
search: fix query string in add-to-search

Authored by Adrian Pawel Baran <adrian.pawel.baran@cern.ch> on Sep 19 2014, 15:29.


search: fix query string in add-to-search

  • Adds double quotes around author and title value. (closes #2251)
  • Splits terms by whitespace or quotes and join them with proper operator. (addresses #2252)

Reviewed-by: Jiri Kuncar <jiri.kuncar@cern.ch>
Signed-off-by: Adrian Pawel Baran <adrian.pawel.baran@cern.ch>


Event Timeline

Adrian Pawel Baran <adrian.pawel.baran@cern.ch> committed R3600:1ffc9fc5a94d: search: fix query string in add-to-search (authored by Adrian Pawel Baran <adrian.pawel.baran@cern.ch>).Sep 22 2014, 16:14