
BibSched: problem parsing task CLI options

Authored by Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch> on Feb 26 2013, 18:00.


BibSched: problem parsing task CLI options

  • Fixes an issue introduced in 9369361849c6a21fec164fb10abb999ebc3e3748 that caused certain CLI arguments (like -l) to be mismatched due to comparison against a string instead of a tuple of strings. (fixes #1330)

Reviewed-by: Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch>


Event Timeline

Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch> committed R3600:92a3dfd2ec94: BibSched: problem parsing task CLI options (authored by Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch>).Mar 14 2013, 11:32