
BibClassify: processing and output decoupling

Authored by Guillaume Lastecoueres <PX9e@gmx.fr> on Aug 4 2014, 17:38.


BibClassify: processing and output decoupling

  • Decouples the output rendering from processing so that processing is re-done a second time when asking for a specific output format.

Tested-by: Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch>
Signed-off-by: Guillaume Lastecoueres <PX9e@gmx.fr>


Event Timeline

Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch> committed R3600:3d4a70ba60c6: BibClassify: processing and output decoupling (authored by Guillaume Lastecoueres <PX9e@gmx.fr>).Aug 15 2014, 09:37