
workflows: overhaul update

Authored by Guillaume Lastecoueres <PX9e@gmx.fr> on May 14 2014, 12:26.


workflows: overhaul update

  • Adds more documentation.
  • Fixes some sphinx errors in documentation.
  • Changes imports to relives one when possible.
  • Adds a new way to handle errors, to allow easy reading.
  • Removes obfuscations of exceptions.
  • Clarifies exceptions.
  • Updates the way exception unicodes are handling.
  • Fixes the behavior of stop_on_error.
  • Adds Python 3 compatibility where possible.
  • Adds a method to clean extra_data in a Workflow Engine object.
  • Fixes problems with Python 2.6 loggers.
  • Adds reliable way to handle types for BibWorkflowObject.
  • Adds a method to get widget message easily.
  • Adds an abstraction method for jsonalchemy conversion in workflow tasks.
  • Adds more tests.
  • Adds start test procedure.
  • Fixes bad sorting instructions in Holding Pen.
  • Improves the way of restarting workflows.
  • Simplifies celery worker.
  • Reorganizes tree of the module.
  • Tasks cleaning and optimizations.

Signed-off-by: Guillaume Lastecoueres <guillaume.lastecoueres@cern.ch>
Reviewed-by: Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch>


Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch>Jun 17 2014, 15:53
R3600:678fac0b1758: oaiharvest: PEP8 and errors category

Event Timeline

Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch> committed R3600:ae0d74468c26: workflows: overhaul update (authored by Guillaume Lastecoueres <PX9e@gmx.fr>).Jun 17 2014, 15:53