
BibMerge: new features and UI improvements

Authored by Kyriakos Liakopoulos <kyriakos.liakopoulos@cern.ch> on Aug 27 2009, 14:46.


BibMerge: new features and UI improvements

  • Added a possibility to copy/merge whole record in one go.
  • Added a possibility to mark slave record as duplicate. When submitting a record, the inputter has an option of marking the slave record as a duplicate, an action which also deletes this record.
  • Added a possibility to retrieve old record revisions as slave records, e.g. <host>/record/merge/#recid1=3&recid2=3.20090210155308.
  • Added a possibility to use temporary file as slave records, to work with BibEdit, e.g. <host>/record/merge/#recid1=3&recid2=tmp.
  • Authentication/authorization improved.
  • Added AJAX request dispatcher in bibmerge_engine.py.
  • UI: control panel restructuring. Separated in collapsable submenus. Panel is now inactive when loading records to avoid multi-clicks.
  • UI: change prev/next buttons in style of BibEdit.
  • UI: automatic trigger of Compare in case of 'Enter' in recid2, in case of selection from history panel or in case of prev/ next buttons. The Compare button was removed.
  • UI: hover over candidate records in the panel shows HS format.
  • UI: printing 037__a in the candidate selection panel.
  • UI: link provided to go from BibMerge to BibEdit.
  • UI: in case the user needs a starting point of one record being shown alone. The URL changes to something like <host>/record/merge/#recid1=7&recid2=none.
  • UI: CSS and JavaScript changes, like coloring of search or revision option and managing the carriage return press in input boxes, so that a default action is performed, mainly for faster user interaction.
  • UI: improved interface of control panel (to select search, revisions). Added prev next buttons for search. Separate index counter for search and revision results.


Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch>Aug 27 2009, 14:46
R3600:7cf0397e4f8d: BibEdit: volatile values in record templates

Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:45ecff04d7e5: BibMerge: new features and UI improvements (authored by Kyriakos Liakopoulos <kyriakos.liakopoulos@cern.ch>).Aug 27 2009, 14:46