
search: consistent "search also" list

Authored by Marco Neumann <marco@crepererum.net> on Apr 16 2015, 16:38.


search: consistent "search also" list

  • Wraps link around the entire list entry instead of just a symbol. This follows the style we are using everywhere else. The symbol is a marker for "external" link and should not be the only clickable area.
  • Syncs style of "search also" list with other lists shown in the results. This means: no bullets, better margins, consistent style.

Signed-off-by: Marco Neumann <marco@crepererum.net>


Event Timeline

Marco Neumann <marco@crepererum.net> committed R3600:6b52071506ef: search: consistent "search also" list (authored by Marco Neumann <marco@crepererum.net>).Apr 30 2015, 09:23