
Introduced single conf section called 'Invenio', as this is how CFG_FOO_BAR are…

Authored by Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> on Mar 3 2008, 19:51.


Introduced single conf section called 'Invenio', as this is how CFG_FOO_BAR are currently being used. (You may want to update your invenio-local.conf files.)

[HTTP/500] Internal Server Error FilesystemException: Failed to create a temporary directory: the disk is full.

Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:6929ed9682e4: Introduced single conf section called 'Invenio', as this is how CFG_FOO_BAR are… (authored by Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch>).Mar 3 2008, 19:51