
Print 'HB' and 'X*' search results one after the other instead of waiting for…

Authored by Jerome Caffaro <jerome.caffaro@cern.ch> on Aug 17 2007, 15:20.


Print 'HB' and 'X*' search results one after the other instead of waiting for all to be formatted. (Requires to adapt customized websearch templates: split tmpl_records_format_htmlbrief function into tmpl_record_format_htmlbrief_*) Removed tabs for non-HD outputs.

Event Timeline

Jerome Caffaro <jerome.caffaro@cern.ch> committed R3600:dd5a98bd3b64: Print 'HB' and 'X*' search results one after the other instead of waiting for… (authored by Jerome Caffaro <jerome.caffaro@cern.ch>).Aug 17 2007, 15:20