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File Metadata

Sat, Oct 19, 21:25

import NanoporeClasses as NC
import shelve
import os
import glob
from time import sleep
import Functions
from pprint import pprint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import EngFormatter
import numpy as np
import sys
import argparse
import datetime
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilenames,askdirectory
import timeit
import LoadData
timeInSec = EngFormatter(unit='s', places=2)
Amp = EngFormatter(unit='A', places=2)
#Default parameters
extension = '*.log'
coefficients = {'a': 0.999,
'E': 0,
'S': 5,
'maxEventLength': 200e-3, # maximal event length to be considered an event
'minEventLength': 600e-6, # maximal event length to be considered an impulse
'fitLength': 3e-3, # minimal event length to be fitted for impulses
'dt': 25, # go back dt points for fitting of impulses
'hbook': 1,
'delta': 0.2e-9,
'deltaRel': None, # If set overrides delta, calculates delta relative to baseline
'ChimeraLowPass': 10e3}
def GetParameters():
print("run(inputData, newExtension=None, newCoefficients={}, outputFile=None, "
"force=False, cut=False, verboseLevel=0)")
print("Default extension:")
print("Default coefficients:")
def eventdetectionwithfilegeneration(file, coefficients, verboseLevel=1, forceRun=False, CutTraces=False):
# Create new class that contains all events
AllEvents = NC.AllEvents()
# Loop over all files in folder
# Extract filename and generate filename to save located events
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('analysing ' + file)
directory = os.path.dirname(file) + os.sep + 'analysisfiles'
if not os.path.exists(directory):
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))
savefilename = directory + os.sep + filename + 'data'
shelfFile =
if ~forceRun:
try: #Check if file can be loaded
tEL = shelfFile['TranslocationEvents']
# If coefficients before are not identical, analysis needs to run again
if (coefficientsloaded == coefficients):
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('loaded from file')
forceRun = True
# Except if cannot be loaded, analysis needs to run
forceRun = True
if forceRun:
# Extract list of events for this file
tEL = eventdetection(file, coefficients, verboseLevel, CutTraces)
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('Saved {} events'.format(len(
# Open savefile and save events for this file
shelfFile['TranslocationEvents'] = tEL
shelfFile['coefficients'] = coefficients
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('saved to file')
# Add events to the initially created class that contains all events
return AllEvents
def batcheventdetection(folder, extension, coefficients, verboseLevel=1, forceRun=False, CutTraces=False):
# Create new class that contains all events
AllEvents = NC.AllEvents()
print('found ' + str(len(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, extension)))) + ' files.')
# Loop over all files in folder
for fullfilename in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, extension)):
# Extract filename and generate filename to save located events
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('analysing '+fullfilename)
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fullfilename))
directory = os.path.dirname(fullfilename) + os.sep + 'analysisfiles'
if not os.path.exists(directory):
savefilename = directory + os.sep + filename + 'data'
shelfFile =
if ~forceRun:
try: #Check if file can be loaded
tEL = shelfFile['TranslocationEvents']
# If coefficients before are not identical, analysis needs to run again
if (coefficientsloaded == coefficients):
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('loaded from file')
forceRun = True
# Except if cannot be loaded, analysis needs to run
forceRun = True
if forceRun:
# Extract list of events for this file
tEL = eventdetection(fullfilename, coefficients, verboseLevel, CutTraces)
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('Saved {} events'.format(len(
# Open savefile and save events for this file
shelfFile['TranslocationEvents'] = tEL
shelfFile['coefficients'] = coefficients
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('saved to file')
# Add events to the initially created class that contains all events
return AllEvents
def eventdetection(fullfilename, coefficients, verboseLevel=1, CutTraces=False, showFigures=False):
Function used to find the events of TranslocationEvents class in the raw data in file 'filename'.
It calls the function RecursiveLowPassFast to approximatively locate rough events in the data.
If a short TranslocationEvent object is detected its type attribute will be changed to 'Impulse' and the
meanTrace attribute will take the value of the minimal current value within the event.
Then the CUSUM function will be called to build the CUSUM-fit and assign values to the different
attributes of the TranslocationEvent objects.
Depending on how the CUSUM was able to fit the trace inside and around the event, the type attribute of the TransocationEvent will be set to 'Real'
(if the CUSUM fit went well) or 'Rough' (if the CUSUM was not able to fit the trace).
fullfilename : str
Full path to data file.
coefficients : dict
Contains the parameters for the analysis.
verboseLevel : bool, optional
1 by default. It will print strings indicating the progress of the function in the console with different levels of depth.
CutTraces : bool, optional
False by default. If True, will cut the signal traces around the events to avoid having appended chunks detected as events.
showFigures : bool , optional
False by default. If True, it will display a simple figure with the shape of the signal.
list of TranslocationEvent
All the events in the signal.
if os.path.getsize(fullfilename) <= 8:
print('File incorrect size')
return -1
if 'ChimeraLowPass' in coefficients:
ChimeraLowPass = coefficients['ChimeraLowPass']
ChimeraLowPass = None
loadedData = LoadData.OpenFile(fullfilename, ChimeraLowPass, True, CutTraces)
maxTime = coefficients['maxEventLength']
minTime = coefficients['minEventLength']
fitTime = coefficients['fitLength']
IncludedBaseline = int(1e-2 * loadedData['samplerate'])
delta = coefficients['delta']
hbook = coefficients['hbook']
dt = coefficients['dt']
deltaRel = coefficients['deltaRel']
samplerate = loadedData['samplerate']
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('\n Recursive lowpass...', end='')
# Call RecursiveLowPassFast to detect events in current trace
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
if 'i1Cut' in loadedData:
events = []
for cutTrace in loadedData['i1Cut']:
events.extend(Functions.RecursiveLowPassFast(cutTrace, coefficients, loadedData['samplerate']))
events = Functions.RecursiveLowPassFast(loadedData['i1'], coefficients, loadedData['samplerate'])
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('done. Calculation took {}'.format(timeInSec.format_data(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)))
print('Roughly detected events: {}'.format(len(events)))
# Make a new class translocationEventList that contains all the found events in this file
translocationEventList = NC.AllEvents()
# Plot current file
if showFigures:
timeVals=np.linspace(0, len(loadedData['i1'])/loadedData['samplerate'], num=len(loadedData['i1']))
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('Fine tuning...', end='')
# Call RecursiveLowPassFast to detect events in current trace
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
cusumEvents = 0
# Loop over all roughly detected events
for event in events:
beginEvent = event[0]
endEvent = event[1]
localBaseline = event[2]
stdEvent = event[3]
if 'blockLength' in loadedData:
voltI = int(beginEvent / loadedData['blockLength'])
voltI = int(0)
# Check if the start of the event is later than the first few ms in IncludedBaseline
if beginEvent > IncludedBaseline:
# Extract trace and extract baseline
traceforfitting = loadedData['i1'][int(beginEvent - dt):int(endEvent + dt)]
# If event is shorter than fitTime
if 3 < (endEvent-beginEvent) <= (fitTime * samplerate):
# Try to fit and estimate real
output = Functions.ImpulseFitting(traceforfitting, localBaseline, samplerate,
verbose=(verboseLevel >= 3))
elif (endEvent-beginEvent) < (maxTime * samplerate):
output = 2
if verboseLevel >= 2:
print('Too long event {t:4.0f} ms\n'.format(t=1000*(endEvent-beginEvent)/samplerate))
output = -1 # Don't include in rest of analysis
# if output -1 fit failed, if output -2 differential failed
if not isinstance(output, int) and len(output) > 1:
(ps1, pe1, pe2, rsquared_event, Idrop) = output
if verboseLevel >= 3:
print('ps1: {}, pe1: {}, pe2: {}, rsquared: {}'.format(ps1, pe1, pe2, rsquared_event))
# length small enough and r squared big enough
if (pe2-ps1)/samplerate < minTime and rsquared_event > 0.7:
newEvent = NC.TranslocationEvent(fullfilename, 'Impulse')
trace = traceforfitting[ps1:pe2]
ps1c = beginEvent - 25 + ps1
pe2c = beginEvent - 25 + pe2
traceBefore = loadedData['i1'][int(ps1c) - IncludedBaseline:int(ps1c)]
traceAfter = loadedData['i1'][int(pe2c):int(pe2c) + IncludedBaseline]
newEvent.SetEvent(trace, ps1c, localBaseline, samplerate, currentDrop=Idrop)
newEvent.SetCoefficients(coefficients, loadedData['v1'][voltI])
newEvent.SetBaselineTrace(traceBefore, traceAfter)
newEvent.eventLength = (pe1-ps1)/samplerate
if verboseLevel >= 2:
print('Fitted impulse of {t:1.3f} ms and {i:2.2f} nA and {r:1.2f} R-squared\n'.format(
t=newEvent.eventLength*1e3, i=newEvent.currentDrop*1e9, r=rsquared_event))
elif (pe2-ps1)/samplerate < 3 * minTime and rsquared_event < 0.5:
if verboseLevel >= 2:
print('Bad fit {r:1.2f} R-squared, event ignored.\n'.format(r=rsquared_event))
output = -1 # Don't include in rest of analysis
if verboseLevel >= 3:
print('Too long event for impulse')
output = 2
# Good enough for CUSUM fitting
if isinstance(output, int) and abs(output) == 2:
# CUSUM fit
sigma = np.sqrt(stdEvent)
# If deltaRel is set calculate delta based on relative value to baseline
if deltaRel is not None:
delta = deltaRel * localBaseline
if verboseLevel >= 2:
print('Using relative delta for CUSUM fitting: {}'.format(Amp.format_data(delta)))
h = hbook * delta / sigma
(mc, kd, krmv) = Functions.CUSUM(traceforfitting, delta, h, verbose=(verboseLevel >= 3))
krmv = [krmvVal + int(beginEvent) - dt + 1 for krmvVal in krmv]
if len(krmv) > 1:
trace = loadedData['i1'][int(krmv[0]):int(krmv[-1])]
traceBefore = loadedData['i1'][int(krmv[0]) - IncludedBaseline:int(krmv[0])]
traceAfter = loadedData['i1'][int(krmv[-1]):int(krmv[-1]) + IncludedBaseline]
beginEvent = krmv[0]
# Adding CUSUM fitted event
newEvent = NC.TranslocationEvent(fullfilename, 'CUSUM')
newEvent.SetEvent(trace, beginEvent, localBaseline, samplerate)
newEvent.SetBaselineTrace(traceBefore, traceAfter)
newEvent.SetCoefficients(coefficients, loadedData['v1'][voltI])
newEvent.SetCUSUMVariables(mc, kd, krmv)
cusumEvents += 1
if verboseLevel >= 2:
print('Fitted CUSUM of {t:1.3f} ms and {i:2.2f} nA\n'.format(
t=newEvent.eventLengthCUSUM * 1e3, i=newEvent.currentDropCUSUM * 1e9))
trace = loadedData['i1'][int(beginEvent):int(endEvent)]
traceBefore = loadedData['i1'][int(beginEvent) - IncludedBaseline:int(beginEvent)]
traceAfter = loadedData['i1'][int(endEvent):int(endEvent) + IncludedBaseline]
# Adding roughly detected event
newEvent = NC.TranslocationEvent(fullfilename, 'Rough')
newEvent.SetEvent(trace, beginEvent, localBaseline, samplerate)
newEvent.SetBaselineTrace(traceBefore, traceAfter)
newEvent.SetCoefficients(coefficients, loadedData['v1'][voltI])
if verboseLevel >= 2:
print('CUSUM failed. Adding only roughly located event of {t:1.3f} ms and {i:2.2f} nA\n'.format(
t=len(trace) * 1e3/samplerate, i=(np.mean(np.append(traceBefore,traceAfter)) - np.mean(trace) )* 1e9))
if output != -1:
# Add event to TranslocationList
if verboseLevel >= 1:
print('done. Total fitting took {}'.format(timeInSec.format_data(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)))
print('{} events fitted with CUSUM\n'.format(cusumEvents))
#Plot events if True
if showFigures:
minVal = np.max(loadedData['i1'])#-1.05e-9 #np.min(loadedData['i1'])
maxVal = np.max(loadedData['i1'])+0.05e-9#-1.05e-9 #np.min(loadedData['i1'])
for i in range(len(events)):
endEvent = events[i][1]
if beginEvent>100 and (endEvent - beginEvent) >= (minTime * loadedData['samplerate']) and (endEvent - beginEvent) < (
coefficients['maxEventLength'] * loadedData['samplerate']):
plt.plot([beginEvent/loadedData['samplerate'], beginEvent/loadedData['samplerate']], [minVal, maxVal], 'y-', lw=1)
return translocationEventList
def LoadEvents(loadname):
# Check if loadname is a directory or not
if os.path.isdir(loadname):
# create standard filename for loading
loadFile = os.path.join(loadname,os.path.basename(loadname)+'_Events')
loadFile, file_extension = os.path.splitext(loadname)
# Open file and extract TranslocationEvents
shelfFile =
TranslocationEvents = shelfFile['TranslocationEvents']
AllEvents = NC.AllEvents()
return AllEvents
def run(inputData, newExtension=None, newCoefficients={}, outputFile=None, force=False, cut=False, verboseLevel=0):
Function used to call all the other functions in the module
needed to find the events in raw nanopore experiment data.
inputData : str
Full path to data file.
newExtension : str, optional
None by default. NewExtension for input directory.
newCoefficients : dict
Contains the default parameters for the analysis.
outputFile : str, optional
None by default. Full path to output file.
force : bool, optional
False by default.
cut : bool, optional
False by default. False by default. If True, will cut the signal traces around the events to avoid having appended chunks detected as events.
verboseLevel : int, optional
0 by default. 0 by default. If higher, it will print various outputs during running
AllEvents object
All the events.
if newExtension is None:
newExtension = extension
for key in newCoefficients:
if os.path.isdir(inputData):
TranslocationEvents = batcheventdetection(inputData, newExtension, coefficients, verboseLevel, force, cut)
TranslocationEvents = eventdetection(inputData,coefficients, verboseLevel, cut)
#Check if list is empty
if outputFile is not None and
if os.path.isdir(inputData):
outputData = inputData + os.sep + 'Data' + os.sep + 'Data' +"%Y%m%d")
LoadData.SaveVariables(outputFile, TranslocationEvents=TranslocationEvents)
return True
return TranslocationEvents
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='Input directory or file')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--ext', help='Extension for input directory')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output file for saving')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--coeff',
help='Coefficients for selecting events [-C filter E standarddev maxlength minlength',
parser.add_argument('-u', '--cut',
help='Cut Traces before detecting event, prevent detecting appended chunks as event',
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', help='Force analysis to run (don''t load from file', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
inputData = args.input
if inputData is None:
inputData = askdirectory()
outputData = args.output
if outputData is None:
if os.path.isdir(inputData):
outputData = inputData + os.sep + 'Data' + os.sep + 'Data' +"%Y%m%d")
outputData = os.path.dirname(inputData) + os.sep + 'Data' + os.sep + 'Data' +"%Y%m%d")
if args.coeff is not None:
if len(args.coeff) % 2 == 0:
for i in range(0, len(args.coeff), 2):
if i <= len(args.coeff):
if args.ext is not None:
extension = args.ext
print('Loading from: ' + inputData)
print('Saving to: ' + outputData)
print('Coefficients are: ', end='')
if os.path.isdir(inputData):
print('extension is: ' + extension +'\nStarting.... \n')
TranslocationEvents = batcheventdetection(inputData, extension, newcoefficients=coefficients, force=args.force, cut=args.cut)
print('Starting.... \n')
TranslocationEvents = eventdetection(inputData,coefficients, args.cut)
#Check if list is empty
LoadData.SaveVariables(outputData, TranslocationEvents=TranslocationEvents)

Event Timeline