self.fill_textbox(textbox_name="DEMOART_ABS",text="This is a test abstract.\nIt has some more lines.\n\n...and some empty lines.\n\nAnd it finishes here.")
self.fill_textbox(textbox_name="DEMOART_NOTE",text="I don't think I have any additional comments.\nBut maybe I'll input some quotes here: \" ' ` and the rest.")
self.fill_textbox(textbox_name="DEMOPOE_ABS",text=u"This is a test poem<br>\na test poem indeed<br>\nwith some accented characters<br>\n<br>\nΕλληνικά<br> \n日本語<br>\nEspañol")
self.fill_textbox(textbox_name="DEMOART_ABS",text="This is a test abstract.\nIt has some more lines.\n\n...and some empty lines.\n\nAnd it finishes here.")
self.fill_textbox(textbox_name="DEMOART_NOTE",text="I don't think I have any additional comments.\nBut maybe I'll input some quotes here: \" ' ` and the rest.")
self.fill_textbox(textbox_name="DEMOART_ABS",text="This is a test abstract.\nIt has some more lines.\n\n...and some empty lines.\n\nAnd it finishes here.")
self.fill_textbox(textbox_name="DEMOART_NOTE",text="I don't think I have any additional comments.\nBut maybe I'll input some quotes here: \" ' ` and the rest.")