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* @file
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date creation: Tue Aug 18 2015
* @date last modification: Wed Feb 21 2018
* @brief Implementation of the common parts of the DOFManagers
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2015-2018 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "dof_manager.hh"
#include "communicator.hh"
#include "element_group.hh"
#include "mesh.hh"
#include "mesh_utils.hh"
#include "node_group.hh"
#include "non_linear_solver.hh"
#include "sparse_matrix.hh"
#include "time_step_solver.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <memory>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DOFManager::DOFManager(const ID & id, const MemoryID & memory_id)
: Memory(id, memory_id),
communicator(Communicator::getStaticCommunicator()) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DOFManager::DOFManager(Mesh & mesh, const ID & id, const MemoryID & memory_id)
: Memory(id, memory_id), mesh(&mesh), local_system_size(0),
pure_local_system_size(0), system_size(0),
communicator(mesh.getCommunicator()) {
this->mesh->registerEventHandler(*this, _ehp_dof_manager);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DOFManager::~DOFManager() = default;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void DOFManager::getEquationsNumbers(const ID &, Array<UInt> &) {
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
std::vector<ID> DOFManager::getDOFIDs() const {
std::vector<ID> keys;
for (const auto & dof_data : this->dofs)
return keys;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::assembleElementalArrayLocalArray(
const Array<Real> & elementary_vect, Array<Real> & array_assembeled,
const ElementType & type, const GhostType & ghost_type, Real scale_factor,
const Array<UInt> & filter_elements) {
UInt nb_element;
UInt nb_nodes_per_element = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
UInt nb_degree_of_freedom =
elementary_vect.getNbComponent() / nb_nodes_per_element;
UInt * filter_it = nullptr;
if (filter_elements != empty_filter) {
nb_element = filter_elements.size();
filter_it =;
} else {
nb_element = this->mesh->getNbElement(type, ghost_type);
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(elementary_vect.size() == nb_element,
"The vector elementary_vect("
<< elementary_vect.getID()
<< ") has not the good size.");
const Array<UInt> & connectivity =
this->mesh->getConnectivity(type, ghost_type);
Array<Real>::const_matrix_iterator elem_it =
elementary_vect.begin(nb_degree_of_freedom, nb_nodes_per_element);
for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el, ++elem_it) {
UInt element = el;
if (filter_it != nullptr) {
// conn_it = conn_begin + *filter_it;
element = *filter_it;
// const Vector<UInt> & conn = *conn_it;
const Matrix<Real> & elemental_val = *elem_it;
for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes_per_element; ++n) {
UInt offset_node = connectivity(element, n) * nb_degree_of_freedom;
Vector<Real> assemble( + offset_node,
Vector<Real> elem_val = elemental_val(n);
assemble.aXplusY(elem_val, scale_factor);
if (filter_it != nullptr)
// else
// ++conn_it;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::assembleElementalArrayToResidual(
const ID & dof_id, const Array<Real> & elementary_vect,
const ElementType & type, const GhostType & ghost_type, Real scale_factor,
const Array<UInt> & filter_elements) {
UInt nb_nodes_per_element = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
UInt nb_degree_of_freedom =
elementary_vect.getNbComponent() / nb_nodes_per_element;
Array<Real> array_localy_assembeled(this->mesh->getNbNodes(),
elementary_vect, array_localy_assembeled, type, ghost_type, scale_factor,
this->assembleToResidual(dof_id, array_localy_assembeled, 1);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::assembleElementalArrayToLumpedMatrix(
const ID & dof_id, const Array<Real> & elementary_vect,
const ID & lumped_mtx, const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type, Real scale_factor,
const Array<UInt> & filter_elements) {
UInt nb_nodes_per_element = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
UInt nb_degree_of_freedom =
elementary_vect.getNbComponent() / nb_nodes_per_element;
Array<Real> array_localy_assembeled(this->mesh->getNbNodes(),
elementary_vect, array_localy_assembeled, type, ghost_type, scale_factor,
this->assembleToLumpedMatrix(dof_id, array_localy_assembeled, lumped_mtx, 1);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::assembleMatMulDOFsToResidual(const ID & A_id,
Real scale_factor) {
for (auto & pair : this->dofs) {
const auto & dof_id = pair.first;
auto & dof_data = *pair.second;
this->assembleMatMulVectToResidual(dof_id, A_id, *dof_data.dof,
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DOFManager::DOFData::DOFData(const ID & dof_id)
: support_type(_dst_generic), group_support("__mesh__"), dof(nullptr),
blocked_dofs(nullptr), increment(nullptr), previous(nullptr),
solution(0, 1, dof_id + ":solution"),
local_equation_number(0, 1, dof_id + ":local_equation_number") {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DOFManager::DOFData::~DOFData() = default;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DOFManager::DOFData & DOFManager::getNewDOFData(const ID & dof_id) {
auto it = this->dofs.find(dof_id);
if (it != this->dofs.end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("This dof array has already been registered");
std::unique_ptr<DOFData> dofs_storage = std::make_unique<DOFData>(dof_id);
this->dofs[dof_id] = std::move(dofs_storage);
return *dofs_storage;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename Func>
auto DOFManager::countDOFsForNodes(const DOFData & dof_data, UInt nb_nodes,
Func && getNode) {
auto nb_local_dofs = nb_nodes;
decltype(nb_local_dofs) nb_pure_local = 0;
for (auto n : arange(nb_nodes)) {
UInt node = getNode(n);
nb_pure_local += this->mesh->isLocalOrMasterNode(node);
nb_local_dofs -= this->mesh->isPeriodicSlave(node);
const auto & dofs_array = *dof_data.dof;
nb_pure_local *= dofs_array.getNbComponent();
nb_local_dofs *= dofs_array.getNbComponent();
return std::make_pair(nb_local_dofs, nb_pure_local);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::registerDOFsInternal(const ID & dof_id,
Array<Real> & dofs_array) {
DOFData & dofs_storage = this->getDOFData(dof_id);
dofs_storage.dof = &dofs_array;
UInt nb_local_dofs = 0;
UInt nb_pure_local = 0;
const DOFSupportType & support_type = dofs_storage.support_type;
switch (support_type) {
case _dst_nodal: {
const ID & group = dofs_storage.group_support;
std::function<UInt(UInt)> getNode;
if (group == "__mesh__") {
dofs_array.size() == this->mesh->getNbNodes(),
"The array of dof is too shot to be associated to nodes.");
std::tie(nb_local_dofs, nb_pure_local) = countDOFsForNodes(
dofs_storage, this->mesh->getNbNodes(), [](auto && n) { return n; });
} else {
const auto & node_group =
dofs_array.size() == node_group.size(),
"The array of dof is too shot to be associated to nodes.");
std::tie(nb_local_dofs, nb_pure_local) =
countDOFsForNodes(dofs_storage, node_group.size(),
[&node_group](auto && n) { return node_group(n); });
case _dst_generic: {
nb_local_dofs = nb_pure_local =
dofs_array.size() * dofs_array.getNbComponent();
default: { AKANTU_EXCEPTION("This type of dofs is not handled yet."); }
this->pure_local_system_size += nb_pure_local;
this->local_system_size += nb_local_dofs;
communicator.allReduce(nb_pure_local, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
this->system_size += nb_pure_local;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::registerDOFs(const ID & dof_id, Array<Real> & dofs_array,
const DOFSupportType & support_type) {
DOFData & dofs_storage = this->getNewDOFData(dof_id);
dofs_storage.support_type = support_type;
this->registerDOFsInternal(dof_id, dofs_array);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::registerDOFs(const ID & dof_id, Array<Real> & dofs_array,
const ID & support_group) {
DOFData & dofs_storage = this->getNewDOFData(dof_id);
dofs_storage.support_type = _dst_nodal;
dofs_storage.group_support = support_group;
this->registerDOFsInternal(dof_id, dofs_array);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::registerDOFsPrevious(const ID & dof_id, Array<Real> & array) {
DOFData & dof = this->getDOFData(dof_id);
if (dof.previous != nullptr) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The previous dofs array for "
<< dof_id << " has already been registered");
dof.previous = &array;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::registerDOFsIncrement(const ID & dof_id, Array<Real> & array) {
DOFData & dof = this->getDOFData(dof_id);
if (dof.increment != nullptr) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The dofs increment array for "
<< dof_id << " has already been registered");
dof.increment = &array;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::registerDOFsDerivative(const ID & dof_id, UInt order,
Array<Real> & dofs_derivative) {
DOFData & dof = this->getDOFData(dof_id);
std::vector<Array<Real> *> & derivatives = dof.dof_derivatives;
if (derivatives.size() < order) {
derivatives.resize(order, nullptr);
} else {
if (derivatives[order - 1] != nullptr) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The dof derivatives of order "
<< order << " already been registered for this dof ("
<< dof_id << ")");
derivatives[order - 1] = &dofs_derivative;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::registerBlockedDOFs(const ID & dof_id,
Array<bool> & blocked_dofs) {
DOFData & dof = this->getDOFData(dof_id);
if (dof.blocked_dofs != nullptr) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The blocked dofs array for "
<< dof_id << " has already been registered");
dof.blocked_dofs = &blocked_dofs;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
SparseMatrix &
DOFManager::registerSparseMatrix(const ID & matrix_id,
std::unique_ptr<SparseMatrix> & matrix) {
SparseMatricesMap::const_iterator it = this->matrices.find(matrix_id);
if (it != this->matrices.end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The matrix " << matrix_id << " already exists in "
<< this->id);
SparseMatrix & ret = *matrix;
this->matrices[matrix_id] = std::move(matrix);
return ret;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// Get an instance of a new SparseMatrix
Array<Real> & DOFManager::getNewLumpedMatrix(const ID & id) {
ID matrix_id = this->id + ":lumped_mtx:" + id;
LumpedMatricesMap::const_iterator it = this->lumped_matrices.find(matrix_id);
if (it != this->lumped_matrices.end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The lumped matrix " << matrix_id << " already exists in "
<< this->id);
auto mtx =
std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(this->local_system_size, 1, matrix_id);
this->lumped_matrices[matrix_id] = std::move(mtx);
return *this->lumped_matrices[matrix_id];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NonLinearSolver & DOFManager::registerNonLinearSolver(
const ID & non_linear_solver_id,
std::unique_ptr<NonLinearSolver> & non_linear_solver) {
NonLinearSolversMap::const_iterator it =
if (it != this->non_linear_solvers.end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The non linear solver " << non_linear_solver_id
<< " already exists in "
<< this->id);
NonLinearSolver & ret = *non_linear_solver;
this->non_linear_solvers[non_linear_solver_id] = std::move(non_linear_solver);
return ret;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
TimeStepSolver & DOFManager::registerTimeStepSolver(
const ID & time_step_solver_id,
std::unique_ptr<TimeStepSolver> & time_step_solver) {
TimeStepSolversMap::const_iterator it =
if (it != this->time_step_solvers.end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The non linear solver " << time_step_solver_id
<< " already exists in "
<< this->id);
TimeStepSolver & ret = *time_step_solver;
this->time_step_solvers[time_step_solver_id] = std::move(time_step_solver);
return ret;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
SparseMatrix & DOFManager::getMatrix(const ID & id) {
ID matrix_id = this->id + ":mtx:" + id;
SparseMatricesMap::const_iterator it = this->matrices.find(matrix_id);
if (it == this->matrices.end()) {
AKANTU_SILENT_EXCEPTION("The matrix " << matrix_id << " does not exists in "
<< this->id);
return *(it->second);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool DOFManager::hasMatrix(const ID & id) const {
ID mtx_id = this->id + ":mtx:" + id;
auto it = this->matrices.find(mtx_id);
return it != this->matrices.end();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Array<Real> & DOFManager::getLumpedMatrix(const ID & id) {
ID matrix_id = this->id + ":lumped_mtx:" + id;
LumpedMatricesMap::const_iterator it = this->lumped_matrices.find(matrix_id);
if (it == this->lumped_matrices.end()) {
AKANTU_SILENT_EXCEPTION("The lumped matrix "
<< matrix_id << " does not exists in " << this->id);
return *(it->second);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const Array<Real> & DOFManager::getLumpedMatrix(const ID & id) const {
ID matrix_id = this->id + ":lumped_mtx:" + id;
auto it = this->lumped_matrices.find(matrix_id);
if (it == this->lumped_matrices.end()) {
AKANTU_SILENT_EXCEPTION("The lumped matrix "
<< matrix_id << " does not exists in " << this->id);
return *(it->second);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool DOFManager::hasLumpedMatrix(const ID & id) const {
ID mtx_id = this->id + ":lumped_mtx:" + id;
auto it = this->lumped_matrices.find(mtx_id);
return it != this->lumped_matrices.end();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NonLinearSolver & DOFManager::getNonLinearSolver(const ID & id) {
ID non_linear_solver_id = this->id + ":nls:" + id;
NonLinearSolversMap::const_iterator it =
if (it == this->non_linear_solvers.end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The non linear solver " << non_linear_solver_id
<< " does not exists in "
<< this->id);
return *(it->second);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool DOFManager::hasNonLinearSolver(const ID & id) const {
ID solver_id = this->id + ":nls:" + id;
auto it = this->non_linear_solvers.find(solver_id);
return it != this->non_linear_solvers.end();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
TimeStepSolver & DOFManager::getTimeStepSolver(const ID & id) {
ID time_step_solver_id = this->id + ":tss:" + id;
TimeStepSolversMap::const_iterator it =
if (it == this->time_step_solvers.end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The non linear solver " << time_step_solver_id
<< " does not exists in "
<< this->id);
return *(it->second);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool DOFManager::hasTimeStepSolver(const ID & solver_id) const {
ID time_step_solver_id = this->id + ":tss:" + solver_id;
auto it = this->time_step_solvers.find(time_step_solver_id);
return it != this->time_step_solvers.end();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::savePreviousDOFs(const ID & dofs_id) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Mesh Events */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
std::pair<UInt, UInt>
DOFManager::updateNodalDOFs(const ID & dof_id, const Array<UInt> & nodes_list) {
auto & dof_data = this->getDOFData(dof_id);
UInt nb_new_local_dofs, nb_new_pure_local;
std::tie(nb_new_local_dofs, nb_new_pure_local) =
countDOFsForNodes(dof_data, nodes_list.size(),
[&nodes_list](auto && n) { return nodes_list(n); });
this->pure_local_system_size += nb_new_pure_local;
this->local_system_size += nb_new_local_dofs;
UInt nb_new_global = nb_new_pure_local;
communicator.allReduce(nb_new_global, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
this->system_size += nb_new_global;
return std::make_pair(nb_new_local_dofs, nb_new_pure_local);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::onNodesAdded(const Array<UInt> & nodes_list,
const NewNodesEvent &) {
for (auto & pair : this->dofs) {
const auto & dof_id = pair.first;
auto & dof_data = this->getDOFData(dof_id);
if (dof_data.support_type != _dst_nodal)
const auto & group = dof_data.group_support;
if (group == "__mesh__") {
this->updateNodalDOFs(dof_id, nodes_list);
} else {
const auto & node_group =
Array<UInt> new_nodes_list;
for (const auto & node : nodes_list) {
if (node_group.find(node) != UInt(-1))
this->updateNodalDOFs(dof_id, new_nodes_list);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::onNodesRemoved(const Array<UInt> &, const Array<UInt> &,
const RemovedNodesEvent &) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::onElementsAdded(const Array<Element> &,
const NewElementsEvent &) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::onElementsRemoved(const Array<Element> &,
const ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> &,
const RemovedElementsEvent &) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DOFManager::onElementsChanged(const Array<Element> &,
const Array<Element> &,
const ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> &,
const ChangedElementsEvent &) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
} // namespace akantu

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