<h2>5: Using layouts inside GUIDE GUIs <A href="User_guide.html"><img src="Images/uparrow.png" border="0" align="top" alt="Go back up one level"/></A></h2>
<p>Whilst the layouts in this toolbox do not integrate into the
MATLAB Graphical User Interface Design Environment (<a href="matlab:doc GUIDE"><code class="FUNCTION">GUIDE</code></a>), it
is possible to insert layouts into a GUIDE-built GUI as follows:</p>
<h4>Create the GUIDE GUI</h4>
<p>Create you GUIDE application as usual, placing a panel where you
want to insert the layout. You can turn the panel border and title
off if you do not want them.</p>
<center><img src="Images/guide1.png"/></center>
<h4>Insert the layout</h4>
<p>Edit the "OpeningFcn" in the GUIDE-created code and insert your
layout into the panel, making it fill the space. In the example below
four boxpanels are inserted into a grid, which itself is placed inside
<pre style="background-color: #eeeeff; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px"><font color="#000011"><code class="COMMENT">% --- Executes just before guideApp is made visible.</code>