
BibAuthorID: cool hotfixes for front- and back-end

Authored by Samuele Carli <samuele.carli@cern.ch> on Mar 19 2011, 01:15.


BibAuthorID: cool hotfixes for front- and back-end

  • Fixed a wrong link from person search
  • Fix this record link
  • Verbiage changes (Thanks to Joe)
  • Spacing for names list in person page
  • Mass action buttons repilcated on top of page as well
  • Disable author page fallback, show person search if person data is available.
    • Fallback to exact author search only when no BibauthorID Code is present, the switch for BibauthorIO is set to False or if there is no data for Bibauthorid in the Database
    • If all conditions to show a BibauthorID-powered authorpage are met but still, no person ID could be found, display person search to assist the user.
  • Feature: attribute this paper link shown upon claiming initiated in the session
  • Backend for creating new persons on request
  • Backend update_personID_table_from_paper update
  • Show paper link in tickets
  • Hotfix for replicated names on person search
  • Data Cacher: Checking for empty table is not enough. Now checking for existence of 'paper' tag
  • Indexer function hardening and API description update
  • User eMail used, if avaiable, to send eMails to RT. If not, the author curation eMail is used. Behaviour can be altered in baid config.
  • CFG_INSPIRE_SITE'ed some verbiage

Co-authored-by: Joe Blaylock <jrbl@slac.stanford.edu>
Co-authored-by: Henning Weiler <henning.weiler@cern.ch>


Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch>Mar 30 2011, 05:03
R3600:a6c6da3d903b: WebSearch: mixing syntaxes in SPIRES query parser

Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:a61cb678a583: BibAuthorID: cool hotfixes for front- and back-end (authored by Samuele Carli <samuele.carli@cern.ch>).Mar 30 2011, 05:03