
errorlib: support for Sentry logging

Authored by Fredrik Nygård Carlsen <me@frecar.no> on May 6 2014, 15:08.


errorlib: support for Sentry logging

  • Optionally captures exceptions and sends them to the Sentry logging platform, if directed by the new CFG_ERRORLIB_SENTRY_URI configuration variable. (closes #1726)
  • Adds raven python package to requirements-extra

Signed-off-by: Fredrik Nygård Carlsen <me@frecar.no>
Reviewed-by: Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch>


Event Timeline

Fredrik Nygård Carlsen <me@frecar.no> committed R3600:957d47175940: errorlib: support for Sentry logging (authored by Fredrik Nygård Carlsen <me@frecar.no>).May 15 2014, 14:03