
BibSched: fix priority for the same sequence id

Authored by Ludmila Marian <ludmila.marian@gmail.com> on Nov 25 2013, 15:10.


BibSched: fix priority for the same sequence id

  • When normalizing the priority for the same sequence id group, take into account not only WAITING tasks, but anything that isn't DONE or in ERR state.

Co-authored-by: Jerome Caffaro <jerome.caffaro@cern.ch>
Acked-by: Alessio Deiana <alessio.deiana@cern.ch>


Event Timeline

Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch> committed R3600:2584df51f60b: BibSched: fix priority for the same sequence id (authored by Ludmila Marian <ludmila.marian@gmail.com>).Jan 8 2014, 09:24