
refextract: add recid support to extraction-jobs


refextract: add recid support to extraction-jobs

  • Adds the ability for record ids to be specified inside extraction-job files. Fulltext files associated with these recids will be used in the extraction process.
  • Shift extraction-job parsing into _task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter, from _task_run_core.
  • Renames collection and recid task options to 'collections' and 'recids'. This coinsides with bibclassify's notation.

Event Timeline

Christopher Hayward <christopher.james.hayward@cern.ch> committed R3600:6aac4bbf260f: refextract: add recid support to extraction-jobs (authored by Christopher Hayward <christopher.james.hayward@cern.ch>).Aug 28 2011, 22:42