| | | | Path |
| M | | | .gitignore |
| D | | | Part_geometry/box.txt |
| A | | (dir) | Part_geometry/box_real.stl/ |
| A | | | Part_geometry/box_real.stl/box_real.stl |
| A | | (dir) | Part_geometry/layer/ |
| A | | | Part_geometry/layer/layer_001.stl |
| A | | | Part_geometry/layer/layer_002.stl |
| A | | | Part_geometry/layer/layer_003.stl |
| A | | | Part_geometry/layer/layer_004.stl |
| A | | | Part_geometry/layer/layer_005.stl |
| M | | | Part_geometry/layer_part.py |
| M | | | Part_geometry/mesh/layer_001.h5 |
| M | | | Part_geometry/mesh/layer_002.h5 |
| M | | | Part_geometry/mesh/layer_003.h5 |
| M | | | Part_geometry/mesh/layer_004.h5 |
| M | | | Part_geometry/mesh/layer_005.h5 |
| M | | | Part_geometry/part_geometry.log |
| D | | | Thermal_model/Figures/all_simulations.png |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/analytic_end.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/analytic_middle.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/analytic_start.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/analytical_temperature_evolution.jpg |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/comparison.png |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/difference.png |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/fem_end.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/fem_middle.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/fem_start.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/fem_time.txt |
| D | | | Thermal_model/Figures/flux_end.txt |
| D | | | Thermal_model/Figures/flux_middle.txt |
| D | | | Thermal_model/Figures/flux_start.txt |
| D | | | Thermal_model/Figures/flux_temperature_evolution.jpg |
| V | | | Thermal_model/Figures/{flux_time.txt → superposition_time.txt} |
| A | | | Thermal_model/Figures/moving_integration_limits.png |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/start.png |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/superposition_end.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/superposition_middle.txt |
| M | | | Thermal_model/Figures/superposition_start.txt |
| V | | | Thermal_model/Figures/{superposition_time.txt ← flux_time.txt} |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/analytical_flux.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/analytical_flux_final.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/analytical_solution_final.py |
| D | | | Thermal_model/comparison.png |
| D | | | Thermal_model/difference.png |
| D | | | Thermal_model/drafts/darmadi.py |
| P | | | Thermal_model/drafts/untitled0.py Copied from Thermal_model/drafts/fem_solution |
| A | | | Thermal_model/drafts/untitled1.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/fem_solution.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/fem_solution_final.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/flux_calculation.py |
| M | | | Thermal_model/helpers.py |
| M | | | Thermal_model/interpolate_for_time.py |
| P | | | Thermal_model/layer_scan.py Copied from Thermal_model/superposition_final.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/post_plot.py |
| P | | | Thermal_model/run_thermal_analysis.sh Copied to Thermal_model/single_scan/run_thermal_analysis.sh |
| A | | | Thermal_model/scan_strategy.py |
| A | | (dir) | Thermal_model/single_scan/ |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/analytical_flux.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/analytical_flux_final.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/analytical_solution_final.py |
| A | | | Thermal_model/single_scan/comparison.png |
| A | | | Thermal_model/single_scan/difference.png |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/fem_solution.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/fem_solution_final.py |
| P | | | Thermal_model/single_scan/fem_temperature_evolution.jpg Copied from Thermal_model/Figures/fem_temperature_evolution.jpg |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/flux_calculation.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/post_plot.py |
| P | | | Thermal_model/single_scan/run_thermal_analysis.sh Copied from Thermal_model/run_thermal_analysis.sh |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/superposition.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{single_scan ← }/superposition_final.py |
| V | | | Thermal_model/{ → single_scan}/superposition.py |
| P | | | Thermal_model/superposition_final.py Deleted after being copied to multiple locations: Thermal_model/layer_scan.py Thermal_model/single_scan/superposition_final.py |
| M | | | Thermal_model/thermal_model.log |
| A | | | Thermal_model/untitled0.py |
| M | | | run_model.sh |