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Sat, Jan 18, 02:55
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Mon, Jan 20, 02:55 (1 d, 20 h)
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#include "lt.h"
JPK - OMP - 20 Mai 1995
optimize the source shape of a multiple image not well resolved
double **im, **tim;
int nx, ny;
long int nbs;
double dlsds, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
struct galaxie osource[3];
void opt_source()
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_observ O;
extern struct g_pixel imFrame; //PSF
extern struct pot lens[];
register int i, k, l, m, n, o, p; //ii,j,
//int nimage;
//double err2;
double **dim;
double **imTrue;
struct galaxie best0, best1;
double bm = 100, merrit, sigim = 0.001;
double x0, y0, a0, b0, t0, i0;//,in0;
double x1, y1, a1, b1, t1, i1;//,in1;
double vect[12];//,dvect[6];
FILE *out;
int nv, niter;
double ftol, fret;
NPRINTF(stderr, "DO: optimize source of a multiple image not well resolved\n");
/* read source file and compute the distance ratio -----------------*/
// f_source(M.sourfile, osource, &nbs);
f_shape(&nbs, osource, M.sourfile, 0);
if (nbs > 3) nbs = 3;
for (i = 0; i < nbs; i++)
osource[i].dr = dlsds = dratio(lens[0].z, osource[i].z);
osource[i].I0 = osource[i].mag;
NPRINTF(stderr, "nbs:%ld dlsds:: %.3lf\n", nbs, dlsds);
/* read observed image -----------------------------------------*/
NPRINTF(stderr, "READ: image frame\n");
im = (double **) readimage(&imFrame);
/* define test image with the definition of the image read ----------*/
nx = imFrame.nx;
ny = imFrame.ny;
xmin = imFrame.xmin;
xmax = imFrame.xmax;
ymin = imFrame.ymin;
ymax = imFrame.ymax;
tim = (double **) alloc_square_double(nx, ny);
dim = (double **) alloc_square_double(nx, ny);
imTrue = (double **) alloc_square_double(5 * nx, 5 * ny);
cp_im(tim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, osource, nbs);
cv_cpsf(tim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, O.seeing);
cp_im(imTrue, 5*nx, 5*ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, osource, nbs);
cp_diffim(tim, im, nx, ny, dim);
merrit = cp_errdiff(tim, im, nx, ny, sigim);
wrf_fits("im.fits", im, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
wrf_fits("tim.fits", tim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
wrf_fits("true.fits", imTrue, 5*nx, 5*ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
wrf_fits("dim.fits", dim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
vect[0] = osource[0].C.x;
vect[1] = osource[0].C.y;
vect[2] = osource[0].E.a;
vect[3] = osource[0].E.b;
vect[4] = osource[0].E.theta;
vect[5] = osource[0].I0;
NPRINTF(stderr, "m: %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.1lf %.3lf %.4lf %.3lf \n",
vect[0], vect[1], vect[2], vect[3], vect[4]*RTD, osource[0].z, vect[5], merrit);
x0 = osource[0].C.x;
y0 = osource[0].C.y;
a0 = osource[0].E.a;
b0 = osource[0].E.b;
t0 = osource[0].E.theta;
i0 = osource[0].I0;
best0 = osource[0];
x1 = osource[1].C.x;
y1 = osource[1].C.y;
a1 = osource[1].E.a;
b1 = osource[1].E.b;
t1 = osource[1].E.theta;
i1 = osource[1].I0;
best1 = osource[1];
k = l = m = n = o = p = 0;
for (m = -1; m < 2; m++)
for (n = -1; n < 2; n++)
for (o = -1; o < 2; o++)
for (p = -1; p < 2; p++)
vect[0] = x0 + k * 0.01;
vect[1] = y0 + l * 0.01;
vect[2] = a0 * (1 + m * 0.1);
vect[3] = b0 * (1 + n * 0.1);
vect[4] = t0 + p * 0.1;
vect[5] = i0 * (1 + o * 0.05);
vect[6] = x1 + k * 0.01;
vect[7] = y1 + l * 0.01;
vect[8] = a1 * (1 + m * 0.1);
vect[9] = b1 * (1 + n * 0.1);
vect[10] = t1 + p * 0.1;
vect[11] = i1 * (1 + o * 0.05);
nv = 12;
ftol = 0.01;
fret = comp_chi_osv(vect);
if (fret < 5.)
frprmn(vect, nv, ftol, &niter, &fret, comp_chi_osv, comp_dchi_osv);
NPRINTF(stderr, "niter:%d fret:%.3lf\n", niter, fret);
NPRINTF(stderr, "m: %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.1lf %.3lf %.4lf %.3lf \n",
vect[0], vect[1], vect[2], vect[3], vect[4]*RTD, osource[0].z, vect[5], fret);
if (fret < bm)
best0.C.x = vect[0];
best0.C.y = vect[1];
best0.E.a = vect[2];
best0.E.b = vect[3];
best0.E.theta = vect[4];
best0.I0 = vect[5];
best1.C.x = vect[6];
best1.C.y = vect[7];
best1.E.a = vect[8];
best1.E.b = vect[9];
best1.E.theta = vect[10];
best1.I0 = vect[11];
bm = fret;
out = fopen("best.dat", "w");
fprintf(out, "#REFERENCE 3 %lf %lf\n", M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
fprintf(out, "1 %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.1lf %.3lf %.2lf %.3lf\n",
best0.C.x, best0.C.y,
best0.E.a, best0.E.b, best0.E.theta*RTD, osource[0].z, best0.I0, bm);
NPRINTF(stderr, "1 %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.1lf %.3lf %.2lf %.3lf\n",
best0.C.x, best0.C.y,
best0.E.a, best0.E.b, best0.E.theta*RTD, osource[0].z, best0.I0, bm);
fprintf(out, "2 %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.1lf %.3lf %.2lf %.3lf\n",
best1.C.x, best1.C.y,
best1.E.a, best1.E.b, best1.E.theta*RTD, osource[1].z, best1.I0, bm);
NPRINTF(stderr, "2 %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.1lf %.3lf %.2lf %.3lf\n",
best1.C.x, best1.C.y,
best1.E.a, best1.E.b, best1.E.theta*RTD, osource[1].z, best1.I0, bm);
osource[0] = best0;
osource[1] = best1;
cp_im(tim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, osource, nbs);
cv_cpsf(tim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, O.seeing);
cp_im(imTrue, 5*nx, 5*ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, osource, nbs);
/* compute differnce of test and observed image --------------*/
cp_diffim(tim, im, nx, ny, dim);
if ( M.iref > 0 )
wrf_fits_abs("im.fits", im, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
wrf_fits_abs("tim.fits", tim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
wrf_fits_abs("true.fits", imTrue, 5*nx, 5*ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
wrf_fits_abs("dim.fits", dim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
wrf_fits("im.fits", im, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
wrf_fits("tim.fits", tim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
wrf_fits("true.fits", imTrue, 5*nx, 5*ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
wrf_fits("dim.fits", dim, nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
free_square_double(im, nx);
free_square_double(tim, nx);
free_square_double(dim, nx);
free_square_double(imTrue, 5*nx);
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