
BibEdit: fix perform_doi_search function

Authored by Sebastian Witowski <sebastian.witowski@cern.ch> on Feb 25 2013, 11:30.


BibEdit: fix perform_doi_search function

  • Adds 'User-Agent' to the headers send within the perform_doi_search function
  • Adds CFG_DOI_USER_AGENT to the bibedit_config file
  • Adds CookieJar to store cookies on the pages redirected from the dx.doi.org
  • Adds unittests for the perform_doi_search function

Reviewed-by: Javier Martin Montull <jmartinm@cern.ch>


Event Timeline

Javier Martin Montull <javier.martin.montull@cern.ch> committed R3600:0f912afb96b6: BibEdit: fix perform_doi_search function (authored by Sebastian Witowski <sebastian.witowski@cern.ch>).Feb 27 2013, 12:54