
BibRank: new index term count ranking method

Authored by Travis Brooks <travis@slac.stanford.edu> on Jul 4 2011, 16:56.


BibRank: new index term count ranking method

  • New index term count rank_method available, including template. Beware, re-indexes and re-balances ranking weights upon every invocation.
  • Can be used, for example, in institutions or similar authority files by appropriate configuration.
  • Can be improved:
    • rank method added in bibrank_tag_based_indexer because because it shares many methods, but this should be refactored to allow a more pluggable architecture for more methods
    • just ranks all institutions all time, no selection enabled based on modification dates or recid
    • plug into demo site and write regression test cases


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:7fb89bbae7f1: BibRank: new index term count ranking method (authored by Travis Brooks <travis@slac.stanford.edu>).Jul 5 2011, 17:49