
plotextractor: fixes arg parsing and more

Authored by Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch> on Oct 1 2013, 11:00.


plotextractor: fixes arg parsing and more

  • Fixes verbose arg-parsing to actually work. This means you can now use "--help" or "--yes-i-know".
  • Plot upload-mode is now set to "correct" mode instead of "append".
  • The plotextractor now uses CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR instead of CFG_TMPDIR.


Event Timeline

Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch> committed R3600:cf52029c3154: plotextractor: fixes arg parsing and more (authored by Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch>).Dec 18 2013, 16:22