
WebSubmit: use converter tools in createRelatedFormats

Authored by Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch> on Jun 25 2010, 18:20.


WebSubmit: use converter tools in createRelatedFormats

  • websubmit_converter_tools module is now plugged into createRelatedFormats function that is used by several WebSubmit functions to created additional requested formats. (closes #155)
  • Enforce PDF/A flag in BibDocFile when a .pdf;pdfa file is added to a BibDoc.
  • Enforce creation of PDF/A formats when possible.
  • Improve message in exception raised when trying to convert to PDF/A and "make install-pdfa-helper-files" has not been executed. (partially addresses #197)


Event Timeline

Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch> committed R3600:63dab55cd1b2: WebSubmit: use converter tools in createRelatedFormats (authored by Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch>).Mar 31 2011, 16:03