
BibSched: new motd-like facility for queue monitor

Authored by Carmen Alvarez Perez <carmen.alvarez.perez@cern.ch> on May 20 2011, 14:26.


BibSched: new motd-like facility for queue monitor

  • Optional message-of-the-day is now displayed to bibsched users. The message can be set using the key 'E' or 'e'. It will be stored in var/run/bibsched.motd, and changes will be logged in the bibsched.log file. If message is empty, nothing will be shown. (closes #532)


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:d82c8ddfa27b: BibSched: new motd-like facility for queue monitor (authored by Carmen Alvarez Perez <carmen.alvarez.perez@cern.ch>).Jun 1 2011, 22:04