
plotextractor: new Plots tab

Authored by Valkyrie Savage <vasavage@gmail.com> on Oct 8 2010, 09:43.


plotextractor: new Plots tab

  • This is part two of the merge of Valkyrie's latest plot extractor branch. (The part one was merged in 2a65ef1.) This part introduces the new Plots tab for displaying plots.
    • During merge I have done slight updates to reflect new codebase status, e.g. plot context files, and done slight fixes to HTML brief format, plot detection, and Plots tab availability parts.
    • Moreover, I have left several FIXMEs in the code, e.g. how to improve detection of Plots based on the doc type. We can do these at our leisure.
  • The last part of Valkyrie's plot extractor branch that deals with plugging the plot extractor library into the demo site workflow will be merged later.
  • This commit addresses #153.


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:8d30d9fa26d9: plotextractor: new Plots tab (authored by Valkyrie Savage <vasavage@gmail.com>).Oct 8 2010, 10:18