
BibAuthorID: welcome page contents and bugfixes

Authored by Samuele Carli <samuele.carli@cern.ch> on Nov 14 2011, 12:21.


BibAuthorID: welcome page contents and bugfixes

  • Now welcome page displays list of papers we get from arXiv, this might exlpain to users why sometimes they log in to an empty page (if they have no claimed papers on arXiv)
  • Bugfixes in the arXiv login procedures


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:12bc3acf983b: BibAuthorID: welcome page contents and bugfixes (authored by Samuele Carli <samuele.carli@cern.ch>).Nov 15 2011, 09:49