
Split webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container(..) into webstyle_templates.

Authored by Jerome Caffaro <jerome.caffaro@cern.ch> on May 29 2008, 12:35.


Split webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container(..) into webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_top(..) and webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_bottom(..), so that it is possible to flush output faster to client, for example when displaying the Citations tab. websearch_templates.tmpl_detailed_record_citations(..) has been split in several tmpl_detailed_record_citations_*(..) functions also in order to flush results while they arrive. The above means APIs change, so please revise your templates accordingly.

Event Timeline

Jerome Caffaro <jerome.caffaro@cern.ch> committed R3600:28b8149b9845: Split webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container(..) into webstyle_templates. (authored by Jerome Caffaro <jerome.caffaro@cern.ch>).May 29 2008, 12:35