BibHarvest: configurable workflow with refextract
- Changed OAI Harvest admin interface for post-process selection from dropdown to checkbox style.
- Messages/Warnings in the OAI Harvest admin interface are now displayed as such.
- Added a check that the bibfilter-script path is valid when 'filter' (f) step is selected in OAI Harvest admin interface.
- Changed 'extract' post-process to 'extract plots' (p) and added two new post-processes: 'extract references' (r) and 'attach full-text' (t).
- Harvesting post-process modes are now generated and processed on-the-fly, based on users choice from the OAI Harvest admin interface.
- Seperated downloading of materials (tarballs, pdf) from the various steps in order to only download required materials once per OAI record. i.e. the download of full-text pdf only happens once even if it is required several times. Modified the plotextractor_getter slightly to allow this behaviour.
- Improved feedback messages from the OAI Harvest deamon and error messages will now flow all the way to Bibtask output logs for each post-process step.
- Updated OAI Admin Guide to reflect latest changes.