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Wed, Oct 9, 17:31
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import urllib2
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
import re
import base64
import os
import sys
import Queue
import threading
import signal
from invenio.config import (CFG_CACHEDIR,
from invenio.utils.json import json
from datetime import datetime
import time
from invenio.legacy import bibrecord
from invenio.base.wrappers import lazy_import
search_engine = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.search_engine')
import cPickle
#imports realted to the harvesting daemon
from invenio.legacy.bibsched.bibtask import task_init, write_message, \
task_set_option, task_has_option, task_get_option, \
task_low_level_submission, task_update_progress, \
task_read_status, task_sleep_now_if_required
# helper functions
def get_record_val(recid, field, ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ", sfcode = "a"):
if not recid:
return ""
rec = search_engine.get_record(recid)
if not rec:
return ""
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, field, ind1 = ind1,
ind2 = ind2)
if fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fs[0], sfcode)
if sfs:
return sfs[0]
return ""
def get_record_collaboration(recid):
""" Retrieve a collaboration of a given record"""
return get_record_val(recid, "710", sfcode = "g")
def get_record_arxivid(recid):
"""Retrieve an arxiv identifier from a record of a given number"""
return get_record_val(recid, "037", sfcode = "a")
# URL extensions that do not lead to additional formats
"plain text" : "plain.txt",
"AIDA" : "aida",
"PYROOT": "",
"YODA" : "yoda",
"ROOT" : "root",
"mpl" : "mpl",
"jhepwork" : ""
def download_with_retry(data_url):
last_e = None
sleeptime = 2
for retry_num in xrange(5):
f = urllib2.urlopen(data_url)
content =
return content
except Exception, e:
last_e = e
sleeptime = sleeptime * 2
raise Exception("Failed to download url. Last error code: %s " %( last_e.code, ))
class Paper(object):
def __init__(self):
self.datasets = []
self.comment = ""
self.additional_files = []
self.systematics = ""
self.additional_data_links = []
def __repr__(self):
return ("<Paper object comment=%s, additional_files=%s, " + \
"systematics=%s, additional_data_links=%s>") % \
(repr(self.comment), repr(self.additional_files),
repr(self.systematics), repr(self.additional_data_links))
def create_from_record(rec):
"""Create a paper object from the record"""
paper = Paper()
# reading additional data links
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "856", ind1="4",
ind2=" ")
paper.additional_data_links = []
if fs:
for f in fs:
fsf = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "3")
if fsf and fsf[0] == "ADDITIONAL HEPDATA":
fsf_href = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "u")
fsf_desc = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "y")
if fsf_href and fsf_desc:
"href" : fsf_href[0],
"description" : fsf_desc[0]})
# reading the comment
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "520", ind1 = " ", ind2= " ")
if fs:
for f in fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "9")
if sfs and sfs[0].strip() == "HEPDATA":
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "h")
if sfs:
paper.comment = sfs[0].strip()
return paper
def get_diff_marcxml(self, rec2):
"""Returns a code that will transform record passed as
an argument into the current one.
If there are no changes, the method returns None
outrec = {}
# comparing links to external data
correct_links = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances( \
self.generate_additional_datalinks(), "856", ind1 = "4", ind2 = " ")
existing_links = filter( \
lambda field: bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "3") and \
bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "3")[0].strip() == \
bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec2, "856", ind1="4",
ind2 = " "))
# now comparing correct with existing - first we have to sort !
# sorting alphabetically !
fgsv = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values
def links_comparer(link1, link2):
# first try to compare on the description
sfs1 = fgsv(link1, "y")
sfs2 = fgsv(link2, "y")
if sfs1 and sfs2:
if sfs1[0] > sfs2[0]:
return True
if sfs1[0] < sfs2[0]:
return False
if sfs1 and not sfs2:
return True
if (not sfs1) and sfs2:
return False
# if failed, compare on the link. In correct situations
# we should not get here
sfs1 = fgsv(link1, "u")
sfs2 = fgsv(link2, "u")
if sfs1 and sfs2:
return sfs1[0]>sfs2[0]
if sfs1 and not sfs2:
return True
if (not sfs1) and sfs2:
return False
return False # finally they are equal. We shold never get here
# in the case of well-formed MARC entries -
# the world is not perfect and we will get here for errors in MARC
correct_links.sort(cmp = links_comparer)
existing_links.sort(cmp = links_comparer)
cmp2 = lambda link1, link2: fgsv(link1, "y") == fgsv(link2, "y") and \
fgsv(link1, "u") == fgsv(link2, "u")
have_to_correct = not reduce( \
lambda prev, links: prev and cmp2(links[0], links[1]),
zip(correct_links, existing_links),
len(correct_links) == len(correct_links))
if have_to_correct:
to_upload = filter( \
lambda field: not (bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "3") and \
bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "3") \
[0].strip() == \
bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec2, "856", ind1="4",
ind2 = " ")) + \
bibrecord.record_add_fields(outrec, "856", to_upload)
# HEPDATA comment
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec2, "520",
ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ")
existing_comment = ""
correct_comment = self.comment.strip()
new_fields = []
if fs:
for f in fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "9")
if sfs and sfs[0].strip() == "HEPDATA":
# we have found THE CAPTION
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "h")
if sfs:
existing_comment = sfs[0].strip()
if existing_comment != correct_comment:
bibrecord.record_add_fields(outrec, "520", new_fields)
if correct_comment:
bibrecord.record_add_field(outrec, "520", \
subfields = [("9", "HEPDATA")] \
+ ((correct_comment or []) and \
[("h", correct_comment)]))
if outrec:
#If the output was different than empty so far, we are copying the
# record identifier
ids = bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec2, "001")
if ids:
bibrecord.record_add_field(outrec, "001", \
controlfield_value = str(ids[0]))
return bibrecord.record_xml_output(outrec)
return None
def generate_additional_datalinks(self):
""" Return a record containing only fields encoding
aditional data links
rec = {}
for adl in self.additional_data_links:
bibrecord.record_add_field(rec, "856", ind1 = "4", ind2 = " ", \
subfields = [ \
("u", adl["href"]),
("y", adl["description"]),])
return rec
class Dataset(object):
"""Represents a single dataset saved in the document
we represent only
def __init__(self):
self.column_titles = []
self.column_headers = []
self.data_qualifiers = [] = [] # row by row
self.comments = "" = ""
self.additional_files = []
self.num_columns = 0
self.location = ""
self.position = 0 #position within the data record
self.additional_data_links = []
self.data_plain = ""
self.recid = None
self.x_columns = 0
self.y_columns = 0
self.title = ""
def __repr__(self):
return "Auxiliary information: " + repr(self.data_qualifiers) + \
" Headers: " + repr(self.column_headers) + " Data: " + repr(
def get_type(self):
"""Determine type based on the location"""
first_char = (len(self.location.strip()) > 0 or "") and \
if first_char == "F":
return "FIGURE"
elif first_char == "T":
return "TABLE"
return "DATASET"
def get_marcxml(self, parent_recid = None):
"""Produces a ready to upload MARC XML
If some files have to be attached to a record, they are
written in the Invenio installation's temporary directory and
referenced from the XML code"""
return self.get_diff_marcxml({}, parent_recid)
empty_data_str = cPickle.dumps({})
def get_diff_marcxml(self, rec2, parent_recid, data_str=None, data_plain=None, force_reupload=False):
"""Produces a MARC XML allowing to modify passed dataset record
into the current dataset. Necessary files are created in the
temporary directory.
If there are no changes to be made, None is returned.
@param rec2: The dataset to compare with
@type rec2: BibRecord
@param recid: The identifier of the record prepresenting dataset
@type recid: Integer
@param parent_recid: The record identifier of the main MARC record
@type parent_recid: Integer
@rtype: String
@returns: MARC XML which modifies the passed record into the one
described by current Dataset instance
outrec = {} # the output record
def addf(*args, **args2):
"""Add field to the output record"""
bibrecord.record_add_field(outrec, *args, **args2)
def get_subfield_with_defval(tag, ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ",
sfcode = "a", default = ""):
"""Retrieve the first vale of a subfield or default"""
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec2, tag, ind1, ind2)
if fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fs[0], sfcode)
if sfs:
return sfs[0].strip()
return default
# processing the title
existing_title = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "245", sfcode = "a", default="")
if existing_title != self.title:
addf("245", ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ", subfields = \
[("9", "HEPDATA"), ("a", self.title)])
# processing number of x and y columns
existing_x = int(get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "911", sfcode = "x", default=0))
existing_y = int(get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "911", sfcode = "y", default=0))
correct_x = self.x_columns
correct_y = self.y_columns
if correct_x != existing_x or correct_y != existing_y:
addf("911", ind1 = " ", ind2=" ", subfields = \
[("x", str(self.x_columns)),
("y", str(self.y_columns))])
# processing caption
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec2, "520",
ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ")
existing_comment = ""
correct_comment = self.comments.strip()
new_fields = []
if fs:
for f in fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "9")
if sfs and sfs[0].strip() == "HEPDATA":
# we have found THE CAPTION
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "h")
if sfs:
existing_comment = sfs[0].strip()
if existing_comment != correct_comment:
bibrecord.record_add_fields(outrec, "520", new_fields)
if correct_comment:
addf("520", \
subfields = [("9", "HEPDATA")] \
+ ((correct_comment or []) and \
[("h", correct_comment)]))
# collaboration
existing_collaboration = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "710",
sfcode = "g")
correct_collaboration = get_record_collaboration(parent_recid).strip()
if correct_collaboration and \
existing_collaboration != correct_collaboration:
addf("710", ind1= " ", ind2 = " ",
subfields = [("g", correct_collaboration)])
# Link to the original record and the location
if parent_recid:
existing_id = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "786", sfcode = "w")
existing_arXivId = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "786",
sfcode = "r")
existing_location = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "786",
sfcode = "h")
correct_location = self.location.strip()
correct_arXivId = get_record_arxivid(parent_recid).strip()
correct_id = str(parent_recid).strip()
existing_position = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "786",
sfcode = "q")
correct_position = self.position
# import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('password', fAllowRemote=True)
if existing_location != correct_location or \
existing_arXivId != correct_arXivId or \
existing_id != correct_id or \
int(existing_position) != int(correct_position):
subfields = [("w", correct_id), ("q", str(correct_position))]
if correct_arXivId:
subfields.append(("r", correct_arXivId))
if correct_location:
subfields.append(("h", correct_location))
addf("786", ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ", subfields = subfields)
write_message("No dataset parent recid!")
# dataset type (determined based on the location)
correct_type = self.get_type().strip()
existing_type = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "336", sfcode = "t")
# print "Types: %s %s" % (correct_type, existing_type)
if existing_type != correct_type:
addf("336", ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ", subfields=[("t", correct_type)])
#correcting the collection
correct_collection = "DATA"
existing_collection = get_subfield_with_defval(tag = "980",
sfcode = "a")
if correct_collection != existing_collection:
addf("980", ind1 = " ", ind2 = " ",
subfields=[("a", correct_collection)])
# data qualifiers
correct_qualifiers = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(
self.generate_qualifiers(parent_recid), "653",
ind1 = "1", ind2 = " ")
present_qualifiers = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec2, "653",
ind1 = "1",
ind2 = " ")
# order doe not matter ! we will sort them lexicographically
# before comparing !
def qualifier_comparer(q1, q2):
""" compare two qualifier fields """
sfs1 = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q1, "r")
sfs2 = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q2, "r")
if sfs1 and sfs2:
if sfs1[0] > sfs2[0]:
return True
if sfs2[0] > sfs1[0]:
return False
# reaction is always bigger than non-reaction
if sfs1 and not sfs2:
return True
elif sfs2 and not sfs1:
return False
# compare on keys
sfs1 = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q1, "k")
sfs2 = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q2, "k")
if sfs1 and not sfs2:
return True
elif sfs2 and not sfs1:
return False
if sfs1 and sfs2 and sfs1[0] > sfs2[0]:
return True
elif sfs1 and sfs2 and sfs2[0] > sfs1[0]:
return False
sfs1 = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q1, "v")
sfs2 = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q2, "v")
if sfs1 and not sfs2:
return True
elif sfs2 and not sfs1:
return False
elif sfs1 and sfs2:
return sfs1[0] > sfs2[0]
return False
# compare on columns
sfs1 = " ".join(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q1, "c"))
sfs2 = " ".join(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(q2, "c"))
return sfs1 > sfs2
correct_qualifiers.sort(cmp = qualifier_comparer)
present_qualifiers.sort(cmp = qualifier_comparer)
fgsv = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values
qualifiers_eq = lambda x, y: \
fgsv(x, "r") == fgsv(y, "r") and \
fgsv(x, "k") == fgsv(y, "k") and \
fgsv(x, "v") == fgsv(y, "v") and \
set(fgsv(x, "c")) == set(fgsv(y, "c"))
if not reduce(lambda x, y: x and qualifiers_eq(y[0], y[1]), \
zip(correct_qualifiers, present_qualifiers), \
(len(correct_qualifiers) == len(present_qualifiers))):
bibrecord.record_add_fields(outrec, "653", correct_qualifiers)
# columns ( the order does not matter)
present_columns = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec2, "910")
correct_columns = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(
self.generate_columns(), "910")
column_cmp = lambda x, y: \
int(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(x, "n")[0]) > \
int(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(y, "n")[0])
fgsv = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values
columns_eq = lambda x, y: \
fgsv(x, "n") == fgsv(y, "n") and \
fgsv(x, "t") == fgsv(y, "t") and \
fgsv(x, "d") == fgsv(y, "d")
correct_columns.sort(cmp = column_cmp)
present_columns.sort(cmp = column_cmp)
(not reduce(lambda x, y: x and columns_eq(y[0], y[1]), \
zip(correct_columns, present_columns), \
len(correct_columns) == len(present_columns))) and \
bibrecord.record_add_fields(outrec, "910", \
# data of the table
existing_data = {}
existing_data = cPickle.loads(data_str)
existing_data = []
if (not data_str) or (not self.compare_data(existing_data)) or force_reupload:
# we retreive plain data only if table data is different
(fname_int, fname_plain) = self.write_data_to_tmpfile()
if fname_int:
bibrecord.record_add_field(outrec, "FFT", subfields = [ \
("a", fname_int), \
("t", "Data"), \
("n", "Data"), \
("f", ".data"), \
("o", "HIDDEN"), \
("d", "data extracted from the table") \
if fname_plain:
bibrecord.record_add_field(outrec, "FFT", subfields = [ \
("a", fname_plain), \
("t", "Data"), \
("n", "Data"), \
("f", ".txt"), \
("d", "data extracted from the table") \
if outrec:
ids = bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec2, "001")
if ids:
addf("001", controlfield_value = str(ids[0]))
return bibrecord.record_xml_output(outrec)
return None
def retrieve_plain_data(self):
data_url = urllib2.urlparse.urljoin(CFG_HEPDATA_URL,
reduce( \
lambda x, y: x or (y[1] == "plain text" and y[0]) ,
self.additional_files, ""))
self.data_plain = download_with_retry(data_url)
except Exception, e:
print "Impossible to retrieve the plain text format related to a dataset. URL: %s "% (data_url, )
self.data_plain = ""
return self.data_plain
def generate_columns(self):
Generates an Invenio record containing only fields that describe
columns present in the dataset
# Application of map/reduce to Invenio ;)
import operator
return reduce(lambda rec, sf: \
(bibrecord.record_add_field(rec, "910", subfields=sf)\
and rec),
map(lambda num, title, header: \
operator.add, [[("n", num)],
(title or []) and [("t", title or "")],
(header or []) and \
[("d", header or "")]], []), \
map(str, range(self.num_columns)), \
[[col_t["content"]] * col_t["colspan"] \
for col_t in self.column_titles], []), \
[[col_h["content"]] * col_h["colspan"] \
for col_h in self.column_headers], [])),
{}) # start with {} as initial record
def generate_qualifiers(self, master_recid):
"""Generate fields describing data qualifiers of a current dataset
Returns a record containing only fields with necessary qualifiers
rec = {} # we will start adding to an empty record
for dq_line in self.data_qualifiers:
current_column = 0
for dq in dq_line:
col_pos = dq["content"].find(":")
subfields = []
if col_pos == -1:
log_msg = ("""Data qualifier "%(dq)s" does not contain""" +\
""" colon. Record number: %(recid)s """) % {
"dq" : dq["content"],
"recid" : str(master_recid)
hepdata_log("harvesting", log_msg)
dq_key = ""
dq_value = dq["content"].strip()
dq_key = dq["content"][:col_pos].strip()
dq_value = dq["content"][col_pos + 1:].strip()
if dq_key == "RE": # the reaction data
subfields.append(("r", dq_value))
subfields.append(("k", dq_key))
subfields.append(("v", dq_value))
# now processing columns belonging
subfields += [("c", str(col_num)) for col_num in \
current_column + dq["colspan"])]
current_column += dq["colspan"]
bibrecord.record_add_field(rec, "653", ind1 = "1",
ind2 = " ", subfields = subfields)
return rec
def create_from_record(rec, data_str, parent_recid, data_plain):
"""Creates an instance from a record"""
ds = Dataset()
ds.data_plain = data_plain
ds.title = ""
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "245", " ", " ")
if fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fs[0], "a")
if sfs:
ds.title = sfs[0].strip()
# filling recid
ds.recid = bibrecord.record_get_field_value(rec, "001")
# comments:
fs = filter(lambda field: bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "9") and \
bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "9")[0] == \
bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "520", \
ind1 = " ", \
ind2 = " "))
if fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fs[0], "h")
if sfs:
ds.comments = sfs[0]
# reading the position
fs = filter(lambda field: \
bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "w") and \
int(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(field, "w")[0]) \
== parent_recid,
bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "786"))
if fs:
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fs[0], "q")
if sfs:
ds.position = int(sfs[0])
# reading numbers of x and y columns
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "911")
ds.x_columns = 0
ds.y_columns = 0
if fs:
ds.x_columns = int(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fs[0], "x")[0])
ds.y_columns = int(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fs[0], "y")[0])
ds.num_columns = ds.x_columns + ds.y_columns
#reading columns - they are necessary for reading data qualifiers
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "910")
columns = []
for f in fs:
column = {"pos": -1, "header": "", "title":""}
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "n")
if sfs:
column["pos"] = sfs[0]
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "t")
if sfs:
column["title"] = sfs[0]
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "d")
if sfs:
column["header"] = sfs[0]
columns.sort(cmp = lambda x, y: x["pos"] > y["pos"])
ds.column_headers = []
ds.column_titles = []
cur_header = None
prev_header = None # previous header string
cur_title = None
prev_title = None # previous title string
for col in columns:
if col["title"] == prev_title:
cur_title["colspan"] += 1
if cur_title:
cur_title = {"content" : col["title"], "colspan" : 1}
prev_title = col["title"]
if col["header"] == prev_header:
cur_header["colspan"] += 1
if cur_header:
cur_header = {"content" : col["header"], "colspan" : 1}
prev_header = col["header"]
if cur_title:
if cur_header:
#reading data qualifiers -> we have to pack them into table !
qualifiers = [("", [])] # an array with all possible qualifiers
# first reading qualifiers
# reading qualifiers requires assigning them places in the readable
# table here we try to compactify qualifiers by leaving as few space
# in the table as possible
fs = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(rec, "653", ind1="1")
for f in fs:
# first decoding the qualifier
cur_qual = ""
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "r")
if sfs: # this is a reaction
cur_qual = "RE : %s" % (sfs[0],)
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "k")
sfs2 = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "v")
if sfs and sfs2: # this is a regular key-value data qualifeir
cur_qual = "%s : %s" % (sfs[0], sfs2[0])
# read columns
columns = []
sfs = bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(f, "c")
for sf in sfs:
if int(sf) >= ds.num_columns:
hepdata_log("reconstruction", "Data qualifiers occuly more columns that exist in a dataset. Qualifier %s in column %s ... ignoring exceed. rec: %s" % (cur_qual, str(sf), str(rec), ))
qualifiers.append((cur_qual, columns))
qualifiers.sort(cmp = lambda x, y: len(y[1]) - len(x[1]))
qualifier_rows = [] # we start with an empty assignment
for (q_pos, qualifier) in \
zip(xrange(len(qualifiers) - 1), qualifiers[1:]):
# searching for a row that can be used for this qualifier
blocker = True # there was something "blocking" in the -1 line...a "reason" why data has not been put there
elected_row = 0 # 0th row preelected
while blocker and elected_row < len(qualifier_rows):
blocker = False
for col in qualifier[1]:
blocker = blocker or (qualifier_rows[elected_row][col] != 0)
if blocker:
elected_row += 1
if blocker:
# adding new line to the list (if necessary):
qualifier_rows.append([0] * ds.num_columns)
# assigning the qualifier to the elected line
for col in qualifier[1]:
qualifier_rows[elected_row][col] = q_pos + 1
# real position is shifted by 1
# now translating into the regular qualifiers array
ds.data_qualifiers = []
for row in qualifier_rows:
cur_row = []
prev_data = None
cur_width = 0
for cell in row:
if prev_data == cell:
cur_width += 1
if cur_width > 0:
cur_row.append({"content": qualifiers[prev_data][0],
"colspan" : cur_width})
cur_width = 1
prev_data = cell
# append the remaining one
if cur_width > 0:
cur_row.append({"content": qualifiers[prev_data][0],
"colspan" : cur_width})
# Checking if the data content is up to date (or exists at all) and upload
# reading the data -> from a stream provided as an argument
# (stored as an attached record in the database)
try: = cPickle.loads(data_str)
except: = []
return ds
def compare_data(self, ds):
"""Compare current data with the dataset passed as an argument
@parameter dataset to compare with (the same as the content of
@type ds List
@return True if data in both datasets are equal, otherwise False
@returntype boolean"""
return reduce(lambda prev, datalines: prev and reduce( \
lambda prev, datas: prev and \
datas[0]["colspan"] == datas[1]["colspan"] and \
datas[0]["content"] == datas[1]["content"], \
zip(datalines[0], datalines[1]), \
len(datalines[0]) == len(datalines[1])), \
zip(ds,, \
len(ds) == len(
except Exception, e:
import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('password')
def write_data_to_tmpfile(self):
"""Writes data from the dataset into a temporary file and returns
the file name. This file can be attached into the record
@return Names of the files where data has been written (internal_data, plain_data)
@returntype (string, string)"""
import tempfile
if cPickle.dumps(
fdesc, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix = ".data", prefix = "data_", \
os.write(fdesc, cPickle.dumps(
fname = None
if self.data_plain:
fdesc, fname2 = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix = ".txt", prefix = "data_", \
os.write(fdesc, self.data_plain)
fname2 = None
return (fname, fname2)
class DatasetParser(object):
def __init__(self, owner, dataset):
self.owner = owner
self.dataset = dataset
self.parsingComments = False
self.parsingLocation = True # first comes location, than after <br> comes comment
self.parsingOtherTag = 0
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if self.parsingOtherTag > 0:
self.parsingOtherTag += 1
if tag == "br":
self.parsingLocation = False
self.parsingComments = True
elif tag == "a":
# search for those links which have href but it does not
# end with one of marked suffixes
for at in attrs:
if at[0] == "href":
link = strip_link_session_id(at[1])
for suf in ACCEPTED_FORMATS.keys():
if link.endswith(ACCEPTED_FORMATS[suf]):
self.dataset.additional_files.append([link, suf])
self.parsingOtherTag = 1
self.parsingOtherTag = 1
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if self.parsingOtherTag > 0:
self.parsingOtherTag -= 1
if tag == "div":
self.parsingComments = False
def handle_charref(self, name):
if self.parsingOtherTag > 0:
refstring = "&#" + name + ";"
if self.parsingComments:
self.dataset.comments += refstring
elif self.parsingLocation:
self.dataset.location += refstring
def handle_entityref(self, name):
if self.parsingOtherTag > 0:
if name == "nbsp":
refstring = "&" + name + ";"
if self.parsingComments:
self.dataset.comments += refstring
elif self.parsingLocation:
self.dataset.location += refstring
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.parsingOtherTag > 0:
if self.parsingComments:
self.dataset.comments += data
elif self.parsingLocation:
self.dataset.location += data
def exit_special_mode(self):
# Parsing : this is a very dangerous method of parsing the HTML page ... will fail and possibly corrupt data
# whenever the maintainer of HEPData decides to modify the format of pages
class DataBoxParser(object):
""" a special parser for data tables """
def __init__(self, owner, dataset):
@param owner - The object owning the current one - a global parser
self.dataset = dataset
self.state = "columntitles"
self.owner = owner
self.current_line = []
self.current_cell = None
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == "tr":
self.current_line = []
if ("class", "xyheaders") in attrs:
self.state = "headers"
elif self.state == "headers":
self.state = "predata" # things before headers and data ...
elif self.state == "predata":
self.state = "data"
elif ("class", "altformats") in attrs:
self.state = "footer"
if tag in ("th", "td"):
if self.state == "footer":
self.dataset.x_columns += 1
colspan = 1
for attr in attrs:
if attr[0] == "colspan":
colspan = int(attr[1])
axis = ""
if ("class", "xval") in attrs:
axis = "x"
if ("class", "yval") in attrs:
axis = "y"
self.current_cell = {"colspan": colspan, "content": "", "axis": axis}
if tag in ("a"):
if self.state == "footer":
if ("title", "Display this table in graphical form") in attrs:
self.dataset.y_columns += 1
self.dataset.x_columns -= 1
def handle_charref(self, name):
if self.current_cell:
self.current_cell["content"] += "&#" + name + ";"
def handle_entityref(self, name):
if name == "nbsp":
if self.current_cell:
self.current_cell["content"] += "&" + name + ";"
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.current_cell:
self.current_cell["content"] += data
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == "table":
#exiting the data-reading mode
if tag == "tr":
to_add = None
if self.state == "auxiliary":
to_add = self.dataset.data_qualifiers
elif self.state == "headers":
self.dataset.column_headers = self.current_line
elif self.state == "data":
to_add =
elif self.state == "columntitles":
self.state = "auxiliary"
self.dataset.column_titles = self.current_line
if not to_add is None:
self.current_line = []
if tag in ("td", "th"):
self.current_cell["content"] = self.current_cell["content"].strip()
class AdditionalDataParser(object):
def __init__(self, owner, paper):
self.owner = owner
self.paper = paper
self.paper.additional_data_links = []
self.current_link = None
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
#we assume there art no subdivs inside this
if tag == "a":
self.current_link = {"description": ""}
for attr in attrs:
self.current_link[attr[0]] = attr[1]
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == "div":
elif tag == "a":
self.current_link = None
def handle_charref(self, name):
if self.current_link:
self.current_link["description"] += "&#" + name + ";"
def handle_entityref(self, name):
if name == "nbsp":
if self.current_link:
self.current_link["description"] += "&" + name + ";"
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.current_link:
self.current_link["description"] += data
class SystematicsParser(object):
# Systematics we will remember as a table
def __init__(self, owner, paper):
self.owner = owner
self.paper = paper
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
#we assume there art no subdivs inside this
self.paper.systematics += "<" + tag + " " + \
(" ".join([ s[0] + "=\"" + s[1] + "\"" for s in attrs])) + ">"
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == "div":
self.paper.systematics += "</" + tag + ">"
def handle_charref(self, name):
self.paper.systematics += "&#" + name + ";"
def handle_entityref(self, name):
if name == "nbsp":
self.paper.systematics += "&" + name + ";"
def handle_data(self, data):
self.paper.systematics += data
class HEPParser(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
self.special_mode = None
self.paper = Paper()
self.parsing_paper_comment = False
def exit_special_mode(self):
self.special_mode = None
def parse_paperbox(self):
"""started parsing the paper box"""
def parse_datasetbox(self):
dataset = Dataset()
self.paper.datasets += [dataset]
self.special_mode = DatasetParser(self, dataset)
def parse_dataset(self):
"""parse the data table"""
dataset = self.paper.datasets[-1]
self.special_mode = DataBoxParser(self, dataset)
def parse_systematics(self):
self.special_mode = SystematicsParser(self, self.paper)
def parse_paper_comment(self):
self.parsing_paper_comment = True
def parse_additional_data(self):
self.special_mode = AdditionalDataParser(self, self.paper)
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.special_mode != None:
elif self.parsing_paper_comment:
self.paper.comment += data
def handle_charref(self, name):
refstring = "&#" + name + ";"
if self.special_mode != None:
elif self.parsing_paper_comment:
self.paper.comment += refstring
def handle_entityref(self, name):
if name == "nbsp":
refstring = "&" + name + ";"
if self.special_mode != None:
elif self.parsing_paper_comment:
self.paper.comment += refstring
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if self.special_mode != None:
self.special_mode.handle_starttag(tag, attrs)
elif tag == "div":
if ("class", "paperbox") in attrs:
if ("class", "datasetbox") in attrs:
if ("class", "systematics") in attrs:
if ("class", "extradata") in attrs:
elif tag == "table" and ("class", "dataset") in attrs:
# we have to add real data to previous dataset
elif tag == "p" and ("class", "papercomment") in attrs:
# elif tag == "br" and self.parsing_paper_comment:
# self.paper.comment += "<br>"
elif tag == "a":
# search for those links which have href but it does not
# end with one of marked suffixes
for at in attrs:
if at[0] == "href":
link = strip_link_session_id(at[1])
for suf in ACCEPTED_FORMATS.keys():
if link.endswith(ACCEPTED_FORMATS[suf]):
self.paper.additional_files.append([link, suf])
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if self.special_mode != None:
if tag == "p" and self.parsing_paper_comment:
self.parsing_paper_comment = False
def strip_link_session_id(st):
return st.split(";jsessionid")[0]
def wash_code(content):
"""Correcting the HEPData XHTML code so that it can be parsed\
@return correct code - string
#filtering out cases of having incorrect closing tags containing attributes
res = re.split("</([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s[^>]*>", content)
for pos in range(1, len(res), 2):
res[pos] = "</" + res[pos] + ">"
content = "".join(res)
# in the systematics section there are errors with enclosing colspans in
# quotes
res = re.split("colspan=([0-9]+)\'", content)
for pos in range(1, len(res), 2):
res[pos] = "colspan='" + res[pos] + "'"
content = "".join(res)
return content
def download_paper(page_url, recid):
content = wash_code(download_with_retry(page_url))
except Exception, e:
write_message("Error when retrieving dataset. URL: %s" %(page_url, ))
raise e
parser = HEPParser()
paper = parser.paper
# fixing column lengths and titles
import operator
get_line_len = lambda line: reduce(operator.add,
map(lambda hd: hd["colspan"], line), 0)
for ds in paper.datasets:
ds.num_columns = reduce(max, map(get_line_len, + \
get_line_len(ds.column_titles), ds.x_columns + ds.y_columns])
paper_title = get_record_val(recid, "245", sfcode = "a")
if not paper_title:
paper_title = "record %s" % (str(recid), )
res ="F\\s*([0-9]+)", ds.location)
if res:
ds.title = "Data from figure %s from: %s" % (res.groups()[0], paper_title)
ds.title = "Additional data from: %s" % (paper_title, )
# write_message("Setting the title")
# download necessary datasets and fix other things
cur_pos = 1
for ds in paper.datasets:
lo = ds.location.find("\n\n")
ds.location = ds.location[:lo].strip()
if ds.location and ds.location[0] == "(":
ds.location = ds.location[1:]
if ds.location and ds.location[-1] == ")":
ds.location = ds.location[:-1]
ds.location = ds.location.strip()
ds.position = cur_pos
cur_pos += 1
return paper
def retrieve_hepdata(page_url, recid):
"""retrieves a dataset either from cache or downloads and fills the cache"""
# we directly donwload... no cache this time
data = download_paper(page_url, recid)
return data
def get_hepdata_allids_url():
""" Return the URL of a site giving all identifiers
return "%s/AllIds" % (CFG_HEPDATA_URL, )
def get_hepdata_url_from_recid(recid):
""" Returns a HEPData URL for a given recid
return "%s/View/ins%s/all" % (CFG_HEPDATA_URL, str(recid))
def retrieve_data_for_record(recID):
"""Retrieves the Paper object representing data associated with a publication"""
rec = search_engine.get_record(recID)
paper = Paper.create_from_record(rec)
paper.datasets = map(lambda x: x[1], get_attached_hepdata_datasets(recID))
paper.datasets = None
if not paper.datasets:
return None
return paper
def get_hepdata_by_recid_raw(recid):
"""Retrieves raw data corresponding to a HEPData record.
@param recid: Identifier of the record representing a dataset
@type recid: Integer
@returns: a tuple consisting of a record (bibrecord representation) and string of data
@rtype: (Record, String, String)
rec = search_engine.get_record(recid)
# retrieving the data string (content of an attachment)
data_str = cPickle.dumps([])
data_plain = ""
from invenio import bibdocfile
brd = bibdocfile.BibRecDocs(recid)
if brd.has_docname_p("Data"):
bd = brd.get_bibdoc("Data")
data_file = bd.get_file(".data")
if data_file:
data_str = data_file.get_content()
#TODO: The document exists but does not have one of required formats ... we might want to record this in some type of log or even notify someone behind the scenes ?
data_file = bd.get_file(".txt")
if data_file:
data_plain = data_file.get_content()
#TODO: The document exists but does not have one of required formats ... we might want to record this in some type of log or even notify someone behind the scenes ?
return (rec, data_str, data_plain)
def get_hepdata_by_recid(parent_recid, recid):
"""Retrieve a dataset encoded in a given record
@param parent_recid: record identifier of the publication attaching the dataset
@type parent_recid: Integer
@param recid: Identifier of te record identifying the dataset
@type recid: Integer
@rtype: Dataset
@returns: A dataset represented by a record of a given number
rec, data_str, data_plain = get_hepdata_by_recid_raw(recid)
return Dataset.create_from_record(rec, data_str, parent_recid, data_plain)
def get_attached_hepdata_records(recid):
"""Retrieves raw data of a HEPData for a given recid
We perform an additional in principle redundan (in the case of correct configuration)
step to remove possibly removed records
@param recid: The record id of a publication to which datasets refer
@type recid: Integer
@return: List of tuples (recid, record, data_string, data_plain)
@rtype: List of tuples"""
ids = get_attached_hepdata_dataset_ids(recid)
def rec_not_deleted(tup):
rec = tup[1]
if not "980" in rec:
return True
f_980 = rec["980"]
return reduce(lambda bool_res, subfield: bool_res and (not ('c', 'DELETED') in subfield[0]), f_980, True)
return filter(rec_not_deleted , map(lambda element: (element[0], element[1][0], element[1][1], element[1][2]), \
zip(ids, map(get_hepdata_by_recid_raw, ids))))
def get_attached_hepdata_dataset_ids(recid):
"""Returns all identifeirs of datasets attached to a given publication
@param recid: The identifeir of record to which datasets are attached
@type recid: Integer
@rtype: intbitset
@returns: intbitset of all the record identifeirs
return search_engine.search_pattern(p="%s:%s" % (CFG_HEPDATA_FIELD, str(recid),))
def get_attached_hepdata_datasets(recid):
"""For a given recid, retrieves recids of datasets that are related
to a publication
@param recid: The identifeir of record to which datasets are attached
@type recid: Integer
@rtype: Lsit of tuples
@returns: List of tuples (recid, Dataset isntance) where recid is the
identifer of a record representing given dataset
# Search for all the records refering to a given one
recids = get_attached_hepdata_dataset_ids(recid)
return zip(recids, map(
lambda dsrecid: get_hepdata_by_recid(recid, dsrecid), recids))
# Universal log
def hepdata_log(category, msg):
"""Log an important event that should be processed by the administrator
log_path = os.path.join(CFG_LOGDIR, "hepdata.log")
f = open(log_path, "a")
f.write("%s %s: %s\n" % (str(, category, msg))
# The harvesting daemon
def hepdata_get_all_identifiers():
page_content = download_with_retry(get_hepdata_allids_url())
matches ="<pre>([^<]*)</pre>", page_content)
json_string = matches.groups()[0].replace(",,", ",0,")
return json.loads(json_string)[:-1] # We ommit the last 0,0,0 entry
def hepdata_harvest_get_identifiers():
Retrieves identifiers of records that should be processed searching for
corresponding HEPData entry
if task_has_option('record_to_harvest'):
yield task_get_option('record_to_harvest')
used_ids = set() # sometimes records are reported many times
for res in hepdata_get_all_identifiers():
if res[0] and not res[0] in used_ids:
yield res[0]
def prepare_hepdata_for_upload(recid, hepdata, insert_stream, correct_stream,
task_stats, force_reupload=False):
"""Retrieve a single entry from HEPData and create MARC XML files to
upload to Inspire
Uploaded files are:
- patch to the original MARC record (assigning the link if it is
inconsistent with the current one)
- marc files for new records
@param invenio_id: Number of the record inside current Invenio
@type invenio_id: Integer
@param hepdata: Paper object representing current state of HEPData
(downloaded from the website)
@type hepdata: Paper
@param insert_stream: Queue.Queue of string reperesentations of records that will
be passed to bibupload in the insert mode
@type insert_stream: Queue.Queue of strings
@param correct_stream: Queue.Queue of string reperesentations of records that
will be passed to bibupload in the correct mode
@type correct_stream: Queue.Queue of strings
# 1) check the inspire number that is related to the
# How to detect if there is already an entry for HEPData try to upload
# the description
# Retrieve dataset records attached to the record.
dataset_records = get_attached_hepdata_records(recid)
get_record_pos = lambda entry: Dataset.create_from_record(entry[1], entry[2], None, None).position
dataset_records.sort(cmp = lambda x, y: cmp(get_record_pos(x),get_record_pos(y)))
#Applying changes to subsequent datasets !
# (The position is what matters in terms of uniqueness)
hepdata_datasets = hepdata.datasets
# 1) making lists have the same length
len_diff = len(dataset_records) - len(hepdata_datasets)
if len_diff > 0:
hepdata_datasets += [None] * len_diff
dataset_records += [None] * (-len_diff)
import tempfile
# fdesc, fname = tempfile.mkstemp()
# os.write(fdesc, cPickle.dumps([dataset_records, hepdata_datasets]))
# os.close(fdesc)
# print "Retrieved datasets : %s" % (fname, )
num_deleted = 0
num_added = 0
num_modified = 0
for (inv_dataset, hep_dataset) in zip(dataset_records, hepdata_datasets):
if inv_dataset is None:
# create completely new record
if task_stats["semaphore"]:
task_stats["inserted_hepdata_datasets"] += 1
if task_stats["semaphore"]:
num_added += 1
elif hep_dataset is None:
# delete invenio record corresponding to a data set
if task_stats["semaphore"]:
task_stats["deleted_hepdata_datasets"] += 1
if task_stats["semaphore"]:
rec = {}
bibrecord.record_add_field(rec, "980", subfields = \
[("c", "DELETED")])
bibrecord.record_add_field(rec, "001", controlfield_value = \
num_deleted += 1
diff_xml = hep_dataset.get_diff_marcxml(inv_dataset[1], recid, inv_dataset[2], inv_dataset[3], force_reupload=force_reupload)
if diff_xml:
if task_stats["semaphore"]:
task_stats["corrected_hepdata_datasets"] += 1
if task_stats["semaphore"]:
num_modified += 1
# assure that the original MARC record is correct
rec = search_engine.get_record(recid)
if rec:
diff_marcxml = hepdata.get_diff_marcxml(rec)
if diff_marcxml:
# task_stats["new_hepdata_records"] += 1
return num_added, num_deleted, num_modified
def get_data_line_length(data_line):
"""return a real width in columns of a data line"""
d_len = 0
for d in data_line:
d_len += d["colspan"]
return d_len
def calculate_columns_number(dataset):
"""Retrieve the real number of columns - maximum over data columns,
header columns and titles"""
max_len = 0
for data_l in
if get_data_line_length(data_l) > max_len:
max_len = get_data_line_length(data_l)
for data_l in dataset.data_qualifiers:
if get_data_line_length(data_l) > max_len:
max_len = get_data_line_length(data_l)
if get_data_line_length(dataset.column_headers) > max_len:
max_len = get_data_line_length(dataset.column_headers)
if get_data_line_length(dataset.column_titles) > max_len:
max_len = get_data_line_length(dataset.column_titles)
return max_len
def hepdata_harvest_task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter(key, value, opts, args):
""" Given the string key it checks it's meaning, eventually using the
value. Usually it fills some key in the options dict.
It must return True if it has elaborated the key, False, if it doesn't
know that key.
if key in ['-n', '--number']:
task_get_option(\1) = value
return True
return False
if key in ("--recid", "-r"):
task_set_option('record_to_harvest', value)
elif key in ("--nthreads", "-n"):
task_set_option('threads_number', value)
elif key in ("--force-reupload", "-f"):
task_set_option('force_reupload', True)
return False
return True
def hepdata_harvest_main():
"""The main function of the HEPData harvesting daemon executed via BibSched.
This daemon harvests the complete HEPData set and uploads modifications
to Inspire.
task_init(authorization_action = 'runhepdataharvest',
authorization_msg = "HEPDataHarvest Task Submission",
description = """Retrieve HEPData and attach them to correcponding
Invenio records.
$ hepdataharvest -r 12
help_specific_usage = \
""" -r, --recid The identifier of the record that should be reharvested
from HEPData
-n, --nthreads Number of concurrent harvesting threads. This number is
equal to the number of HTTP requests performed at the same
-f, --force-reupload Forces the harvester to reupload all data files
[ "recid=", "nthreads=", "force-reupload" ]),
task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter_fnc =
task_run_fnc = hepdata_harvest_task_core)
def write_xml_stream_to_tmpfile(stream, prefix):
Stream: list of strings
writes a list of strings into a temporary MARCXML file.
The collection header and footer together with the XML
structure are added
@return Name of the temporary file
if not stream:
# We do not want to write in the case of empty input
return None
import tempfile
fdesc, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix = ".xml", prefix = prefix, \
os.write(fdesc, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<collection xmlns="">""")
for part in stream:
os.write(fdesc, part)
os.write(fdesc, "</collection>")
return fname
def update_single_status(recid, processed_recs, total_recs):
"""Update the BibSched task status"""
from math import floor
progress = floor(float(processed_recs * 1000) / total_recs)/10
task_update_progress("Harvested %i records out of %i ( %s%% ) " % (processed_recs, total_recs, str(progress)))
def process_single_thread(input_recids, insert_queue, correct_queue, failed_ids, task_stats, suspend_wait_queue, suspend_resume_queue, main_syn_queue, num_tasks, finished_queue = None, total_recs=0, force_reupload = False):
finished = False
processed_recs = 0
while not finished:
recid = input_recids.get_nowait()
finished = True
if not finished:
hepdata = retrieve_hepdata(get_hepdata_url_from_recid(recid), recid)
if not recid:
write_message("Problem! No recid present: %s" % (str(input_recids.queue)))
num_added, num_deleted, num_modified = prepare_hepdata_for_upload(
recid, hepdata, insert_queue, correct_queue,
task_stats, force_reupload = force_reupload)
write_message("Retrieved data for record %s: %i record added, %i records deleted, %i records modified" % (str(recid), num_added, num_deleted, num_modified ))
except Exception, e:
write_message("Error: merging HepData for record %s failed: %s" \
% (str(recid), str(e)))
failed_ids.put_nowait((str(recid), "Failed during the merging phase: %s" % (str(e), )))
except Exception, e:
write_message("Error: retrieving HEPData for record %s failed: %s" \
% (str(recid), str(e)))
failed_ids.put_nowait((str(recid), "Failed during the retrieval phase: %s" % (str(e), )))
if finished_queue:
processed_recs +=1
update_single_status(str(recid), processed_recs, total_recs)
#Possibly trying to stop
task_status = task_read_status()
if task_status.startswith("ABOUT TO"):
if num_tasks == 1:
write_message("Thread suspended")
if suspend_wait_queue.empty():
write_message("Thread resumed")
elif task_status == "KILLED":
if num_tasks > 1:
finished = True
if num_tasks > 1: #signalise that this is the end of execution of some thread
class RetrievalWorker(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, recids_queue, insert_queue, correct_queue, finished_queue, failed_ids, task_stats, suspend_wait_queue, suspend_resume_queue, main_syn_queue, num_tasks, force_reupload=False):
self.input_recids = recids_queue
self.insert_queue = insert_queue
self.correct_queue = correct_queue
self.finished_queue = finished_queue
self.failed_ids = failed_ids
self.task_stats = task_stats
self.suspend_wait_queue = suspend_wait_queue
self.suspend_resume_queue = suspend_resume_queue
self.num_tasks = num_tasks
self.main_syn_queue = main_syn_queue
self.daemon = True
self.force_reupload = force_reupload
def run(self):
process_single_thread(self.input_recids, self.insert_queue, self.correct_queue,\
self.failed_ids, self.task_stats, self.suspend_wait_queue, \
self.suspend_resume_queue, self.main_syn_queue, self.num_tasks, self.finished_queue, force_reupload = self.force_reupload)
class StatusUpdater(threading.Thread):
"""This thread is used only to update the BibSched status"""
def __init__(self, total_records, finished_queue):
self.total_records = total_records
self.total_finished = 0
self.finished_queue = finished_queue
def run(self):
while self.total_finished != self.total_records:
finished_rec = self.finished_queue.get()
self.total_finished += 1
update_single_status(finished_rec, self.total_finished, self.total_records)
class SingleThreadQueue(object):
"""simple queue implementation for the case of a single processing thread.
Standard queue implementation involves threads anyway"""
def __init__(self):
self.queue = []
self.pointer = 0
def put(self, el):
def put_nowait(self, el):
def get_nowait(self):
self.pointer += 1
return self.queue[self.pointer - 1]
def get(self):
self.pointer += 1
return self.queue[self.pointer - 1]
def empty(self):
return self.pointer == len(self.queue)
def get_number_of_harvesting_threads():
"""Read the task parameters to retrieve the number of concurrent threads\
The default threads number is encoded in the configuration file
if task_has_option("threads_number"):
return int(task_get_option("threads_number"))
def get_forceupload_param():
"""Read the task parameters to retrieve the information if data files should be reuploaded
if task_has_option("force_reupload"):
return bool(task_get_option("force_reupload"))
return False
def hepdata_harvest_task_core():
def kill_handler(signum, frame):
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill_handler)
number_threads = get_number_of_harvesting_threads()
force_reupload = get_forceupload_param()
task_stats = {
"new_hepdata_records" : 0,
"inserted_hepdata_datasets" : 0,
"corrected_hepdata_datasets" : 0,
"deleted_hepdata_datasets" : 0
if number_threads > 1:
insert_queue = Queue.Queue()
correct_queue = Queue.Queue()
failed_ids = Queue.Queue()
recs_queue = Queue.Queue()
finished_queue = Queue.Queue()
suspend_resume_queue = Queue.Queue()
suspend_wait_queue = Queue.Queue()
main_syn_queue = Queue.Queue()
task_stats["semaphore"] = threading.Semaphore()
insert_queue = SingleThreadQueue()
correct_queue = SingleThreadQueue()
failed_ids = SingleThreadQueue()
recs_queue = SingleThreadQueue()
task_stats["semaphore"] = None
write_message("STAGE0: Harvesting data and building the input")
# feed the input queue
total_recs = 0
for recid in hepdata_harvest_get_identifiers():
total_recs += 1
# spawn necessary number of workers (try not to spawn more than necessary)
if number_threads > 1:
for i in xrange(number_threads):
ts = [RetrievalWorker(recs_queue, insert_queue, correct_queue, finished_queue, failed_ids, task_stats, suspend_wait_queue, suspend_resume_queue, main_syn_queue, number_threads, force_reupload = force_reupload) for i in xrange(number_threads)]
update_t = StatusUpdater(total_recs, finished_queue)
# start all the tasks
for t in ts:
write_message("Started all %i workers" % (number_threads, ))
while True:
token = main_syn_queue.get()
if token == "SLEEP":
for i in xrange(number_threads):
elif token == "KILLED":
for t in ts:
#just perform calculations
write_message("started single processing thread")
process_single_thread(recs_queue, insert_queue, correct_queue, failed_ids, task_stats, None, None, None, 1, total_recs = total_recs, force_reupload = force_reupload)
# collect results and return
f_i = list(failed_ids.queue)
write_message("STAGE0 finished: %i records failed : %s" % \
(len(f_i), ", ".join(map(lambda x: "Record %s failed: %s" % (str(x[0]), str(x[1])), f_i))))
i_q = list(insert_queue.queue)
insert_fname = write_xml_stream_to_tmpfile(i_q,
prefix = "hepdata_insert_")
c_q = list(correct_queue.queue)
correct_fname = write_xml_stream_to_tmpfile(c_q,
prefix = "hepdata_correct_")
write_message("STAGE0: input file: %s, correct file: %s" % \
(str(insert_fname), str(correct_fname)))
write_message("STAGE1: spawning bibupload tasks")
insert_tasknum = -1
if insert_fname:
insert_tasknum = task_low_level_submission("bibupload",
"admin", "-i",
correct_tasknum = -1
if correct_fname:
correct_tasknum = task_low_level_submission("bibupload",
"admin", "-c",
if correct_fname or insert_fname:
index_tasknum = task_low_level_submission("bibindex",
"admin", "-w",
index_tasknum = task_low_level_submission("webcoll",
"admin", "-c",
write_message(("Task summary: Inserted %(new_hepdata_records)i new" + \
"HepDATA records, %(inserted_hepdata_datasets)i " + \
"new datasets, corrected " + \
"%(corrected_hepdata_datasets)i" + \
" datasets, removed %(deleted_hepdata_datasets)i") \
% task_stats)
write_message(" Spawned BibUpload tasks: insert: %i, correct: %i" % \
(insert_tasknum, correct_tasknum))
return True
def create_hepdata_ticket(recid, msg, queue="Data_Exceptions"):
Creates a ticket when something goes wrong in rendering HepData
from invenio.legacy.bibcatalog.task import BibCatalogTicket
subject = "Problem in data record %s: %s" % (str(recid),
body = """
There is a problem in record: %(siteurl)s/%(record)s/%(recid)s
""" % {
'record': CFG_SITE_RECORD,
'recid': recid,
'msg': msg
ticket = BibCatalogTicket(subject=subject,
if __name__ == "__main__":
paper = download_paper("", None)
# for dataset in paper.datasets:
print "MARCXML : " + paper.datasets[0].get_marcxml()

Event Timeline