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#include <fstream>
#include "grid_gradient_GPU.cuh"
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_cpu, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_gpu, int nbgridcells, int nhalos);
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU_v2(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_cpu, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_gpu, int nbgridcells, int nhalos);
void calculate_cossin_values(double *theta_cos, double *theta_sin, double *angles, int nhalos ){
for(int i = 0 ; i < nhalos; i++){
void gradient_grid_GPU_sorted(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int nhalos ,int nbgridcells){
int nBlocks_gpu = 0;
// Define the number of threads per block the GPU will use
cudaDeviceProp properties_gpu;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&properties_gpu, 0); // Get properties of 0th GPU in use
if (properties_gpu.maxThreadsDim[0]<threadsPerBlock)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The GPU has to support at least %u threads per block.\n", threadsPerBlock);
nBlocks_gpu = properties_gpu.maxGridSize[0] / threadsPerBlock; // Get the maximum number of blocks with the chosen number of threads
// per Block that the GPU supports
grid_param *frame_gpu;
Potential_SOA *lens_gpu,*lens_kernel ;
int *type_gpu;
double *lens_x_gpu, *lens_y_gpu, *b0_gpu, *angle_gpu, *epot_gpu, *rcore_gpu, *rcut_gpu, *anglecos_gpu, *anglesin_gpu;
double *grid_grad_x_gpu, *grid_grad_y_gpu ;
lens_gpu = (Potential_SOA *) malloc(sizeof(Potential_SOA));
lens_gpu->type = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
// Allocate variables on the GPU
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(lens_kernel), sizeof(Potential_SOA))," : Alloc Potential_SOA: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(type_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(int))," : Alloc type_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(lens_x_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc x_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(lens_y_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc y_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(b0_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc b0_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(angle_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc angle_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(epot_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc epot_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(rcore_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc rcore_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(rcut_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc rcut_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(anglecos_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc anglecos_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(anglesin_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(double))," : Alloc anglesin_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(frame_gpu), sizeof(grid_param))," : Alloc frame_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(grid_grad_x_gpu), (nbgridcells) * (nbgridcells) *sizeof(double))," : Alloc source_x_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(grid_grad_y_gpu), (nbgridcells) * (nbgridcells) *sizeof(double))," : Alloc source_y_gpu: " );
// Copy values to the GPU
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(type_gpu,lens->type , nhalos*sizeof(int),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy type_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(lens_x_gpu,lens->position_x , nhalos*sizeof(double),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy x_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(lens_y_gpu,lens->position_y , nhalos*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy y_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(b0_gpu,lens->b0 , nhalos*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy b0_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(angle_gpu,lens->ellipticity_angle , nhalos*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy angle_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(epot_gpu, lens->ellipticity_potential, nhalos*sizeof(double),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy epot_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(rcore_gpu, lens->rcore, nhalos*sizeof(double),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy rcore_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(rcut_gpu, lens->rcut, nhalos*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy rcut_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(anglecos_gpu, lens->anglecos, nhalos*sizeof(double),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy anglecos: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(anglesin_gpu, lens->anglesin, nhalos*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy anglesin: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(frame_gpu, frame, sizeof(grid_param), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy fame_gpu: " );
//printf("%p \n", lens_gpu);
//printf("%p \n", type_gpu);
//printf("%p \n", lens_gpu->type);
lens_gpu->type = type_gpu;
lens_gpu->position_x = lens_x_gpu;
lens_gpu->position_y = lens_y_gpu;
lens_gpu->b0 = b0_gpu;
lens_gpu->ellipticity_angle = angle_gpu;
lens_gpu->ellipticity_potential = epot_gpu;
lens_gpu->rcore = rcore_gpu;
lens_gpu->rcut = rcut_gpu;
lens_gpu->anglecos = anglecos_gpu;
lens_gpu->anglesin = anglesin_gpu;
cudaMemcpy(lens_kernel, lens_gpu, sizeof(Potential_SOA), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
#if 0
int BLOCK_SIZE = 16; // number of threads
int GRID_SIZE = (nbgridcells + BLOCK_SIZE - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE; // number of blocks
dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
dim3 dimGrid(GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
if (int((nbgridcells) * (nbgridcells)/threadsPerBlock) == 0)
gradient_grid_kernel<<<1,threadsPerBlock>>>(grid_grad_x_gpu, grid_grad_y_gpu,frame_gpu,nhalos, nbgridcells, lens_kernel);
//gradient_grid_kernel<<<(nbgridcells) * (nbgridcells)/threadsPerBlock,threadsPerBlock>>>(grid_grad_x_gpu, grid_grad_y_gpu,frame_gpu,nhalos, nbgridcells, lens_kernel);
//gradient_grid_kernel_v2<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(grid_grad_x_gpu, grid_grad_y_gpu, frame_gpu, nhalos, nbgridcells, lens_kernel);
//gradient_grid_kernel_v2<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(grid_grad_x_gpu, grid_grad_y_gpu, frame_gpu, nhalos, nbgridcells, lens_kernel);
// module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_cpu, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_gpu, double xmin, double ymin, int nbgridcells, int nhalos)
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU_v2(grid_grad_x_gpu, grid_grad_y_gpu, frame_gpu, lens, lens_kernel, nbgridcells, nhalos);
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy( grid_grad_x, grid_grad_x_gpu, (nbgridcells) * (nbgridcells) *sizeof(double),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost )," : Copy source_x_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy( grid_grad_y, grid_grad_y_gpu, (nbgridcells) * (nbgridcells) *sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)," : Copy source_y_gpu: " );
//printf("%f %f \n",grid_grad_x[0],grid_grad_y[0]);
// Free GPU memory
for (int i = 0; i < nbgridcells; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < nbgridcells; j++){
printf(" %f",grid_grad_x[i*nbgridcells + j]);
__global__ void gradient_grid_kernel(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, int Nlens,int nbgridcells, const struct Potential_SOA *lens) {
//*grad_x = *grad_y = 0.;
int bid=blockIdx.x; // index of the block (and of the set of images)
int tid=threadIdx.x; // index of the thread within the block
double dx,dy; //pixelsize
int grid_dim, index;
struct point image_point, Grad;
dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells-1);
dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells-1);
grid_dim = (nbgridcells);
index = bid * threadsPerBlock + tid ;
while(index < grid_dim*grid_dim){
grid_grad_x[index] = 0.;
grid_grad_y[index] = 0.;
image_point.x = frame->xmin + (index/grid_dim)*dx;
image_point.y = frame->ymin + (index % grid_dim)*dy;
Grad = module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_GPU(&image_point, lens, Nlens);
grid_grad_x[index] = Grad.x;
grid_grad_y[index] = Grad.y;
bid += gridDim.x;
index = bid * threadsPerBlock + tid;
__global__ void gradient_grid_kernel_v2(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, int Nlens,int nbgridcells, const struct Potential_SOA *lens) {
//*grad_x = *grad_y = 0.;
int bid = blockIdx.x; // index of the block (and of the set of images)
int tid = threadIdx.x; // index of the thread within the block
double dx,dy; //pixelsize
int grid_dim, index;
struct point image_point, Grad;
dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells-1);
dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells-1);
grid_dim = (nbgridcells);
int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
index = col*nbgridcells + row ;
//while(index < grid_dim*grid_dim){
//grid_grad_x[index] = 0.;
//grid_grad_y[index] = 0.;
image_point.x = frame->xmin + col*dx;
image_point.y = frame->ymin + row*dy;
Grad = module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_GPU(&image_point, lens, Nlens);
grid_grad_x[index] = Grad.x;
grid_grad_y[index] = Grad.y;
bid += gridDim.x;
index = bid * threadsPerBlock + tid;
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_GPU(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const struct grid_param *frame, int nbgridcells, int shalos, int nhalos)
//asm volatile("# module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA begins");
// 6 DP loads, i.e. 48 Bytes: position_x, position_y, ellipticity_angle, ellipticity_potential, rcore, b0
struct point grad, clumpgrad, image_point;
grad.x = 0;
grad.y = 0;
int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if ((row < nbgridcells) && (col < nbgridcells))
int index = col*nbgridcells + row;
//grid_grad_x[index] = 0.;
//grid_grad_y[index] = 0.;
double dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells-1);
double dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells-1);
#if 0
__shared__ double img_pt[2];
if ((row == 0) && (col == 0))
img_pt[0] = frame->xmin + col*dx;
img_pt[1] = frame->ymin + row*dy;
image_point.x = frame->xmin + col*dx;
image_point.y = frame->ymin + row*dy;
for(int i = shalos; i < shalos + nhalos; i++)
struct point true_coord, true_coord_rot; //, result;
//double R, angular_deviation;
complex zis;
//result.x = result.y = 0.;
#if 0
true_coord.x = img_pt[0] - __ldg(&lens->position_x[i]);
true_coord.y = img_pt[1] - __ldg(&lens->position_y[i]);
true_coord.x = image_point.x - __ldg(&lens->position_x[i]);
true_coord.y = image_point.y - __ldg(&lens->position_y[i]);
double cosi = __ldg(&lens->anglecos[i]);
double sinu = __ldg(&lens->anglesin[i]);
// positionning at the potential center
// Change the origin of the coordinate system to the center of the clump
double x = true_coord.x*cosi + true_coord.y*sinu;
double y = true_coord.y*cosi - true_coord.x*sinu;
double eps = __ldg(&lens->ellipticity_potential[i]);
double sqe = sqrt(eps);
double rem2 = x*x/((1. + eps)*(1. + eps)) + y*y/((1. - eps)*(1. - eps));
complex zci;
complex znum, zden, zres;
double norm;
// = -0.5*(1. - eps*eps)/sqe;
double rc = __ldg(&lens->rcore[i]);
double cx1 = (1. - eps)/(1. + eps); = cx1*x; = 2.*sqe*sqrt(rc*rc + rem2) - y/cx1;
// = x; = 2.*rc*sqe - y;
norm = (* +*; // zis = znum/zden
// = (* +*; = (* -*;
norm =;
// = log(sqrt(norm*norm +*; // ln(zis) = ln(|zis|)+i.Arg(zis) = atan2(, norm);
// =*; // Re( zci*ln(zis) ) =*; // Im( zci*ln(zis) )
double b0 = __ldg(&lens->b0[i]);
grad.x += b0*(*cosi -*sinu);
grad.y += b0*(*cosi +*sinu);
grid_grad_x[index] += grad.x;
grid_grad_y[index] += grad.y;
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_GPU_v2(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const struct grid_param *frame,
int nbgridcells, int i, int nhalos)
//asm volatile("# module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA begins");
// 6 DP loads, i.e. 48 Bytes: position_x, position_y, ellipticity_angle, ellipticity_potential, rcore, b0
struct point grad, clumpgrad, image_point;
grad.x = 0;
grad.y = 0;
int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if ((row < nbgridcells) && (col < nbgridcells))
int index = col*nbgridcells + row;
//grid_grad_x[index] = 0.;
//grid_grad_y[index] = 0.;
double dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells-1);
double dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells-1);
#if 0
__shared__ double img_pt[2];
if ((row == 0) && (col == 0))
img_pt[0] = frame->xmin + col*dx;
img_pt[1] = frame->ymin + row*dy;
image_point.x = frame->xmin + col*dx;
image_point.y = frame->ymin + row*dy;
//for(int i = shalos; i < shalos + nhalos; i++)
struct point true_coord, true_coord_rot; //, result;
//double R, angular_deviation;
complex zis;
//result.x = result.y = 0.;
#if 0
true_coord.x = img_pt[0] - __ldg(&lens->position_x[i]);
true_coord.y = img_pt[1] - __ldg(&lens->position_y[i]);
true_coord.x = image_point.x - __ldg(&lens->position_x[i]);
true_coord.y = image_point.y - __ldg(&lens->position_y[i]);
double cosi = __ldg(&lens->anglecos[i]);
double sinu = __ldg(&lens->anglesin[i]);
// positionning at the potential center
// Change the origin of the coordinate system to the center of the clump
double x = true_coord.x*cosi + true_coord.y*sinu;
double y = true_coord.y*cosi - true_coord.x*sinu;
double eps = __ldg(&lens->ellipticity_potential[i]);
double sqe = sqrt(eps);
double rem2 = x*x/((1. + eps)*(1. + eps)) + y*y/((1. - eps)*(1. - eps));
complex zci;
complex znum, zden, zres;
double norm;
// = -0.5*(1. - eps*eps)/sqe;
double rc = __ldg(&lens->rcore[i]);
double cx1 = (1. - eps)/(1. + eps); = cx1*x; = 2.*sqe*sqrt(rc*rc + rem2) - y/cx1;
// = x; = 2.*rc*sqe - y;
norm = (* +*; // zis = znum/zden
// = (* +*; = (* -*;
double b0 = __ldg(&lens->b0[i]);
grad.x += b0*(*cosi -*sinu);
grad.y += b0*(*cosi +*sinu);
grid_grad_x[index] += grad.x;
grid_grad_y[index] += grad.y;
typedef struct point (*halo_func_GPU_t) (const struct point *pImage, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int shalos, int nhalos);
__constant__ halo_func_GPU_t halo_func_GPU[100] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_5_SOA_GPU, 0, 0, module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_GPU, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_81_SOA_GPU, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_cpu, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_gpu, int nbgridcells, int nhalos)
struct point grad, clumpgrad;
grad.x = clumpgrad.x = 0;
grad.y = clumpgrad.y = 0;
int shalos = 0;
int GRID_SIZE = (nbgridcells + BLOCK_SIZE - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE; // number of blocks
dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
dim3 dimGrid(GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
int count = nhalos;
cudaMemset(grid_grad_x, 0, nbgridcells*nbgridcells*sizeof(double));
cudaMemset(grid_grad_y, 0, nbgridcells*nbgridcells*sizeof(double));
//testkernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(nhalos);
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_GPU<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>> (grid_grad_x, grid_grad_y, lens_gpu, frame, nbgridcells, shalos, nhalos);
//grid.x += clumpgrad.x;
//grad.y += clumpgrad.y;
while (shalos < nhalos)
int lens_type = lens_cpu->type[shalos];
int count = 1;
while (lens_cpu->type[shalos + count] == lens_type) count++;
//std::cerr << "type = " << lens_type << " " << count << " " << shalos << std::endl;
//printf ("%d %d %d \n",lens_type,count,shalos);
clumpgrad = (*halo_func_GPU[lens_type]<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>> )(lens_gpu, shalos, count);
grad.x += clumpgrad.x;
grad.y += clumpgrad.y;
shalos += count;
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU_v2(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_cpu, const struct Potential_SOA *lens_gpu, int nbgridcells, int nhalos)
struct point grad, clumpgrad;
grad.x = clumpgrad.x = 0;
grad.y = clumpgrad.y = 0;
int shalos = 0;
int GRID_SIZE = (nbgridcells + BLOCK_SIZE - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE; // number of blocks
dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
dim3 dimGrid(GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
int count = nhalos;
cudaMemset(grid_grad_x, 0, nbgridcells*nbgridcells*sizeof(double));
cudaMemset(grid_grad_y, 0, nbgridcells*nbgridcells*sizeof(double));
for (int ii = 0; ii < nhalos; ++ii)
module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_GPU<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>> (grid_grad_x, grid_grad_y, lens_gpu, frame, nbgridcells, ii, 1);
//grid.x += clumpgrad.x;
//grad.y += clumpgrad.y;
while (shalos < nhalos)
int lens_type = lens_cpu->type[shalos];
int count = 1;
while (lens_cpu->type[shalos + count] == lens_type) count++;
//std::cerr << "type = " << lens_type << " " << count << " " << shalos << std::endl;
//printf ("%d %d %d \n",lens_type,count,shalos);
clumpgrad = (*halo_func_GPU[lens_type]<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>> )(lens_gpu, shalos, count);
grad.x += clumpgrad.x;
grad.y += clumpgrad.y;
shalos += count;

Event Timeline