
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

Authored by Ben Carmen <benjamin_carmen@hms.harvard.edu> on Oct 13 2015, 20:26.


Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

Event Timeline

Ben Carmen <benjamin_carmen@hms.harvard.edu> committed R2664:1dac4d3e16f3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (authored by Ben Carmen <benjamin_carmen@hms.harvard.edu>).Oct 13 2015, 20:26

Merged Changes

9bea78dd1ff6David Walend
Updated a lot of parts of Problems 
Oct 13 2015
00293ebcc692David Walend
Merge branch 'develop' of https://open.med.harvard.edu/stash/scm/shrine/shrine… 
Oct 9 2015
7fdfa71abc77David Walend
Renamed the test query from PDD to TestQuery 
Oct 9 2015
7fc2413e77abDavid Walend
Replaced the println to log a warning 
Oct 9 2015
40208ccfba68David Walend
Only logging dynamic reply contents, not static replies, in dashboard and… 
Oct 9 2015
cbda89e8c3a6David Walend
Renamed the generic problem to ProblemNotYetEncoded 
Oct 9 2015