
workflows: Holding Pen update

Authored by Dinos Kousidis <konstantinos.kousidis@cern.ch> on Jan 17 2014, 09:02.


workflows: Holding Pen update

  • Removes some uninteresting/unused columns in the Holding Pen main table and adds a new columns called categories containing any record subjects found, if applicable.
  • Cleans some blueprint code and routes in Holding Pen.
  • Refactors the tag system used in the main Holding Pen display. Now using a new JS package called bootstrap-tagsinput.
  • Changes approval widget design and layout.
  • Improves detailed display of workflow definition.
  • Updates in harvesting workflow tasks.
  • Adds a new template for detailed layout.
  • Fixes a problem with hotkeys in the main table display.
  • Adds a new bootstrap-tagsinput package for use in the Holding Pen display.
  • Removes the current config.py and moves the enumerations into engine.py and models.py where appropriate and changing the naming from CFG_OBJECT_VERSION to ObjectVersion.
  • Updates deposit models to use the new ObjectVersion.
  • Removes the DATA_TYPE enumeration. This will now be dynamically loaded from the database in the holding pen.
  • Initial implementation of a new Edit Record widget which will be used for (limited) record editing from Holding Pen. Still WIP.
  • Adds templating blocks for Holding Pen navigation bar and record preview.
  • Creates a new field rendering macro for better WTForm rendering.

Co-authored-by: Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch>


kuncarJun 4 2014, 16:05
R3600:b80b4c8679ed: workflows: update workflow tasks

Event Timeline

Jiri Kuncar <jiri.kuncar@cern.ch> committed R3600:464ad94e112f: workflows: Holding Pen update (authored by Dinos Kousidis <konstantinos.kousidis@cern.ch>).Jun 4 2014, 16:05