cmplt(vrsq, vcutsq);
bvec vsame_mask = v::int_cmpneq(vjs, vks);
bvec veff_mask = vcutoff_mask & vsame_mask & vactive_mask;
if (v::mask_testz(~(veff_mask | ~vactive_mask))) {
fvec vzeta_contrib;
fvec vfix, vfiy, vfiz;
fvec vfjx, vfjy, vfjz;
fvec vfkx, vfky, vfkz;
vfxtmp = v::mask_add(vfxtmp, veff_mask, vfxtmp, vfix);
vfytmp = v::mask_add(vfytmp, veff_mask, vfytmp, vfiy);
vfztmp = v::mask_add(vfztmp, veff_mask, vfztmp, vfiz);
vfjxtmp = v::mask_add(vfjxtmp, veff_mask, vfjxtmp, vfjx);
vfjytmp = v::mask_add(vfjytmp, veff_mask, vfjytmp, vfjy);
vfjztmp = v::mask_add(vfjztmp, veff_mask, vfjztmp, vfjz);
vfkx_cache[cache_idx] = vfkx;
vfky_cache[cache_idx] = vfky;
vfkz_cache[cache_idx] = vfkz;
vks_cache[cache_idx] = vks;
vmask_cache[cache_idx] = veff_mask;
cache_idx += 1;
vzeta = v::mask_add(vzeta, veff_mask, vzeta, vzeta_contrib);
vkks = vkks + v_i1;
veff_old_mask = bvec(0);
} else {
vkks = v::int_mask_add(vkks, ~veff_mask, vkks, v_i1);
veff_old_mask = veff_mask;
vactive_mask &= v::int_cmplt(vkks, vnumneigh_i);
vkks_final_cache = vkks;
vmask_final_cache = vactive_mask;
while (! v::mask_testz(vactive_mask)) {
bvec vnew_mask = vactive_mask & ~ veff_old_mask;
vks = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, v_i_NEIGHMASK &
v::int_gather<4>(vks, vactive_mask, vkks + vcnumneigh_i, firstneigh));
v::gather_x(vks, vnew_mask, x, &vx_k, &vy_k, &vz_k, &vw_k);
fvec vdx_ik = (vx_k - vx_i);
fvec vdy_ik = (vy_k - vy_i);
fvec vdz_ik = (vz_k - vz_i);
fvec vrsq = vdx_ik * vdx_ik + vdy_ik * vdy_ik + vdz_ik * vdz_ik;
ivec vc_idx = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, vw_k) + v::int_mullo(v_i_ntypes, vc_idx_ij);
vcutsq = v::gather<4>(vcutsq, vnew_mask, vc_idx, c_inner);
bvec vcutoff_mask = v::cmplt(vrsq, vcutsq);
bvec vsame_mask = v::int_cmpneq(vjs, vks);
bvec veff_mask = vcutoff_mask & vsame_mask & vactive_mask;
if (v::mask_testz(~(veff_mask | ~vactive_mask))) {
fvec vzeta_contrib;
vzeta_contrib = zeta_vector(c_inner,vc_idx,veff_mask,vrij,vrsq,vdx_ij,vdy_ij,vdz_ij,vdx_ik,vdy_ik,vdz_ik);
vzeta = v::mask_add(vzeta, veff_mask, vzeta, vzeta_contrib);
vkks = vkks + v_i1;
veff_old_mask = bvec(0);
} else {
vkks = v::int_mask_add(vkks, ~veff_mask, vkks, v_i1);
veff_old_mask = veff_mask;
vactive_mask &= v::int_cmplt(vkks, vnumneigh_i);
fvec vfpair, vevdwl, vprefactor, vfwtmp, vfjwtmp;
force_zeta_vector(c_outer, vc_idx_ij, vmask, vrij, vzeta, &vfpair, &vprefactor, EFLAG, &vevdwl, vmask_repulsive);
vfxtmp = vfxtmp * vprefactor + vdx_ij * vfpair;
vfytmp = vfytmp * vprefactor + vdy_ij * vfpair;
vfztmp = vfztmp * vprefactor + vdz_ij * vfpair;
vfjxtmp = vfjxtmp * vprefactor - vdx_ij * vfpair;
vfjytmp = vfjytmp * vprefactor - vdy_ij * vfpair;
vfjztmp = vfjztmp * vprefactor - vdz_ij * vfpair;
if (EVFLAG) {
if (EFLAG) {
*vsevdwl = v::acc_mask_add(*vsevdwl, vmask, *vsevdwl, vevdwl);
if (eatom) {
v::store(fw, (v_0_5 * vevdwl));
if (vflag == 1) {
*vsv0 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv0, vmask, *vsv0, vdx_ij * vdx_ij * vfpair);
*vsv1 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv1, vmask, *vsv1, vdy_ij * vdy_ij * vfpair);
*vsv2 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv2, vmask, *vsv2, vdz_ij * vdz_ij * vfpair);
*vsv3 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv3, vmask, *vsv3, vdx_ij * vdy_ij * vfpair);
*vsv4 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv4, vmask, *vsv4, vdx_ij * vdz_ij * vfpair);
*vsv5 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv5, vmask, *vsv5, vdy_ij * vdz_ij * vfpair);
while (cache_idx-- > 0) {
fvec vfkx = vprefactor * vfkx_cache[cache_idx];
fvec vfky = vprefactor * vfky_cache[cache_idx];
fvec vfkz = vprefactor * vfkz_cache[cache_idx];
ivec vks = vks_cache[cache_idx];
bvec veff_mask = vmask_cache[cache_idx];
v::store(fx, vfkx);
v::store(fy, vfky);
v::store(fz, vfkz);
v::int_store(ts, vks);
for (int t = 0; t < v::VL; t++) {
if (v::mask_test_at(veff_mask, t)) {
int t_ = ts[t] / (4 * sizeof(typename v::fscal));
f[t_].x += fx[t];
f[t_].y += fy[t];
f[t_].z += fz[t];
ivec vkks = vkks_final_cache;
bvec vactive_mask = vmask_final_cache;
bvec veff_old_mask(0);
ivec vks, vw_k;
fvec vx_k, vy_k, vz_k, vcutsq;
while (! v::mask_testz(vactive_mask)) {
bvec vnew_mask = vactive_mask & ~ veff_old_mask;
vks = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, v_i_NEIGHMASK &
v::int_gather<4>(vks, vactive_mask, vkks + vcnumneigh_i, firstneigh));
v::gather_x(vks, vnew_mask, x, &vx_k, &vy_k, &vz_k, &vw_k);
fvec vdx_ik = vx_k - vx_i;
fvec vdy_ik = vy_k - vy_i;
fvec vdz_ik = vz_k - vz_i;
fvec vrsq = vdx_ik * vdx_ik + vdy_ik * vdy_ik + vdz_ik * vdz_ik;
ivec vc_idx = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, vw_k) + v::int_mullo(v_i_ntypes, vc_idx_ij);
vcutsq = v::gather<4>(vcutsq, vnew_mask, vc_idx, c_inner);
bvec vcutoff_mask = v::cmplt(vrsq, vcutsq);
bvec vsame_mask = v::int_cmpneq(vjs, vks);
bvec veff_mask = vcutoff_mask & vsame_mask & vactive_mask;
if (v::mask_testz(~(veff_mask | ~vactive_mask))) {
fvec vfix, vfiy, vfiz;
fvec vfjx, vfjy, vfjz;
fvec vfkx, vfky, vfkz;
vfxtmp = v::mask_add(vfxtmp, veff_mask, vfxtmp, vfix);
vfytmp = v::mask_add(vfytmp, veff_mask, vfytmp, vfiy);
vfztmp = v::mask_add(vfztmp, veff_mask, vfztmp, vfiz);
vfjxtmp = v::mask_add(vfjxtmp, veff_mask, vfjxtmp, vfjx);
vfjytmp = v::mask_add(vfjytmp, veff_mask, vfjytmp, vfjy);
vfjztmp = v::mask_add(vfjztmp, veff_mask, vfjztmp, vfjz);
v::store(fx, vfkx);
v::store(fy, vfky);
v::store(fz, vfkz);
v::int_store(ts, vks);
for (int t = 0; t < v::VL; t++) {
if (v::mask_test_at(veff_mask, t)) {
int t_ = ts[t] / (4 * sizeof(typename v::fscal));
f[t_].x += fx[t];
f[t_].y += fy[t];
f[t_].z += fz[t];
vkks = vkks + v_i1;
veff_old_mask = bvec(0);
} else {
vkks = v::int_mask_add(vkks, ~veff_mask, vkks, v_i1);
veff_old_mask = veff_mask;
vactive_mask &= v::int_cmplt(vkks, vnumneigh_i);
} // while (vactive_mask != 0)
} // section k
// We can not make any assumptions regarding conflicts.
// So we sequentialize this.
// TDO: Once AVX-512 is around check out VPCONFLICT
v::store(fx, vfjxtmp);
v::store(fy, vfjytmp);
v::store(fz, vfjztmp);
for (int t = 0; t < compress_idx; t++) {
int t_ = js[t];
f[t_].x += fx[t];
f[t_].y += fy[t];
f[t_].z += fz[t];
if (EVFLAG && EFLAG && eatom) {
f[t_].w += fw[t];
v::store(fx, vfxtmp);
v::store(fy, vfytmp);
v::store(fz, vfztmp);
for (int t = 0; t < compress_idx; t++) {
int t_ = is[t];
f[t_].x += fx[t];
f[t_].y += fy[t];
f[t_].z += fz[t];
if (EVFLAG && EFLAG && eatom) {
f[t_].w += fw[t];
// Specialized kernel step for fixed i, means that we don't have to use the
// convoluted iteration scheme above, as the loop variables are uniform.
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, lmp_intel::CalculationMode mic, bool pack_i>
template<int EVFLAG, int EFLAG>
void IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t,acc_t,mic, pack_i>::kernel_step_const_i(
int eatom, int vflag,
const int * _noalias const numneigh, const int * _noalias const cnumneigh,
const int * _noalias const firstneigh, int ntypes,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::atom_t * _noalias const x,
const typename PairTersoffIntel::ForceConst<flt_t>::c_inner_t * _noalias const c_inner,
const typename PairTersoffIntel::ForceConst<flt_t>::c_outer_t * _noalias const c_outer,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::vec3_acc_t * _noalias const f,
avec *vsevdwl,
avec *vsv0,
avec *vsv1,
avec *vsv2,
avec* vsv3,
avec *vsv4,
avec *vsv5,
int compress_idx,
int i,
iarr js,
bvec vmask_repulsive
) {
typedef typename v::fvec fvec;
typedef typename v::ivec ivec;
typedef typename v::bvec bvec;
typedef typename v::farr farr;
typedef typename v::iarr iarr;
typedef typename v::avec avec;
typedef typename v::aarr aarr;
ivec v_i4floats((int) (4 * sizeof(typename v::fscal)));
ivec v_i1(1), v_i0(0), v_i_ntypes(ntypes), v_i_NEIGHMASK(NEIGHMASK);
fvec v_0_5(0.5);
int cache_idx = 0;
fvec vfkx_cache[N_CACHE];
fvec vfky_cache[N_CACHE];
fvec vfkz_cache[N_CACHE];
int k_cache[N_CACHE];
bvec vmask_cache[N_CACHE];
int kk_final_cache;
aarr fx, fy, fz, fw;
iarr ts;
bvec vmask = v::mask_enable_lower(compress_idx);
fvec vx_i(x[i].x), vy_i(x[i].y), vz_i(x[i].z);
int w_i = x[i].w;
ivec vjs = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, v::int_load_vl(js));
fvec vx_j = v::zero(), vy_j = v::zero(), vz_j = v::zero();
ivec vw_j = v_i0;
v::gather_x(vjs, vmask, x, &vx_j, &vy_j, &vz_j, &vw_j);
fvec vdx_ij = vx_j - vx_i, vdy_ij = vy_j - vy_i, vdz_ij = vz_j - vz_i;
fvec vrijsq = vdx_ij * vdx_ij + vdy_ij * vdy_ij + vdz_ij * vdz_ij;
fvec vrij = sqrt(vrijsq);
int cnumneigh_i = cnumneigh[i];
int numneigh_i = numneigh[i];
ivec vc_idx_j = v::int_mullo(v_i4floats, vw_j);
ivec vc_idx_j_ntypes = v::int_mullo(v_i_ntypes, vc_idx_j);
avec vzeta = v::acc_zero();
avec vfxtmp = v::acc_zero(), vfytmp = v::acc_zero(), vfztmp = v::acc_zero();
avec vfjxtmp = v::acc_zero(), vfjytmp = v::acc_zero(), vfjztmp = v::acc_zero();
// Same structure as kernel_step, just simpler as the loops all iterate over
// the same k
int kk = 0;
for (; kk < numneigh_i && cache_idx < N_CACHE; kk++) {
int k = firstneigh[kk + cnumneigh_i] & NEIGHMASK;
fvec vx_k(x[k].x);
fvec vy_k(x[k].y);
fvec vz_k(x[k].z);
int w_k = x[k].w;
fvec vdx_ik = vx_k - vx_i;
fvec vdy_ik = vy_k - vy_i;
fvec vdz_ik = vz_k - vz_i;
fvec vrsq = vdx_ik * vdx_ik + vdy_ik * vdy_ik + vdz_ik * vdz_ik;
fvec vcutsq = v::gather<4>(v::zero(), vmask, vc_idx_j_ntypes, &c_inner[ntypes * ntypes * w_i + w_k]);
bvec vcutoff_mask = v::cmplt(vrsq, vcutsq);
bvec vsame_mask = v::int_cmpneq(vjs, ivec(static_cast<int>(4 * sizeof(typename v::fscal) * k)));
bvec veff_mask = vcutoff_mask & vsame_mask & vmask;
if (! v::mask_testz(veff_mask)) {
fvec vzeta_contrib;
fvec vfix, vfiy, vfiz;
fvec vfjx, vfjy, vfjz;
fvec vfkx, vfky, vfkz;
attractive_vector<true>(&c_inner[ntypes * ntypes * w_i + w_k],vc_idx_j_ntypes,veff_mask,fvec(1.),
vfxtmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfxtmp, veff_mask, vfxtmp, vfix);
vfytmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfytmp, veff_mask, vfytmp, vfiy);
vfztmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfztmp, veff_mask, vfztmp, vfiz);
vfjxtmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfjxtmp, veff_mask, vfjxtmp, vfjx);
vfjytmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfjytmp, veff_mask, vfjytmp, vfjy);
vfjztmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfjztmp, veff_mask, vfjztmp, vfjz);
vfkx_cache[cache_idx] = v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfkx, v::zero());
vfky_cache[cache_idx] = v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfky, v::zero());
vfkz_cache[cache_idx] = v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfkz, v::zero());
vmask_cache[cache_idx] = veff_mask;
k_cache[cache_idx] = k;
cache_idx += 1;
vzeta = v::acc_mask_add(vzeta, veff_mask, vzeta, vzeta_contrib);
kk_final_cache = kk;
for (; kk < numneigh_i; kk++) {
int k = firstneigh[kk + cnumneigh_i] & NEIGHMASK;
fvec vx_k(x[k].x);
fvec vy_k(x[k].y);
fvec vz_k(x[k].z);
int w_k = x[k].w;
fvec vdx_ik = vx_k - vx_i;
fvec vdy_ik = vy_k - vy_i;
fvec vdz_ik = vz_k - vz_i;
fvec vrsq = vdx_ik * vdx_ik + vdy_ik * vdy_ik + vdz_ik * vdz_ik;
fvec vcutsq = v::gather<4>(v::zero(), vmask, vc_idx_j_ntypes, &c_inner[ntypes * ntypes * w_i + w_k]);
bvec vcutoff_mask = v::cmplt(vrsq, vcutsq);
bvec vsame_mask = v::int_cmpneq(vjs, ivec(static_cast<int>(4 * sizeof(typename v::fscal) * k)));
bvec veff_mask = vcutoff_mask & vsame_mask & vmask;
if (! v::mask_testz(veff_mask)) {
fvec vzeta_contrib = zeta_vector(&c_inner[ntypes * ntypes * w_i + w_k], vc_idx_j_ntypes, veff_mask, vrij, vrsq,
vzeta = v::acc_mask_add(vzeta, veff_mask, vzeta, vzeta_contrib);
fvec vfpair, vevdwl, vprefactor, vfwtmp;
force_zeta_vector(&c_outer[ntypes * w_i], vc_idx_j, vmask, vrij, vzeta, &vfpair, &vprefactor, EFLAG, &vevdwl, vmask_repulsive);
avec vaprefactor(vprefactor);
vfxtmp = vfxtmp * vaprefactor + avec(vdx_ij * vfpair);
vfytmp = vfytmp * vaprefactor + avec(vdy_ij * vfpair);
vfztmp = vfztmp * vaprefactor + avec(vdz_ij * vfpair);
vfjxtmp = vfjxtmp * vaprefactor - avec(vdx_ij * vfpair);
vfjytmp = vfjytmp * vaprefactor - avec(vdy_ij * vfpair);
vfjztmp = vfjztmp * vaprefactor - avec(vdz_ij * vfpair);
if (EVFLAG) {
if (EFLAG) {
*vsevdwl = v::acc_mask_add(*vsevdwl, vmask, *vsevdwl, vevdwl);
if (eatom) {
vfwtmp = v_0_5 * vevdwl;
v::store(fw, vfwtmp);
if (vflag == 1) {
*vsv0 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv0, vmask, *vsv0, vdx_ij * vdx_ij * vfpair);
*vsv1 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv1, vmask, *vsv1, vdy_ij * vdy_ij * vfpair);
*vsv2 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv2, vmask, *vsv2, vdz_ij * vdz_ij * vfpair);
*vsv3 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv3, vmask, *vsv3, vdx_ij * vdy_ij * vfpair);
*vsv4 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv4, vmask, *vsv4, vdx_ij * vdz_ij * vfpair);
*vsv5 = v::acc_mask_add(*vsv5, vmask, *vsv5, vdy_ij * vdz_ij * vfpair);
while (cache_idx-- > 0) {
fvec vfkx = vprefactor * vfkx_cache[cache_idx];
fvec vfky = vprefactor * vfky_cache[cache_idx];
fvec vfkz = vprefactor * vfkz_cache[cache_idx];
int k = k_cache[cache_idx];
bvec veff_mask = vmask_cache[cache_idx];
f[k].x += v::reduce_add(v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfkx, v::zero()));
f[k].y += v::reduce_add(v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfky, v::zero()));
f[k].z += v::reduce_add(v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfkz, v::zero()));
for (int kk = kk_final_cache; kk < numneigh_i; kk++) {
int k = firstneigh[kk + cnumneigh_i] & NEIGHMASK;
fvec vx_k(x[k].x);
fvec vy_k(x[k].y);
fvec vz_k(x[k].z);
int w_k = x[k].w;
fvec vdx_ik = vx_k - vx_i;
fvec vdy_ik = vy_k - vy_i;
fvec vdz_ik = vz_k - vz_i;
fvec vrsq = vdx_ik * vdx_ik + vdy_ik * vdy_ik + vdz_ik * vdz_ik;
fvec vcutsq = v::gather<4>(v::zero(), vmask, vc_idx_j_ntypes, &c_inner[ntypes * ntypes * w_i + w_k].cutsq);
bvec vcutoff_mask = v::cmplt(vrsq, vcutsq);
bvec vsame_mask = v::int_cmpneq(vjs, ivec(static_cast<int>(4 * sizeof(typename v::fscal) * k)));
bvec veff_mask = vcutoff_mask & vsame_mask & vmask;
if (! v::mask_testz(veff_mask)) {
fvec vfix, vfiy, vfiz;
fvec vfjx, vfjy, vfjz;
fvec vfkx, vfky, vfkz;
attractive_vector<false>(&c_inner[ntypes * ntypes * w_i + w_k],vc_idx_j_ntypes,veff_mask,vprefactor,
vfxtmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfxtmp, veff_mask, vfxtmp, vfix);
vfytmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfytmp, veff_mask, vfytmp, vfiy);
vfztmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfztmp, veff_mask, vfztmp, vfiz);
vfjxtmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfjxtmp, veff_mask, vfjxtmp, vfjx);
vfjytmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfjytmp, veff_mask, vfjytmp, vfjy);
vfjztmp = v::acc_mask_add(vfjztmp, veff_mask, vfjztmp, vfjz);
f[k].x += v::reduce_add(v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfkx, v::zero()));
f[k].y += v::reduce_add(v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfky, v::zero()));
f[k].z += v::reduce_add(v::mask_add(v::zero(), veff_mask, vfkz, v::zero()));
// TDO: This could be a scatter
v::acc_store(fx, vfjxtmp);
v::acc_store(fy, vfjytmp);
v::acc_store(fz, vfjztmp);
for (int t = 0; t < compress_idx; t++) {
int t_ = js[t];
f[t_].x += fx[t];
f[t_].y += fy[t];
f[t_].z += fz[t];
if (EVFLAG && EFLAG && eatom) {
f[t_].w += fw[t];
f[i].x += v::acc_reduce_add(v::acc_mask_add(v::acc_zero(), vmask, vfxtmp, v::zero()));
f[i].y += v::acc_reduce_add(v::acc_mask_add(v::acc_zero(), vmask, vfytmp, v::zero()));
f[i].z += v::acc_reduce_add(v::acc_mask_add(v::acc_zero(), vmask, vfztmp, v::zero()));
if (EVFLAG && EFLAG && eatom) {
f[i].z += v::acc_reduce_add(v::acc_mask_add(v::acc_zero(), vmask, vfwtmp, v::zero()));
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, lmp_intel::CalculationMode mic, bool pack_i>
template<bool EVFLAG, bool EFLAG>
void IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t,acc_t,mic, pack_i>::kernel(
int iito, int iifrom, int eatom, int vflag,
const int * _noalias const numneigh,
const int * _noalias const numneighhalf,
const int * _noalias const cnumneigh,
const int * _noalias const firstneigh, int ntypes,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::atom_t * _noalias const x,
const c_inner_t * _noalias const c_inner,
const c_outer_t * _noalias const c_outer,
typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::vec3_acc_t * _noalias const f,
acc_t *evdwl, acc_t *ov0, acc_t * ov1, acc_t *ov2, acc_t* ov3, acc_t *ov4, acc_t *ov5
) {
int compress_idx = 0;
int ii, jj;
iarr is, js;
avec vsevdwl = v::acc_zero();
avec vsv0 = v::acc_zero(), vsv1 = v::acc_zero(), vsv2 = v::acc_zero();
avec vsv3 = v::acc_zero(), vsv4 = v::acc_zero(), vsv5 = v::acc_zero();
ivec v_i4floats(static_cast<int>(sizeof(typename v::fscal) * 4));
bvec vmask_repulsive(0);
iarr repulsive_flag = {0};
// If you want to get the very most out of this, please uncomment.
// Consider getting a coffee or doing something else.
// Also good for heating.
//#pragma forceinline recursive
for (ii = iifrom; ii < iito; ii++) {
// Right now this loop is scalar, to allow for the compiler to do
// its prefetching magic.
int i = ii;
int w_i = x[i].w;
flt_t x_i = x[i].x;
flt_t y_i = x[i].y;
flt_t z_i = x[i].z;
int jlist_off_i = cnumneigh[i];
int jnum = numneigh[ii];
for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
int j = firstneigh[jlist_off_i + jj] & NEIGHMASK;
int w_j = x[j].w;
flt_t dx_ij = x[j].x - x_i;
flt_t dy_ij = x[j].y - y_i;
flt_t dz_ij = x[j].z - z_i;
flt_t rsq = dx_ij*dx_ij + dy_ij*dy_ij + dz_ij*dz_ij;
flt_t cutsq = c_outer[w_i * ntypes + w_j].cutsq;
if (rsq < cutsq) {
is[compress_idx] = ii;
js[compress_idx] = j;
if (jj < numneighhalf[i])
repulsive_flag[compress_idx] = 1;
compress_idx += 1;
if (pack_i) {
if (compress_idx == v::VL) {
vmask_repulsive = v::int_cmpneq(v::int_load_vl(repulsive_flag), ivec(0));
eatom, vflag,
numneigh, cnumneigh, firstneigh, ntypes,
x, c_inner, c_outer, f,
&vsevdwl, &vsv0, &vsv1, &vsv2, &vsv3, &vsv4, &vsv5, compress_idx,
is, js, vmask_repulsive
compress_idx = 0;
} else {
if (compress_idx == v::VL || (compress_idx > 0 && jj == jnum-1)) {
vmask_repulsive = v::int_cmpneq(v::int_load_vl(repulsive_flag), ivec(0));
eatom, vflag,
numneigh, cnumneigh, firstneigh, ntypes,
x, c_inner, c_outer, f,
&vsevdwl, &vsv0, &vsv1, &vsv2, &vsv3, &vsv4, &vsv5, compress_idx,
i, js, vmask_repulsive
compress_idx = 0;
if (compress_idx > 0) {
vmask_repulsive = v::int_cmpneq(v::int_load_vl(repulsive_flag), ivec(0));
eatom, vflag,
numneigh, cnumneigh, firstneigh, ntypes,
x, c_inner, c_outer, f,
&vsevdwl, &vsv0, &vsv1, &vsv2, &vsv3, &vsv4, &vsv5, compress_idx,
is, js, vmask_repulsive
if (EVFLAG) {
if (EFLAG) {
*evdwl += v::acc_reduce_add(vsevdwl);
if (vflag == 1) {
*ov0 += v::acc_reduce_add(vsv0);
*ov1 += v::acc_reduce_add(vsv1);
*ov2 += v::acc_reduce_add(vsv2);
*ov3 += v::acc_reduce_add(vsv3);
*ov4 += v::acc_reduce_add(vsv4);
*ov5 += v::acc_reduce_add(vsv5);
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, lmp_intel::CalculationMode mic, bool pack_i>
IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t,acc_t,mic,pack_i>::fvec IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t, acc_t, mic, pack_i>::zeta_vector(
const c_inner_t * param,
ivec xjw, bvec mask,
fvec vrij, fvec rsq2,
fvec vdijx, fvec vdijy, fvec vdijz,
fvec dikx, fvec diky, fvec dikz
) {
fvec v_1_0(1.0);
fvec v_0_5(0.5);
fvec vph = v::zero(), vpc2 = v::zero(), vpd2 = v::zero(), vpgamma = v::zero(), vplam3 = v::zero(), vppowermint = v::zero(), vpbigr = v::zero(), vpbigd = v::zero();
// TDO: Specialize on number of species
v::gather_8(xjw, mask, &param[0].lam3, &vplam3, &vppowermint, &vpbigr, &vpbigd, &vpc2, &vpd2, &vph, &vpgamma);
fvec vrik = sqrt(rsq2);
fvec vcostheta = (vdijx * dikx + vdijy * diky + vdijz * dikz) * v::recip(vrij * vrik);
fvec vhcth = vph - vcostheta;
fvec vgijk_a = vhcth * vhcth;
fvec vgijk = vpgamma * (v_1_0 + vpc2 * vgijk_a * v::recip(vpd2 * (vpd2 + vgijk_a)));
fvec varg1 = vplam3 * (vrij - vrik);
fvec varg3 = varg1 * varg1 * varg1;
bvec mask_ex = v::cmpeq(vppowermint, fvec(3.));
fvec varg = v::blend(mask_ex, varg1, varg3);
fvec vex_delr = v::min(fvec(1.e30), exp(varg));
bvec vmask_need_sine = v::cmpnle(vrik, vpbigr - vpbigd) & mask;
fvec vfc = v_1_0;
// Its kind of important to check the mask.
// Some simulations never/rarely invoke this branch.
if (! v::mask_testz(vmask_need_sine)) {
vfc = v::blend(vmask_need_sine, vfc,
v_0_5 * (v_1_0 - sin(fvec(MY_PI2) * (vrik - vpbigr) * v::recip(vpbigd))));
return vgijk * vex_delr * vfc;
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, lmp_intel::CalculationMode mic, bool pack_i>
void IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t, acc_t, mic, pack_i>::force_zeta_vector(
const c_outer_t * param,
ivec xjw,
bvec mask,
fvec vrij, fvec vzeta_ij,
fvec *vfpair, fvec *vprefactor, int EVDWL, fvec *vevdwl,
bvec vmask_repulsive
) {
fvec v_0_0(0.0);
fvec v_0_5(0.5);
fvec v_m0_5(-0.5);
fvec v_1_0(1.0);
fvec v_m1_0(-1.0);
fvec v_2_0(2.0);
fvec vpbigr = v::zero(), vpbigd = v::zero(), vplam1 = v::zero(), vpbiga = v::zero(), vplam2 = v::zero(), vpbeta = v::zero(), vpbigb = v::zero(), vppowern = v::zero();
v::gather_8(xjw, mask, &param[0].bigr, &vpbigr, &vpbigd, &vplam1, &vpbiga, &vplam2, &vpbeta, &vpbigb, &vppowern);
fvec vfccos;
// This is pretty much a literal translation.
bvec vmask_need_sine = v::cmpnle(vrij, vpbigr - vpbigd) & mask;
fvec vfc = v_1_0;
fvec vfc_d = v_0_0;
if (! v::mask_testz(vmask_need_sine)) {
fvec vtmp = fvec(MY_PI2) * v::recip(vpbigd);
vfc = v::blend(vmask_need_sine, vfc,
v_0_5 * (v_1_0 - v::sincos(&vfccos, vtmp * (vrij - vpbigr))));
vfc_d = v::blend(vmask_need_sine, vfc_d, v_m0_5 * vtmp * vfccos);
fvec vpminus_lam2 = - vplam2;
fvec vpminus_bigb = -vpbigb;
fvec vexp = exp(vpminus_lam2 * vrij);
fvec vfa = vpminus_bigb * vexp * vfc;
fvec vfa_d = vpminus_lam2 * vfa + vpminus_bigb * vexp * vfc_d;
fvec vpc1 = v::zero(), vpc2 = v::zero(), vpc3 = v::zero(), vpc4 = v::zero();
v::gather_4(xjw, mask, &param[0].c1, &vpc1, &vpc2, &vpc3, &vpc4);
fvec vpminus_powern = - vppowern;
fvec vbij(0.), vbij_d(0.);
fvec vtmp = vpbeta * vzeta_ij;
bvec vmc1 = v::cmple(vpc1, vtmp) & mask;
if (! v::mask_testz(vmc1)) {
vbij = v::invsqrt(vtmp);
vbij_d = vpbeta * v_m0_5 * vbij * v::recip(vtmp);
bvec vmc2 = v::cmple(vpc2, vtmp) & ~ vmc1 & mask;
if (! v::mask_testz(vmc2)) {
fvec vpowminus_powern = pow(vtmp, vpminus_powern);
fvec vinvsqrt = v::invsqrt(vtmp);
fvec vrcp2powern = v::recip(v_2_0 * vppowern);
fvec va = (v_1_0 - vpowminus_powern * vrcp2powern) * vinvsqrt;
fvec va_d = vpbeta * v_m0_5 * vinvsqrt * v::recip(vtmp) *
(v_1_0 + v_m0_5 * vpowminus_powern * (v_1_0 + vrcp2powern));
vbij = v::blend(vmc2, vbij, va);
vbij_d = v::blend(vmc2, vbij_d, va_d);
bvec vmc3 = v::cmplt(vtmp, vpc4) & ~vmc2 & ~vmc1 & mask;
if (! v::mask_testz(vmc3)) {
vbij = v::blend(vmc3, vbij, v_1_0);
vbij_d = v::blend(vmc3, vbij_d, v_0_0);
bvec vmc4 = v::cmple(vtmp, vpc3) & ~vmc3 & ~vmc2 & ~ vmc1 & mask;
if (! v::mask_testz(vmc4)) {
fvec vpowm1 = pow(vtmp, vppowern - v_1_0);
fvec vrcp2powern = v::recip(v_2_0 * vppowern);
fvec va = v_1_0 - vtmp * vrcp2powern * vpowm1;
fvec va_d = v_m0_5 * vpbeta * vpowm1;
vbij = v::blend(vmc4, vbij, va);
vbij_d = v::blend(vmc4, vbij_d, va_d);
bvec vmc5 = mask & ~vmc1 & ~vmc2 & ~vmc3 & ~vmc4;
if (! v::mask_testz(vmc5)) {
fvec vtmp_n = pow(vtmp, vppowern);
fvec vpow2 = pow(v_1_0 + vtmp_n, v_m1_0 - v::recip(v_2_0 * vppowern));
fvec va = (v_1_0 + vtmp_n) * vpow2;
fvec va_d = v_m0_5 * vpow2 * vtmp_n * v::recip(vzeta_ij);
vbij = v::blend(vmc5, vbij, va);
vbij_d = v::blend(vmc5, vbij_d, va_d);
fvec vtmp_exp = exp(-vplam1 * vrij);
fvec vrep_fforce = vpbiga * vtmp_exp * (vfc_d - vfc * vplam1);
fvec vfz_fforce = v_0_5 * vbij * vfa_d;
*vfpair = v::mask_add(vfz_fforce, vmask_repulsive, vfz_fforce, vrep_fforce) * v::recip(vrij);
*vprefactor = v_m0_5 * vfa * vbij_d;
if (EVDWL) {
fvec vrep_eng = vfc * vpbiga * vtmp_exp;
fvec vfz_eng = v_0_5 * vfa * vbij;
*vevdwl = v::mask_add(vfz_eng, vmask_repulsive, vfz_eng, vrep_eng);
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, lmp_intel::CalculationMode mic, bool pack_i>
template<bool ZETA>
void IntelKernelTersoff<flt_t,acc_t,mic, pack_i>::attractive_vector(
const c_inner_t * param,
ivec xjw,
bvec mask,
fvec vprefactor,
fvec vrij, fvec rsq2,
fvec vdijx, fvec vdijy, fvec vdijz,
fvec dikx, fvec diky, fvec dikz,
fvec *fix, fvec *fiy, fvec *fiz,
fvec *fjx, fvec *fjy, fvec *fjz,
fvec *fkx, fvec *fky, fvec *fkz,
fvec *zeta
) {
fvec v_1_0 = fvec(1.0);
fvec vph = v::zero(), vpc2 = v::zero(), vpd2 = fvec(1.0), vpgamma = v::zero(), vplam3 = v::zero(), vppowermint = v::zero(), vpbigr = v::zero(), vpbigd = fvec(1.0);
v::gather_8(xjw, mask, &param[0].lam3, &vplam3, &vppowermint, &vpbigr, &vpbigd, &vpc2, &vpd2, &vph, &vpgamma);
fvec vrijinv = v::recip(vrij);
fvec vrij_hatx = vrijinv * vdijx;
fvec vrij_haty = vrijinv * vdijy;
fvec vrij_hatz = vrijinv * vdijz;
fvec rikinv = invsqrt(rsq2);
fvec rik_hatx = rikinv * dikx;
fvec rik_haty = rikinv * diky;
fvec rik_hatz = rikinv * dikz;
fvec vrik = sqrt(rsq2);
fvec vcostheta = (vdijx * dikx + vdijy * diky + vdijz * dikz) * v::recip(vrij * vrik);
fvec vhcth = vph - vcostheta;
fvec vdenominator = v::recip(vpd2 + vhcth * vhcth);
fvec vgijk = vpgamma * (v_1_0 + vpc2 * v::recip(vpd2) - vpc2 * vdenominator);
fvec vnumerator = fvec(-2.) * vpc2 * vhcth;
fvec vgijk_d = vpgamma * vnumerator * vdenominator * vdenominator;
fvec varg1 = vplam3 * (vrij - vrik);
fvec varg3 = varg1 * varg1 * varg1;
bvec mask_ex = v::cmpeq(vppowermint, fvec(3.));
fvec varg = v::blend(mask_ex, varg1, varg3);
fvec vex_delr = min(fvec(1.e30), exp(varg));
fvec vex_delr_d_factor = v::blend(mask_ex, v_1_0, fvec(3.0) * varg1 * varg1);
fvec vex_delr_d = vplam3 * vex_delr_d_factor * vex_delr;
bvec vmask_need_sine = v::cmpnle(vrik, vpbigr - vpbigd) & mask;
fvec vfccos;
fvec vfc = v_1_0;
fvec vfc_d = v::zero();
if (! v::mask_testz(vmask_need_sine)) {
fvec vtmp = fvec(MY_PI2) * v::recip(vpbigd);
vfc = v::blend(vmask_need_sine, vfc,
fvec(0.5) * (v_1_0 - v::sincos(&vfccos, vtmp * (vrik - vpbigr))));
vfc_d = v::blend(vmask_need_sine, vfc_d, fvec(-0.5) * vtmp * vfccos);
fvec vzeta_d_fc = vfc_d * vgijk * vex_delr;
fvec vzeta_d_gijk = vfc * vgijk_d * vex_delr;
fvec vzeta_d_ex_delr = vfc * vgijk * vex_delr_d;
if (ZETA) *zeta = vfc * vgijk * vex_delr;
fvec vminus_costheta = - vcostheta;
fvec vdcosdrjx = vrijinv * fmadd(vminus_costheta, vrij_hatx, rik_hatx);
fvec vdcosdrjy = vrijinv * fmadd(vminus_costheta, vrij_haty, rik_haty);
fvec vdcosdrjz = vrijinv * fmadd(vminus_costheta, vrij_hatz, rik_hatz);
fvec vdcosdrkx = rikinv * fmadd(vminus_costheta, rik_hatx, vrij_hatx);
fvec vdcosdrky = rikinv * fmadd(vminus_costheta, rik_haty, vrij_haty);
fvec vdcosdrkz = rikinv * fmadd(vminus_costheta, rik_hatz, vrij_hatz);
fvec vdcosdrix = -(vdcosdrjx + vdcosdrkx);
fvec vdcosdriy = -(vdcosdrjy + vdcosdrky);
fvec vdcosdriz = -(vdcosdrjz + vdcosdrkz);
*fix = vprefactor * (vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdrix + vzeta_d_ex_delr * (rik_hatx - vrij_hatx) - vzeta_d_fc * rik_hatx);
*fiy = vprefactor * (vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdriy + vzeta_d_ex_delr * (rik_haty - vrij_haty) - vzeta_d_fc * rik_haty);
*fiz = vprefactor * (vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdriz + vzeta_d_ex_delr * (rik_hatz - vrij_hatz) - vzeta_d_fc * rik_hatz);
*fjx = vprefactor * (vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdrjx + vzeta_d_ex_delr * vrij_hatx);
*fjy = vprefactor * (vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdrjy + vzeta_d_ex_delr * vrij_haty);
*fjz = vprefactor * (vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdrjz + vzeta_d_ex_delr * vrij_hatz);
*fkx = vprefactor * ((vzeta_d_fc - vzeta_d_ex_delr) * rik_hatx + vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdrkx);
*fky = vprefactor * ((vzeta_d_fc - vzeta_d_ex_delr) * rik_haty + vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdrky);
*fkz = vprefactor * ((vzeta_d_fc - vzeta_d_ex_delr) * rik_hatz + vzeta_d_gijk * vdcosdrkz);
#pragma offload_attribute(pop)

Event Timeline