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# Linux for Owners
v.1.1 (2019-01-29)
# Agenda
1. Owning a Linux system
2. Course expectations
3. Linux landscape
4. Accessing `root`
5. Linux filesystem structure
6. Mounting filesystems
7. Working with the package manager
8. Installing software from other sources
9. User management
10. Examining system state
11. Working with services
12. Security considerations
13. Troubleshooting tips
# Owning a Linux system
## What do we mean by that?
.highlight[Administrative privileges] vs a normal account only.
* access to the `root` user, or
* access to `sudo` (or `su`) commands
* having installed the system yourself (optional)
* physical access to the machine (optional)
Having admin access usually means you are responsible for
.highlight[maintenance and configuration] of the system.
For that, you need a deeper knowledge of how it works.
# Typical ownership scenarios
* Linux installed as main OS on a desktop or laptop machine
* Scenarios: work requirement, curiosity, alternative OS
* Typically means a graphical environment
* Linux used as a virtual machine guest
* Scenarios: experimentation, sandbox, development
* Safe way to try OSes and configurations
* Linux used as a server
* Can be bare-metal or virtualized
* Typically means a CLI environment (over SSH)
* Linux appliance / IoT
* Android (which you usually don't own!)
# Typical responsibilities
* Installing new software as needed
* Configuring software and access to hardware
* Updating software & OS
* Securing the system and installed software
* Solving problems as they appear
# Course expectations
This is a crash-course limited to one day.
* You are expected to know the basics of working with Linux.
At a minimum, working with command line and editing files from it.
* You were asked to prepare a VM with Linux, that way you can
safely try admin commands and reboot the OS without affecting
your main system.
* Some commands can differ per Linux "flavour". The course sticks
to Ubuntu / Debian, and may need to be adapted to other
* The course is intended to be an introduction; to dig deeper
into topics you'll need to do your own research.
# Linux landscape: What's a distribution?
"Linux" is the name of the OS kernel, and needs a lot of other software
to be a functional operating system.
One can, in principle, assemble this collection of software themselves:
such an approach is called Linux From Scratch.
It's long, requires in-depth knowledge of the system and most importantly
leaves keeping the system up to date to the user.
A better approach is to use a .highlight[distribution], which offers:
* A curated collection of software tested to work together.
* A .highlight[package manager] to automate software install tasks.
* Pre-compiled software for faster installation.
* Security updates and fixes for critical bugs.
* Varying balance between stability and faster updates.
* _Optional:_ paid support.
# Linux landscape: Popular distributions
There are many families of distributions, sharing package managers
and maybe parts of the package collection.
* Debian (package manager: `apt` / .deb packages)
* Ubuntu
* Kubuntu, Lubuntu, ...
* Linux Mint
* Kali, Tails, Devuan
* RHEL (package manager: `yum` / .rpm packages)
* Fedora
* CentOS, Scientific Linux
* Arch Linux (package manager: `pacman`)
* Manjaro Linux
* Gentoo (package manager: Portage / `emerge`)
* Chrome OS
* Alpine Linux
* ...
# Linux landscape: Rolling / Static / LTS
Various Linux distributions take different approaches to software updates.
Programs update at their own pace, called "upstream".
.highlight[Rolling distributions] try to keep up with upstream version
updates, with minimal changes to keep it compatible with
the rest of the software stack.
.highlight[Static distributions] lock down software versions at the time
of release, in order to provide more testing and stability.
However, critical bugfixes and security patches have to be ported back
"downstream" to those "frozen" versions.
Some static distributions have .highlight[Long Term Support] releases that
guarantee longer availability of such patches.
# Assuming superpowers
How do administrative powers work in Linux?
Compared to regular users, the user with ID 0, or .highlight[`root`],
is treated as .highlight[superuser]: it has the ability
to bypass all usual access restrictions.
In some Linux distributions a password for `root` is set
at install time and can be used to log in directly.
However, most of the time users with administrative privileges
will have access to use .highlight[`sudo` command].
`sudo` stands for ".highlight[su]peruser .highlight[do]", because it executes some
other command as superuser instead of current user.
# Assuming superpowers: `sudo`
![XKCD on sudo](assets/sandwich.png)
_Image credit:_ [XKCD #149](
# Assuming superpowers: `sudo`
`sudo [command]` executes the command as `root` instead of the current user:
owner@linux:~$ whoami
owner@linux:~$ sudo whoami
[sudo] password for owner:
Normally, `sudo` asks for authentication: it requires you to supply
.highlight[your own] password (not the `root` password!).
owner@linux:~$ sudo whoami
[sudo] password for owner: <type in owner's password>
# Assuming superpowers: `sudo`
`sudo` remembers that you have authenticated,
and subsequent commands do not require password for 15 minutes:
owner@linux:~$ sudo whoami
If you need to do a lot of stuff as root, you can use `sudo -i`
to start a login shell as `root`:
owner@linux:~$ sudo -i
root@linux:~# whoami
`-i` is short for .highlight[interactive]
_Reference:_ `man sudo_root`
# To root or not to root
Forgetting `sudo` before a command that requires it
can be jarring. Therefore, there is great temptation
to use a `root` shell when mostly admin tasks are involved.
Problem is, there are no "handrails" on what the `root` user can do.
It's far too easy to shoot oneself in the foot.
An error in a program run under `root` can break critical parts
of the system, which won't happen under a regular user.
From a security perspective, running complex, or untrusted,
programs under `root` opens you up for malicious actions as well.
# To root or not to root: a horror story
Running this command as a `root` is a classic mean prank:
root@linux:~# rm -rf /
rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/'
rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe
Fortunately, as written it doesn't work, there's a failsafe.
However, consider this line:
root@linux:~# rm -rf $FOLDER/*
This is supposed to delete everything in folder `$FOLDER`.
But in case that variable is unset, it will happily destroy everything on the system &mdash; if run as `root`.
# To root or not to root
In addition, if files are created while running as `root`
it usually leads to them being inaccessible by normal users.
This can lead to errors when running the same commands later
as a normal user.
Most workflows are a mixture of commands that require superuser and those that don't.
It's good practice to be aware of it and run only those parts that need it with `sudo`.
It's not a hard rule. Running a set of commands as `root` has its place,
but one needs to be careful and mindful of the above nuances.
# root and SSH
By default, even if you set a password for the `root` user,
you won't be able to connect via SSH with this password.
This is done to discourage brute-forcing the `root` password.
This encourages people to connect as their user and elevate
with `sudo` if necessary. This creates more meaningful logs.
Also, if your SSH key is compromised but your user password is not,
the attacker won't be able to elevate to `root` even if
they can connect.
It's still possible to connect directly as `root` by weakening
the security (bad idea) or adding an SSH key to the `root`
account. However, previous warnings apply.
# How is `sudo` configured?
What enables certain users to use `sudo`?
By default, members of a specific group
(e.g. `sudo`, `admin`, `wheel`)
are allowed all `root` privileges after verifying their password.
There's a `/etc/sudoers` file describing the system policy.
It can be fine-tuned to allow some users access only to
specific commands, or dropping the password requirement.
When editing `sudoers` file, always use the `visudo` script.
It sanity-checks changes so that you don't lock yourself out.
_References:_ `man sudoers`,
[Understanding the sudoers file](
# Exercise: inspect the `sudoers` file
1. Try examining the contents of `/etc/sudoers` file:
owner@linux:~$ less /etc/sudoers
2. Explain the problem
3. Fix the problem (using `sudo`)
# Bonus: violating the `sudoers` policy
.center[ ![](assets/incident.png) ]
_Image credit:_ [XKCD #838](
# Linux filesystem map: what goes where?
Before we proceed, it's important to understand
common filesystem locations in Linux.
It differs a little from distribution to distribution,
but generally systems adhere to the
.highlight[Filesystem Hierarcy Standard], or FHS (3.0 currently).
Not every entry in the standard will be explained, but "points of interest"
will be shown.
[Wikipedia entry on FHS](,
[FHS 3.0 specification](
# Linux filesystem: a common tree
Under UNIX conventions, there's only a single filesystem tree visible in the system.
There can be multiple disks, or multiple partitions on those disks, each with its
own filesystem trees, but to be usable they are inserted in the common file tree
as subtrees:
.center[ ![](assets/mount.svg) ]
# Linux filesystem: a common tree
.center[ ![](assets/mount.svg) ]
This process is called .highlight[mounting].
You can examine currently mounted filesystems with the `mount` command:
owner@linux:~$ mount
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
# Linux filesystem: `/home` sweet home
As a user, you're probably familiar with .highlight[`/home`].
Home directories for each user are usually stored there:
owner@linux:~$ echo $HOME
owner@linux:~$ ls -l /home/
total 6
drwxr-xr-x 4 owner owner 4096 Jan 14 00:03 owner
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan 15 18:31 user
The `root` user is an exception:
owner@linux:~$ sudo -i
root@linux:~# echo $HOME
This is done to help with troubleshooting, if `/home` is a separate filesystem
and something goes wrong with it.
# Linux filesystem: configuration, _et cetera_
We have already saw .highlight[`/etc`] mentioned
when we looked at `sudoers` policy.
In fact, by convention all .highlight[system-wide configuration] files
are stored there, often grouped into folders by topic/program.
Most files are only writable by `root`, and some highly-sensitive
ones, like `/etc/sudoers`, are not readable by anyone else.
User-specific configuration (and persistent state) is usually stored
in the user's home folder as hidden files/folders,
e.g. `/home/owner/.bashrc`
owner@linux:~$ ls -a ~
. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .cache .gnupg .local .ssh ...
# Linux filesystem: where software lives
Executable (.highlight["binary"]) files for software installed system-wide is read-only
for regular users and is organized in (up to) 3 tiers of hierarchy of .highlight[`sbin`/`bin`] folders:
* .highlight[`/`]`sbin`, .highlight[`/`]`bin` - essential system software
* .highlight[`/usr/`]`sbin`, .highlight[`/usr/`]`bin` - more software that's part of the OS
* .highlight[`/usr/local/`]`sbin`, .highlight[`/usr/local/`]`bin` - additional software
These locations can have `lib` and `include` folders
for library and header files, and `share` folders
for program data.
Finally, .highlight[`/opt`] provides a location for installing extra
software without interfering with `/usr`.
In practice, the difference between these locations is not very well
defined. Some distributions don't differentiate at all.
# Linux filesystem: not-quite-files
Several locations on the filesystem contain virtual "files"
that can be read and/or written to, but represent something else.
* .highlight[`/dev`] contains .highlight[device] files that serve
as interfaces to hardware that the kernel sees and has drivers for;
* .highlight[`/proc`] contains information and interfaces to control
running .highlight[processes] and some kernel systems;
* .highlight[`/sys`] contains kernel and .highlight[system] information
and interfaces to control it. It's a newer method than `/proc`.
Those locations are, again, usually read-only (or not accessible)
to regular users.
# Linux filesystem: variable and temporary
Besides fixed program data, the filesystem has locations for
.highlight[variable] data, like temporary files and persistent state.
* .highlight[`/var`] represents variable data. A couple notable folders:
* .highlight[`/var/log`] for system logs
* .highlight[`/var/lib`] for data modified by programs, e.g. databases
* .highlight[`/run`] contains state information since startup.
* .highlight[`/tmp`] is for temporary data, and is user-writable.
Both `/run` and `/tmp` locations are emptied on boot, and in fact usually exist only in memory.
* .highlight[`/var/tmp`] is also for temporary data, but it survives reboot.
# Linux filesystem: other storage
When extra storage is connected to the system, there are conventional
places to add it to the filesystem.
* .highlight[`/media`] is populated with filesystems from removable storage
added to the system: USB drives, CD disks, etc.
Often, such devices are added to `/media` automatically.
* .highlight[`/mnt`] is the traditional place to mount additional filesystems
# Linux filesystem: where everything starts
Last but not least, .highlight[`/boot`] contains essential files to initialize Linux
when the computer starts up.
Typical contents:
* `/boot/grub/` contains .highlight[bootloader] components
* `/boot/vmlinuz*` files are compressed Linux kernels
* `/boot/initrd*` files are initial filesystems that are used until "real" root becomes available
_Reference:_ [A broad overview of how modern Linux systems boot](
On some OS configurations, `/boot` is a small separate filesystem. Since it usually contains
several versions of the kernel as a backup, in worst case it can run out of space.
In that case, you'll need to clean up older kernels before installing new versions.
# Linux filesystem: parts, assemble!
As mentioned, the .highlight[`mount`] command can be used to list currently-mounted filesystems.
To mount a filesystem, .highlight[`mount [WHAT] [WHERE]`] format is used.
Here, `[WHAT]` identifies where the filesystem can be accessed (e.g. a physical drive partition),
and `[WHERE]` identifies the directory where its contents should be mapped.
To unmount a filesystem, .highlight[`umount [WHAT]`] (or `umount [WHERE]`) command can be used.
Typically, only `root` can mount or unmount.
For permanent mount rules, e.g. what gets mounted on boot, see the .highlight[`/etc/fstab`] file.
_References:_ `man mount`, `man umount`, `man fstab`
# Exercise: adding a filesystem
Let's see `mount` and `fstab` in action. We'll create a file that holds a small
filesystem, mount it, and then set it up to mount automatically at boot.
Let's create a 100MB file and an ext4 filesystem on it:
owner@linux:~$ truncate -s 100m loop_file
owner@linux:~$ mkfs.ext4 loop_file
Then, let's create a mount point (where the filesystem will be mapped):
owner@linux:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/tiny
owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ..
# Exercise: mounting a filesystem
Let's mount our tiny filesystem.
owner@linux:~$ sudo mount /home/owner/loop_file /mnt/tiny
owner@linux:~$ mount | grep tiny
/home/owner/loop_file on /mnt/tiny type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
As a regular user, we can't write to it:
owner@linux:~$ touch /mnt/tiny/test
touch: cannot touch '/mnt/tiny/test': Permission denied
Let's make it writable:
owner@linux:~$ sudo chmod a+w /mnt/tiny/
owner@linux:~$ touch /mnt/tiny/test
owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
total 17
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 1024 Jan 16 10:56 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ../
drwx------ 2 root root 12288 Jan 16 09:49 lost+found/
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner owner 0 Jan 16 10:56 test
# Exercise: unmounting a filesystem
owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
total 17
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 1024 Jan 16 10:56 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ../
drwx------ 2 root root 12288 Jan 16 09:49 lost+found/
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner owner 0 Jan 16 10:56 test
Let's unmount the filesystem and examine the situation again:
owner@linux:~$ sudo umount /mnt/tiny/
owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ..
Our file is not there.
Note that the mount point is not writable by all,
as our `chmod` command affected the tiny filesystem's root folder
and not the mount point.
# Exercise: add to `fstab`
Let's add our mount to `fstab`.
You can edit configuration files with `sudo nano <FILENAME>` (or other editor),
but it's better to use `sudoedit <FILENAME>`.
See [sudoedit: why use it over sudo vi?]( for an explanation.
owner@linux:~$ sudoedit /etc/fstab
It opens a file with already one or more records present.
We need to add one.
# Exercise: `fstab` format
An `fstab` record contains whitespace-separated fields:
* [file system] - where to find the filesystem
* [mount point] - where to map it in the system
* [type] - what type of filesystem it is (`-t` flag)
* [options] - various settings you can tweak (`-o` flag)
* [dump] - 0/1, setting for a very old backup solution
**In practice, always 0**
* [pass] - order to check the filesystem for errors on boot
Let's add our filesystem, at the end of the file:
/home/owner/loop_file /mnt/tiny ext4 defaults 0 2
Take care not to modify other entries. Save and exit.
# Exercise: filesystem in `fstab`
Now that our example is in `fstab`, we can mount it easier:
owner@linux:~$ sudo mount /mnt/tiny/
owner@linux:~$ ls /mnt/tiny
lost+found test
You can mount all filesystems in `fstab` at once with `mount -a`.
Further, our example should now be accessible after a reboot.
To prevent automatic mounting at boot time, use `noauto` option.
To be able to mount a filesystem, corresponding drivers/utilities need
to be installed. If you fail to mount something, like a network drive,
check installed packages.
# Remark: mounting network filesystems
Mounting filesystems over the network works similarly.
Note that you usually need to install protocol specific packages, e.g.
* `cifs-utils` for Windows / SMB shares (`\\server\folder\`)
* `nfs-common` for UNIX-style NFS shares (`server:/path`)
* `sshfs` for mounting remote folders over SSH
# Working with the package manager
To simplify software installation, updates and removal,
distributions provide a .highlight[package manager]
and a collection of "official" packages.
Command examples for `apt`, Debian/Ubuntu package manager,
will be shown, but principles apply to other managers.
# Packages: software sources
To install software, `apt` needs up-to-date information
about packages that are available.
.highlight[`/etc/apt/sources.list`] contains the information
on .highlight[repositories] to get information from for system packages.
A command needs to be run to update a local catalog
of package information:
owner@linux:~ $ sudo apt update
Get:8 bionic-security/universe amd64 Packages [112 kB]
Fetched 1798 kB in 1s (1768 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
12 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
# Packages: upgrading installed packages
Use .highlight[`apt upgrade`] command to install updates `apt` is aware of.
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages will be upgraded:
gjs gnome-software gnome-software-common gnome-software-plugin-snap gvfs
gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-common gvfs-daemons gvfs-fuse gvfs-libs libgjs0g
libsmbclient libwbclient0 linux-firmware samba-libs ubuntu-software
17 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 71.6 MB/74.6 MB of archives.
After this operation, 3'258 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
After confirmation, `apt` will download and apply updates.
Sometimes, an upgrade needs to remove some (replaced) packages.
In that case, `apt dist-upgrade` is used.
# Packages: to upgrade or not to upgrade?
Static distributions like Ubuntu only update packages
when serious bugfixes or security fixes are needed,
with little to no functionality changes.
As such, it's usually safe to upgrade OS-provided packages.
If you're using a rolling distribution, or a third-party
repository, they can introduce breaking changes.
Be prepared and read available changelogs to determine when to upgrade.
If you need to stop a particular package from upgrading,
you can put it on .highlight[hold]:
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt-mark hold bash
bash set on hold.
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt-mark unhold bash
Canceled hold on bash.
# Packages: when to upgrade?
For most updates, upgrades will not disrupt normal workflow
and can be applied at any time.
Note that upgrading running services (e.g. a web server)
requires them to restart, briefly becoming unavailable.
You may need to plan your maintenance in advance.
Some upgrades (mostly kernel updates) can't be applied without
a reboot. The system will nag you about it, but you won't
be forced to reboot.
General advice for any software updates: be prepared
to spend some time dealing with unexpected problems.
# Packages: Finding system packages
If you're missing some software and it's available
in OS repositories, it's very easy to install.
The shell can even .highlight[suggest the package] you're missing:
owner@linux:~$ fortune
Command 'fortune' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install fortune-mod
Otherwise, you can .highlight[search known packages] by package name or description
with .highlight[`apt search`]:
owner@linux:~$ apt search cow
[..long list..]
owner@linux:~$ apt search --names-only cow
[..shorter list..]
# Packages: Installing system packages
Once you know the name of the package(s), you can install them with
.highlight[`apt install`]:
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt install fortune-mod cowsay
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
fortunes-min librecode0
Suggested packages:
filters cowsay-off fortunes
The following NEW packages will be installed:
cowsay fortune-mod fortunes-min librecode0
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 638 kB of archives.
After this operation, 2'220 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
After confirmation, `apt` will download and install them.
# Bonus: just what did we just install?!
Let's test the software we just installed.
owner@linux:~$ fortune | cowsay
/ Truth is the most valuable thing we \
| have -- so let us economize it. |
| |
\ -- Mark Twain /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
This could look better: we're missing some pretty colors.
Find the package that provides the `lolcat` application,
install it and pipe the output through it.
# Packages: dependency resolution
Let's look at that `apt install` output again.
The following additional packages will be installed:
fortunes-min librecode0
Suggested packages:
filters cowsay-off fortunes
The following NEW packages will be installed:
cowsay fortune-mod fortunes-min librecode0
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Often, packages require other packages (e.g. libraries, data files)
to be installed to function. The package manager's job is to find
and install everything that's needed.
Rarely, a package is incompatible with already installed ones.
You will then be offered to remove packages to resolve this.
In that case, proceed with caution.
# Packages: getting rid of them
If you no longer need a package, you can use .highlight[`apt remove`]:
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt remove fortune-mod
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required
fortunes-min librecode0
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
After this operation, 110 kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
After confirmation, the program will be removed,
but its configuration files will remain in case you reinstall.
If you want to completely clean up the package, use .highlight[`apt purge`]:
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt purge fortune-mod
# Packages: orphaned dependencies
Take note of these lines in `apt remove` output:
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required
fortunes-min librecode0
`apt` is informing you that `fortunes-min` and `librecode0` were installed
as dependencies, but .highlight[nothing requires them anymore].
Therefore, it's highly likely that they can be removed without affecting anything.
However, `apt` doesn't do that automatically.
To allow `apt` to do that, use .highlight[`apt autoremove`]:
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt autoremove
# Packages: getting information
If you want to know more about a package, you can query for information.
.highlight[`apt show`] displays metadata about a package,
and .highlight[`apt policy`] shows installed and available versions.
.highlight[`dpkg -L <package>`] shows all files a certain installed package provides.
Conversely, .highlight[`dpkg -S <file>`] shows what package a file comes from.
Find out what package `whoami` is from, what other programs are provided
by this package and its dependencies.
# Automatic upgrades
In Debian, automatic upgrades are provided by `unattended-upgrades`
Its behavior defaults to automatically installing security updates.
It can be tuned by editing its configuration file:
owner@linux:~$ sudoedit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
# Other sources for software
What if you're not satisfied with the official OS
packages, what are other ways you can install software?
* Compatible pre-made packages (including closed source)
* Third-party repositories
* Building from source
# Compatible packages
`apt` is built upon `dpkg`, which expects .highlight[`.deb` (or "Debian")] packages.
If software provides `.deb` files, it's likely you can install them.
* The architecture must match (i386 / amd64 / arm / ...)
* It may expect dependencies that are too old / too new / not available
if it was built for another distribution or release
If you have a `.deb` file, you can install it with `apt`,
pulling dependencies if needed (failing if impossible):
owner@linux:~$ apt install ./something.deb
# Third-party repositories
Installing a single pre-built package means upgrading
it is fully manual. This is inconvenient and insecure.
Many projects provide a third-party repository.
Adding it to apt's `sources.list` allows easy installation
and automated updates.
In fact, many popular `.deb` installers automatically
add their respective repository as well.
This is a common way to install newer software versions
in a static distribution.
# Aside: `/etc/**.d`
`/etc/` contains many subfolders of the form `something.d`.
This is a convention to allow splitting configuration files
into multiple smaller files.
`sources.list` follows this convention: besides the main file,
everything matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list` will
be used.
It is a good practice to create new `.list` files for
third-party repostitories.
# Adding a software source
Let's go to and locate the repository for newest
(mainline) version.
Strings to add (for Ubuntu 18.04):
deb bionic nginx
deb-src bionic nginx
(Optional) If your OS is Debian but not Ubuntu 18.04, find the correct deb string.
Create a new file `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list` with those lines.
# Package management: security matters
If we try to download package information from the newly-added repository,
it will fail:
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt update
Err:5 bionic InRelease
The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not
available: NO_PUBKEY ABF5BD827BD9BF62
All repository information must be signed by keys trusted by `apt`.
We do not trust the key used by yet.
To fix, we need to download it [as instructed]( and add it to `apt`:
owner@linux:~$ wget
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt-key add nginx_signing.key
# Installing from a new repository
Before we can install software, we need to update our local
`apt` database:
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt update
owner@linux:~$ sudo apt install -y nginx
We can confirm that `apt` installed a version
from by consulting `apt policy`:
owner@linux:~$ nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.15.8
owner@linux:~$ apt policy nginx
*** 1.15.8-1~bionic 500
500 bionic/nginx amd64 Packages
# Ubuntu-specific: PPAs
Personal Package Archives are a special class of third-party repositories
indigenous to Ubuntu, hosted by Canonical.
They are easier to set up than manually adding the `deb` lines to `sources.list`
and manually importing keys.
owner@linux:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
Otherwise, they function identical to 3rd-party repositories.
# Installing from source
Some software we want may not have a ready binary package.
In that case, we must download its source, build and install it.
How to do that differs greatly, but common workflow is:
* Download the source
* Check INSTALL or README files for requirements
* Install dependencies
* Run a configure script
* Run `make` to build the software
* Run `sudo make install` to install it
# Guessing dependencies
If you're lucky, dependencies are specified in terms of package names.
Often, they are not; as an example, what if the configure script
complains about a missing library `foo`? Or the build step can't find
1. Remember that `apt search` is your friend.
2. Debian packages for libraries are normally called `libfoo*`.
3. For compilation, you need header files for libraries.
By convention, those are named `libfoo-dev`.
When everything else fails, Google it!
# Example: install Singularity
We'll try installing Singularity
Follow instructions to install Singularity at
Use `VER="2.6.1"`
`build-essential squashfs-tools libarchive-dev`
Let's test it!
owner@linux:~$ singularity run docker://godlovedc/lolcow
# Bonus: Universal Install Script
![:scale 50%](assets/universal_install_script.png)
_Image credit:_ [XKCD #1654](
# User management
A .highlight[user] is a basic unit of access control;
it has a set of credentials to access the system
and .highlight[owns] some files on it.
A .highlight[group] is a collection of users to facilitate shared access to resources.
A user can belong to many groups but one group is considered primary.
As an admin, you may need to add/delete users and change their rights and passwords.
This intro only covers the basic scenario of local users and groups.
# User and group information
For local users and groups, their information is stored in:
* `/etc/passwd` - users, their primary groups and basic settings
* `/etc/shadow` - hashed user passwords and expiration data
* `/etc/group` - group and their members
Do not edit these files directly; use specialized utilities.
You can use .highlight[`getent <database>`] to access these lists, or `getent <database> <id>`
to get a specific record.
owner@linux:~$ getent passwd owner
# Changing passwords
Any user can change their own password with `passwd`, if they can provide their current one:
owner@linux:~$ passwd
Changing password for owner.
(current) UNIX password:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Superuser can change any account's password without knowing the current one:
owner@linux:~$ sudo passwd owner
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
# Aside: home folder encryption
If a user's home folder is encrypted, the decryption key is protected
with their password.
In case the user changes their own password, the decryption key is
automatically re-encrypted using the provided old password.
In case of an admin password change, the user's old password will
still be needed to unlock the decryption key.
# Editing users, groups and their relation
To add a user, use .highlight[`adduser <user>`]; it will interactively ask for information.
By default, it will automatically create a new home folder and a primary group
with the same name and one member.
To add a group, use .highlight[`addgroup <group>`].
To add an existing user to a group, .highlight[`adduser <user> <group>`]
To remove a user from a group, use .highlight[`deluser <user> <group>`]
Users and groups are deleted with .highlight[`deluser <user>`] and .highlight[`delgroup <group>`]
_Reference:_ `man adduser`, `man deluser`
# The `skel`-eton of a home
When a new user's home folder is created, it's possible to
automatically populate its contents.
Contents of `/etc/skel` are used as a template.
They are copied to the new home folder
and changed to be owned by the new user.
# Exercise: adding a user
1. Create a user `test_user`
2. Change to that user with `su - test_user`
3. Try using `sudo`
4. Add the user to `sudo` group
5. Try again
6. Delete the user (with `--remove-home`)
A change in user's groups only fully applies if they log out
# Examining your system
An important part of Linux administration is being able to
gather information about the running system.
In this section multiple ways to do that are presented.
# What's the hardware?
Common commands to gather info about the hardware:
* .highlight[`cat /proc/cpuinfo`] and .highlight[`lscpu`] present CPU information
* .highlight[`lspci`] shows devices connected to the system bus
* .highlight[`lsusb`] shows devices connected via USB
* .highlight[`lsblk`] shows storage devices and their partitions
* .highlight[`lshw`] shows a hierarchical view of all hardware
* .highlight[`dmidecode`] shows information reported by the motherboard
Try them all out; they should be run as `root`
# What are the network settings?
`ip` is the command to access networking information in modern Linux systems.
For example, `ip a` shows addresses assigned to all interfaces.
Basic network settings are accessible through `/etc/networks`.
# Are we running out of space?
.highlight[`df -h`] (for "disk free") shows how much space is used per filesystem.
Ext filesystems reserve part of available space for emergency use by `root`.
It will show up as used.
The amount can be changed on the fly with `tune2fs`.
.highlight[`free -h`] shows information about used memory.
Note the difference between "free" (unused) and "available" (ready to be emptied) memory.
As such, low _free_ memory is not cause for concern.
_Reference:_ [Reserved space for root on a filesystem - why?](
# What's eating all the space?
The command .highlight[`du`] (for "disk usage") allows for calculation of real size of folders.
* .highlight[`du -h <path>`] calculates all folder sizes recursively from provided path.
* `-s` provides a summary: only the total for the path.
* `-d <level>` provides numbers up to `<level>` deep
* `-x` stops `du` from crossing into different filesystems
(very useful for `/`)
Try `du -h -d 1 ~` to measure use of your home folder
A friendlier interface for the same task is `ncdu`.
# How's the load?
.highlight[`uptime`] shows how long the system has been running,
as well as how busy the CPU is.
owner@linux:~$ uptime
10:04:17 up 1:03, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01
In this example, the system has been running for 1h3m.
Load average can be seen as a ratio of scheduled CPU tasks vs idle time
in a given time window (1, 5, and 15 minutes).
Ideally, this ratio should not be much more than amount of virtual cores in the system.
It also lists number of logged-in users. They are listed by .highlight[`who`].
# What's running?
.highlight[`ps`] is a utility to list running processes in the system.
Its output is highly tunable; my personal preference is .highlight[`ps aux`] for all processes on the system.
A more intuitive overview can be obtained with .highlight[`pstree -u`], which shows processes by parent-child relation.
For automation purposes, `pgrep` is also useful.
# What's hogging all the CPU / RAM?
.highlight[`top`] is a monitor of system resources.
It allows to quickly see what's using up system resources.
A nicer modern version is .highlight[`htop`].
# What is keeping things open?
.highlight[`lsof`] is a tool to see all open files and file-like objects
by processes.
.highlight[`lsof <path>`] shows processes keeping files under `<path>` open.
.highlight[`lsof -i`] displays all open network ports.
# How to see logs?
As mentioned before, most logs are stored under .highlight[`/var/log/`]
Logs are periodically "rotated", with older ones having `.1`, `.2`, ... appended
to them. Oldest ones may be compressed.
* To see plain-text logs, `less` is recommended.
* .highlight[`zless`] allows viewing compressed archives (`.N.gz`) directly.
* .highlight[`tail -f`] allows monitoring new log entries as they appear.
* .highlight[`dmesg`] shows kernel logs since boot.
However, on modern systems using `systemd` many logs are
collected (or at least mirrored) in a single database accessed through .highlight[`journalctl`].
# Working with services
Unlike programs we run directly, .highlight[services] (or .highlight[daemons])
are run in the background, to be ready to respond to tasks.
A web server, a database server, or SSH server are examples of services.
To understand services, we first need to undestand `init`.
When Linux boots, the kernel starts process ID 1, `init`,
which is responsible for starting and managing all other processes.
It's very helpful to see `pstree` output here.
Init has lists of various services and rules as to when and how to run them.
# Init and `systemd`
Init systems of old were collection of scripts that would start and stop services
and were controlled with `service` command.
In recent years, the majority of Linux distributions switched to using `systemd`,
which is, among other things, an Init system.
It has controversial reputation, but is the current reality.
Under `systemd`, services are called .highlight[units] and are controlled
with the .highlight[`systemctl`] command.
# Units
Units in `systemd` are stored in various locations; typically, OS-provided units
are stored in `/lib/systemd/system`, and .highlight[`/etc/systemd/system`] is a good location
for custom units.
Unit (service) files are small configuration files describing how and when a service is run.
The list of units can be obtained with `systemctl list-unit-files`.
Services can be .highlight[enabled or disabled], which reflects whether they will be automatically
started (e.g. on boot).
Services can be in started (running) or stopped state.
# Checking services
To check a service's state, use .highlight[`systemctl status <service>`].
It prints its current state plus a small excerpt of its log.
owner@linux:~$ systemctl status nginx
● nginx.service - nginx - high performance web server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-01-17 02:01:25 CET; 2h 11min ago
Process: 872 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 900 (nginx)
Tasks: 2 (limit: 1110)
CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service
├─900 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
└─901 nginx: worker process
Jan 17 02:01:25 linux-owner-test systemd[1]: Starting nginx - high performance web server...
Jan 17 02:01:25 linux-owner-test systemd[1]: Started nginx - high performance web server.
Full log of a service can be seen with .highlight[`journalctl -u <service>`]
# Controlling services
To change service state (requires `root`):
* .highlight[`systemctl start <service>`] attempts to start a service
* .highlight[`systemctl stop <service>`] stops a service
* .highlight[`systemctl restart <service>`] stops and starts a service
* .highlight[`systemctl reload <service>`] allows changing service configuration
without restarting it. Not all units support it.
* .highlight[`systemctl enable <service>`] ensures a service will be started
automatically (e.g. on reboot)
* .highlight[`systemctl disable <service>`] prevents a service from starting
After (re)starting or reloading a service it's highly recommended to check its status,
in case some fatal error occurred at start.
# Service configuration
For most services, the configuration is somewhere in `/etc`
For example, `sshd` configuration is at `/etc/ssh/sshd.conf`
It's important to remember that most services require a reload
or a restart after changing their configuration.
# Simplest service unit
Let's create a simple service that runs a shell script.
As root, add a file `/opt/`:
start() {
echo 'Beep!'
stop() {
echo 'Boop!'
case $1 in
start|stop) "$1" ;;
Make it executable.
# Simplest service unit
* Add a file `/etc/systemd/system/beep.service`:
ExecStart=/opt/ start
ExecStop=/opt/ stop
* Tell `systemd` about the unit with `systemctl daemon-reload`
* Try controlling it
_Reference:_ [How to write a startup script for systemd](
# Scheduled and regular jobs
If you need some script to run at a later date, or at regular intervals:
* `at` provides simple scheduling for later execution
* `cron` allows setting up repeating tasks
Working with `cron` requires understanding its (not very obvious)
configuration format.
_Reference:_ [A Beginners Guide To Cron Jobs](
# Security considerations
OS security is a large topic worthy of a separate course.
We will only briefly touch some basic topics.
# Importance of security updates
Security updates exist to eliminate found vulnerabilities in software.
Vulnerabilities differ wildly in potential for exploitation,
but it's still sensible to close holes as soon as possible.
Updates that require a reboot should not be put off indefinitely either.
# Login security
Use good passwords. .highlight[`apg`] is a generator of strong
passwords that are easy to remember.
Safeguard your SSH keys. Do not use non-encrypted keys
or agent forwarding unless strictly necessary.
If possible, require public key authentication for SSH.
Use mechanisms like `fail2ban` to mitigate brute-force attempts.
# Sensitive files and access rights
Denying others read permission on sensitive files (private keys, security configuration, etc.)
is a key protection.
Do not try to fix access problems with a permissive `chmod`. This can do more harm than good.
# Encryption
Full-disk encryption protects against physical-access attacks.
Home folder encryption protects users against other users
(including admins).
Both come at the expense of some performance and risk
of data loss if encryption password is lost.
# Encryption IRL
.center[ ![:scale 100%](assets/security.png) ]
_Image credit:_ [XKCD #538](
# Firewall
A firewall helps prevent unauthorized programs from communicating.
You will have to designate services that are allowed to communicate yourself,
but it will prevent any surprises.
Ubuntu uses `ufw` as the firewall frontend, but low-level back-end is `iptables`.
Packages have a way to add exceptions to firewall, so for standard ports
you usually don't need to manually intervene.
In desktop Ubuntu the firewall is disabled by default.
# SELinux / AppArmor
Sometimes, programs have to run as root to achieve one specific thing,
and can be a risk if they can be exploited.
There are kernel modules like SELinux that restrict activity of processes
based on configurable rules, even for `root`.
This allows to follow least-privilege principles at the expense
of complex-to-maintain configuration.
# Basic Troubleshooting
![:scale 100%](assets/success.png)
_Image credit:_ [XKCD #349](
# Verbosity
When some program fails, it helps to ask it to produce more low-level information,
either in the output or in the logs.
Many programs have switches or configuration options for that,
often `-v` (for .highlight[verbose]).
There can even be multiple verbosity levels.
# Spying on programs
If a program is running into an unhelpful error,
you can try watching what it's doing under the hood.
.highlight[`strace`] is a general-purpose debugger
(requiring root) that monitors all system calls made by a process.
In practice, that means being able to trace e.g. all file access.
# Dealing with broken GUI
If your graphical environment can't function normally
(hangs, or you can't log in), you can try accessing text-mode consoles.
This is done with Ctrl+Alt+F1 through Ctrl+Alt+F12 to switch between them.
Try accessing your TTYs (won't work over SSH)
# Dealing with broken boot
If your system can't boot normally, you can try booting it in recovery mode.
Hold Shift or mash Esc during boot (after BIOS) to bring up the GRUB menu.
From there, find and select recovery mode; the system will boot in reduced
"single user" mode, and you can select to start a `root` shell to try
and fix the system or apply other recovery actions.
You need to be physically present to attempt this.
This can be used to circumvent / recover passwords as well.
# Dealing with _really_ broken boot
If you can't boot even in recovery, you can boot from an installation
USB with a live Linux system, mount the filesystem of the installed Linux
and make changes that way.
Again, this requires physical presence, but fully bypasses any and all
security of the system (except encryption).
exclude: true
class: middle, center
# The Great TODO Gap
<!-- ############################################################################################ -->
# Where to get help?
If you know the command, or the config file that you're trying to use, .highlight[`man`] is your friend.
Also, Google is your friend! There's no shame in learning what you don't know yet or looking up
what you don't remember.
Some notable sites that are very helpful:
* StackExchange network:,,,,
* DigitalOcean tutorials:
* nixCraft tutorials:
When searching for solutions, specifying your OS version is helpful.
Old advice sometimes does not apply to newer systems!
class: center
# That's it!
## Go forth and administrate!
..try not to break stuff, though.
Image credit: [XKCD #1084](
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