
BibCirculation: several fixes

Authored by Jaime Garcia Llopis <jaime.garcia.llopis@cern.ch> on Nov 26 2009, 16:32.


BibCirculation: several fixes

  • Fixed adding and deleting notes for a loan.
  • In function loan_on_desk, a new borrower was created (even if the borrower already existed), using the same name but adding quotes. Now fixed.
  • Cleaned up function calls that produced exceptions (unexpected arguments).
  • After a loan is performed, the loans list was displayed, but a refresh was needed to see this last loan.
  • Fixed weird behaviour in 'notes' 'Back' buttons.


Event Timeline

Nikolaos Kasioumis <nikolaos.kasioumis@cern.ch> committed R3600:654fb8af623b: BibCirculation: several fixes (authored by Jaime Garcia Llopis <jaime.garcia.llopis@cern.ch>).Feb 2 2010, 15:30