
Added on optional 'of' parameter to function "page()". If 'of'='xx', then the…

Authored by Gregory Favre <gregory.favre@cern.ch> on Aug 25 2007, 21:23.


Added on optional 'of' parameter to function "page()". If 'of'='xx', then the output will be an xml stream, containing body, errors and warnings. This can be useful in the case of an xml-http-request (e.g. AJAX). If 'of' is not provided (and is not equal to 'xx', the behaviour of this function remains the same.

Event Timeline

Gregory Favre <gregory.favre@cern.ch> committed R3600:b46bc342aace: Added on optional 'of' parameter to function "page()". If 'of'='xx', then the… (authored by Gregory Favre <gregory.favre@cern.ch>).Aug 25 2007, 21:23