
refextract: author replication for IBIDs


refextract: author replication for IBIDs

  • Added author replication for IBID's and generally improved author recognition and documentation.
  • Implemented author duplication for titles marked as IBID's
  • Improved the main author regex (added apostrophe between surname and surname prefix)
  • Removed the dependency on letter case when matching authors taken from the author knowledge base
  • Added configuration variables for author tags, for new 'title-ibid' tags, and for heuristic values (length of misc text deemed to be 'useful' within a citation ...)
  • Removed any persisting print statements
  • Improved comments, notably for the function which generates the author regular expression


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:66e1707ff7bf: refextract: author replication for IBIDs (authored by Christopher Hayward <christopher.james.hayward@cern.ch>).Nov 23 2011, 00:28