
Refactoring of webcomment module: - Internationalized every string in html…

Authored by Gregory Favre <gregory.favre@cern.ch> on Jan 17 2006, 11:49.


Refactoring of webcomment module: - Internationalized every string in html output - Added a new logging system for user input in order to avoid flooding, or voting on/reporting a review more than once - Integrated new functions available since the creation of webmessage module - Added administrative functions to suppress abuse reports - refined coding, HTML compliance and design - reviewed the code and suppressed minor bugs.

Event Timeline

Gregory Favre <gregory.favre@cern.ch> committed R3600:def68666a233: Refactoring of webcomment module: - Internationalized every string in html… (authored by Gregory Favre <gregory.favre@cern.ch>).Jan 17 2006, 11:49